Prexus Server Meltdown

Bad news for players on Prexus. The server broke down last night and all characters are being restored from backups. If you played yesterday, you will lose whatever items and experience you gained. Here is Alan's post on it from the Developer's Corner. ----------- Last night at about 1:00 in the morning Prexus had a severe breakdown. Our Operations team has been working to get it restored and back into service. Our hope is that we'll have it back up and running some time this evening. That's the bad news. The worse news is that we will have to recreate all of the characters on the server from backups that are perhaps more than 24 hours old. Anything those characters have earned in the last day or so will be lost. Unfortunately, we will not be able to restore items or experience lost to the roll back. There is some potential good news, though. If you have deleted a character in the last year or so, that character may return. So if you see a character that you deleted a few months ago on your character select screen, that's why. Important Note: The restoration of these characters may leave you with more than eight characters on Prexus. In cases like this, the character select screen will list your characters in alphabetical order, and only show you the first eight of those characters. This may make some of your characters appear to be missing. They are not missing. All you need to do is delete one or more of the visible characters in order to see the ones that are not shown. We are extremely sorry that this has happened. We are doing everything we can to restore the server. Alan


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Bottom Line
# Jun 12 2003 at 10:15 PM Rating: Default
Bottom Line is, the more you guys all complain, the more sony knows they are doing there job right... pulling people into the game
RE: Bottom Line
# Jun 17 2003 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
Pulling people in eh, so you call angering these people to the point that some decide to quit playing eq, pulling people in, ahh i got ya....
RE: Bottom Line
# Jun 14 2003 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
Uh, that makes sense if you're crazy.
# Jun 12 2003 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
I cannot believe you people are freaking over a day or so lost. You all know most items can be replaced that you got in that time...with a little more effort.

Grow up people, like one person said, it's just a game. Look on the bright side....maybe some of you noobs will still have kei cast on you, lol.
RE: insane
# Jun 17 2003 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
Not just newbs, my char that was one level off of getting it again got his KEI back and helped him level up so he could get it again, hahaha
Give them a break
# Jun 12 2003 at 9:18 PM Rating: Default
Ok, I know that some of you are pissed... I would be too. The other day I lost an item that just poofed, and every person in my guild said they saw me loot it however it wasn't there. THOSE are the times when GM's decide to sit back and hit their "I cant do anything about it" Hotkeys because they are too lazy to actually check the logs thoroughly.

This is a different situation. Im pretty sure they make backups, they have to. When the server crashed, they had to go to their last backup. Tell me please, how would they reimburse an item for someone when nowhere does it show that they had it? If they just gave out items like that, people would be petitioning "OMG I lost my Ifir, Dagger of Fire" (best rogue weapon in the game, yes im a rogue =) ) or "I lost 10 AA's!" when they really didnt. There is NOTHING For them to prove that you really had that item or experience.
# Jun 12 2003 at 8:47 PM Rating: Default
i think all EQ players know that Sony mostly doesn't care about Customer Service to a certain degree. EQ is Sony's #1 cash cow b/c of us players yet: as mentioned earlier, something SOE creates, ingame or RL, faulters causing us customers to lose significantly. The most direct statement about any & all situations like this SOE makes is, "No experience nor item reimbursement @ all." It's not neccessarily the Guides nor even the GMs' fault, though GMs should be held somewhat accountable b/c of their influence & power ingame. i have found that the rarest item ingame is an actual CS Rep. truely wanting to help :-) i concede that in my EQ days i have lost EXP & items different times: VERY few were reimbursed after a month or more of attempting & reattempting, but mostly my pleas were upon deaf noncaring ears & being told, 'Sorry i cannot help you.' Which is a lie, they can help you: reimburse, EXP & items, it's just a nice smoke & mirror trick, this is of course if you finally spend all the time needed to get a CS Rep.(CS delays on purpose knowing that most customer/players will just give up trying to get help) It's the policies they have to abide by. SOE belives that server crashes, glitches, etc, any & all that disables your fun & progress ingame is well just that, part of the ingame nature of what is EQ. Long ago in EQ's early stages when these type of events happened, lots more times than now, & they stated the same blanket remark about not reimbursing EXP nor item(s) players/customers knew less about EQ so they just believed SOE, resulting in a precedent of bad non caring customer service ever since. Granted SOE wasn't the only company in control of EQ back then, but alas EQ is sole property of EQ now so should the responsibility be as well. Heck, Sony has marketing research groups all the time doing focus research to see what & how much they can get by with for us customers, or the lack there of in help. SOE =s all about profit margin. i am not even sure if there are any of the original lineage of creators of EQ left to care or try to help that (1) customer/player that, highly unfortunately, got yanked of EXP & item(s) b/c SOE decided to use the coffee maker &/or microwave & pulled the wrong plug.(Just a humorous example) B/c of the focus research SOE knows that most peeps will not depart EQ b/c of our time/$ invested in our character(s) so they blatantly show little regard for improving CS. Then again they are the #1 online game & probably will continue to be until a thorough story driven online game appears & a company that actually remembers about us(customer/players) & gives a damn about the game & not just the cash flow it brings in. LOL, then again i could be wrong & SOE does everything everytime all the time to help & aide us lonely customer/player when SOE screws up, then again that would mean SOE actually admitting fault. Take care & GL in Norrath & the vicinity.
# Jun 13 2003 at 12:06 AM Rating: Good
I have to agree a bit to both sides of the CS issue. Could Sony do better CS, I am sure they could if they wanted but at what cost? ANONYMOUS, you apparently have had one if not a few of those bad losses in your EQ adventures, which is sad but don't let it ruin the fun, like one of the rational people mentioned before, it is only a game. A game we pay to play but nonetheless a game after all. Life isn't always fair so I guess in a microcosim way EQ isn't always fair. Lately, SOE people that do create & regulate the EQ world have indeed improved the gaming experience with such patches, repatches, patches for the patches, & so on, AAs was awesome, added features, zone revamps, the expansions which I wish they were more polished upon release :-) but it does make EQ better & more fun which is the purpose, I hope. The most recent strides & changes in EQ have been long overdue but most appreciated. There are a plethora of us players and only a few GMs compared. I remember when we could actually see how many players were on a server and GMs were designated to a server, but Sony's infinite reasoning decided to dismiss this long ago, i disagree. Point is most changes are welcomed because most are suppose to better our gaming. Yes, as said GMs are paid Sony employees so i can comprehend ANONYMOUS' view and APhenox's view as well about such CS issues. Poor Guides are those daring souls that try to help EQ for free, well they get one free account after so long but still. There are such things that happen that are simply out of control of anybody. It sounds as if this severe Prexus crash was one of those, prayers out to the characters that did lose little and much(a moment of silence) Thank goodness it wasn't all servers though :-) I think as in all big corporations there are good and bad. SOE probably is in the same boat with it's CS, sum are good, sum are bad. Not too sure about this 'marketing research' example ANONYMOUS stated, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sony has done such before or now. Most corporations do have R&D departments and the R is there for a reason. ANONYMOUS, perhaps take an EQ break, it works wonders for me, or better yet rely upon the 'real' backbone of the EQ community, us players that you know & that have thrived and suffered along you to regroup. SOE isn't out to wreck EQ, far from it. I do not think they would maliciously sabatoge their own product. But I am sure SOE is in it for the money as well. Upon this I have to disagree a bit with that APhenox a bit, I have read where EQ is Sony's major cash source, like over four million per month revenue off the pay to play fees alone, but all polls and querys can be tailored I suppose and APhenox apparently is the one holding the Fortune500 magazine. I too have complained about an EQ mishap before ingame with no result but I as well have had responses, sum corrected the mishap, sum seemed to not care so it happens. More times than not I think they, Guides and GMs, do try. I am personaly looking forward to seeing what SOE is going to do with SWG & EQ2. I hope and am sure Sony has learned a great deal about MMO-gaming from EQ and what the MMO-gaming people want, I just hope they do it with us players in mind, please, please. Also, I have read in the EQ chat room that it isn't a pulled plug for an appliance but servers are powered by wheeled hamsters :-) APhenox, also there is a lot of crude hate in your remarks, don't be a hater, also for a compelling arguement attack ANONYMOUS' actual statements not ones you just implied or personal comments, just a wee suggestion :-) ANONYMOUS didn't state Guides could reimburse. Though I think if a person has served for years being a good reliable Guide Sony should show a bit of respect and give them a bit more ruling. The nominal pay to play fee isn't much at all I agree. I was irritated when SOE increased the fee like a year ago but they explained why and it is still a reasonable rate for entertainment. I also agree with not having more GMs, competent GMs and Guides will suffice, along with ANONYMOUS' GMs and Guides that care, but then again, sum good, sum bad. EQ is indeed irritating and frustrating at times but then again so is everything. A shame there is no little old man behind the curtain shouting in an echoing loud voice wisdom that is totally to blame but I haven't seen a golden brick road in EQ anyways. ANONYMOUS, just try to relax and have fun playing, just like the players ingame, sum good, sum bad, so are the Guides and GMs, so is the game in aspects, balanced, unbalanced, right-side-up, left-side-down, the grass is blue, the sky is green, etc. etc. It's bad enough playing for years to reach a point with a character then seeing a power-gamer do the same or better in a week or less, LOL :-( After LOY's release the three or four day old epiced 65th Kermitt CLR is a prime example, LOL. APhenox a pharmaceutical term for you maybe to be nicer, 'prozac.' But I have to agree with you as well somewhat, but 'Conspiracy Theory' was a good movie. J/King :-) EQ is lots of fun, I do not think the greatest, but EQ is revolutionary in starting up in what I hope trends to be many great MMO-games. ANONYMOUS, try to take it all in stride, we all have to do the same.

Jaunt, 34th Half-Elf Bard
Gork, 20th Troll Shadowknight
Navarre, 63rd Woodsy Ranger
Prope, 52nd Inky Necromancer
Tulok, 52nd Dorf Paladin
Dwist, 46th Gnomy Magician
Surner, 20th HUM Monk
Rewy, 20th Ogre Shaman
# Jun 14 2003 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
I understand that there are problems from time to time that are beyond my control, but is it that much trouble to put a couple of extra

spaces in your text now and then?

Besides, no company would go out of there way to say "ok guys, bad cs, that's our motto!" That's just stupid
# Jun 13 2003 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default
Five years ago Columbia House earned three million dollars a day in revenue for Sony/Time-Warner. When the recorded music industry slumped, the parent companies sold Columbia House without a backward glance. The same could easily happen to EQ - new memberships drop off, player dissatisfaction increases and member retention drops, an aging server farm needs replacement - and Sony looks forward to a new cash-cow to drain.
# Jun 13 2003 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
55 posts
Ok, admitedly some of my remarks seem harsh.

Anon's post is skipped by the filter now so let's not drag all his junk back.

Yes, CS could be better. Where could Customer Service NOT be better though? I have problems with EQ's CS policies just like everyone else. I wish they were more lenient in some places (returning quest items, reimbursing for people con'ed by jerks) and tougher in some places. (Saw a level 6 Cleric yesterday with Jeessuss for a name. I kid you not. /reported the PID [those who know, know, the rest sit and guess] and /petitioned but there were no visible CSRs on so I went to chat to get the Chat GM to read the /report and send a SWAT GM / Senior... and the Chat GM said "I can't do that." Stupid lie. "I won't do that because we really don't care about enforcing naming policy, we would rather have him paying the 13 bucks a month, no matter how many people he pisses off." Went back to playing. Little later there are CSRs on. /viewpet ... "You don't have a petition in the que." What? I was NEVER contacted and was on the whole time, which was well under 3 hours. They broke their OWN policy and failed to contact me because they KNEW what they had to say and what I had so say.... /rude SOE CS management)

The Guides and GMs are, in fact, people I have known. They are people I consider my friends. I dislike people claiming my friends either don't know how to, or don't want to, do their jobs correctly. If someone came up to you and said "the insurance company FarmHands is a bunch of lazy $%^#@^ who wouldn't accept a claim for damages because they would have to get off their fat buttocks and waddle 5 feet to pick the form up and stamp it -approved-" while you had friends that worked for FarmHands.... what would YOU say?

Also there is a nifty convention in English. Paragraphs.

Edited, Fri Jun 13 08:29:20 2003
# Jun 12 2003 at 9:19 PM Rating: Excellent
I find it amazing how many people complain about eq. It is a GAME firstly, and to treat it more than that is ludicrous. You choose to play the game, and if you don't like it ... quit. I am continually amazed at the breadth and depth of the everquest experience. I believe the people who run it are proud and care about the world they have created. It gets better and better all the time, and makes the experience so much more enjoyable.

I do not want more gm's. They would just take more resources from the company, and their time would be mainly monopolized by those who complain about everything. Yes legit stuff does need their attention, but after two years of playing I have petitioned zero times.

The game is wonderful, and the world is amazing. Not perfect, but what is. Stop looking for stuff to rant about, and just enjoy
# Jun 12 2003 at 9:18 PM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
Anonymous here doesn't have the first FREAKING CLUE WTF he/she is talking about.

First buy a copy of Fortune magazine. Sony needs the cash in flow from EQ like they need to bring up sales of cassette tape Walkman's. Idiot.

Second they do a LOT to keep people playing the game. Recently ... Shared Bank Space.

Third if 12.99 a month is a hardship... Drink one less can of soda a day. You will lose weight AND more than pay for EQ.

Fourth the Guides couldn't reimburse you JACK DIDDLY. They simply CANNOT. They lack the ABILITY to DO SO. Period. (the voice of experience.)

Fifth the GMs would love to hand you stuff. I have met them. You have not. They would bend over backwards and hand you whatever you asked for... except for one thing...

Just saying "I lost X, gimme it back" isn't enough. Otherwise the number of "lost" items would SKYROCKET. What would Boots of Flowing Slime be worth if GMs could just hand them out without needing PROOF of how they were lost?

GMs cannot simply *poof* you EXP and LOOT, they have to have approval. And proof. Or they would get fired. (These are EMPLOYEES, working for a paycheck. Being out of work sucks. Again, the voice of experience. Being fired "for cause" also prevents you from getting unemployment, not to mention getting another job.)

The records on Prexus, in this case, are GONE. They don't exist. Think the GMs like it? You're on drugs. I know for a FACT that SEVERAL of the GMs PLAY ON PREXUS!!! These are THEIR CHARACTERS TOO. If they had records from the crash they would use them. They don't, because ... it CRASHED!! Computers, when they CRASH, don't STORE DATA PROPERLY. It's WHY they CRASH!!

Yes, it sucks that Prexus players lost a day or more. It's not the end of the world, it's not like the characters are GONE!! (heaven, and tape backups, forbid)

Here's your choices....

1) Log everything and tape backup every 30 minutes.

2) Don't, but tape backup on a regular schedule.

Real life, cash money, Fortune 50 companies, make this decision every day. They choose #2 ... why?

LAG. If you log everything the computer takes longer, and forget doing anything while the computer then takes the enormous logs and backs them up.

Grow up, and lay off the conspiracy theories for a while.

Edited, Thu Jun 12 21:40:32 2003
# Jun 12 2003 at 10:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Very well said, and absolutly true(the voice of experience :)
A shame
# Jun 12 2003 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good

But it's bound to happen sometimes. It's easy to just say they should back up the server more often, but the problem is with a backup you are using up server resources. If you did a backup every 6 hours, then there would be performance issues that can't be avoided esspecially during prime time. There has to be a balance, and believe me there would be many more complaints if every Saturday afternoon at 4:00 lag spikes slowed gameplay to a crawl and kept kicking people out just because of routine back up maintenance. The only time it can be done is at some ungodly hour when there are the least number of people logged on.

Now if they go to their back up and find it corrupted and have to go back further to find a good one, or some administrator got lax in his job and didn't complete every back up he should have (as both has happened before at a very large insurance/investment company I worked for which shall remain nameless), then that's another issue. Of course we wouldn't learn about that so what else can we do but take them for their word.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 12 2003 at 8:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am not even on Prexus, but this is the kind of CRAP that we players have been putting up with for far too long! Do you think that items, time, platinum, etc. should be reimbursed? Weather you do or you don't, think of it like this... If you bought a lawn mower from Sears and when you got it home it didn't start you would take it back, right? Of course you would. You know damn well that Sears is going to either replace the mower or give you a refund, right? Right, because they know that WE are the reason they have jobs. So, explain to me why SOE, a company that we ALL pay for, can't refund us for bad product? It is nothing but bad customer service - and it doesn't end with just a bad server. Ever tried to call SOE for support? 'Customer service' is non-existant. They don't even give you a toll free number - but hey, they WILL put you on hold for 45 minutes IF you are lucky enough to get through. What I am getting at here is that if I were on Prexus, I would tell SOE where they could shove my Stein of Maggok!
It happens
# Jun 12 2003 at 7:40 PM Rating: Excellent
I dont think SOE should reimburse anyone. EQ is not life, its just a game but for some poeple it does become a little more, so just go and coplete your quests and go find a group and lvl up. I'm pretty sure some poeple will hate me for saying this but so be it.
# Jun 12 2003 at 7:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Geez. It was a crash, folks. Cope.
Oh well
# Jun 12 2003 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
At College, they taught about Fault Tolerence for servers. There is no doubt in my mind that something increadibly severe occured to make the server crash like it did. This would include raid controllers being fried, massive HDD failure, Virus, OS corruption, and any other occurences the continually plague servers throught the world. Though it sucks major @rse that it happened, im pretty sure all attempts were futile for that particular error. I feel bad for all those affected but as they say, $hit Happens
RE: Reimburse
# Jun 12 2003 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
Yes a reimbursment for the month would be great for those people. But it's not SOE's FAULT the server had a failure dude. ISHT happens. Sucks. They should thank their stars that it's ONLY 24 hours. SOE should however have backups more recent than that... Damn shame it's not every 6 hours or so. For that reason alone the people on that server should get that month free, and maybe a char they can go to to get some plat. for their inconvenience.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 12 2003 at 7:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sony's server, Sony's fault. Period.
Corupted files
# Jun 12 2003 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
I think the whole problem is that most of there files (Character files, logs) May have been damaged or corrupted beyond repair. Only reason I can think of
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 12 2003 at 6:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) They should be able to look up what u got...Why cant they reimburse everyone? Time? Its their fault it broke down in the first place. If you create the problem you should fix it..FULLY (im not even on that server)
RE: Reimburse
# Jun 12 2003 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
There's NO RECORD OF ANYTHING THAT WAS DONE THAT DAY. You can't look something up in records that DON'T EXIST. Try reading the thread before you go making an *** of yourself.
# Jun 12 2003 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, lost a lotta exp, and some Veksar items, a shame they're not going to re-imburse anyone....
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