Station Crap

The following editorial contains views that are the opinion of the author and not necessarily the views of

Last week Sony Online Entertainment announced Station Cash, which was met with an uproar from the community. Station Cash is a new virtual currency program that gives players the option buy in-game items from their virtual wallet. This has been seen by many as a short sighted attempt to put money in their pocket without consideration of tomorrow. I don't know about you, but my letter to Santa didn't say anything about getting screwed by Sony. That's how I feel though. I feel somewhat betrayed by the company that I've always talked about as one that listens to their players. It seems that this is no longer true of Sony Online Entertainment.

This isn't the first time that SOE has pushed the same kind of envelope. The launch of Station Exchange back in July of 2005 was met with the same criticism. So what's different this time around? Everything! First of all, we're not getting the choice this time. With Station Exchange they only implemented it on select servers that players had the option to transfer to. The same was true with the introduction of PvP into EverQuest II. First there was discussion which resulted in the creation of dedicated PvP servers because this was what the fans indicated they wanted. This time around it's being forced on everyone, and it was done that way no discussion, no warning and no choice.

My biggest question is why they decided to ninja implement such an important "enhancement" if they didn't already know it was going to piss people off. It's my opinion that they did know; they just simply didn't care. It seems that a simple compromise, like creating specific Station Cash servers for people to transfer to, would have been held with higher regard in the community. So why didn’t they go that route? That's a question as enigmatic to me as their choice to continue PS3 MMO development.

Now, before I get too far ahead of myself, I want to make it clear that I was fine with Station Exchange. Quite frankly, it was a good idea. It cut out the middle man and replaced it with a secure source to do something most of the player base was doing anyway. I also respect the way they implemented it. We knew in advance what was going on, it wasn't forced down our throats, and there was a purpose for it. Again, this isn't the case with Station Cash and I believe that they've shown a cynical disregard to the player base with this decision.

Some may argue that this form of micro-transactions or 'Micropay' already exists in other MMORPGs. While it's true that the F2P (Free-2-Play) MMOs use micro-transactions instead of the traditional monthly fee -- typically you don't have both. Even though Sony isn't necessarily forcing players to use Station Cash, they're offering items that you can't obtain in game, so they might as well be.

That leads to a concern that I had when I saw what they were selling in EverQuest II. Most of the items available can be played off as fluff, but then there are some, like potions that increase your experience by up to fifty percent for four hours, that are serious play influencers. In my eyes, that creates an opportunity for an advantage, especially with new content. This has to annoy the players that enjoy racing to the max level. Guess you'll just have to buy potions come expansion time if you want to compete.

But is that where the ball stops, or will they take it further? Will they give players the option to buy something as ridiculous as level potions? Will I be able to pre order my level 90 Templar at Gamestop with the next expansion? Who knows? It honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point.

In an interview with Bruce Ferguson, Producer of EverQuest II published last week by TenTonHammer, he went on record saying "We were looking for ways to give people opportunities to enjoy the game a little bit more". Now I can respect that, but it doesn't make much sense to add something niche that doesn't add much value to the game(s) overall. In my mind, the resources that were spent on Station Cash could have been spent on something that actually adds said opportunities, rather than create opportunities to sell players more crap.

Of course all of this is my own opinion. I'm sure there are those out there that are excited about this service and who plan to take advantage of what it has to offer. What do you think? Was this a good move or simply another way to bleed our pockets? We'd love to hear your opinions in our forums.

Andrew "Tamat" Beegle


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not so bad
# Dec 18 2008 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
So what. People are now able to spend money to buy junk armor and potions. How does that negatively affect anyone? I could understand some anger if they could purchase high end raid armor but would even that have been a negative impact on any other player. You would still have the enjoyment of when your guild took down said raid mob and you won the new bp. Gear is nice and useful but I don't care who buys it or who kills for it. Besides any money people spend on this is a little more money SoE has to keep EQ up and running longer.
Jeeze, not this again
# Dec 18 2008 at 4:02 PM Rating: Default
Wow, where do I start about this angry rant?

And oh god, not the stupid integrity rant again.

Until they balance the game around "needing" items that you pay for, to be able to succeed at all, there's nothing stopping you from enjoying the game exactly how you were beforehand.. For god's sakes, "racing" to level cap? For crying out loud, who the hell cares who maxes out first? You're competing with people you don't even see in game? Or with your friends? If it's with your friends, you can ask that they not waste money on the race, and only use it when grinding aa.

If you want to complain about something, complain about how up until this last expansion, the group game had been balanced on the idea that, eventually everyone would have raid gear from the previous expansion, so should be able to put out that level of DPS in groups, and survive that level of DPS from mobs.

I'll never use station cash with the current price trends, maybe if they drop it down to 1/10th of the current price... maybe, more likely it'll take 1/20th or 1/50th of the current price, then I think Everyone would be popping it. $0.50 or $0.20 for four hours of better experience anyone? That I would do... $10.00? hell no. $1.00 maybe, on rare, rare occasions.

Frankly, stop whining about what other people 'can get' and ask for some boosts to what you can get, you'll probably never see them, but it would be nice if the community in solidarity would be productive, rather than anti-productive, ie: getting all classes to a similar baseline, and not getting each other nerfed repeatedly.
bad move SOE
# Dec 18 2008 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Its good to see zam not trying to put a good spin on this those who say it wont change the game wake up,its starting already and both games are going to be hurt by it in the long run and as for Grimewell PR spin of saying its a great success while choosing to ignore the 73 page thread of negative posts is nothing short of shameful.
# Dec 18 2008 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
I'm absolutly amazed that people see this as a "problem."

Station Cash is not some kind of manditory "you must do this to play the game" type of deal. Why would anyone think that? Wait, ignore the open-ended question. There is no reason to think that this program is something you "have to do" to play the game and have fun!

So, if someone has 10USD they want to exchange for 1000SC, they can buy a nifty looking set of white plate armor or a 2 hour experience potion. Wow, this is imbalancing the entire nature of the game! *Insert fake shocked face here*

If you don't think Station Cash is a good idea, then I have three words for you: "Don't Use It." Okay, technically four words--two contracted; let's split the difference at 3.5 words. That last sentence of mine was just as silly as any argument that Station Cash is a "problem". :) Let's all stop reacting emotionally to a change that really means ... nothing.

And before anyone wants to call me a Station Cash fan boy or something equally silly like that, I'll point out that I won't be using any of my hard-earned USD on that service. If there are folks out there who have the money to burn buying SC, then I'll be happy to receive some of it from you via PayPal! I won't give you anything for it, but if you're not using it for anything better ... HAR!

Stop reading this and go play the game. You know you want to, no matter how you feel about Station Cash! (Kill some orcs or something. You'll feel right as rain in no time!)

Fight With Honor And Triumph!

Gealaen Gaiamancer
Leader, <Wayfarers of Veeshan> Unrest Server
Another Employee
# Dec 18 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
Another one post person, rallying for the Station Cash idea. Sony doesnt give up
Another Employee
# Dec 18 2008 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, obviously the only people that would disagree with the oh so important you would be a station employee. Get off your self important high horse and realize that this is not a big deal. At all.
Another Employee
# Dec 18 2008 at 3:53 PM Rating: Default
Wow, I have two posts now.

Your (mtcards The Intelligent) logical deduction that I must be a Sony employee based solely on my post count and topic is quite ... outstanding. I bet you also think that Plato, Aristotle and Socrates were all morons, and that you should never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line. Wait, that last one is good. Good job!

Go ... play ... the ... game. You'll feel better after you kill something, especially if you're not using one of the SC-purchased XP potions. =P

Fight with Honor and Triumph!

Gealaen Gaiamancer
Leader, <Wayfarers of Veeshan> Unrest Server

Edited to clarify who I meant by "Your" in the first paragraph.

Edited, Dec 18th 2008 7:10pm by Gealaen
Total BS
# Dec 18 2008 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
The number one factor in ANY business is integrity....if you think otherwise, then YOU have never owned a business.

For years, Sony went after the ebayers (mainly by forcing ebay to end auctions), they talked about how the integrity of the game would be compromised etc. etc., I agreed to an extent. I have always thought the plat farmers and the other idiots who buy stuff in-game for real cash were stupid, but at least the crap they bought was made "IN GAME".

Now Sony is not only disregarding what they for so long lobbied against, but are taking it a step further by offering items that were not "earned" by someone at some time.

Of course, the lazy dumb B******* will love this idea, since they can do with the game with how they live their lives, no effort at all, just gimme gimme gimme the easy way. Why do you think the presidential election went the way it did? Oh, you can mask it by saying this or that, but it came down to the "me" generation thinking they can get more free stuff or get ahead without earning it, just like EQ has now become.

I would have been fine with a Lazy Dumb Bas**** server so that all the LDB's could play with each other, but now we are going to have to put up with those same morons on regular servers. Nice Job Sony, be sure to have your employees post about how good an idea this is on this and other sites to try and make the people with sense think they're wrong.
Only Slightly BS
# Dec 18 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
In the brief time we've known each other, "mtcards the Intelligent" and I have agreed on exacly one thing: One of the major components to running a successful business is integrity.

That has nothing whatsoever to do with Station Cash. :)

Oh, wait, we agree on another thing: people who spend RL money on in game items are a bit silly. (I won't go as far as a personal attack like he will, calling them "stupid". But then, I've also never claimed to be "The Intelligent", either.)

I would argue that Sony is not disregarding what they lobbied against (in fighting the ebayers and plat sellers of the world) in creating Station Cash. The items available via the new function are new items. Items that have a marginal impact on gameplay. Shiny new white plate armor! Imbalancing! The servers are going to crash any second now!

So, "mtcards the Intelligent", how many explitives did you want to use in your post to reinforce just how rational and enlightened you are? :) I don't see anything wrong with someone using their resources to buy whatever they want to buy if they can (or even if they can't) afford it. It's their money. It's their playtime. They're not hurting you. There's no reason for you to get cranky and have to break your "shift 8" key combination to write words to expand your vocabulary.

And I'm pretty sure that Sony employees have little to do with posting here, outside of their official capacities. (That's pronounced "cah pah sit ees", and means "their jobs".) I know I usually don't lurk on my own company's website and heckle our customers! By the way, look--I'm up to three posts, now! By your logic, that means I should work for Activision or something by now.

As I've mentioned before, go play the game. I'm about done making dinner, so I'll be in game later myself. If I don't watch TV, or do any of the other leisure (prounounced "lee sure", and means "fun") activities I choose to do with my own resources (means money, which I'm not trading in for Station Cash, either). :)

I hope there are other people out there with enough brain cells to rub together to find all of this just as hillarious as I do!
Only Slightly BS
# Dec 18 2008 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
The argument that Sony is going against what they lobbied against when they opposed plat sellers and ebayers by creating Station Cash is not even logical.
Sure, they dont want anyone else making money off the products and services they designed but why shouldnt they make money off it? Think about it.. its the same when movie studios fight against piracy but they can put out, say, a special edition dvd of their movie and that's perfectly accceptable.
If nothing else, this argument has proven that Mr. Mtcards the Intelligent is not quite what he claims to be.

Edited, Dec 19th 2008 9:07am by Hedrack
Only Slightly BS
# Dec 20 2008 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
Your comparing apples to oranges. A better comparison would be for major league baseball to lobby against steroids for years and then start SELLING them.

SOE has done the same thing saying that the selling of ANY item wouild ruin the integrity of the game. Now, they are not only selling items, but ones you cant get in game. Total hypocrisy and if you cant understand that, then you might need to head down "reality path"
Only Slightly BS
# Dec 20 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Default
It's not apples and oranges.. the comparison you made is apples and orages... on second thought, it's just stupid.

They dont want people to profit off what they designed and created, but if they want to make extra money off it.. how is that wrong, at all?

If YOU dont understand that, then YOU need to go down the reality path. Pretty funny that you claim to be a buisness expert yet you dont seem to understand a simple, basic concept.
When will it end
# Dec 18 2008 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
For years, there has been alot of serious money being made by the after market plat/item/account sellers. SOE has decided that they want their share of that money. If this recent move proves even slightly popular, you can expect SOE to escalate and provide more things for players to buy. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually they provide a "cheaters server" for those players who wish to use the 3rd party programs to enhance game play, for those who wish to "enjoy" the game more.Of course, this would cost extra.....

Edited, Dec 18th 2008 5:05pm by Joruliz
So What
# Dec 18 2008 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Who cares? Don't use it if you don't like it. Sony has ALWAYS been more interested in the money than the player's experiences, I'm sorry it took some people so long to figure it out. Yeah, I still play EQ, it just doesn't bother me.
# Dec 18 2008 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
Uh... if you don't like the new feature then why dont you, oh I don't know, not use it maybe? There you go; problem solved. But no, let's all post some more sandy vag whining about it... obviously it helps, really.
# Dec 18 2008 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
A Sony employee no doubt. One post ever and its in favor of what 90% of players are against..good try Sony
# Dec 19 2008 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
5,644 posts
mtcards the Intelligent wrote:
A Sony employee no doubt. One post ever and its in favor of what 90% of players are against..good try Sony

your such a noob, not even 50% of the players would even use a forum, yet 90% oif them hate this idea? more like a bunch of butthurt whiners complaining about something that barely even effects them.

oh wait! i must be a sony employee since i disagree with the ayou! thats all you seem to be able to say in response to any post here after all.

its also really funny to see anyone who isnt up in arms against this is just a fanboy or sony employee, grow up, the only people that care about this are for the most part a bunch of nerds having a rage fit, who "are canceling all there accounts" or "every single person they know is canceling all there accounts", the emptiest threat in existence,
half the people that say this probably either have never even played it, dont even have an account active, or have no real plans to cancel, but are just having there hissy fit.

Edited, Dec 19th 2008 8:45pm by MasterOfWar

Edited, Dec 19th 2008 8:58pm by MasterOfWar
# Dec 21 2008 at 8:46 AM Rating: Default
Well it seems to be unanimous.. Mtcards IS an idiot. The best that this so-called intelligent one can do is knock on people for typos, say that anyone that disagrees with him must be a sony employee... oh and let's not forget the totally original and unique "troll" insult.
# Dec 18 2008 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
I highly doubt 90% of people disagree... I'm sure most people realize that it's not a big deal.. like I said, dont like it? Pretend like its not there... it makes no difference as far as anything goes. So that makes YOU the moron.. not 90% of players.

No, I am not an employee... my old alla account got a posting ban for telling off idiots like you.
# Dec 20 2008 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
ROFL, board troll. Banned and now using a second account..that says it all. You say I should ignore this, but you cant even ignore a post and reply to it intelligently.

When you graduate from high school, maybe you will understand. Until then, enjoy being a troll.
# Dec 22 2008 at 12:41 AM Rating: Default
You say I should ignore this, but you cant even ignore a post and reply to it intelligently.

How do you ignore something and reply to it at the same time? And you say I'm not intelligent? Lol, there's just no limit to your stupidity, is there?
# Dec 21 2008 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
That term "troll" is about as childish as it gets.. so thanks for proving who the real high schooler is. I've enjoyed watching you try to act all intelligent with your rants on this issue, as it really is probably the most pathetic thing I've seen all year. I'm guessing you're one of those people who walks around trying to sound smart but it usually doesn't pan out so well.
It Blows
# Dec 18 2008 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
187 posts
This has hurt EQ. I cannot speak on EQII's behalf but imagine it to be the same.

There are alot of people (including two accounts in my house), that have canceled their subscriptions.

And about Sony... sure the company isn't dumb, but the people that are running it are.

Why the hell would I pay a monthly subscription for a game that has micro transactions when there are a number of them out there that are free to play in the first place.

Thank you Andrew for posting this on the main page of Allakhazam. I would really like to see a dedicated server instead of all of them for this "feature".

Bonechip (Formerly of the Stromm Server)

P.S. Is there a petition or something out there that we could show our disapproval of this atrocity. If not, can one of the nice people at Alla's make one?

Edited, Dec 18th 2008 4:21pm by Sparxx
It Blows
# Dec 18 2008 at 7:21 PM Rating: Default
Good cancel your account! I am so sick of all the cry babies in this game maybe this wil wean some of them out. It's so unfair boo hoo hoo.

I just don't get it. I play EQ2 because I enjoy it and it allows me to relax away from RL. I do not see how this is going to affect my enjoyment of the game. If Station Cash takes away your enjoyment by all means quit or better yet just don't use the service. I know I don't plan on wasting any of my money on this fluff. Let others enjoy it.

Edited, Dec 18th 2008 10:31pm by gongestmort
It Blows
# Dec 19 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
187 posts
gongestmort = Fanboi

"1. Someone who is hopelessly devoted to something and will like anything associated with their particular thing."
It Blows
# Dec 18 2008 at 4:32 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
The One and Only Sparxx wrote:
This has hurt EQ. I cannot speak on EQII's behalf but imagine it to be the same.

Doesn't seem to have hurt things at all. There's a very loud vocal minority. But as someone noted on the forums, lots of people who have said it was unbearable have been seen logging in.

I was highly skeptical at first, but if SOE goes forward with their non game breaking fluff, I don't see a problem. If they start selling raid loot? Yeah, I'll have a problem. AA and SOW potions? meh.

SOE did not pay me for this post.
It Blows
# Dec 18 2008 at 7:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
Most of the items available can be played off as fluff, but then there are some, like potions that increase your experience by up to fifty percent for four hours, that are serious play influencers. In my eyes, that creates an opportunity for an advantage, especially with new content.

Nuff said.
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
It Blows
# Dec 18 2008 at 11:11 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Tamat Damat wrote:
Most of the items available can be played off as fluff, but then there are some, like potions that increase your experience by up to fifty percent for four hours, that are serious play influencers. In my eyes, that creates an opportunity for an advantage, especially with new content.

Nuff said.

I respectfully disagree that any of those are game breaking.
It Blows
# Dec 19 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
Game breaking? No. Creating the opportunity for an advantage that cannot be replicated without using this service? Yes.

Not a fan of the service, more or less for that reason.

Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
It Blows
# Dec 19 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Tamat Damat wrote:
Game breaking? No. Creating the opportunity for an advantage that cannot be replicated without using this service? Yes.

Not a fan of the service, more or less for that reason.

One gets XP bonuses on one's whole account if one has toons at level 80. It's similarily unfair. But game-breaking? No.
It Blows
# Dec 19 2008 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
So according to you and i know this is kind of off topic if i have a lvl 80 toon (or are you saying a maxed out lvl 85 toon) then all of my toons on that server will get an xp bonus??

An as far as the topis itself goes i see no problem with them selling things in the game. If i wanted to spend 10$ for 50% exp bonus for 4 hours how is that going to affect you?? Are you on a PVp server and therfore i can be higher leveld and have better spells or skills??? Really there are two types of players the casual gamer who plays several hours a week in a non raiding guild and with friends and such and the hard core raid 4-6 days a week players the casual peeps are gonna pay the money in order to be able to get to the higher level stuff in teh bazar and such. I mean why not make everything no drop and you have to be there to use it. That solves all the problems of the plat sellers and will lower the bazar prices. They should make servers for hard core raiders and leave a few for the more casual players then.

But in the end if you dont like the concept then dont use it.

Station Cash - Micro-Trans
# Dec 18 2008 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default
28 posts
Its the future of MMORPG's and SoE isn't a dumb company, they will be at the ground floor. This isn't going to hurt Everquest what so ever as long as it stays in its current form. If this grows into a place to buy things like raid armor, I would have an issue with it, but for now I think its a good addition if its bringing SoE in more revenue.
Station Cash - Micro-Trans
# Dec 18 2008 at 9:28 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
allready SoE is asking what more can they add....I don't think the complaining is about so much as the idea...but what the greedy (SoE) will fester it into.

Armourcarr, Zek Bazaar merchant
Vinney DeWanderer, Zek Human Ranger
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
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