Jacques Villeneuve talks EQ with Allakhazam

If you are a racing fan, you should know the name Jacques Villeneuve. He is the youngest driver to win the Indianapolis 500, youngest to win the Indy Car Championship, and was the 1997 Formula One World Champion. He is also an avid Everquest player. He was nice enough to take some time between races and answer some questions about his Everquest addiction. Q: So let’s start with the basics. What got you started playing Everquest? How long ago was it? And are you still playing today? A: I have been a long time role-player. I started with AD&D in 1982, I think. I did Ultima 3 to 6, Baldurs Gate and a few others, so online roleplaying was the next logical step. I really got into the game a year ago and still am into it today. Q: Do you remember your first thoughts and actions when you entered the world of Norrath? A: My first thoughts were not very positive. I got the game in the spring, tried it on my laptop for a couple of hours and didn’t touch it again for a few months. It was an unfair assessment of Norrath, though. As usual, I had thrown away the booklet before reading the instructions and to top it off I started with an ogre warrior. The newbie zone there isn’t the most welcoming and I just got frustrated. A few months later, I got some friends to come to Norrath (I bear the weight of having made them antisocial ... hehe) and this time, after browsing a few sites and learning more about the game, I moved to Norrath! Q: What characters do you play? Races/Classes/Levels? All of that sort of thing. Are you in a guild? And what server are you on? A: My first character was a monk on Rallos which didn’t last very long. I found too many frustrated quake players in there. Then I did a barbarian shaman, which was great for learning most aspects of the game. My main now is an iksar monk in his early 40s. I also enjoy playing a bard. I play mainly on the pvp servers, and the new Sullon Zek server seems very promising to me. I am a roleplayer at heart. Q: Why did you choose those particular classes? A: The shaman was mainly because he could tank at lower levels and still cast spells. It was a very independent class which I thought was the best way to learn what type of gaming I would later enjoy. I guess I need to be in the thick of things, which is why I became a monk. The bard is just a lot of fun when I have excess energy to burn, as the song weaving can be quite intricate. The bard is also great for the role-playing aspect. Q: What is your playing style? Are you generally a power gamer? Role-player? Explorer? And do you prefer to play solo or do you usually find a group? A: If a high level decides to buff me and help out, I will thank him happily, and I also transfer the good loot to my other characters, but that’s about it. I have found that role-playing is difficult to keep up, so my bard is for role-playing and my monk is for hacking. I hate staying in one zone or just camping. Instead, I need to find new places all the time and I love dungeons. I like grouping, but playing on European time makes it more difficult to find the right group, so I am more experienced at soloing. Q: Tell us some of the most interesting adventures you have had while playing Everquest? Did you ever do something really stupid? Something that you are really proud of? A: I don’t have an adventure in mind right now, but the good ones always involve big groups with lots of magic and a mix of darkies and lighties in the zone. It keeps you on your toes. I have done a lot of stupid things, starting with the usual auto-attacking the guild master. I think everyone has done that one at least once. There is one moment I will always remember though: I was in oasis as a lighty and I heard a voice telling me I liked living dangerously. He was an invisible dark elf. I asked him to wait until I could see him and memmed my spell. I finally cast and found myself blinded. It turned out to be a lucky mistake as it made him laugh so hard he decided to let me live! Needless to say, I was laughing as well and now I pay more attention to which spell I am casting. Q: Give us your impressions of Everquest. What do you think are its strengths and what would you change if you could. A: The world is huge and there is always something new to do, a new skill to learn, some new loot to fight for. The game also seems well balanced. There is something for everyone, every kind of player. There is also a strong feeling of evolution, of growing with your character, and the world seems quite logical/believable. I wouldn’t change much, only some of the pvp rules, but they seem to have been addressed on Sullon. The problem now is that my characters are not on that server and it is hard to start all over. Q: Which do you like most: the original zones, the Kunark zones or the Velious zones? A: As a darky I like Kunark, but I prefer the original continent as a lighty. I haven’t hunted in Velious enough yet to have an opinion. Q: As a guy who truly lives in the fast lane, does it ever bother you that traveling throughout Norrath can sometimes be so slow? A: The first few times you run through a zone, it is exciting and the time flies by. When you die as a tank and have to run through the same zones over and over again, then it becomes very frustrating. I think the worst is waiting for the boats. Once, after ages of waiting for one, of sailing and finally setting foot in Freeport, I had the joy of getting pked before I could get bound. What’s worse is that I also was waiting to get to Freeport to log off, as it was very late. I cannot tell you what I was thinking at the moment. Q: I understand that you are a long time gamer. What types of games do you like to play? What is your all time favorite computer game? A: I only play EQ now, but I grew up in the video games decade. I play mainly strategy and role-playing games. I also had a lot of fun with Doom 2, but stopped with that type of games after finishing it. I actually switched the computer off for a long time after that. Q: Has your game playing helped you out in developing your racing style and skills? If so, in what ways? A: Playing is like reading a great book, teleporting into its world and living it. It allows me to clear my mind off of the racing, of the stress and pressure and so on. I guess I am a dreamer and gaming is a great place for that. It is also useful as it makes the brain work in one way or another and gets your concentration and focus going. I have done a few 20 hour stints in Norrath, so staying focused for 2 hours of racing is not a problem. What I find more interesting is all that you can learn about social behaviors through the game, as people can be anything they want and imagine without being what society wants them to be. Everybody can become what he basically really is deep inside. Q: I understand you are working with Ubisoft to help develop a racing game. How is that coming along? Does that give you any insight into the difficulties of developing a game such as Everquest? A: It is an exciting project. There have been some great racing games, but there is always room for improvement and hopefully it will be the case with this one. We want it to be massively online and that is the most difficult area. The evolution is so quick in that area that by the time it comes out, today’s crazy ideas should be reality. Q: You do a lot of traveling all over the world. How are you able to find time to play the game? A: I carry a laptop around, which isn’t great but allows me to keep in touch. I play when I would be reading. The only problem is that bed time always ends up later than planned. Q: How difficult is it to explain to people about your love of gaming and of playing Everquest in particular? Do the other drivers find it odd, or interesting? A: They find it odd, it is true. I have tried to explain role-playing for many years and it is a difficult concept to grasp. It seems the online version of it is easier to understand. I think what is difficult for non-players is to understand how it is possible to spend so many hours in row not doing much. Explaining it really doesn’t work. Instead, traveling to Norrath or any other world is necessary for anyone to truly understand it. Q: So which is more challenging, winning in Indianapolis or getting your epic weapon? A: Epic weapon I guess, as Indianapolis is already in the bank. Seriously, the epic is just a question of time and preparation whereas any race or championship win is never sure, and it doesn’t matter how hard you have worked at it. There is always a chance that you will or won’t and if you don’t, maybe the following year you won’t even be there to fight for it. There is a lot of stress and pressure involved with racing, partly because it is a career, a life’s project. Q: Have you run into any other celebrities who play Everquest? A: I don’t believe so. I mainly play with guild members or friends. Q: Have you looked at any of the upcoming MMORPG’s like Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Shadowbane, etc? If so, what are your impressions and which games are you most looking forward to? A: A close friend is testing Anarchy and will let me know more about it, but I am waiting eagerly for shadowbane. Q: So is there anything else you want to throw in here that you think might be of interest to the other Everquest players and to your fans? A: Remember it is a game and come back to reality once in a while. Also, what is fun for you might not be fun for the other player, so don’t be a frustrated person destroying the game for everybody else. On a more positive note, I have met some great people in Norrath, so keep it up! Q: Merci. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.


Post Comment
# Jul 11 2001 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
Wow ca c'est cool de savoir que toi aussi jacque tu joue a EQ depuis a bon bout.Moi ca fais 2 ans maintenant et ma blonde et mes ami capote pas mal sur mon cas.Personne ne joue a EQ dans mon entourage et jai beau essayer de leur expliquer mais il ne comprenne pas qu'a 31 ans je sois pogner comme ca :) C'est bon de te savoir parmi nous.J'aurais aimer etre sur le meme server pour quon puisse aller chasser ensemble un jour mais on peux pas tout avoir lol.Bonne chance pour ton epic et chez BAR, je sais que c'est dure mais lache pas,Tu peux gagner encore

52 troll warrior
Great Article
# Jul 11 2001 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
Compliments to the Athletes and Celebrities who have participated in your interviews to date, and compliments to you for such interesting and informative interviewing.

Keep up the great work !!

As a full-time computer engineer (and adult), I appreciate reading articles about other adults who play everquest, especially those of celebrities, [and in the case of Robert Salvatore, rl idols :^) ] I would prefer an autograph from RA Salvatore over any athlete...

Last, in concurrence with each of your interview subjects: EQ is a great world to explore, but some players need to spend some time exploring real life and find the adventure and real future that lies there.

The majority of my time outside of work is spent sleeping and Playing EQ, (heh) though that does not mean I don't make time for family, friends, and furthering my education in my field of work.
(Though if you work out the hours, I currently DO spent more time on EQ than any ONE single thing outside of work and sleep). Combining time spent on family friends and reading, the statics would be different. Ah, and that doesn't count those weeks when I am out of town for work or training.

I look forward to the release of the roleplaying server...

Be Safe,

Fennin Ro:
Ohio - lev 20 ranger <Crusaders of Drunken Might>
Sabanim - lev 14 Druid

Tallon Zek:
Midwest Patriot - lev 29 Warrior
Midland - lev 18 Warrior <Emerald Alliances>

others chars... <not played enough to mention>
On jouera Jacques!
# Jul 11 2001 at 3:27 AM Rating: Default
Si tu viens jouer sur Sallon, tell moi et on ira chasser...je connais beaucoups de francophones qui jouent aussi sur ce nouveau serveur!Le pvp à l'état pure!

P.S. Great interview guys keep on the good work!

-Mesz- 59 Beguiler from tholuxe-pael
-Alana- 23 cleric from Sullon
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 11 2001 at 2:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This guy must have a TON of free time on his hands to be playing a game that wastes so much time as Everquest does. Sitting around doing nothing 90% of the time... literally.
Speedin' up the boats!
# Jul 10 2001 at 10:51 PM Rating: Default
Now, if our racing buddy would take the helm of a few of these boats...

Imagine going from Oasis to Iceclad in under 45 seconds =)

Widdlepuss, the slow-comfortable-hobbit
# Jul 10 2001 at 7:29 PM Rating: Default
As a wrestling geek, who knows how it feels to have people assume that all our guys are dumb apes, I am sorry to say I thought the same of racers -- thanks for proving me wrong- great articulate interview
Nice interveiw...
# Jul 10 2001 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
Nice interveiw, but I am dissapointed that, so far, none of the people interveiwed play on Fennin Ro server. It is still interesting reading aboout famous people who play EQ among us regular people. And I am glad that my friend and I are not the only ones who have a tough time explaining EQ to our other friends.
So there daddy :)
# Jul 10 2001 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
My brother and i are hopelessly addicted to "evercrack" as my dad calls it... And he is a life long fan of racing. I laughed and laughed when i saw this interview, just because i could say HA HA HA Daddy its not just us! Its someone you respect ;)
# Jul 10 2001 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
heh lets see... only football, hockey, soccer, and basketball to go lol... but seriously theres got to be someone from NASCAR that plays right?
# Jul 10 2001 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
hehehe I told you Jacque Villeneuve played EQ....
or did i MEAN to tell you...
great interview...i truely enjoyed it!
# Jul 10 2001 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
Greetings fellow Norrathians.
I just wnated to take a moment to give a sincere "job well done" to the interviewer in that above piece. It is indeed a great pleasure to see that others in the known Earthly realm share our addiction to this great game. I wish all the best to Villanueve in his future endeavors...for , while never really having been a "race fan", so to speak...it is a pleasure to see that we share a common interest..and now I am wanting to look into racing and follow his particulair career, for I feel as though we are now kindred spirits. I also would love to read the article on Curt Schilling, for as an avid baseball fan, I have Mr. Schilling on my fantasy baseball team, and would love to read that previous article. If any has that article...or can direct me to where it can be found in the archives, I would indeed be most grateful to thee. (OR IF ONE CAN E-MAIL ME THE ARTICLE OR LINK TO IT TO MY REGULAR E-MAIL ADDRESS AT SERENADE70@AOL.COM)
I shall take my leave now firends...for much must be done in my guild family this fine day. I wish you all well...and look forward to seeing thee in battle.
RE: great interview...i truely enjoyed it!
# Jul 10 2001 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
The previous interviews are linked in the editorial section. Hit the link in the index to the left.
# Jul 10 2001 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
Wouldn't it be great if Allakhazam can get cool guys like Villeneuve to donate a modest sum to this wonderful site?
RE: Donation
# Jul 12 2001 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
Why not consider the interview a donation and just be gratefull for that ? Villeneuve has contributed and begging is also rude outside Norrath.
In the scene
# Jul 10 2001 at 5:33 AM Rating: Default
As a person that works within motorsport it is good to see another side of these guys..sorry and girls.

Rene (Maidens of the Trinity)
16th Season
nice interview!
# Jul 10 2001 at 5:32 AM Rating: Default
I got the original ultima 3 EXODUS loading please wait... it was the best game my 800xl ever had up to ultima 4 that is.. Run to town got a train on me! oh wait single player game...

Nice interview Jacques! thanks

Morell-thule player

Met His Crew
# Jul 10 2001 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
A few years ago I worked for Aladdins Castle arcade in Fairview Ohio and these guys came in cause they "were in town on business and heard we had NBA JAM for sale" well we did and they were going to buy it for their workshop to pass the time. Well we filled out the paperwork and I found out they worked for/with him. They were going to come pick it up in a couple days and since I was a fan theyed bring Jacques with them. Well the next day they called and cancelled the order so I never met him but it was cool nonetheless and I had a nice chat with the crew :)

Mandragore Solarian 52nd Level Warrior Tarew Marr
# Jul 09 2001 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
Explaining Role-playing to some of the non-RP'ers on EQ is hard, too. I was telling my story to a newbie, and he thought I was talking about what happened to me. It got very...frustrating.
RE: Role....playing...?
# Jul 12 2001 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
dont i know it!
try getting your friends into EQ...
i just gave let them borrow my strategy guide for a week after hours of useless talk...

i never knew they could sleep with thier eyes open...
# Jul 09 2001 at 9:37 PM Rating: Default
Im not the only one that is not having to try to explain everquest and role playing to friends.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 09 2001 at 7:47 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) people should focus more on real life then role-playing its fun for a bit but really its only a game. like come on now say i ask for someone for help they like no imma stupid peice of crap ogre warrior or "mez evilz mez noz helpz u hummie mez eut u foo" it so damn dumb like come on people its a game treat it like a game now go get a life.
# Jul 09 2001 at 6:00 PM Rating: Default
ROFLMAO, Epic weapon is harder than winning the I500, great comment!

Wizard of Solusek Ro
Sullon Zek Server
# Jul 09 2001 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
28 posts
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised how articulate and contemplative Villeneuve sounds after reading that article in Wired on him (and his car and crew), but it's always pleasant to see other players of that kind in Everquest.
RE: Surprise
# Jul 10 2001 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
Kudos. The Wired article on the Indy 500 and Villeneuve was one of the best pieces of journalism that magazine has ever produced. I was glad to see that someone else had a similar impression. While it was strange forum to see a story on open-wheel racing, I have recommended the article to numerous driving enthusiasts.
# Jul 09 2001 at 4:01 PM Rating: Default
Lovely interview.

Jacques Villeneuve
# Jul 09 2001 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
I think it's great that so many famous people are playing EQ with us normal people =) I agree with Jacques Villeneuve one-hundred percent in the last question and I love role-playing as well. It's really great your incouraging players to play nicly with other players and to make an enjoyable role-playing character once and a while. That's just what some people need =P Good Luck, Jacques Villeneuve, with your racing and EQ career!
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