We're Back

Someone out there doesn't like us. Who knows why. It could be a competitor trying to get our traffic, an RMT site ticked off that we keep banning their ads, or some kid with his panties in a knot because someone insulted him in the forums. Whatever the reason, someone is pushing a web of thousands of computers at us and trying to overload our servers. I've got news for whoever it is. We're not going away. Being down for a day just makes it all the more clear to us how much we appreciate our community.

We've upgraded our servers and switched to a bigger, more stable isp. There are more changes in the works as well. Whatever it takes to fight off this vile attack, we are willing to do it. We've also contacted the FBI and will file charges in whatever countries we need to in order to track this scumbag down. Whoever you are, you better hope you covered your tracks thoroughly.

This low life wants to shut us down and drive away our community. I'm going to ask you to do the exact opposite and really piss him off. Instead of going away like he wants, become more involved instead. Sign up for our premium service and counteract his attempt to cut off our revenue. Post links to our site on other forums and sites and make sure everyone knows who we are and what we offer. Become more active in our forums. Submit some kick ass news articles and guides. Edit our wiki pages to add better information. There are many ways you can demonstrate your support. We thank all of you for your efforts in keeping this site up and running.

Please sign up for our premium service and show your support.
Tags: News


Post Comment
# Mar 05 2008 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Welcome Back Alla! I have missed you. Keep up the good work.
# Mar 05 2008 at 9:38 AM Rating: Excellent
220 posts
Go go Alla! ^^

*Flicks a giant Galka booger at the asshats who were messin w/my fave FFXI site*
finally back
# Mar 05 2008 at 9:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Great news! I was getting nervous you had "belly up".

Keep on the good work! We need you....
Glad Your Back
# Mar 05 2008 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Glad you r back,
and I hope you find out who is responsible for the problems. They should have to pay for it.
I missed you!
# Mar 05 2008 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Glad to see you are back! I missed you guys, I told my guild I couldn't get to this site and they said hey there are other sites. I told them yeah but this is the best site and the only one I use. As an FYI I'm still getting errors trying to get here, so I assume you are still getting attacked.
Slight Interjection
# Mar 05 2008 at 7:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Stop down rating people for being excited we are back online, for having one post (that is actually a long time customer with premium and you can't see that), for offering thanks etc. You down raters, I am watching you...

And rate ups for all to counter the asshats.

It reminds me of the time
# Mar 05 2008 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
RMT's were flooding the forums with messages.

This site has gotten rid of them, through perseverance, great admin and time.

This too will pass and Allakhazam will come out of this stronger!

I hope the FBI can locate and stop the attacker!

RE: News: We're Back
# Mar 05 2008 at 6:16 AM Rating: Good
Whomever, is doing that is an idiot, & most assuredly has NEVER played WOW. Not to mention how 'self-centered' & thoughtless that is towards those of us who DO play & LOVE this game.

This is the best game I've played in a LONG time.

Since having brease cancer 4 yrs ago, & being treated with chemo, surgery & radiation (in that order,) I ended up with almost total DISuse of my (L) Arm & Hand. I had minimal recovery from the (L)UExt disabilities over the last 4 yrs, until I started playing WOW this past July, 2007.

Thnks to God & WOW, I now have the use of my hand back, & am getting faster using it without dropping everything. My arm is improving also. I still move pretty slow, so it's very hard to find allies who will do Instances with me, but yanno, I don't mind, as there is a lot to do without the undergorund stuff. Maybe I'll start my own Guild for 'Pokeys R Us,' cause I know I can't be the only one playing this game who's handicap. (pun intended) LOLOLOL

I just wanna thank U guys for building a game that is not only fun, but therapeutic, as well. I Mean who knew THIS would happen? ;o)

Keep up the good work, & Keep hangin in here with those of us who hang tight with U.
Doccynney, NElf Shadow Priest, LVL 40, Kael'thus
Doccylexie, Gnome Frost Mage, LVL 22, Kael'thus
et al.
RE: News: We're Back
# Mar 05 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
Cindydoc - i had cancer myself 2 years ago and Wow was a important part for me to get back to life. When things felt bad and the thoughts kept running around my head, then playing Wow made me forget the IRL problems for a while. WoW and of course allakhazam.com have been an important part of my recovery...no doubt about that.

I hope you will get better...we get stronger from the things that don't kill us...

Well done!
# Mar 05 2008 at 2:48 AM Rating: Excellent
34 posts
Well done guys! I thought it was something wrong with my computer after a while. However, everything else worked but this site, so, I honestly couldn't figure out what the problem was. I really hope that scumbag gets nailed AND sued on a HUGE amount of money.

- Allakhazam forever!

Edited, Mar 5th 2008 5:53am by Eanderu
# Mar 05 2008 at 2:16 AM Rating: Excellent
That's telling them. You guys are my browser's homepage. Luck be with you getting rid of these rebel scum! ;)

Edited, Mar 5th 2008 4:24am by RexfelisLXIX
# Mar 05 2008 at 2:15 AM Rating: Excellent
195 posts
WELCOME BACK! I hope you catch the jacka$$. You can't imagine how many people were asking "Where's Alla?!?" in the General Chats! All the scumbag did was make people realize how lost they are without your website! I know I was. No other site compares.

Good luck and thanks so much for all your valuable info.

* * * * * * * * * *
Best Information site
# Mar 05 2008 at 1:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Concidering your in a magazine for best gameing information site for MMO for 2007 wouldnt be surprised that someone is mad. WTG :)
Welcome back!
# Mar 05 2008 at 1:02 AM Rating: Excellent
647 posts
3 cheers for getting the site back up! Thank you - may it remain up and running for years and years to come.
Welcome back
# Mar 05 2008 at 12:45 AM Rating: Good
Welcome back I hope you get the scum doing this
support from keg
# Mar 05 2008 at 12:18 AM Rating: Excellent
ALLAKHAZAM 4TW!!! greatest mmo referance site on the net imo... so push them @ss hats out. u guys rock!
How bout this... Just something I noticed....
# Mar 04 2008 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
I realized that the frequency of in game tells from the plat farmers decreased when the site started getting the service denial problems... I bet thats the place to start with the discovery of the Azzhats that are jacking with our site. Hope that helps. On a side note... How bout offer courtesy annual subscriptions to those who help with this endeavor and How bout Rolling the Annual cost for Premium back to what it used to be .... It's a little high guys.... Really Ohhhh Btw... the server I'm on currently is Combine

Edited, Mar 5th 2008 2:38am by moeahdeeb
How bout this... Just something I noticed....
# Mar 05 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Price is still the same as it has been for many years.

How bout this... Just something I noticed....
# Mar 05 2008 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
Considering they just went through a lot of money to change providers and get their **** straight again I don't quite see how this would be a viable option in any whatsoever. Spend more money but charge less for the services we offer that pay for it? Hmm ok then.
They are scumbags
# Mar 04 2008 at 11:09 PM Rating: Excellent
19 posts
I missed you guys. I tried to log into your site multiple times. ..l.. (thats the finger to whoever is trying to shut you down. I'm lost without you. LEAVE THIS SITE ALONE YOU JERKS. I need it!!!! I was on EQ and some poor girl said," I can't remeber the name of the guy I need to get my spell from; Alla is down. We ALL depend on you. Hang in there!!!! /hugs

Edited, Mar 5th 2008 2:10am by Vulnavia
# Mar 04 2008 at 10:14 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't post often, but I just want to say that I'll stick with you. I've been a paid member for 2+ years now and its been nothing but a great community.

Who ever you are out there, just know that when you try to break us, and when we fall, we stand right back up stronger than before.
Three Cheers for Allakhazam!
# Mar 04 2008 at 9:49 PM Rating: Excellent
108 posts
hip, hip, HORRAY!
hip, hip, HORRAY!
hip, hip, HORRAAAAAY!!!

Many people in General Chat were confused. There were many questions about where to go to find information, and if Alla's would ever be back. OH, there were lots of questions. General Chat became sort of a makeshift Allakhazam, and I must say, Thank You for coming back! =)

For me, Allakhazam's Magical Realm is the SOURCE. I used to read the dictionary when I was younger, and now I read Alla's. It's a bit similar to reading the dictionary; no matter if you need to know something, or just want to know for the heck of it, the information is always there, for practicality and for fun. Who needs the daily newspaper?

72nd Cleric of the Nameless

It's a shame
# Mar 04 2008 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
This place was DDoS'd for 2 days. This was not your run of the mill scriptkiddie. No, this was someone who knows their stuff and though I wish they would get caught, sad to say, they won't.

They got out far before this place was fixed and have cleared the tracks.

Oh well, glad to have Alla back.
It's a shame
# Mar 04 2008 at 10:16 PM Rating: Excellent
113 posts
gymclasshero wrote:
This place was DDoS'd for 2 days. This was not your run of the mill scriptkiddie. No, this was someone who knows their stuff and though I wish they would get caught, sad to say, they won't.

They got out far before this place was fixed and have cleared the tracks.

Oh well, glad to have Alla back.

You sound very sure of yourself that the culprit has covered their tracks and gotten away with it... true this may be someone who knows their stuff, but I have faith that the FBI is smarter and very capable of finding the a$$hat responsible for the attacks. THEY WILL BE CAUGHT!
It's a shame
# Mar 05 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Default
Kaiena, Guardian of the Glade wrote:
gymclasshero wrote:
This place was DDoS'd for 2 days. This was not your run of the mill scriptkiddie. No, this was someone who knows their stuff and though I wish they would get caught, sad to say, they won't.

They got out far before this place was fixed and have cleared the tracks.

Oh well, glad to have Alla back.

You sound very sure of yourself that the culprit has covered their tracks and gotten away with it... true this may be someone who knows their stuff, but I have faith that the FBI is smarter and very capable of finding the a$$hat responsible for the attacks. THEY WILL BE CAUGHT!

Yep, they'll catch, just like they caught Osama and showed them how awesome we are.

.... oh wait....
# Mar 04 2008 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
WOW, i was getting so frustrated over not bein able to log inSmiley: mad....AGAIN. So glad you guys are back in full effect and taking the right steps to get these vile entities taken care of.Smiley: grin When i can't log in it feels like i lost my dog almost, keep up the great work guys!!!Smiley: nodSmiley: nodSmiley: nod

Alla FTW
# Mar 04 2008 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
122 posts
Just signed up for Premium today. I love this site and I don't go anywhere else for my EQ needs :P

I appreciate the work of everyone who helps this site in some way!
Very glad your back!!!
# Mar 04 2008 at 8:35 PM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
WOOT, I was kind of worried lol, I thought my computer was messed up there for awhile until i logged into the game. Very glad to see your back up and running Alla, I seriously don't know where to turn when your not there, you have all the information I could possibly want at internet speed =DD, WB and GL on the case.
# Mar 04 2008 at 8:21 PM Rating: Excellent
113 posts
Its so great to see my home page back up, I've been a premium member for years and its the only place I go for all my Everquest/World of Warcraft needs, I really give a big hand to everyone for all the hard work you guys are doing to fight back and keep Alla running. I seriously wouldnt direct someone any other place than Allakhazam when asking for information! Keep it up!

Edited, Mar 4th 2008 11:53pm by Kaiena
# Mar 04 2008 at 8:17 PM Rating: Excellent
They may trip and die in a burning blazing inferno tire fire, k thx.
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