Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


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Black Box
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
It probably has been discussed before, but i am not going thru the 36 pages to find out.

I have Intel (updated driver).
1 ghz
256 memory

Why a i getting the balck box and how do i fix it?

How do you check the 32 64 or whatever to see hwat it is?
RE: Black Box
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:53 PM Rating: Default
ok according to what I gathered from the tech help board on eq's website it has to do with you video card. Apparently all the people who ran into this problem were using there onboard or "stock" video card they got with their computer. And as of right now the only way that I know of to fix is it is to upgrade your vid card. :( sorry
RE: Black Box
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
I still need help with the black box problem too =(
what video card do u have?
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
With a little work I was able to get up and working last night about 9:30. Problem is my primary is a Bard and most of his songs aren't working. Just wondering if this is a unique problem.
RE: Bards
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
Nope this is not unique. My main is a Bard as well and my songs will not stick on even in direct casting mode. Once the song is cast all i get is "song ends" but according to the interface it is still running. Whatever they did to fix the Bards Song of Occlusion turned off the song of "inclusion" as well. Its probably the only Bard song that works now (LOL). I hope they fix it soon cause I'm a dead Bard without my songs (and a terribly slow one as well). (Maybe I should have been a Warrior :-)
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:10 PM Rating: Default
for all those of you who have posted after 5 am est (whats that 2 am pst?) duhhh yer download went great (or better than the previouse posts), cause we were all in bed and not trying to patch anymore (not to mention they finally got the additional patch servers up, inc patch, add patch, oops add 2 patch servers, etc etc, train patchservers to the consumers). I downloaded all files at 7am est (while all you california lag creators were still in bed), not one prob (duh nearly no traffic). So now there are a few less people that will be trying to download the patches tonight during prime time internet usage. Those of you who have experienced problems since 5am est, need to either DL DX 8.1, DL the new exe from sony's site (just cause it's alot faster that way), or you completely screwed up your xml file (where you changed the options on the new patcher to auto dl kunark/veliouse/luclin/option but turned off main original) theres a concept, why did verant let us turn off the one we absolutely needed? bahhhh 18 icq's last night about that one, and 18 reply's telling them how to fix that and informing them it wouldnt help. Now if we could all just stick together and log in at the exact same time everyday (so that we can dup last night) then sony might decide to make these add patch servers a permanent (yeah right). Then again if your still having problems DL'ing the patch (with the 3 aformentioned reasons corrected or were correct for that matter) then join the list of people waiting in line tonight, as i will be playing (along with the majority of the EQ comunity), and always remember "specific" error messages are usualy good things to post, as they will lead to people like me telling ya how to overide/fix certain things to make it work, (or ya could just bypass the patcher software all together and Directly DL the files one by one (which i was too lazy last night to do)
I a
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
I a
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
After having the same patching trouble as most everyone else here last evening, I was finally able to get on early this morning before work.

The log on process takes a good bit longer, but once on it really looks good. Beyond the new char. models, there aren't a lot of major changes, but with the new textures, everything just looks a lot nicer. I like it as I think most will once they get past their first logon.

See you all in Norrath!
Download Problems
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
Where do I go to change my temporary memory allocation file?
Trident Video Cars
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
I am being told Trident video cards are not supported. And being on a laptop i can not upgrade. Do i contact Trident to make them ugrade the drivers or what?

Edited, Wed Dec 5 11:55:38 2001
How to download the patches
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
Increase your temporary memory allocation file to a HUGE number and the patch downloads perfectly. see you in luclin :)
RE: How to download the patches
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:52 AM Rating: Default
Be very careful doing this - could cause a multitude of problems in and of itself!
RE: How to download the patches
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
Where do I go to increase the temporary memory allocation? And thanks a ton for your help. :P
Download Problems
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:41 AM Rating: Default
sorry bout that my e-mail is If you can e-mail me the file... Thanks
Download Problems
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
I am having problems downloading only one file... I got all the rest of the update files, and when it gets to 'sharvahl_sounds.eff' it freezes for about 30 minutes. Then it continued all the rest of the downloads. Once it was finished it keeps trying to dl the sharvahl file...I got as much help as I could from everquest.coma and I downloaded their updater fix, but it still doesn't work. Could anyone send me this file through e-mail?
Took a while, but...
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
I finally got on last night by just shutting down and restarting the patch program every time it stopped downloading. If I let it sit for an hour nothing happened. I could get it to download a few files before it quit, then restart it and download a few more. Took a while but it worked. I also had a lot of "unable to write to file" type errors. I deleted the file and restarted the patcher and had no more problems with that file.

Good luck everyone.
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
To Answers~ I'm even having trouble getting onto, it locks up before the page downloads =(
game freezes
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default
I am able to log into EQ on the Zeb server.


I can play the game for only 5 seconds as it Freezes quickly after I log on.

I have the following
P3 800mhz
640 megs PC133 ram
GeForce 2 32meg version
Sound Blaster X-Gamer sound card
Windows 98
Direct X 8.1
latest drivers for graphics and sound.

I am at work while posting this so I am unable to experiment.

I installed DirectX 8.1 AFTER I installed the video and sound drivers. I have read on a few message boards that I may need to re-install my graphics and sound again because DX 8.1 may have changes some settings.

can anyone confirm this?

I also have all the new graphics settings turned on. I may try shutting them all off and slowly 1 by 1 turn them all and check performance.

Just wondering if anyone else had this problem and was able to fix it.

Thanks in advance,

RE: game freezes
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
For best results, install your video and audion drivers AFTER you install DX 8.1, since DX may change driver configurations.
Shoddy Release
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:07 AM Rating: Default
/rant on

I have just one question, and it applies to the entire computer gaming industry: Why release something that is obviously far from ready to go out and why promise release dates only to mess them up each and every time?

I would much rather Verant/Sony planned the Luclin release another week from now and had everything set and ready to go...extra patching servers online and waiting.

I just don't believe the bull*&%$ about a "sudden and unexpected problem" that prompted the tip of the iceberg of the problems that started with the Luclin setup. Sounds more to me like they just wanted to get it out no matter what the state.

Think about it. Do they lose any money by ******** things up like this? No, not a dime. So we didn't have access for almost two days - we pay them $12 just the same and I don't see them offering any kind of a credit or refund. Are they going to have die-hard EQ players protest by not buying Luclin? Not likely - I was pissed at the lack of units distributed to my local stores but when I got my hands on one, I was just glad that I did. Was I going to boycott this expansion? No, Verant was getting my money one way or another. So, bottom-line: Verant wants our money and wants it now and will fix the problems when they're good and ready and our fees are earning interest in their bank accounts.

/rant off
RE: Shoddy Release
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
The unfortunate part is that no matter how well anyone plans and pretests a patch of this magnitude there will always be problems and over/undersights. They are unavoidable, (quote: Murphy's Law, unquote). I shudder when I hear the word patch cause so many unforeseen combinations of software and hardware occur. Presently, although the patch and game went very well for my system, I cant play my character because a new bug has entered the game and my Bard can no longer play his songs (!!!?) So where did that bug come from? The worst thing they could do is just sit and test and test and test but in the end they would end up with the same scenario. In that case, we just have to bite the bullet and help them get through this phase, a phase that will invariably benefit us all. (Although it would be nice if they waived a bit of payment or gave us an extra day free, or an item of choice from a GM :-)
RE: Shoddy Release
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
AMEN brotha!
RE: Shoddy Release
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:45 AM Rating: Default
I'm guessing that the patches we were downloading last night are fixes that have been implemented since releasing the game to production. I'm sure they are STILL fixing bugs that are popping up. I finally got logged on early this morning and in a few minutes came across more than a couple minor interface glitches, but for the most part it looks great. I'm interested to find out how it will play during a full load in the evening.

Give em a break. Show me ONE MMOLRPG that has NOT had similar problems with the release of a MAJOR expansion (keeping in mind that this WAS a MAJOR expansion). Let's see...400,000 users, two-thirds of whom all tried to log in at the same time...carry the 2...

Sure, there was a big bandwidth problem, but I think we're past it now. Enjoy and quit all the whining. It does no good.
RE: Shoddy Release
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
Sure all thw whining does some good - its carthortic
RE: Shoddy Release
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default
"carthortic" ? Uh...ok...but it doesn't get anyone connected any sooner. Helpful post would be most appreciated. Good luck to everyone.
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
Thank you - U may have to write that a few more times for some of these people to understand.
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
Gasp! Guess what? No where on does it explain why (even though I have loaded the 3 CDs, upgraded to Direct X 8.1, have the updated Video Drivers, 512 Megs of RAM, made it through the patcher, turned ALL new models on, and registered the Luclin expansion) I still cannot see the new models. When I try to change the face of my character, I get an error saying "This option is not available to Pre-Luclin subscribers."
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
Did you register the Luclin expansion? There is a button during the log on process to do so and may make the difference for you if you haven't already.
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
Well i was able to log late last night. i went to and got the new everquest.exe file. than i completed my download. after this it asked me about my 3d card. and i logged on into kaladim.i was the only player on. zoned to BB and there was only 6 peeps in that zone. get the new drivers for your card, get directx8.1, get the new everquest.exe file off the sony site. than the patcher should work fine. have cable modem and the download took about 5 minutes i ping at about 700 or so if that gives you an idea about how big the patch is. when i logged there are constant updates from the server in your diologe box. one new thing i saw skellies, are new and they look way cool. good luck if you have any questions about how i loaded and looged email me i would be glad to help you.

Thornnar Silverwood
The Pure Hearted
Brell server
bad plotting
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
Alright. Well since everyone else around here has turned into a bard, I might as well. Anyways, I grabbed SoL yesterday around 1pm Est and was all ready to go and had to wait around for 5 hours to even start patching. Failed, failed, failed and failed again. Anyways, I moved to a second computer and played AvP2 (good game) while I waited the 7hrs for the patcher. At 1am I decided I better go home since I work at 10am and left it patching. When I got back I expected it to have stalled, but nope, somewhere in the night it finished and I checked it out, yay, so it only took 7+hrs of patching on a DSL connection.

Anyways, the bad planning seems to be this. The exits I have found for the new city are two bridges which are really high (I wouldn't even jump it with my 17 rog). But, here is the bad part. As I am sure you all know, in EQ aggro range is infinte in height as well, guess what is under the bridge? Yah, suck to be a newbie walking the bridge only to get attacked by some unseen assailant don't it?

17 Rogue
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
just a quick recap, everyone still seems to be askin the same questions for the most part:

-d/l dirx8.1
-update drivers for videocard
-use dxdiag under run command to make sure 3d accel enabled
-be patient. patching servers are still gonna be overwhelmed. i have a 56k and its d/l'ing fine right now. 1 hour to go =)
-d/l new patch program from sony website (be sure to replace your old eq.exe with this.
-read the i/o post by dominatus right b4 this one...good stuff.
-eq will not be down until saturday. they are bringing servers down one at a time.
-hope you dont have win 95 (boo verant) or an older system...its really gonna chug.

good luck....
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
My gripe. I was able to get in finally and view the new models. I have 512 ram and a geforce 2 card with 64mb ram so it was suggested that i can view all models. Graphics are really choppy. Anyone got any thoughts?

Badly dressed Cleric
RE: Lag
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
get used to it, its the way its gonna be.. as more "enhancements" are added, it will get even more laggy
RE: Lag
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
I/O Error
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
Not sure if this has been posted previously or not. But i didnt wanna read through all of it to see, just wanted to hopefully help a few people.

The I/O error for me was caused in Win 2K and XP when the patcher set exclusive rights to the EQ directory during patch . Then if the patch fails(lock-up, crash out, etc...) It doesnt have the chance to change these rights back. If you are getting the I/O error, do a CTRL-ALT-DEL, look in the task manager for the everquest.exe process and end it. Then go to your Everquest dirctory, right click it, choose properties, and uncheck the read-only shaded box. Then you can restart the patch process again.

Hope this helps some :-)
Character Selection
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:39 AM Rating: Default
Hello all, this is my first time posting on this board even though I have been reading it for a long time. As we all know we were having problems with the patch. Well I gave up around 11PM EST, watched some TV and went to bed. Woke up at 6am EST to get ready for work, turned on my PC and the was able to get the whole patch with my DSL in the time it took my to brush my teeth. Was all happy and jumped in the shower figureing I would be able to check out how my characters looked before I went to work. Oh was I wrong. Before anyone says anything yes I downloaded the DirectX 8.1 and it recoginized my GeForce 32Meg card. Well okay, so after I got out of the shower I hit Play, then it went through all the normal BS. I got to the Server Selection screen, hit Tarrew Marr and Hit the Icon in the lower right corner, "enter EQ" or something like that. Well it loades the EQ screen, playes the music. It now has a cute little meter on the bottom saying how far along it is. Well as soon as it's finished and I was expecting to be able to select my Dark Elf ShadowKnight to see how it looks it kicks me off the game back to my desktop. Mind you all I didn't reboot my machine since I was in a rush for work.
I tried this a couple times and it kept happening, I was able to log into EQ, select the my server then as soon as I was expecting to select my character it kicked me back to my desktop? Can anyone let me know if this is happening to them and if their is a know fix?
BTW what is this I am reading that EQ is going to be down till Saturday? Is this just some BS or is it writen down somewhere. Thanks you all and I hope that you have a better day then I did with this crap.
Thenger 55th SK on Tarrew Marr
RE: Character Selection
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
i had this problem before all this server crap happened and i reload all the patches and that fixed the problem you might try getting the new everquest.exe file from sony site go to news it will take you there.
RE: Character Selection
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
I tried that already, but maybe I am going to have to try and reload it and perhaps do the whole patch over again, full patch update on everything. I loaded the exe file before the patch so perhaps or maybe change it back to my old exe file. Going to have to try this out. I am at work so as soon as I figure something out I will let the rest of you know, I am also hearing that peps in my guild are having the same problem. Thanks and Verrant is pissen me off with this. LOL Thanks for the info and I will pass any info I get along as well.
Thenger 55th SK
Tarrew Marr
Patching Sucess
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
Yeh, the troll needs banning.

Twas very slow to patch up but you really need to be patient, and run it a couple of times.

I observered the local File/IO permissions error on Win2K Pro, 512 ram, Geforce 2. Repeating the patch program until it found no more files to patch resolved this - may / could be more network related than anything else.

Best of luck, and before you post comments about SoE / Verant's testing remember how many people are hitting this thing right now. You can't test live rollout to half a million people without actually doing it. If you don't like that, get outta mmorpgs 'cause it's only going to get worse.

i ned help
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
A few things i need to know
First, how can i find what video card i have?
Second am i the only one who is having trouble with thier text being box like and runningout of the text box, Having a flashy inventory screen, and very slow ticking (once evry 3-5 min) bard songs?
And third, what maybe doping this and how can i fix it?
Any suggestions can help me out Thanx alot

Aolis bard of 9 seasons
RE: i ned help
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:12 AM Rating: Default
check under system in control panel - click the system tab and look under display adapters to see what card you have. Update directx to 8.1, update your video and audio drivers and some of those problems should disappear.
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:18 AM Rating: Default
Well before I went to school this mornin I started the patch program at 7am PST. And it said I only have thirty minutes left. So i am hoping for the best I will keep you updated.

15th year of his Druid journey
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