Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


Post Comment
Another Pearl Harbor?
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
I wish to also express condolances to all the people involved in the recent terroist attacks on the Eastern Seaboard. There is no excuse for why this has occurred. I also feel for the emergency services personnel that were injured and/or killed in the line of duty while responding to the first crash into the WTC buildings. I used to be a paramedic (currently going back to it) and remember the risks we took everyday to help those people in need.

I will have to agree that this is probably the greatest United States tragedy since the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Normally, I would agree with the isolationistic views that the United States has traditionally played. In this circumstance though, the boundry has been crossed. In my honest opinion, someone...somewhere...will now bring the wrath of not just the bureacrats of the United States upon them, but the will of the ENTIRE PEOPLE of the United States of America down with vengence. History has shown, as in Pearl Harbor, that US policy has never been light when civilians are involved, let alone when terrorist activites occur directly on US soil. Normally, I agree with the isolationist policies that have stead fast through many years. I do not always agree on fighting on the other side of the world and our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, friends, and relatives, spilling blood for a cause that cannot be reasonably justified.

This case nowhere needs justification. Simply put...once the perpetrator(s) is found...wherever they may be...we make a parking lot out of it.

If you read the news briefs and responses from across the world, everyone that has even the slightest tension politically with the US, their head leaders are condemning the action. The reason why is because at this point, the President theorhetically has his finger on the trigger AND has the backing of the US public. The latter is the most difficult to aquire. The entire world now awaits to see the formal United States response.

Overall, I do not see anyone standing against any decision by the Bush Administration for making a few new parking lots along with trimming the worldwide gene pool and getting rid of the oxygen thiefs that were in any way responsible for this atrocity.

C. D. Melvin
Yaeadin Crazei, 45th Level Enchanter
Maahnard Aarrgghh, 35th Level Monk
Sandadar, 18th level Paladin
Officer Brethren of Valor
Saryrn Server
Deepest Sympathies
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
My deepest sympathies to the families of the victims of this despicably cowardly terrorist attack.

I served in the armed forces of this great nation for 21 years, all of it as an Arabic linguist and Intelligence specialist. I have seen firsthand the victims of war and terrorism.

I have looked into and seen my own reflection in the eyes of confirmed terrorists. I was not a human being in their eyes; I was a potential target.

But I have also looked into the eyes of starving women and children in a back alley of a bomb-scarred and burned-out Iraqi town and seen the tears of appreciation in their eyes for a kind word from me in their own language, an MRE, and bottle of water.

To condemn the entire Arab world -- even those poor, ignorant fools parading in celebration of the attacks -- for what their leaders have wrought is as unforgivable as what has been done to our country this day.

My prayers are for the souls of the innocents -- ALL of them, on both sides of the world.
RE: Deepest Sympathies
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
Nobody has proven any connection to any Arab nation or group. In deed, most known terrorist groups operating out of or with connections to the Middle East are condemning the attacks themselves. Whose country will we "turn into a parking lot" if it turns out that the people who did this are other Americans? What if this is revenge for Waco or Timothy McVeigh's execution? We are not in possession of all the facts and should not be so hasty to recommend any action at this point. Other than to call for a thorough investigation and the prosecution of those responsible to the fullest extent of the law, there is nothing left to say but prayers for those who suffer because of what has been done.
RE: It's all so sick
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:25 PM Rating: Default
DalaanOgreBane's post is NOT the one I posted in response to, but rather to another post that is missing now. That idiot's remarks have been lost in the post filter's garbage bin, where they belonged in the first place.
dont do anything???
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:49 PM Rating: Default
You say "dont do anything." Well, when we identify these guys and rub them out, they will not attack us anymore. As long as they are alive, they will continue to kill and kill again. If you are against taking out the terrorists, well, then volunteer to be their next victim. A nation-state has the right, indeed the obligation, to protect itself. with mabey 50,000 dead, I think the line has been crossed. Military action should only be taken lightly, tens of thousands of dead is justification enough for protective action.
RE: dont do anything???
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
Who said "don't do anything"
RE: dont do anything???
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
Not sure who said it, but I bet they were anonymous.
RE: dont do anything???
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
full and whole-hearted /agree
5 blocks away
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
I live in Manhattan and work in the Federal Building at 26 Fed Plaza. I was running late for work today, so I was outside when all of this happened. I was 5 blocks away watching in horror as people hurled themselves off of the highest parts of the Trade Center rather than burn... I was 5 blocks away when the first one came down. I was a quarter mile away when the second came down. I have seen things today that will take me along time to forget or put into perspective. I was at the top of the tower 2 weeks ago today. This is a horrific thing.

I also saw ordinary people directing trafic, people handing out bagles, orange juice, water and candy in the blood lines. Lines of people waiting to give blood. People loaning their cell phones to others so they could call and tell their loved ones they were safe. I am not a native New Yorker, but what I saw from the people on the street today makes me wish I was.
My god...
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
I was in school as this time, running on the track when I heard this announcement over the radio. To think that someone would want to do this is unspeakable. The evil in the world is immense, and I didn't realize that until I saw the footage of the planes smashing into each tower. Although I have no relatives in the New England area, I feel sadness for all who have lost family or friends in this tragedy. And to all who would be worrying about war, I'd believe a country would send it's own forces over to attack, and not enlist in the help of criminals.

Saijjin Stormcaller-51 Ranger, Rodcet Nife
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:33 PM Rating: Default
I pity those families who lost loved ones, friends, etc... I do not pity those who did this, i hope they die such a horrible death, as to stop further attacks. This is sheer ******* madness, kill teh people who did this in such a way that it sends a message, not just some "punishment" but a complete and uter removal from the face of this earth. And in response to the parades happening in Palestine, Iran, and all of those other 3rd world countries, your time wil come.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 11 2001 at 3:32 PM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) Those Damn Jews
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to extend my own and my fellow Brits sympathies to you in the U.S . I am sure you have a lot of friends wishing you well around the world.
Bush looks pissed
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
Bush is gonna make these people pay. When he was notified of these acts he looked like he was ready to kick some serious tail. Guess these cowards did not realize they were dealing with a hard core Texas butt-kicker and not a president who is all talk.
Who will you punish?
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
I am horrified by what I've seen. Horrified.

I am more horrified by what I know will now happen. America has been violated terribly...and now America will seek to punish. Looking at several of the posts here...things like "Die ragheads" and "Nuke 'em till they glow"...puts me beyond horror.

Have you who seek mass death of people you don't know learned nothing from today's events? I am angry, furious, at the perpetrators of this tragedy, whoever they may be. I will not condone similar mass destruction simply because someone "dares trespass against us." Today's events were the result of a few sick, twisted people. Would you force uncounted thousands who have done nothing worse than scream insults at us (yes, I was born, raised, and continue to live in the US) to endure the punishment these few deserve? If that is your wish, then you are no better than those who created this nightmare. You have lowered yourself to their level...which as far as I am concerned plays right into their hands.

I hope with all of my soul that those responsible are caught, tried, and if found guilty punished under whatever laws apply. I refuse to allow myself to use the misery and death of my fellow countrypeople as an excuse to further the cause of hate and destruction. I refuse to punish those who are not responsible for the actions of a few sick, sick people. I can only hope that cooler heads prevail, and we don't condemn ourselves to follow the same path as those who killed so many innocents today.
RE: Who will you punish?
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
What is sad is that perhaps 30, 000 people were sentenced to death today with no trial.

Sometimes things need to be done that people do not like.

Maybe we should just make them go stand in a corner and not spank them?
RE: Who will you punish?
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:33 PM Rating: Default
As I said...we will lower ourselves to their level. Maybe we can get 40,000 of "them"...whoever "they" are. What will that prove? Only that we can be more ruthless and bloodthirsty than "they" can.
RE: Who will you punish?
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
There is nothing we could do to lower ourselves to their level for they are the lowest level of scum on the earth and deserve to die. Period.
RE: Who will you punish?
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:46 PM Rating: Default
Who are "they"? Who will you kill?

My point is simply that by declaring death on an entire group of people due to the actions of a few, we are doing precicely the same thing that they have done by killing perhaps thousands.

I'm sure that a majority of the people commenting here are certain in their own minds that a middle eastern group of some affiliation or another is responsible for today's tragedies. Maybe so, maybe not. Are we going to march into Libya, or Iran, or Iraq, or Syria, and anihilate an entire population, or at the very least hundreds or thousands of civilians who had NOTHING to do with today's events?

If you think we should, then you are no better than the scum who piloted those planes. Period
RE: Who will you punish?
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:54 PM Rating: Default
I am completely against any kind of running and gunning against any of the middle-eastern countries cause some people pick one of their terrorist groups as the prime suspect. What I am for though, is that we find out EVERYONE who had ANYTHING at all to do with this. Once we find them, I can't think (off of the top of my head) of anything that would not be right to do to them. In fact I can't think of a punishment bad enough. All I want is to do something that will deter others (if possible) from every commiting any act of terrorism in our world again.
RE: Who will you punish?
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
RE: Who will you punish?
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
The cowards who did this are expectig us Americans to stand by and watch because people like the above poster has that type of opinion. Lets get one thing straight. I do not attack people unprovoked in the street, I do not steal, I try not to lie, as I am sure most people in the world do. However, if someone was attacking someone in my family or someone I loved, you can bet your azz that I would be the first person in there kicking the crap out of whoever tried to do that. Criminals love to torture peaceable people. Its what gets them off, because they think they wont do anything about it. Well, you can count on my vote for:
1) doing a thorough investigation.
2) finding the people who did this.
3) bringing them to trial, and if kept secaure by some country, then blowing the hell out of them.

Call me a murderer, but only because I called you one first. Thats just me though maybe...
RE: Who will you punish?
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
1) Did you read the original post?
1a) CAN you read?

2) Did you comprehend the original post?

I would say that the answer to at least one of the above questions is a resounding "No".
the way we should help
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:24 PM Rating: Default
i got home from school only to hear from my dad that a plane had gone into the wtc buildings!....so i turned the tv on and there it was! every news channel had it on! i went to get a few drinks then came back and....ANOTHER PLANE HAD GONE INTO THE OTHER WTC BUILDING! i sat a gulped while my drink went on the carpet, i sat for ages watching the horror and the buildings fall! i had come up with many ideas ho may of done it! and the tv told me as well as my dad many possible idoit people who could of done it! what £$%£ERS! what kind of sickos could do that! parents familys and many many tourists where in there happily eating in the top part of the buildings only to have there whole lifes be taken away!...many children may have no family now! they had killed there mums and dads! who where just trying to earn a living!...i am an english man but i still care when somthing as bad and evil and sick as this happens to some poor souls over the ocean! i hope we may join forces and find what kind of person would do this! we have your backs! personly i would like kill the other people involved of this but that wouldnt make it any better! as for those kids in the middle east....i pity you and remember if i were to see any of u...i would have the urge to swifty kick you in the balls!my heart and tears go out to the familys who had relitives on the planes and in the buildings!...thank you!
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
One again the U.S. is going to be forced into a war on the other side of the world. Agreed, we have been supporting one side of the already heated battle in the Middle East, however now we must act. The U.S. will not stand for this and someone must pay. THIS, my fellow EQ fans, IS ONLY THE BEGINNING. There will be horrible, unimaginable tragities (greater than the World Trade Centers collapsing) within the next 10 years. The likelihood of another terrorist attack against the United States, using nuclear, biological or chemical weapons in the next 10 years, is 100 per cent. Who, what, when, where, or how is still to be determined, but it WILL happen.

WW3 IS upon us. And this time, it will be fought on U.S. soil!
Middle East..
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
The worst part I feel (besides the deaths of course) is the fact that in certain areas of the middle east, they are cheering in the streets. Little kids, old women...who could they be so brainwashed into thinking that killing so many INNOCENT people is a good thing? They are certainly manipulated too easily, are we all like that?
RE: Middle East..
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
I was thinking the same thing.

Somewhere in the world (perhaps even in the USA if the terrorists were home grown, like those of the Oklahoma bombing) some terrorist group is clanking their drinks together in a toast to a successful act.

It makes me shiver to think about it.
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
My thoughts and prayers go out to those that have suffered from this horrible, cowardly attack on the cities of New York and Washington, D.C. Those responsible for these acts of terrorism will surely come to justice, hopefully more swiftly than not. We should NEVER tolerate these actions, and should stike intelligently but brutally on those responsible. A statement of force MUST be made to discourage the dogs that deal in terrorism from ever contemplating another attack of any kind in this nation.

Again, my prayers go out to the families and loved ones of victims from this horrible tragedy.

Justice will be served.

Riverhawk Silverthorn
Woodelf Druid in his 32nd Summer of Lanys
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
First, my sympathies and prayers go out to everyone affected by this, directly or indirectly. There is no way I can come close to feeling the pain of the families who have lost a loved one. May you recover a stronger person for having loved the ones you lost.
Second, we need to remeber someone willing to use this many innocent lives in such a horrendous way will not hesitate to hide behind more innocent lives to protect themselves. There has been enough pain and suffering already. Wisdom in vengance will get us further than brute force.
Third, may we become stronger as a country, as families, as friends and as individuals by holding each other closer to our hearts and not allowing this to break us.

We will recover.

ONE way we can help
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
One way we can all help is run down and donate blood. All those hospitals are gonna need as much as they can get.

Second Age
/e Crys
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
Wow is about all that I can say. What is sad is the idea of getting a phone call from your son. You answer the phone, and its your son telling you that he is on the 108th floor, there is no chance of me getting out alive, I just wanted to call and tell you that I love you mother.....goodbye
RE: /e Crys
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
Oh no! this just breaks my heart if you are posting this as something that really happened and not as a just "What if".....please tell me it isn't true. As a father of 2 beautiful kids I'd hate to get that phone call....ever! My heart, love, and condolences go out to you if this is true.

Chaenda Wolfenheart
Ranger of Tunare
20 Seasons

Father of 2 kids
RE: /e Crys
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
please please please tell me you're just going for effect and you didn't post that from WTC
RE: /e Crys
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:32 PM Rating: Default

WE druid on Torv.
Single father of 3
RE: /e Crys
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
/cry's with you

mother of 2
this makes me angry and sad
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
If these terrorist were from an organization they shoud be punished severly.I think the United States shuld not sit back and see this happen i think we should act now. and that means search to find out who did it and go to war.
RE: this makes me angry and sad
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
it doesnt only have to be organizations-it could just be a small group of maybe 10 friends who were so ******* stupid enough to do this. like Bush said - they will be punished!
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:02 PM Rating: Default
First, my condolences to those who lost loved ones in today's horrific attack. Be assured that every effort will be made to find out who committed this atrocity, and that they will pay.
My question refers to this- the next question, or the question people are asking is who would do this? Fingers are already pointing to Middle Eastern terrorists groups, ie. bin Laden. Is it possible that another group pulled this off, considering the planning and PRECISION of this attack. It would be a perfect setup, knowing that the focus of the investigation would point almost directly to known terror groups..
Just a thought. Again, the prayers of us overseas are with those back home today.

Mage of the 15th Season
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
after reading some of these posts, there are tears streaming down my face. if i could, id fight in a war for this...im so deeply saddened by this its beyond words. Let those that died be held in Gods arms, and let those that are still left here have his comfort, for we are the real ones who need this, those that have died are in Heaven now, so i ask that all of you pray for those that have gone, and those that have been left, there loved ones so suddenly taken from there lives.
God bless this country, and those that are left.
My prayers
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
I sit in a locked down military base where I live with my husband who servers in the Army of this great country. My heart and soul utterly aches with the pain these families and friends must feel this day. Though I feel the great anger that several of the posts have shown, this day I feel we should give more thought to the effects of this tragic day and not the causes. Tomorrow will be the day for our responce to this horror, today we need to grieve. My prayers and thoughts are with all ....
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 11 2001 at 2:55 PM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) about the reasons?
RE: did anyone of you ever think...
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
We know how many people think of us. Say what you want you'll not inflame America any more then it already is. You see, once years ago another country attacked us without warning (an admitted accident on their part, they ment for the declaration of war to arrive before the bombs) and it so inflamed the nation that we broke our isolation. Once we didn't so world politics. Japan attacked us and changed that forever. This attack may drag us even deeper into watching the world for everyone, or we might be back to isolationism again.

Killing in a war is much different than killing like this. In war most deaths are soldiers, willing to die for their country, actively engaged in fighting. Most of the people today died from going to work.

Defend this attack all you want, but if it was your family, your town, your country you'd be just as frothing as each American is right now.
RE: did anyone of you ever think...
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
sorry to say this, but the LEAST number of casualties in EVERY war have been soldiers...

civillians have always suffered the most.

most soldiers DO NOT want to die for their country, they are forced to.

your right, i MIGHT react different if it hasnt happened in a country i dont give a rats *** for, but on the other hand, there are not many things that touch me. call me coldblooded or an *******, but i dont care. simply as that. and if you werent such overenthousiastic patriots, you wouldnt care too.

and for "watching the world for everyone"....
the world did very fine before you, thanks.
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