Condolences to the Hurricane Victims

Just letting a little reality break into our fantasy worlds for a few minutes. We here at want to send out our best wishes and condolences to those of you affected by Hurricane Katrina. Given our global community, it is almost inevitable that some of those we see suffering so much on television were just last week happily slaying monsters next to us in our anonymous avatars. This somehow makes it even more personal. Our thoughts are with you all. Here's hoping you slay your personal dragons quickly so that you can get back online and enjoy slaying the virtual ones once again. For those not affected directly, I would urge you to consider donating what you can spare to the Red Cross to help out the victims of the disaster. Here's the link to donate.


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live from new orleans
# Sep 10 2005 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
I am a police officer in New Orleans and this is the first time in two weeks that I have had the chance to get online and read. I have been working 12 hour shifts for the past 14 days (includint 3 24 hours shifts) and have accumulated 102 hours overtime ontop of my regular 80 hours of work for 2 weeks.

I will tell you all this...... DO NOT BELIEVE 99.9% OF WHAT YOU HEAR ON TV! Yes, it is VERY bad down here and this will take YEARS to recover from but most of what you all are hearing on national news is a load of *********

I can tell you took FEMA WAY TOO LONG to get here....they knew this was coming yet ittook them damn near a week to get here. It took the Red Cross WAY TOO LONG to get here.....once again almost a week.

In regards to the violence here....yea there have been a few incidents but they are isolated and have been dealt with.

As for the conditions here in the city, yea its real bad....worse than anything you could possibly imagine. The smell is bad that it now turns my stomach (know what a sceptic tank smells like on a hot summer day? well multiply that times 1000). But everyday it gets a little better. Food and water are no longer a problem and thanks to the military and the roughly 5000 police officers from damn near every state in the US, the crime problems are down drastically.

As for my experience when this storm hit....I spent three days in a shelter with my fellow officers with no food, no water and no bathrooms waiting to be evacuated.

As for my family....everyone is accounted for however out of my wife's family and my family, only 4 of us have houses left. Most of my wife's families houses are still underwater in New Orleans and my mother's house had 2 feet of water in it.

I will leave you with this....for those of you that have never experienced this before, I can truely say that I NEVER want to re-live this again.

Thanks for all the support and aid we are getting here...those of us on the front lines cannot appreciate it more.
Well wishes from Australia
# Sep 06 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Excellent
330 posts
In Australia, I am a long way from the devestation that has occured, but my heart is there and my thoughts are there.

I'm sure that many of you affected will not be reading this post now, but perhaps down the track, please know that you are in the minds and hearts of people all around the world, as are your friends, your family and your community.

To be honest, I know no one in that area, so I cannot pretend to know what you are going through (neither the ppl directly affected or thier friends and family). My uncle was near the towers during 9/11 and whilst he was okay, I know what its like to not have contact with someone during a time like this for an extended period of time and therefore i do have some appreciation for how scarey it is.

I hope that everyone you hold dear turns up okay.
# Sep 05 2005 at 9:33 PM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
The police need to get more involved in that area. The gangs are just taking the city by siege.
I'm OK
# Sep 02 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Excellent
31 posts
If somebody on Fairy server please tell Cgsm, Vindal, or Etholis that Vosk is OKKKKKK... it would be greatly appreciated. No major damage to my house, but DSL is down and no clue when I can get back on.

Posting in Fairy forum as well.

Edited, Fri Sep 2 18:48:43 2005
people make me sick....
# Sep 02 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Default
It seems that no one out there truly gives a sh*t about what's going on down south and in new orleans besides the mayor and the people having to wade through the water. There are god-d*mned DEAD bodies floating in the f*cking streets and people just sit there shaking their heads at the images on the telivision, sending their useless condolences and sympathies from the comfortable warmth of their dry, safe livingrooms. Stop sending your condolences and do something to help save damn lives already. The president refused foreign aid when New Orleans needed it the most, damnit! He didn;t send in the God-d*mned national guard until it was way too late. Meanwhile, the governer isn't doing nearly enough to help. This disaster is most definitely the worst in US history, with death tolls reaching far and beyond that of 9/11. And the president "rushes to action" flying above the disaster area to simply look upon the dying people below form the luxurious comfort of the Air Force 1! People simply send their condolences? Bullsh*t. Condolences and sympathies aren't worth two sh*ts to those poeple dragging their dead husbands bodies behind them in the streets. They aren't saving the lives of any of those people buried in disease prone waters up to their necks in their attics. It's not doing anything to help get those people stranded on rooftops without their loved ones, without food and water, with nothing but the clothes on their backs to any sort of safety. DO SOMETHING PLEASE! Half of my freaking FAMILY is down there in Alabama and in Georgia. My grandmother sits there losing her mind worrying about my cousins and aunts and uncles. Half of my family is probably DEAD down there and noone is doing **** about it! Makes me God-damned sick. I have bags full of clothing and supplies and I'm trying to make deals with people to get the crap down there. I'm trying to get more and more young people involved because whether Bush likes it or not we have a ddamned voice and we WILL have a say in what goes on around here. We have GOT to do something. My family has way too much to just sit here and do nothing while people drown to death down there. While orphaned kids starve to death down there. If the president and the governer wont do anything about it (or at least they're not doing enough!) then WE HAVE to do something! Anything at all. Send clothes. Send food. Send help!
RE: people make me sick....
# Sep 03 2005 at 5:53 AM Rating: Excellent
I won't say its obvious, but it seems to me that you do not know that much about logistics.

First the National Guard is mobilized by its respective state government, unless they are federalized (which requires state permission). Once the guard is mobilized, you have to get the word out, then everyone needs to report to the armory, load their gear, and finally deploy to the area they are ordered to. All of this takes TIME.

If you think back to 9/11 it was 3-5 days before the relief efforts were fully underway. The Tsunami in Indonesia took longer.

It doesn't help matters much when you have a guard helicopter brining in food, and cannot land due to the mass of people rushing the landing zone trying to get what they can, and to hell with the people actually bringing in aid. When the aid cannot be brought in due to the mob mentallity, what do you do?????

Also when the people flying the helicoptors in the initial relief efforts are SHOT at, then they are in fear for their lives, and those who are in need of assistance will not receive it. I can't blame the rescue workers for not providing rescue efforts when MY life is in danger from some fool who wants to shoot at the mechanism coming to rescue them.....
RE: people make me sick....
# Sep 02 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
oh yea lets go down there to add more to the death toll! you don't think we are? my school is already raising money to send down there. i know for a fact my oldest brother's work is sending tons of food down there that they raised for a food closet here. people try to do our best. bush is doing what he can to get people out of there. it takes time for a naval ship to start up. it can take up to 4 days for one to even be fully prepared even then some if the crew isnt just on a short shore leave if they're off in different parts they have to be called to virginia and then start up the ship. the national guard can only prevent riots otherwise not much. the coast guard is trying to get as many sick out of there as possible. if ur family has too much to just sit there tell them to get off their asses and do something about it.
Mayor Nagin
# Sep 02 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
This is a link to a 12 minute radio interview with Mayor Nagin of New Orleans. You can read the transcript or you can listen to the interview. If you haven't heard it already I recommend listening to it. I applaud this man... Finally a politician who gives a ****!
# Sep 02 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,093 posts
I just dusted off my bicycle and air pump. I am thankful that I live less than 5 miles from work and there is a 10 foot wide bike path between my house and work. I am going to use this alternate method of transportation if gas prices soar above $3.00/gal
RE: Transportation
# Sep 05 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Awful, just awful. People are dying, losing their homes, watching their entire lives being washed away and all you can do is complain about gas prices. You ignorant self centered *******. We are all paying alot for gas right now. It will go down. Have some respect for our unfortunate and grow up.
RE: Transportation
# Sep 02 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
do gas prices really matter? if u live only a few minutes from ur job take ur bike everyday n dont waste ur gas and complain about prices.
# Sep 02 2005 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
Gas is now 3.00$ a gallon here and its rumored to be 4-6$ before the end of next week... hopefully this wont happen

pps: Mobile isn't completely flooded - We have alot of trees down and Downntown mobile is a little flooded but nothing compared to New Orleans.
# Sep 02 2005 at 2:07 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm in Alabama right now, and I've been without power since the day before the hurricane.(of course i have power now)and it was really, really terrible. They are saying now that the school board may not be able to return the children to school because of Gas for buses/ power in the schools / and damage done to schools... It could be December for those of us that are here and safe now before we return to campus... on the other hand the children in New Orleans will be taking there lessons in the Astrodome and the Superdome. Send your prayers to them because they will need it most of all. One of my best friends were killed in this Hurricane and he had his Mom-dad-sisters(2)- brother (10 years old) and himself
The only survivor is the 10 year old, and now he is by himself currently safe in the Astrodome...
Alot of terrible things have happened in the past few days, and I hope i'm speaking for everyone when I say I hope this never happens again...

Thank you to everyone who is helping with the clean up and donating. ^-^
# Sep 02 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Condolence to your friend and my prayer is with him... God Bless.
My family is homeless and jobless
# Sep 01 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Excellent
I grew up in New Orleans and most of my friends and family still live(d) there. My sister is making her way to Iowa because she is unable to return to her house. My niece is in Mississippi with two small children and no electricity. My nephew swam from his flooded home to the French Quarter and then hitched a ride to Baton Rouge to be with his wife and daughter.

I am devastated and in shock over this - and I'm safe, dry and at work right now.
RE: My family is homeless and jobless
# Sep 02 2005 at 2:25 AM Rating: Excellent
I can understand you,im in shock too but i cant feel the same at you cause is your family who is there,but i can promise you what my heart burn cause i feel useless,i just can do a donation in a site,and really i would like be there for help you all,no just with money but yes with my work and my affection,i khow is not much but i wanna help.
Big hugg for you Moliana and all my better wishes for you and your familly.
I khow it will be hard but i khow too what you can do it and all will going good.
# Sep 01 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
i have a friend in new orleans i just hope she is ok
i wish i could donate to the ppl there but saddly i am just a kid with no money
Condolences from Spain
# Sep 01 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Im so sad for all this hapened in USA.
I have no much for share but ill do and i will donate in this link.
All better wishes for american sister and brothers from Spain.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 31 2005 at 9:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have a personal tragedy, I have lost all my money and live like in real dispair, feel real lonely also. Can u plz start a fund for me, I am having some real issues and need ur help..
{I'm sorry.}
# Aug 31 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Excellent
49 posts
There really isn't much I can do on a forum, but I do offer my condolences to anyone affected by this hurricane. My grandparents live in Nashville, and even they said it was really bad around their area; seeing the pictures of New Orleans and Biloxi, the damage looks positively catastrophic.

Odin's with ya, Southern US. ^^
My condolences
# Aug 31 2005 at 8:02 PM Rating: Excellent
I have seen the effects of Hurricane Katrina. It looks alot like Hurricane Andrew possibly even worse then Andrew. The cities of Belioux (the one in Mississippi), Mobile AL, and New Orleans is great. Mobile is completely flooded if you have not seen those pictures. We all know about the levees broken in New Orleans and how the Big Easy is 80% flooded. In Mississippi I saw footage of a casino ontop of a house not in pieces but as a whole. I lived through Hugo until the eye of the hurricane (yes, I realize I was only 6 months old but I was still there) when it hit South Carolina. People do not realize how lucky they are for the places they live in because hurricanes are a deadly force to the south and east. The midwest has tornados not as sever as a hurricane persay but damaging and fatal. The west has had problems with raging fires and floods. In America alone in the past 20 years there has been a chronical of natural events that took the lives of many. The people who bash us do not realize that we extend our condolences out to people all over the world who are effected by natural and unnatural disasters. My school during the Tsunami ran a fund drive for Tsunami victoms and the other various areas that were effected by the Tsunamis. I am sure we are going to run a fund for Katrina victoms and raise the same amount if not more money. It is sad to have all these people so crudely misinformed about what has happened on what Alla has posted on past tragedies because they are new here. If they would only walk a mile in another person's shoes and see what it is to experience a minor degree of this storm or any other one.

My personal experience from H.K.: My g.f moved down to Alabama the Friday before it happened literally there for 2 days. I had my TV on as I was going to bed and was flipping chanel to chanel and come across CNN and see Hurricane Katrina approaching Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. The first thing that came to mind was omg my g/f. So the next day at school all I was thinking about was is she ok? Is she alive? Get home and see she is online and she says she is safe and I started to cry because when you have someone you love so much so close to a deadly storm you only think of them. The next day her school got canceled because the weather got worse rain, wind, and all that stuff. I was just still so happy that she was safe and that her family was ok.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 31 2005 at 11:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Informatively boring rambling...
RE: My condolences
# Sep 01 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
obviously you never made it past first because your posts have no intelligence to them and apparently you are like Pandetech on QC no body likes you because you're an ignorant little kid.
RE: My condolences
# Sep 02 2005 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
What do you mean by first? First grade? I'm taking a college credit Calculus class atm in 12th grade.

And you're calling me ignorant while making an ignorant post like that...

BTW, i never said ***** them or anything like that. It would be better for everyone if that never happened and i wish them well. The same thing is being repeated over and over though...
"I lost my home/friends/family/job/everything"
"I feel for you"

There has to be a better way to release your emotions that posting on the internet...
# Aug 31 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
I am almost outraged by reading some of these posts. I don't understand how some people can be so insensitive to the people going through this disaster right now. Yes there have been many disasters in the world recently, many have lost their lives. However, please do not belittle this catastrophe and all the people who have lost their lives because of this.

If you don't have anything encouraging to say, please just keep it to yourself.

Also, if you are of the praying type, please take a moment and say a quick prayer for everyone affected by this.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 31 2005 at 12:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just a thought...If your going to say sorry for this then say sorry for all the things that happen in the world... Yes very sad and my thoughts are with all. I did not see a news item about the above mentioned or the tsunamis.
RE: where were the posts for terrorist in europe?
# Aug 31 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Wish you people would open your eyes, literally. :

# Aug 31 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
My boss has family and property in LA, and I am sure he appreciates the concern shown here.

A comment on the percieved callousness by some posters. Yes it is true that the Tsunami in Indonesia destroyed over 100,000 lives, not to mention dreams, businesses, and livelihoods. Yes fires and floods in Europe did the same thing, All the destruction by Mother Nature in the United States the past couple of years has been horrible, yet the poster could be callous because perhaps they were affected by events stated above or affected by other things, death in the family, major illness, or other life altering event.

So before shooting off posts that are negative to those who seem callous, think about the events of the past 2-5 years and realise that some of the people here could still be influenced by whatever event that visited itself upon them.

I am rambling a bit, my sympathies to those who lost everything in the latest storm.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 31 2005 at 12:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Its not that we are callous its that fact that other news did not hit this site such as the terriost etc... It would have been nice to see someone acknowledge that and ask for donations there as well. I have family in the east as well and I am always worried. I also have family in europe and am equally as worried. So if your going to post sorry notices post for all the areas we play in.
RE: Katrina
# Aug 31 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Idiots... the terriost attacks in England were posted. They do not appear up here anymore, but there were long threads about them. Read in depth before you say anything about something you do not know about.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 31 2005 at 1:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) nicely put.
Katrina -.-
# Aug 31 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
I live in New Orleans. I appreciate the outreach. I'm currently in Austin until Lake New Orleans becomes just New Orleans again.
A local site from New Orleans and a thank you
# Aug 31 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
286 posts
I'm currently stationed in VA Beach, but I grew up in New Orleans and have family there. Luckily, yesterday I got in touch with my sister and her boyfriend and found out that they are ok. They are coming up here to evacuate. They live on the westbank (which didn't get much flooding), which I am truly grateful for. Unfortunately on the east bank, majority of the city is under water due to the levee break, and it's only get worse as we speak. Here is a link to the local New Orleans news site, which also has a great blog with people from the area.
I would also like to thank personally anyone stepping up and donating to help the city get through this disaster. /salute
Say a little prayer for the ones hurt...
# Aug 31 2005 at 3:50 AM Rating: Excellent
111 posts
Yet another tragedy has claimed the lives of many innocent people. Be it the tsunami in Asia, fires in Europe or the dreadful hurricane in southern USA, always people will suffer. It is in these times we should set our selfish thoughts aside and provide all the help we can, be it emotional, physical or economical.

People are hurt, homeless, have seen relatives and friends give their lives to mother nature. Yet, there are some who cannot grasp the emotional shock this brings. Please do not argue whether a country is rich or poor, because in my humble opinion every country when hit by distasters this omnious, deserves all the help we can give them.

Please think about this when you think "Oh, this is all happening far away from me." because it doesn't. Imagine what it would be like to lose your house, friends and everything you possess against an unstoppable force of nature. Share your feelings with the victims and pray for them in their hour of need. It's the least one can do...

My thought and prayers go out to those in need, I wish you all a safe recovery.
RE: Say a little prayer for the ones hurt...
# Aug 31 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Aye. We tend to be oblivious to the rest of the world at times and this once again has been a reality check for us all. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected by this act of nature.
RE: Say a little prayer for the ones hurt...
# Aug 31 2005 at 5:40 AM Rating: Excellent
109 posts

Thanks Xorathaa for expressing my own feelings so well.

My thoughts are with you all.

RE: Say a little prayer for the ones hurt...
# Aug 31 2005 at 11:20 PM Rating: Default
I understand nerds are weird and all but...


honestly how could you be such big a nerd? Youre not playing the ******* game right now...

...and i just remembered that one video where Triumph the sock puppet dog makes fun of all the Star Wars nerds =D
RE: Say a little prayer for the ones hurt...
# Aug 31 2005 at 4:09 AM Rating: Excellent
792 posts
I couldn't have said it better myself. Rate up. ^^
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 31 2005 at 3:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ..take a look around u, in the USA ppl are dying on the streets everyday, 30% of the population are not able to read, and 50% are considered poor... FFS
RE: take a look around u..
# Aug 31 2005 at 3:52 AM Rating: Excellent
111 posts
Please do not think like this. Its cruel.
Oh Geez
# Aug 31 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Why does something that someone is doing to help others have to be turned into **** fest?

It just goes to show that no matter what happens someone has to complain.

People are in need, a disaster is a disaster.

If you are not going to be helpful on this topic then don't post. The last thing that is needed is more hurt....
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 31 2005 at 11:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Whats worse? Their complaining, your complaining about them complaining, me complaining about you complaining about them complaining, or the next guy complaining about me complaining about you complaining about them complaining?
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 31 2005 at 12:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What about the 100,000+ that died in the Asian Tsunami disaster ?
RE: *cough
# Sep 01 2005 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Have you been keeping up on the news? Hundreds are confirmed dead.. Thousands are missing.. In New orleans alone they are expecting the death toll to be in the thousands. But overall, they are estimating that the toll could reach 100,000... So don't be so quick to Judge what is and is not a disaster...'
RE: *cough
# Aug 31 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Excellent
How soon so many people forget what a real disaster and devastation is....

If a/several family members are lost, is that not disaster and devastation to the family?

If your home and all your posessions are destroyed and gone, it that not disaster and devastation?

I could go on but you get my point.
Alliance and Horde players unite as one
# Aug 30 2005 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
I hope that those that were injured in the hurricane get better and for those WoW players that were hit by it my thoughts are for you to get better and to get better.

Wiether you be ally, horde, or indifferent my hopes are out to you that you get beter and are able to play WoW.
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