MTV Multiplayer Talks to Blizzard

MTV Multiplayer sat down with Blizzard yesterday and talked about why Diablo 3 is not an MMO, and why they're not afraid of competing with WoW!

On why “Diablo III” isn’t an MMO:

Sams: When we’re deciding what type of game we’re going to make, we look at what the gameplay experience is going to be. We talked to the team a lot and say, “What is it you want to play? What is it that you want to make?” And we really felt like “Diablo” is a franchise that is very cooperative in the manner in which you play it. We felt like the gameplay experience that we had delivered historically with being in a non-persistent world was the right way to do it for this particular product. I think a lot of people expected us to say that this is going to be an MMO — maybe an obvious choice in a lot of people’s minds. But really, the bottom line is we thought the right game to make was “Diablo III” in the way that we’ve announced it.

That's not to say that it won't have multi-player via, but that's not what makes an MMO, now is it?  Check out the awesome interview to find a glimpse into why Blizzard is one of the most impressive game makers out there!

World of Warcraft: What's All the Fuss - Part II

Yesterday, I published an opinion article about World of Warcraft, and received quite a bit of feedback from the community.  And, as promised, today we have a response from one of our own WoW Zam staff members, Brian "Wordaen" Kincaid.  Take a moment to read them both, and see what you think!

Well, Autumnkiss has some great points as a new WoW player. I remember my starting days in this game and I have to say, I do see some parallels in her mindset as compared to mine when I first started. The initial login is full of some oohs and ahh’s as you see the spectacular graphics and ease of movement in the game world.

Now, as is pretty common with all new players, she mentions the issue that we all run into at least once and usually more at the lower levels…your death in an MMO. Now, to be fair, running back to collect yourself after taking a beating is emasculating to any player but Blizzard has done something differently than other MMOs I have played, and that is the introduction of the Spirit Healer at strategic locations to ease that embarrassment somewhat. In addition to having one at all, the spirit healer does something in this game that no other game has so far. It offers you two choices – run to your corpse where you take a 10% durability hit and no exp loss or rez at the graveyard and take a 25% durability hit and lowered stats for 10 minutes. Either way, you are in ghost form while you make this decision and are protected from something that might think you are a tasty snack.

WoW Housing not coming in the Near Future

Nethaera has spoken!
We have women on the development team as well as in many other departments.

Player housing is something that may happen in the future but there are no plans for it just yet. Good try though! If I had a house in game, it would just be crammed full o f weapons with maybe one throw rug so I didn't look like I didn't care about how it looked completely. ;)
While WoW housing was indeed planned at one time early in the process, it is no more, and apparently, never will be, if current plans do not change.

Sign up for the WotLK Beta!

You can now go to your Account page in WoW and sign up for the Wrath of the Lich King beta!!  No word yet on when it will start, or how accounts will be chosen for the beta.

European players can access their account page here.

Once you're in, go down to the icons below, and chose the one that says "Wrath of the Lich King Beta Opt-In" and you'll get this message, after submitting a yes response!
You have successfully opted in for a chance to participate in the Wrath of the Lich King Beta. In the event that your account is selected, you will be sent an email with further instructions. Good luck!
Indeed!  Good luck, now go sign up!

Judge Works WoW References into Merger Court Order

Straight from the Game Politics blog:
An attempt to block Activision's merger with Vivendi has ended with a ruling issued by William B. Chandler III (left), chief judge of the Delaware Court of Chancery.

As reported by the Wall Street Journal Law Blog, the judge has apparently taken notice of what World of Warcraft - one of the leading assets in the merger - is all about.

In denying a municipal pension plan's request for a preliminary injunction which would have put the Activision-Vivendi marriage on hold, Judge Chandler wrote:

In some ways, perhaps, the world of Mergers and Acquisitions is a massively multiplayer role playing game as well. Like in World of Warcraft... the participants in the M&A field take on certain roles, interact in their own community, hone specialized skills, and even develop a unique, somewhat curious vernacular.

One particular quest in the world of M&A is disclosure litigation. In the instance of disclosure litigation presently pending before this Court, the world of M&A meets the World of Warcraft.

In the role-playing game that is this disclosure litigation, both sides have played their respective roles well. Like any game, this one has rules, and the most essential rule of disclosure is materiality. Because the plaintiff could not establish the materiality of its final three disclosure claims, the motion for a preliminary injunction is denied. . . .GAME OVER.

Nice to see that some people take their jobs as seriously as some of us take our games. It's just another step to the shareholder meeting on July 8th, where the merger will be voted on!

World of Warcraft: What's All the Fuss?

Okay, so I finally broke down and got myself into World of Warcraft. I figured it was high time I figured out what all of the buzz was over, since it is arguably the most successful MMO in today's market. But, why? What makes this game so fantastic that it is the monolith of today's gaming genres?

To be honest, as of yet, I'm just not sure. I mean, yeah... it's interesting in terms of eye-candy. The graphics are non-traditional in comparison to other games out there. It has its own look and feel way beyond what any other title offers. But is that enough? I don't know... I've played many games in my time, and what I look for is not only look and feel, but also the other aspects of great gameplay: UI-friendliness, music, lore, immersion. I want to believe what I'm playing, and I don't want to be frustrated in the process.

WoW already frustrates me, although not in a completely negative fashion.

Listen, before you go off on me... the one thing I cannot stand is corpse-recovery. I mean, seriously. So I die... I should take an armor hit if I choose to find something else more fitting to my level to do and don't want to head back out to the area that killed me in the first place?!? Really, don't make me chase my corpse. Let me revive and move on. Way back when, EverQuest II had something similar... it was not your corpse, but a "shard". Basically, a portion of your "soul" that would be in the world. You could either return to retrieve it, or you could choose not to and be at a reduced health for a period of 24 hours until the shard disappeared and was "reabsorbed" into you. This was very annoying and frustrating, especially if you died in a dungeon or surrounded by beasts. You had to actually gain the point of death to retrieve your shard.

WoW Screenshots of the Day Requested

WoW is asking for your submissing for their screenshot features!
We're always on the lookout for eye-catching screenshots of World of Warcraft. Do you have a screenshot that would make other people go "Wow!"? Send it in. We've been really happy with our screenshots of the day and would like to thank you for your great submissions (over 1,350 and counting). We particularly enjoy screenshots featuring humor, creativity, or large gatherings.

WoW Russian Localization Next Step

WoW Europe has announced that the MMO is coming to the Russian Market!

We are delighted to announce the World of Warcraft Russian Technical Alpha, commencing next week.

All our Russian-speaking players are invited to participate in this first phase of testing which focuses only on the technical aspects of the game. We would especially appreciate your reports regarding any connection and latency issues you may experience.

The second phase, the Localization Beta, will begin with patch 2.4.3 and will focus on the localization of World of Warcraft.

To coincide with the release of the Russian Technical Alpha, the Russian forums will also be launched, giving our players a place to discuss the functionality of the game in Russian. A list of known issues will be featured here for the launch of the first phase of testing.

You can read this announcement in Russian here.

The forums will go live next week and we look forward to seeing you there!

This comes six months after the announcement that they were working on the project!  Congrats to all the new players who will be able to experience WoW!

Eurogamer has New WotLK Screens!

Eurogamer has posted new Wrath of the Lich King screen shots they obtained from the Worldwide Invitational going on right now!

They're incredible, so don't miss out!

Contest Winners: Day 26

Attn: TIME IS TICKING DOWN!!! Get to posting and wikifying ASAP!

Today's lucky winners are Prostacean, axhed and penguinsforever!. Congratulations!!!

To be sure to receive your 60-day game card, check your email inbox AND spam looking from an email from me!

Remember if you want to win, all you have to do is add to our wiki, post on our boards, or add quality comments to our site.

TWO more days to go, so get off your butts and get your entries in, you just might win a new laptop! Come on, you know you want to!!!