The upcoming EverQuest II expansion, Sentinel's Fate, features early access to the content with the purchase of the retail box. As we reported earlier, this caused disconent with the community of non-US players, as the details of international distribution had not yet been nailed down. Online retailers distributing the expansion are US-based and unable to accomodate overseas players in a timely and affordable manner.
Christine "Kiara" Renzetti, EverQuest II Community Manager, posted today on the official forums that a digital download will be made available on the early launch date to international customers only.
The status of retail distribution for Sentinel's Fate at launch internationally is still uncertain. However in an effort to properly serve our international community we have partnered with several digital distributors who will be providing the expansion to our international customers only starting on Feb 16th 2010. The digital downloads will be IP locked so that only the international community can take advantage of this.
We will have more details on this special distribution as they become available.