LotRO Developer Chat!

Please join us on Monday, March 10, 2008, for a Allakhazam Developer Chat with the team from Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, at 5:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM Eastern in the #lotro channel on Allakhazam IRC.

Connect to irc.allakhazam.com on port 6667, 6668, 6669, 5667 or 7000 (any one will work). Alternative, SSL-enabled ports: 6697 or 5697.

We will be discussing general topics with the developers, and general chat will be in our IRC channel #lotro-ffa before, during, and after the Developer Chat.

We hope to see you there!

Book 12: The Delving of Fror

The official US and EU sites have published another developer diary for Book 12! This one involves discussion on a new area within the Ettenmoors, 'The Delving of Fror'. Check it out!:
Long before the Men of Rhudaur made the land now called the Ettenmoors their home, the dwarves who lived there carved deep beneath the mountains. The Delving of Frór was mined to exhaustion and abandoned for many years until the Men of Rhudaur arrived and themselves discovered its depths. The Men of Rhudaur eventually fell under the sway of the Witch-king, and Angmar demanded that they build subterranean holdings meant to serve as defenses against the forces of Cardolan and Arthedain. The Rhudauran complied, and built small holdings in the abandoned mines.
To read the entire story click here, or here for the EU website.