Lineage II Team Makes Changes to Inferno Event

The Eva's Inferno event may have started on Aug. 25, but a number of changes were made to the event during yesterday's maintenance. The first change affects when event periods begin on NA and EU servers. The team has also "extended the period for which you can collect the rewards on day 10 and 14 to 24 hours."

Lastly, player feedback has led the team to change the rewards for days 10 and 14. Several scroll rewards from chests for those days were removed and one new reward has been introduced for the event. You can find the full list of changes in the announcement after the jump.

Eva's Inferno Event Begins; Lyzira Posts Q&A

The mystery event has been revealed after fans collected all of the hidden puzzle pieces, and it looks like Eva's Inferno kicks off today and runs through Sept. 8. It's up to the players to rescue Aden from the heat wave caused by Gran Kain, the god of destruction. You have to defeat monsters to collect Seeds of Fire, which summon Spirits of Fire that can only be defeated with your bare firsts. Once enough spirits have been defeated, blessing rewards of bonus experience will be bestowed upon players. Extra rewards may also be obtained by speaking to Jack Sage at certain stages of the event.

Also, Community Manager Lyzira recently answered a bunch of questions submitted by players to give them a peek at what goes on behind the scenes of Lineage II. You can read the full Q&A below.

Players Search for Clues About Mystery Event

The next Lineage II event is right around the corner, but what that means for players is a mystery. Community Manager Lyzira has been hiding puzzle pieces for forum users to find, and currently 12 pieces have been discovered and posted on the mystery event page.

It looks like the puzzle is about halfway done right now, and from what we can see the event will begin in August and end Sept. 8. Keep an eye on this thread, which has already reached 13 pages of replies, to see when a puzzle piece has been hidden or to post when you find one.

Players Asked to Submit Questions for Q&A

Do you have any Lineage II questions you'd like to have answered? Well, the team is currently asking players to submit questions in this thread in the Dev Corner forum, and the best ones will be answered by Community Manager Lyzira.

The thread already has 40 posts spanning 3 pages, and most users asked numerous questions. You have until Friday to submit yours, so you still have time to join in on the discussion. Currently, the questions range from hard-hitting ones, such as why the the report a bot button isn't working as well as players hoped, to ones about upcoming events.

Lineage II Tutorial Contest Offers Free Gameplay

The Lineage II team is currently inviting players to enter its guide and tutorial contest so creative users can share useful information about new content added in the Gracia Final expansion. You submission can use any type of media, such as video, text or images. For example, you could write a guide or produce a video tutorial.

The deadline for entries is July 31, and the first prize winner will have their guide or tutorial published on the official Web site, as well as receive 30 days of free game time and 20 Revita Pops. You can read more about the contest after the jump.

If you need some inspiration, check out the new Gracia gameplay movie. It shows off the Gracia continent and numerous raid bosses.

Master of Enchanting Event Begins Tuesday

The Master of Enchanting event kicks off tomorrow in Lineage II and runs through July 14. Master Yogi is offering prizes to players who enchant his staff. Enchant scrolls will drop off monsters, or you'll be able to buy 24 of them off Yogi every six hours. You can even avoid that time restraint by paying 77,777 adena for each additional scroll.

Players will use these scrolls to enchant the staff as much as possible. The higher you enchant it, the great the reward you will receive from Yogi. Enchant scrolls will stop dropping from monsters on July 7, but you'll still be able to buy them from Yogi through July 14.

Prizes range from fireworks for a low-level staff enchant to an S80 Grade Weapon Chest for the top enchant level. More information can be found on the official event page.

Video Tours Beluslan Zone; Letter Discusses NCsoft

Kotaku has posted the newest Aion video tour, and this one focuses on the Beluslan zone. The area is covered in ice, and the official tour guide tell us why: "Kurngalfsberg, once a thriving city, fell under the disapproving gaze of Ereshkigal, one of the Dragon Lords in the world of Aion, and in a fit of ire he encased it in ice. ... Kistenian and his fellow Flame Daevas hope to breathe life back into it with the help of the ancient tree people, the Elim."

If you've watched the video and are still curious about what's going on at NCsoft, you can read a letter written to the community by Lance Stites, the executive producer a NCsoft West's game production studio. The letter basically updates readers on staff additions and changes to the Lineage, Exteel, Lineage II and Aion teams.

Stites lists some of the tasks that are being completed as Aion nears its September launch date. "I know that many fans are extremely anxious, impatient even, awaiting the release of Aion. I can assure you the team is fully engaged in the release of this product," he said. You can read the full letter below.

Subclass Change Account Service Coming June 9

If you've ever wanted to change your character's class in Lineage II, you're in luck. The team has announced that the Subclass Change account service will be introduced on June 9 and will cost $49.99. Also, you can now use the Name Change account service every three months instead of every six months.

More information on the Subclass Change account can be found on the official news page or below. You can also see how players are reacting to the announcement in this thread on the official forum. What are your thoughts on the price? Is $50 too expensive, or is it justified for the service?

NCsoft Quarter-to-Quarter Earnings Increase

NCsoft has reported its earning for the first quarter of 2009 and the company has seen sharp quarter-to-quarter increases in sales, operating profit and net profit. According to a press release, on a consolidated basis sales came to $107.7 million, which is a 34% quarter-to-quarter increase; operating profit came to $34.3 million, a 221% increase; and net profit came to $27 million, a 422% increase.

In first quarter sales by region, Korea brought in $72 million, which is incredibly high compared to Japan's $14.6 million and North America's $8.7 million. According to the release, "The successful launch of Aion influenced sales growth in Korea and expected sales of the Lineage series increased the significance of Japan. On the other hand, a decrease in Guild Wars sales due to no retail expansion package releases this quarter led to a drop of sales in the North American and European regions."

Quarter-to-quarter sales of Lineage and Lineage II increased 23% and 33%, respectively. Sales of Aion jumped up 34%, while sales of City of Heroes and Guild Wars stayed low at 5% and 3%, respectively. You can read the full press release after the jump.

5th Anniversary Event Extended, Will End Tomorrow

Lineage II's fifth anniversary event was originally scheduled to end on May 5, but has been extended until tomorrow, May 12, since it "did not cooperate as it should have," according to a post on the official site.

The event requires you to collect the letters A, C, E, G, I, L, N, R, S, Y, 5, and II from monsters to spell out the words LINEAGE II, GRACIA and 5YEARS. The letters will continue to drop until tomorrow's maintenance begins, which is also when the event NPCs will be removed from the game. Be sure to hand in all your letters before the NPCs disappear.