On the fourth and final day of the Tokyo Game Show, I made some more rounds at the Square Enix booth and took a bunch of pictures. It is no secret that everything is a secret with Square Enix - you need an armband to identify yourself as press and photography of any screen was still strictly prohibited. I think even catching just the Square Enix logo on their Open Mega Theater screen there is grounds for a paddling. Still, I was able to take a little tour around the area and check out most of what was offered. There were a lot of demos too, but on the public days, getting to play more than one or two seemed like an exercise in futility. Square Enix was definitely hot to trot this year, with a massive setup that generated an immense amount of excitement. The crowds in some areas would dwindle as the day pressed on, but this place was jumping from start to finish. Let's take a look at some pictures.