CITIES XL "Point, Shoot - Win!" Winner Announced

Congratulations to Isabella of the Philippines, winner of the first Point, Shoot - Win! contest hosted by CITIES XL .

PARIS, France. August 5, 2008 - Monte Cristo, publisher and developer of the upcoming next-generation city builder, CITIES XL, is pleased to announce a winner for their "Point, Shoot - Win!" contest. The contest offered the videogame community and consumers the opportunity to have their favorite residential building (or their own home) featured in CITIES XL when it is released. Community member Isabella of the Philippines is the first winner of the contest, submitting photos of her stunning villa, which will now be rendered by Monte Cristo's artists for inclusion in CITIES XL.

In September, the art team will be posting a blog entry detailing the process of inserting Isabella's family home into the game, taking readers through the design process from photo submission to full-on 3D renders. Current blog posts can be found at .

Cities XL Point, Shoot – Win! Contest Launch

We got this announcement from the folks over at Cities XL!

Monte Cristo is launching an exciting new contest today for their upcoming next-generation city-building title, CITIES XL™. In the new "Point, Shoot – Win!" contest, you need only submit a photo of a current residential building to the forums at to enter. Starting on May 28, members of the CITIES XL™ community will begin voting on the submitted images, with three winners being announced on June 10. The winning entries will be included in the final version of CITIES XL™ when the game goes on sale in 2009.

Only images of residential structures (homes, apartment buildings, etc.) may be submitted, and no trademarked buildings, monuments or other current intellectual properties may be entered into the contest. Before submitting a photo, please read the complete rules and submission guidelines at Grab your camera, as a building you choose (or maybe even your own home) could be included in CITIES XL™.

Everybody enter, what do you have to lose?!