Angels Online Credit and Rank Explanation

Angels Online today explains a few ways to garner credit in their game, and explain what the credit system accomplishes!

Angels Online has attracted tons of players’ attention since its Open Beta Test started. This game prides itself on its cute characters and captivating in-game systems. Today Angels Online team is going to give their players a little preview of Credit and Rank. 


“Angel Credit” is used to measure Angels’ performance in Eden. If you only kill monsters in Eden and contribute nothing to the world and community, your Credit would be relatively low, and Credit determines your Rank in Eden.  

How to Obtain Credit:

Do Quests: Accepting quests from NPCs and helping them solve various problems (some quests can be done repeatedly) is a stable way to obtain Credit.

More details follow, so go quest, PvP and produce to your hearts content!

Angels Online: Wartime Journalists Needed

Since Totem Battle is making its way into Angles Online there are some very cool surprises making their way to you, in celebration!


In order to make players appear in battle wearing the best equipment and riding cool mounts, the AO team has prepared some cool new items in the Item Mall. The new items include some cool lucky bags as well as new paper dolls. It’s for sure these items will add more fun to your gaming experience.


During the upcoming Totem Battle the AO team is looking for wartime journalists to document and report on what happens during the events. If your character has the courage to stay right on the front lines during battle, do not hesitate to apply. 
Check out the links for availability, and rules for application!

Angel Online Level Up Contest & New Totem Feature

Angels Online has a new feature debuting on Thursday!  PvP team battles!

The Angels Online team from IGG has already announced the league list, and talked about how leagues can benefit from their territory. With the Totem Battle coming soon (Feb 21st), today the Angels Online team is going to further talk about the exciting Totem Battle.

Totem Battle is actually a PVP battle between 2 leagues, with 1 league defending the totem, and the other attacking it. Player’s leagues can occupy certain territories by destroying the totems during an attack. After occupying the territory, players are able to deal with traders, exploit special materials, accept special quests, and challenge special Bosses. In addition, the Mysterious Map will be open to players’ leagues, so the members will have chances to obtain advanced equipment and items in the Lucky Bag, which can be redeemed from an NPC.

In addition, there's a level up contest coming!  Read on for those details.

Angels Online: Item Mall Grand Opening

Angels Online has announced their item mall grand opening!

It has been two months since the Open Beta Testing of Angels Online and the in-game Item Mall has also been in trial run for more than a month.  

Today the AO team is happy to announce that he item prices of Item Mall have been slightly adjusted to stabilize the in-game economy. Meanwhile, they also bring up a Valentine’s Day Group Photo Event
with big rewards.
Find out more about the mall opening and the event, and don't forget to have a great Valentines Day!

Angels Online Robot System Overview

Are you wondering what robots are available to you in Angels Online? Well wonder no longer.

Since the Angels Online Robot System was first announced, it has become a special feature attracting many players. Today the Angels Online team from IGG is going to tell you a little bit more about the Robot System.

Many genius scientists live in Iron Castle where the most developed science and technology centers are located. The robots invented here are specifically designed for the Collection class. Afterwards this technology was widely accepted by other factions due to its’ practical value.   

Robots can be equipped with weapons and collection tools, and are also a good transportation tool.
Read on for more info, and then visit the site and give them a try!

Angels Online: Valentine’s Day Screenshot Contest

We got this in from the folks at Angels Online!

To celebrate the upcoming Valentine’s Day, Angels Online is brining us a Screenshot Contest with big rewards.  

Event Duration: Feb, 2nd(EST) to Feb, 16th (EST) 

Event reward: Each winner will get an Intensified Inlay Lucky Bag.

(Open the bag will get one of the following things randomly: Enhanced Hammer, or Advanced Piercing Hammer and various gems.) 

Event Location: AO Media Overview
For all the rules and how to enter, visit the site!