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Game Update 7-20-2022

Game update coming tomorrow folks. If you would like a preview of what's to come, check out the Test Patch notes.


Here are the final patch notes.


July 20, 2022

*** Highlights ***

- The Miragul and Phinigel servers have merged into Vox.

*** Items ***

- Trinket of the Far Frozen Wastes will now teleport you to a less dangerous location.
- Frightening Food Flask and Ashen Ampule will now give stacks of 20 food and/or drink items per use.
- Fixed an issue with "Raediva Nostrum" displaying the wrong lore text.
- Updated the spell Sympathetic Minion attached to Faded Orb of the Magus, Glowing Orb of the Magus, Splendid Orb of the Magus, Brilliant Orb of the Magus, and Radiant Orb of the Arch Magus so that it summons swarm pets.
- Suffix titles for Ogre and Feir'Dal Heritage crates will now show correctly in reward previews.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Shei Vinitras Raid and Mission: Slightly reduced the height of the Auras on the sweepers datiar xi tekar in this event to reduce the likelihood that players on the raised platform will be hit.
- The following achievements have been temporarily removed while we investigate issues with the underlying quests:
- - The Hero's Journey - Ak'Anon Quests - Tinmizer's Fabulous Compactor
- - The Hero's Journey - Cabilis Quests - Blood Ink
- - The Hero's Journey - Cabilis Quests - Illweed Parchment
- - The Hero's Journey - Neriak Quests - Death of Lyda Nasin
- - The Hero's Journey - Oggok Quests - Craknek Hero
- - The Hero's Journey - Surefall Glade Quests - Gnoll Paws
- Additionally, the following achievement now indicates that the quest as written is meant for Paladins - The Hero's Journey - Erudin Quests - Fisherman Convert.

*** Spells ***

- Magician - Fixed an error with the body type of pets summoned by Monster Summoning spells that prevented Reclaim Energy from working as expected.

*** AA ***

- Archetype - Sympathetic Amplification - Added a new 7-rank passive AA available to Druids, Enchanters, Magicians, Necromancers, Rangers, Shaman, and Wizards that increases the base effectiveness of spell-triggered magical effects from equipped weapons and augments by a percentage. Rank 1 of this new AA can be purchased at level 80, if the Underfoot expansion is unlocked, and all ranks are eligible for auto-grant.
- Bard - Focus - Troubadour's Synergy - Fixed an issue that prevented Troubadour's Synergy Effect from removing Troubadour's Synergy upon triggering. Also fixed an issue that caused Troubadour's Synergy to interact unexpectedly with Necromancer's Necrotize Ally.
- The Bard and Shadow Knight AAs Funeral Dirge and T`Vyl's Resolve have seen unsustainable growth over the last several expansions. As a result, both spells are now notably more powerful than is healthy for overall class balance. The following changes have been made to bring these spells back in line.
- - Funeral Dirge
- - - Increased the maximum duration of the base spell at max rank to 66 seconds
- - - Made the base spell unresistable
- - - Reduced the incoming melee damage debuff of the base spell at ranks 23-26 to 22%
- - - Increased the fade damage of the Shrieking Death proc across ranks 1-22 to a maximum of 35,000 damage
- - - Reduced the fade damage of the Shrieking Death proc across ranks 23-26 to a maximum of 75,000 damage
- - T`Vyl's Resolve
- - - Reduced the reuse time of the base spell at max rank to 8 minutes
- - - Increased the damage of the initial melee skill attacks across all ranks to a maximum of 900 damage per attack
- - - Made the Weakness proc unresistable
- - - Increased the incoming melee damage debuff of the Weakness proc at ranks 1-2 to 16% and 18%
- - - Reduced the incoming melee damage debuff of the Weakness proc at ranks 4-7 to 20%

*** Overseer ***

- Fixed an issue with the Overseer Quest, Recruit Bimbalicus the Soulbleeder, that caused Bimbalicus to be a required agent... when recruiting Bimbalicus.
- New Achievement Category
- - "Overseer" has been added as a new achievement category
- - Achievements in this category are "World" achievements, meaning they can only be completed once per world for a given player account - As a result, all rewards granted by these achievements either apply to every character on a given account and world or can be traded between characters on the same account and world
- New Achievement Types
- - "Special" achievements are for collecting Overseer Agents from outside of the Overseer feature, such as Fippy Darkpaw (more on him below)
- - "Holiday" achievements are for completing seasonal Overseer Quests - The first achievement in this category is for the Scorched Sky event but expect more soon!
- - "Faydwer Agents" are achievements for collecting the current set of non-special, non-holiday Overseer Agents
- - "Faydwer Quests" are achievements for reaching higher levels in each of the main Overseer Quest categories; Plunder, Military, Stealth, Crafting, Harvesting, Research, Diplomacy, Trade, and Exploration
- New Achievement Rewards
- - Achievements for completing Holiday Overseer Quests and collecting Common, Uncommon, and Rare Overseer Agents grant Sealed Tetradrachm Coffers, which are Heirloom items that can be consumed to gain a large number of Tetradachm currency
- - Achievements for collecting Elite Overseer Agents grant several unique rewards; the Gnomish Hovering Transport mount, the Visage of the Bixie Worker illusion, and 10 Flame-Scorched Ornaments
- - Achievements for reaching higher levels in each main Overseer Quest category grant numerous Agent Packs
- - Achievements for reaching max level in multiple Overseer Quest categories grant 3 exclusive Elite Overseer Agents; Avatar of Anashti Sul, Avatar of Luclin, and Avatar of Quellious
- New Quests
- - Several new Overseer Quests have been created for each of the new Elite Overseer Agents, including recruitment quests that become available once their requisite achievements are completed
- Starter Bundle Changes
- - The Overseer Starter Bundle, when purchased from the marketplace, now completes the new Overseer - Special - Collect Fippy Darkpaw achievement, which in turn grants the Overseer Starter Bundle item
- - This change lets a player who has already purchased this bundle gain the purchased item on every world where they have a character, including the world they originally redeemed the item
- - Additionally, Fippy Darkpaw now has his own recruitment quest that becomes available once the Collect Fippy Darkpaw achievement is completed

*** Progression Servers ***

- Expedient Recovery can no longer be used in combat enabled zones on level locked servers.
- Enabled /pickzone in Jaggedpine Forest.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Removed ` from character first names and flagged those characters for a name change.
- Corrected an issue with targeting offline characters from the group window.
- Disabled Bloom Lighting by default.
- Added the /memspellslot command which allows memorizing a spell into a specific spell gem slot. The command accepts two parameters: the spell gem slot and the spell's name or ID.
- The client will now always launch in windowed mode rather than fullscreen.
- /tar, /con, and social emotes like /dance and /hug should now work with pet names and %m.
- Added a default of fellowship auto-consent for corpse dragging. This can be changed by setting AutoConsentFellowship=0 under Defaults in a character's .ini file.

*** UI ***

- Fixed the weapon ratio in the Item Display Window to be updated correctly for players below the recommended level.
- Added additional options to /advloot to allow for setting an option for all loot in the window. Example: "/advloot shared setallto leaveall". See the Advanced Loot help window for more details.
- Fixed the advanced loot window getting into a bad state after the /kickplayers raid command is used.
- Updated the Target Window to no longer require Target_HPPercLabel to be present.

- Changed -

- EQUI_Animations.xml
- EQUI_Templates.xml

*** Previously Updated ***

- Agents of Change - Fixed the minimum level check to enter AoC instances on Vaniki.
- Vaniki: Added a version of the Ireblind Imp for the berserker epic that will spawn in Agent of Change instances of Fear before Omens of War launches.
- Vaniki: Lowered a level check made by Kelkim Menkia for the bard epic.
- Vaniki: Lowered a level check made by Elder Animist Dumul for the beastlord epic.
- Vaniki: Increased the global rare spawn chance on Vaniki by 50%.
- The Level Locked Progression challenges that grant titles now grant 999 quantity.
- Fixed a zone crash related to Divine Intermediation and similar effects.

- The EverQuest Team


Game Update 6-15-2022

Here are the patch notes for today's game update.


June 7, 2022
*** Highlights ***

- Torment of Velious is now free-to-play on Test and Live servers.
- Enjoy new seasonal Overseer quests and agents. See Overseer section below for more information.

*** Items ***

- Familiars available from the Ogre Heritage Crate will now show a casting bar when being used as a pet illusion.
- The Animated Pawn Familiar is now a more reasonable size when used as a pet illusion.
- The Infected Rat Familiar will now have the correct appearance when used as a pet illusion.
- The Tradable: Teleport Item Key Ring Slot (5) will now only convert if the player owns the Teleport Item Key Ring Slot feature.
- Frightening Flatbread and Ashen Apple Juice are now No-Trade.
- Pliant Purity Peridot can now be slotted into primary, secondary, and range items.
- Currency rewards offered by the Bag of Currency can now be claimed on all server types if the appropriate expansion is available.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Tome of New Beginnings (Tacvi Raid) - The remains of Prathun, Rashere, Vahlara, and Valtron will now appear in consistent locations.

*** Spells ***

- Corrected an issue where charmed pets were limited to 10 buffs.
- Berserker, Monk, Rogue, Warrior - Fixed a bug that caused Composite/Dichotomic/Dissident combat abilities to trigger twice upon activation.
- Divine Intermediation and similar spells now report the name of the spell instead of 'Unknown Spell' when triggered.

*** Overseer ***

- New Agents and Quests for Scorched Skies
- - Several new agents specific to the Scorched Skies event are coming to Overseer in July.
- - A new line of event quests are also coming in July, featuring new job and trait combinations exclusive to the new event agents. These can be earned as rewards for completing the quests.
- New Overseer Event Agent Packs will be available during seasonal events.
- - The Scorched Skies Pack, available on the marketplace in July.
- - The Nights of the Dead Pack, available on the marketplace in October.
- - The Frostfell Pack, available on the marketplace in December.
- - These packs each grant 12 agents belonging to their respective events.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Added missing unlock events for the Vaniki server.
- The Berserker epic NPCs will allow players level 36 and up to participate on Level Locked Progression servers.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Torment of Velious is now free-to-play on Test and Live servers.
- Removed the minimum level requirement to use /autoskill.
- Bug reports (/bug) will now prompt you for information, copy the relevant information to your clipboard, and open up the Bug Reports section of the forums to create a new post.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent a player's Dragon's Hoard from being included in server transfers.

*** UI ***

- Added 'Leave All' buttons to the Advanced Loot window for both Personal and Shared Loot.
- Updated the Inventory window to show 7-digit HP, mana, and endurance values.
- Updated the Combat Skills Selection Window to save and persist adjusted column sizes and layout settings.

- Changed -


*** Previously Updated ***  

- Corrected an issue where beneficial dispel and certain detrimental dispel effects (such as Splash of Repentance) did not remove any buffs/debuffs.
- Apprentice mercenaries may now be purchased and used by all free-to-play accounts.
- The agent of change in Feerrott, South Ro, and Paineel will send you to the 'original version' progression instances until Omens of War unlocks.
- Corrected an issue where the Level Locked Progression ruleset did not apply a 10 level offset when entering Plane of Fear, Plane of Growth, Temple of Veeshan, and Plane of Mischief.
- Corrected an issue where the bonus loot modifier did not apply to NPC equipment. This affects NPCs such as Lord Bergurgle, Lord Gimblox, and Lord Yelinak.
- Corrected an issue on Level Locked Progression servers where certain stun spells would only work on NPCs up to level 10.

- The EverQuest Team

Game Update 5-18-2022

Here are the patch notes for today's game update.



May 18, 2022

*** Highlights ***

- Refactored the way buffs/debuffs are stored on characters and NPCs, enabling an increase in hostile NPC's maximum from 97 to 200. This required a one-time clearing of saved buffs on mercenaries and pets.
- Check out this month for the new Trying Toxicologist and Vexing Vermin Bundles!
- Mercenary tiers have been simplified. See below for details.
- Look to the Marketplace this month for the Ogre Heritage Crate. Each crate contains a random item. Trade these Ogre Heritage items to your friends or collect them all yourself!

*** Items ***

- Added a chance for Weather-Worn Signet, Tarnished Signet, and Glimmering Signet to drop off of dragorn within The Ruined City of Dranik, Muramite Proving Grounds, and Wall of Slaughter. Crystal-Gemmed Signet have a chance to drop from pyrilen in the Riftseekers' Sanctum.
- Added the quest flag to the following items: Weather-Worn Signet, Tarnished Signet, Glimmering Signet, Crystal-Gemmed Signet, Two-Toned Signet, Discolored Signet, Dust-Marred Signet, Mastery of Mind Rune, Mastery of Body Rune, Mastery of Tactics Rune, Mastery of Arcana Rune, Mastery of Realms Rune, and Mastery of Power Rune.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Whispers in the Dark: The Shak Dratha Overseer can be defeated at any time during the mission and get credit for doing so.
- Close the Gate (Raid): The ravens will now be removed on success and reset. Also, NPCs should no longer be targeted by the dark aura and shining light emotes.
- Solteris Raid: Ur-Floxiz Lochmaul will now be active and ready to fight.
- Torment of Velious raid chests can once again be looted.
- Mistmoore Catacombs: The Lost Party - The two-group LDON adventure offered by Alinai Kaneriti has been updated to use the shared task system.
- The Rujarkian Hills: Rescue Bartleby - The two-group LDON adventure offered by Eewatt Halmoore has been updated to use the shared task system and should now function as expected.
- Updated the achievement "Hero's Journey >> Quests >> Qeynos Quests - Bard Report" to register quest completion if a combination of day and night shift reports are turned in.
- The Revolt of Gloomingdeep: The step "Speak to Elegist and learn about Mercenaries" is now optional.

*** Spells ***

- Druid - Debuff values now match for Cowl and Gaze of Ro, as well as Cinch and Scrutiny of Ro. This will once again allow the single target debuffs to overwrite the AE debuffs and vice versa.
- Paladin - Remorseful Effect now focuses heal spells up to level 120.
- Shaman - Added a worn off message to the Pack of Aina line of spells that add swarm pets as a cast proc.
- Corrected an issue where spells that increase incoming damage by a percentage, such as Season's Wrath, would apply their bonus twice if the target was also affected by spells that increase incoming damage by a flat rate, such as Tenebrous Sunray.
- Spells that consume the target's mana or endurance to heal or harm the target, such as Tears of Xenacious, will now report the amount of damage or healing done to the target and caster.
- Refactored the way buffs/debuffs are stored on characters and NPCs, enabling an increase in hostile NPC's maximum from 97 to 200. This required a one-time clearing of saved buffs on mercenaries and pets.

*** NPCs ***

- Updated Mayong Mistmoore to consistently use the undead bodytype.
- Updated shades in Terror of Luclin to consistently use the undead bodytype and akheva to consistently use the humanoid bodytype.
- Relm M'Lock will now send your entire party to either the Plane of Hate or the Plane of Sky when you hand in the proper stone.

*** Mercenaries ***

- Mercenaries have been simplified. There are no longer Tiers of mercenaries, only Apprentice and Journeyman ranks.
- - The Apprentice mercenaries are the former Apprentice Tier-V while Journeyman mercenaries are the former Journeyman Tier-V.
- - You must have an all-access account in order to use Journeyman mercenaries. This includes temporary all access gained through using Krono.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Enabled free transfers off Phinigel to other non-progression servers.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Fixed an issue that caused cloth skirt armor to display for erudite females when wearing a chain tunic.
- Fixed a client disconnect when exchanging coins at a banker.

*** UI ***

- Fixed an issue where right clicking a social would not reset the currently running social line.
- Corrected an issue that caused the keybind for toggling the visibility of the Spell Gems and Player Information windows to not work properly.
- Updated the EQ button to always have the Achievements button available on all servers.
- Corrected an issue that caused some window settings, such as lock status, to reset when zoning.
- Updated the Grab Item button in the Find Item Window to use a slider for choosing a quantity of items to grab. Using CTRL or SHIFT while pressing the button now grabs one or all of an item, respectively.

*** Previously Updated ***
- Corrected an issue that caused some disciplines to be unusable after zoning.
- Ikkinz (Raid Event) - Fixed Stalwart Defender being immune to pick pocket.
- Corrected an issue where specialization skills would reset when you zoned at lower levels.
- The Shades of Luclin have had their ability to see through invisibility reduced in cases where the change to undead body types created unintentionally hostile environments.

- The EverQuest Team


Game Update 4-20-2022

Here is the April 2022 patch.


April 20, 2022

*** Highlights ***

- Added two more missions for the 23rd Anniversary. See Quests & Events for details.
- Replay timers will now apply their full duration upon completion of their associated task/quest.
- Removed the need for and distinction between magical and non-magical weapons.
- All NPCs have had their 'body type' reviewed and potentially adjusted. See NPCs for details.
- Many new achievements have been added for quests belonging to each of the original starting cities on Norrath! See Quests & Events for details.

*** Items ***

- Processing Gizmo, Oiled Cog, and Flickering Finkenheimer are all now flagged as Quest items.
- Choker of Entropy has had its AC adjusted to be more inline with intentions.
- Honed Wurmslayer and Invested Honed Wurmslayer will no longer apply their effect on players under the required level of the item (currently 105).
- Tidal Force and Eclipsed Light armor ornaments will now show correctly when equipped on Frogloks.
- Blessed Akhevan Shadow Shears can now be converted to a version without stats and is useable by all classes and races. This is so anyone can take advantage of the tailoring skill mod.
- Magmatic Sessiloid Saddle size when placed in a housing plot will now better match other Sessiloid sizes.
- Removed the concept of Recommended Skill on equipment and added equivalent Recommended Levels to the following items: Gauntlets of the Blood Fiend, Girdle of Magnificence, Helm of the Vampyric Traitor, Jezekiell's Fervent Blade, and Katta Staff of Peace.
- Altered the statistics on swarm pets summoned by Vicious Rabbit, Flute of the Dead, Burned Rabbit Foot, Vander's Bane, Rune of Tallon (both items), Spiked Scale Whip, and Invested Spiked Scale Whip. These changes reduce the health and DPS of these swarm pets.
- Removed the need for and distinction between magical and non-magical weapons.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Many new achievements have been added for quests belonging to each of the original starting cities on Norrath!
- - You can find these achievements under The Hero's Journey >> Quests.
- Close the Gate (Raid) - When Pli Liako dies, his aura will despawn. Also, fixed issues with the messaging about nightmares from Kratakel, Lord Misery.
- The Masked Invaders (Raid) - raid in Underfoot will no longer spawn a chest before the raid starts.
- Mad Emperor (Raid) - Corrected issue that caused the event lockout to be triggered on the death of any NPC rather than the chest.
- Mad Emperor (Raid) - Credit should now be given for completing the Everything For Last achievement.
- Added the 23rd Anniversary mission Risky Rat Rescue, given by Drifter Minki in The Nexus.
- Added the 23rd Anniversary mission Whispers in the Dark, given by Spiritist Nathra in Shar Vahl.
- Primal Vampire (Raid) - The Boiling Bloodrage effect will be removed on success and reset. This might help with occasional UI interactions that can be caused by charm.
- Aten Ha Ra (Raid) - Updated the raid basepop so they they can now drop the luck augment.
- Ostorm in the Temple of Solusek Ro now has a different method for allowing you to reset your specializations. It no longer requires the use of a ruby and will let you choose values to preserve for your primary, secondary, and tertiary specializations.
- Tasks with a replay timer between one and six hours have had their replay timer reduced by 20%.
- Replay timers will now apply their full duration upon completion of their associated task/quest.

*** Spells ***

- Necromancer - Increased the maximum level focus limiter on Flesh to Venom from 115 to 120.
- Necromancer - Chaotic Power X (used by Proclamation for Blood) now has no maximum level cap on its effectiveness and is slightly more powerful.
- Ranger - Strength of the Dusksage Stalker should no longer overwrite Protection of the Valley and vice versa. Each will once again prevent the other from landing. This should be true for all spells in the line.
- Paladin - Increased the damage and mana cost of Doctrine of Annulment.
- Shaman - The Responsive Spirit and Attentive Spirit buffs' healing ability will now work if the caster is sitting or ducking when the conditions are met to cast it.
- Shadowknight - Remorselessness now focuses lifetap spells up to level 120.
- Enchanter - Fixed several errors in the descriptions for Subjugate and later spells in that line.
- Corrected an issue with effects (such as Restless Ice) not being removed when respawning to bind.
- Made the following changes to specialization skills:
- - Corrected an issue where the difference in specialization skills slowly disappeared starting with level 91, having been completely eliminated by level 120.
- - Once a player is above level 40, their secondary specialization skill cap (from Secondary Forte) will be set to 50 skill points below the primary cap, while tertiary specializations are 100 points below the primary skill cap. This should smooth the difference in skill values from level 40 to 120.
- - Characters over level 90 who had high third, fourth, and fifth specialization skills have had those skills updated to be below the tertiary cap. You will have to intentionally improve your specialization skill again. See Ostorm in the Temple of Solusek Ro to reorder your skills.

*** NPCs ***

- Raid bosses and rare NPCs are universally no longer susceptible to begging or pick pocket.
- All NPCs have had their 'body type' reviewed and potentially adjusted:
- - Removed the distinction between summoned elementals and other constructs, insects and other animals, lycanthropes and other humanoids, vampires and other undead, distinguished figures of the Ring of Scale or the Claws of Veeshan and other dragons, and distinguished figures of Kael Drakkel and other giants.
- - Creatures now uniformly belong to one of the following categories:
- - - Special damage targets - Greater Akheva, Draz Nurakk, and Zek.
- - - Animals - Non-magical living organisms, not plants, not quite humanoids.
- - - Construct/Elemental - Conjured, Elemental, or animated matter, including Clockworks.
- - - Dragons - Draconic creatures (Dragons, Drakes, Wurms, Wyverns). Excludes dinosaurs and Drakkin.
- - - Extraplanar - Death-Touching creature, typically the Avatar of a God.
- - - Giants - Large bipedal creatures descended from the creations of Rallos Zek.
- - - Humanoids - Living non-magical sentient bipedal organisms.
- - - Magical - Magical creatures and anything that does not fit into another category.
- - - Plants - Potentially sentient living photosynthetic or fungus-based non-animal organism.
- - - Undead - Deceased souls, optionally corporeal, distinct from animist spirits and other magical beings.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Omens of War will open June 1st instead of May 25th on Mischief and Thornblade.
- Prophecy of Ro will open June 1st instead of May 25th on Aradune and Rizlona.
- Removed the auto AFK kick from Thornblade.
- Out of combat regeneration will now be available when Gates of Discord is unlocked.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Fixed an issue that would prevent new zone instances from properly starting, which will reduce the load on zone servers.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent auras from detecting players, this will resolve issues where players are sometimes unable to enter The Mechamatic Guardian, Caverns of Endless Song, or activate their Guild Hall Portal.
- Fixed a bug that prevented mounted vendors from properly being hidden when hide traders and barterers is set. Pets of hidden vendors will now be hidden as well.
- Potentially fixed a client crash that could occur when processing buffs in raids.
- Fixed an issue where pet illusion items would not properly summon the familiar when targeting another player.
- Added a message when an NPC is successfully disarmed.
- Successfully disarming an NPC will now move that weapon into the NPC's inventory rather than dropping the item on the ground.
- Pick pocketing items from NPCs is now restricted to items that cannot be worn rather than items that were non-magical.
- Added messaging when a rogue uses the pick pocketing skill.

*** UI ***

- Updated pet window to use a single template for buffs.
- Added a chat message when your pet's spells are resisted. The message uses the Pet Spells chat filter and is only visible to the pet's owner.
- The Fellowship Window will now display the correct last online time for leaders.
- Added parcels to the Find Item window.
- Added a 'Clear Tab Text' option to the chat window context menu (right click menu) as a shortcut for /clearchat.

- Changed -

- The EverQuest Team

Everquest Producer's Letter

If you haven't seen it, the executive producer posted about future plans for EQ. - Source

Taken from Everquest's forums.

Now with more "bit" goodness and TLPs!

It's been 23 years since this grand journey called EverQuest was launched, and I'd like to take a moment to pause and reflect on all the things we've accomplished together. We've defeated powerful foes and we've brought balance; we've traversed, explored, and collected experiences during 28 expansions in which we traveled to the moon, assaulted the gods across their planes, met with beings of alternate realities, and defended against the chaos of Discord. We've also had our fair share of tribulations through the friends we've lost and the heartache we've borne. Through it all, you showed up and met the call. Ultimately, and possibly most importantly, we've found family. So, thank you for being an integral part of us and a part of Clan Darkpaw.

Earlier this year, we experimentally released the 2022 roadmap. Thank you for your warm reception to the idea and for your thoughtful comments. If you missed that, the original article is at EQ Roadmap 2022. Since then, we've delivered on it plus a plethora of smaller fixes and improvements. You can read more about each one in the links below.

2022 Roadmap Update:

You might be wondering what the rulesets for the new Time-Locked Progression Servers will be. Well, wait no further. We're proud to announce that the new names and rulesets will be: Vaniki, a Level Locked Progression server, and Yelinak, a more traditional progression server similar to the rules for Mangler. We're planning on unlocking those servers on May 25, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. PDT.*

Vaniki will open with Gates of Discord available and a level cap of 40. Then, over time, we will unlock new level caps along with the new expansions. In general, expansions will open when the level cap is 10 levels below the original level cap of the expansions. In many cases, this will cause multiple expansions to unlock on the same day. Once level 60 is reached, the next level change is eight weeks later if more than one expansion opens, and four weeks if only one expansion opens.

The currently planned (subject to change) unlock schedule for Vaniki is:

  • Open at level 40 with expansions up to Gates of Discord unlocked
  • Four weeks later: level 50 unlocks
  • Two weeks later: level 55 unlocks
  • Four weeks later: level 60 unlocks along with expansions up to Prophecy of Ro
  • Eight weeks later: level 65 unlocks along with expansions up to The Buried Sea
  • Eight weeks later: level 70 unlocks along with Secrets of Faydwer
  • Four weeks later: level 75 unlocks along with expansions up to Underfoot
  • Eight weeks later: level 80 unlocks along with House of Thule
  • Four weeks later: level 85 unlocks along with Veil of Alaris
  • Four weeks later: level 90 unlocks along with expansions up to Call of the Forsaken
  • Eight weeks later: level 95 unlocks along with expansions up to Empires of Kunark
  • Eight weeks later: level 100 unlocks along with expansions up to The Burning Lands
  • Eight weeks later: level 105 unlocks along with expansions up to Claws of Veeshan
  • Eight weeks later: level 110 unlocks along with Terror of Luclin
  • Eight weeks later: level 115 unlocks
  • Eight weeks later: level 120 unlocks

Note: When expansions unlock on the same day, the first unlocks at approximately 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time, and each additional expansion approximately one hour after the previous. Future expansions will unlock as appropriate to the schedule above.

Challenge achievements will also be available. If you participate in a chosen event and defeat it when you are at a certain level, you will gain a reward that you can use on any character on the same account. For example, defeat Cazic Thule at level 40, Meldrath at level 70, or Griklor at level 105.
To make these goals more attainable, many level restrictions will be relaxed on this server, allowing players to use items they normally could not and land spells on NPCs far above your level. Zone level restrictions will also be relaxed, but not removed.

Yelinak is a traditional progression server using the new unlock schedule generally requested by progression server players. Yelinak opens at the original EverQuest then unlocks with the following schedule:

  • Four weeks later: Ruins of Kunark
  • Eight weeks later: Scars of Velious
  • Eight weeks later: Shadows of Luclin
  • Eight weeks later: Planes for Power and Legacy of Ykesha
  • Twelve weeks later: Lost Dungeons of Norrath
  • Four weeks later: Gates of Discord
  • At this point the schedule becomes consistent. Enjoy expansions for twelve weeks when a new level cap is unlocked, and eight weeks in expansions where the level cap stays the same.

In case you missed it, we are seeking new talent and need your help to continue delivering and strengthening our paths to the future. If you have ever wanted to be a part of creating the EQ experiences you love, check out the list of positions that we're hiring for at Darkpaw on this page. We love having applicants who love our game!

Keep your whiskers out for disturbances in the spirit world, and don't let the rat race get to you,

Jenn Chan
Head of Studio

Anniversary and other New Holiday Tasks

There is a new content that was put in the game for the 23rd Anniversary if you haven't heard.

Check out the 23rd Anniversary entry on our Anniversary task list. These events are live now.

And that's not all, new Stomple's Day tasks and new Bristlebane Day tasks were added and will be releasing soon.

Stomple's Day tasks will kick off on the 21st and Bristlebane Day tasks will start off on the 23rd.

Check the Anniversary link above to see what time the event kicks off.

Game Update 3-9-2022

*** Highlights ***

- March 16th marks EverQuest's 23rd anniversary! The Mechanical Fortune Teller in the Plane of Knowledge has information about new quests, a new mission, and a new raid.

*** Items ***

- Ranger - Irae Faycite Shard: Summer's Torrent is now available in Maiden's Eye (Terror of Luclin).
- Rogue - Irae Faycite Shard: Netherbian Blade Strike is now available for purchase in Maiden's Eye (Terror of Luclin).
- Royal Antonican weapon ornaments can no longer be claimed while equipped on a weapon. They will have to be removed from the weapon before claiming a different ornament.
- Flagged many Gates of Discord key items as quest items.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Now all four missions in Terror of Luclin will have 6-hour replay timers. We previously changed 3 of them and neglected to message that change.
- Aten Ha Ra (ToL Mission/Raid) - Improved the combat pathing for NPCs in Aten Ha Ra's room.
- Aten Ha Ra (ToL Mission/Raid) - Added a speculative fix for the possibility that adds can spawn after the event is won.
- Shei Vinitras (ToL Mission) - The mission chest should no longer spawn until you have credit for killing Shei Vinitras.
- Shei Vinitras (ToL Mission) - Shei Vinitras should now leave a corpse.
- Stalwart Defenders (Solteris) - Unbalancing Balreth will no longer cause the event to fail. Instead, the uncontrollable golems will spawn once for each set of Rear Guard golems if they are unbalanced. The uncontrollable golems will need to be defeated to win the event.
- March 16th marks EverQuest's 23rd anniversary! The Mechanical Fortune Teller in the Plane of Knowledge has information about new quests, a new mission, and a new raid.

*** Spells ***

- Fixed a bug where teleporting to your bind while in the same zone would prevent using a zone line.
- Fixed a bug where using a translocate spell to the current zone, would prevent subsequent translocation.
- Beastlord - All spells in the Spiritual Vigor line will once again block Paladin Brell's buffs and Ranger Strength buffs from landing as they used to.
- Monk - Doom of the Thirteen Fingers (I, II, and III), Doom of Fourteen Fists (I, II, and III), and Doom of Fifteen Strikes (I, II, and III) will once again have a chance to crit.
- Ranger - All spells in the Strength of the Hunter line will once again block Paladin Brell's buffs and Beastlord Spiritual Vigor spells from landing as they used to.

*** AA ***

- All - Steadfast Servant - Fixed an issue with the description of rank 1.
- All - Enhanced Reformation - Fixed an issue with the description of ranks 1 and 46.
- Beastlord - Companion's Fury - Rank 139 now grants a new rank of Bestial Bloodrage.
- Magician - Companion's Fury - Rank 199 now grants a new rank of Frenzied Burnout, Virulent Talon, and Virulent Talon Strike.
- Necromancer - Companion's Fury - Rank 153 now grants a new rank of Frenzy of the Dead, Nightmare Draw, and Lingering Nightmares.
- Necromancer - Funeral Pyre - Added a new rank, available at level 116, that increases the damage bonus by 1% and the applicable spell level to 120.
- Wizard - Spire of Arcanum - Rank 27: Increased the applicable spell level of the activated mana cost reduction to 120.
- Wizard - Quick Damage: Updated ranks 5-10 to focus Ethereal Twist.
- Made the following updates to Glyph AAs:
- - Glyphs that grant buffs are now labeled "Mythic Glyph of..."
- - Glyph of Angry Thoughts has been renamed Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation.
- - Glyph of Destruction has been renamed Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power.
- - Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power - Now increases healing spell crit chance by an additional 1% per tier, i.e. 15/16/17/18/19%.
- - Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power IV - Now increases player/pet melee and spell crit damage by 65%.
- - Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power V - Now increases player/pet melee and spell crit damage by 70%.
- - Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets IV - Is now effective on spells up to level 114.
- - Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets V - Now grants 1% to 40% mana cost reduction and is effective on spells up to level 129.

*** NPCs ***

- Beastlord pets should more consistently display their name as a warder. Existing pets may need to be re-summoned in order to receive the updated name.
- Lord Nagafen and Lady Vox will no longer banish attackers that are above level 52.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Enabled server transfers off of Miragul.
- Enabled server transfers to Aradune from Agnarr.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Made the following changes to Barter:
- - Relaxed the restriction on remote selling and remote buying to Shadows of Luclin instead of Rain of Fear.
- - Added commas to the display of prices in the Barter and Buyer windows.
- Made improvements to how offline characters are saved in an ongoing effort to reduce lag spikes on the world server.
- - World server lag spikes typically manifest themselves as extended zoning times and delayed cross-zone communication (tells, guild chat, etc.).
- - This particular change reduces lag spikes that were caused by the world server unnecessarily waiting for background work to complete.

*** UI ***

- Accepting a resurrection will now update your respawn window selection to the location of your corpse.
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when the Manage Loot window was being used.
- Fixed a notorious crash that occurred when changing filters in the Advanced Loot Window.
- Updated the /copylayout command to properly copy hotbutton window size, spinner, and keymap options.
- Converted the Effects, Short Term Effects, and Target windows to dynamically layout the positioning of effects and support a variable number of effects.

- Changed -

*** Previously Updated ***

- Increased the amount of loot that drops in many Lost Dungeons of Norrath raid chests. The odds of what items are dropped each time were also altered in most cases where the number of rolls increased.

- The EverQuest Team