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EQ Update #5

Click on Read More for all the updates in April.

Daybreak Systems Maintenance - April 20,2021




On 4/20 at 12 AM PDT we will be starting a 36 hour maintenance period on some of our internal systems. We have a large migration maintenance of our backend which will impact all game services. During this timeframe all servers will be shut down until the work is concluded. This maintenance is affecting all Daybreak titles. We'd like to thank you in advance for your patience.

The downtime includes time to do our regularly monthly update as soon as the gamewide Daybreak Maintenance is complete.



April 21,2021 Patch Notes


*** Items ***
- Added Incense of Tranquility to the marketplace. This is available once Planes of Power opens on your server.
- Increased the duration of the 22nd Anniversary food to match that of the drink.
- Fixed a typo in Prismatic Lance Ornament's name.
- Removed class restrictions on some items that drop from discordlings.

*** Quests & Events ***
- Amalgam Arbiter (Raid) - The retribution spectres will now float up into the center of the room instead of on the other side of the ice wall.
- Vulak'Aerr (Raid) - Fixed messaging about the root balls that claimed way more targets than would be affected.
- Restless Assault (Mission)- Changed the word 'axe' to 'weapon' in one of Narandi's messages because sometimes he's carrying a spear.
- Unity (Anniversary Task) - Added a one hour request timer.
- Guardian of the Sand (Task)- Corrected an issue where the task steps could be completed out of order.

*** Spells ***
- Druid and Wizard - Created teleport spells that teleport to the Plane of Tranquility. These are sold in Shadowhaven and are available once Planes of Power opens. Look for Ealerel Tidebringer and Goesl Sealsonich.
- Enchanter - All spells in the Color Flux line now share the same timer.
- Necromancer - Increased the damage done by Withering Decay, Sphere of Blight, Sphere of Withering, and Sphere of Dissolution. Decreased the damage done by Echo of Dissolution, Remote Sphere of Decay, Remote Sphere of Blight, and Remote Sphere of Withering. Increased the mana costs of the entire line.
- Fixed a bug where group auras would not reapply if a player died, re-entered the zone, and was then resurrected within the area of the aura.

*** NPCs ***
- The efreeti in Western Wastes (CoV) will no longer death-touch their targets.
- The razorgills in the Unity mission will now look like fish.
- Audri Deepfacet in the Plane of Knowledge will now hand you the correct Legendary Jewel Crafting journal.
- Milas An`Rev will no longer be able to be in the same place multiple times.

*** Mercenaries ***
- Fixed some missing text when hiring Othmir mercenaries from Iauld Atiqa in the Plane of Knowledge.

*** Collections ***
- Corrected an issue with collection items from Claws of Veeshan that did not have the attunable flag.

*** Progression Servers ***
- Corrected an issue where out of era AAs could be purchased on progression servers.
- For the first two months after Planes of Power first opens on a server, the giants in the Plane of Storms that normally carry Esoteric Medallions will carry more of them, and other giants in that zone will have a small chance to carry their own medallion.

*** Miscellaneous ***
- Fixed a typo in the name of 'Captain Alron Cuppboard' for the achievement 'Mercenary of The Western Wastes'.
- Fixed an issue where some players would be stuck loading indefinitely when attempting to enter the world. - 22nd Anniversary achievements have now been added.
- Officers can now take leadership of the guild with the /usurp command if no leader or senior officers have been online in the past year.

*** UI ***
- Corrected a typo in the /usurp command.
- Corrected an issue where the Message of the Day would display each time you zoned.
- Adjusted the position of the 'Not Scribed / Scribed' and 'Collected' labels in the Item Display window to not overlap with the tribute values.
- Added weapon ratio to the Item Display Window.
- - Added weapon ratio, damage, and delay to the Find Item and Bazaar search.
- Adjusted the default column widths in the Aura Window to reduce the likelihood that aura names will be cut short by the aura slot value.
- Pet hold and ghold now correctly keep their states after logging out of the game.

- The EverQuest Team

Producer's Letter - Winter 2021 & 22nd Anniversary

Site News

We have found three quests for the anniversary. 

Unity and A Riveting Tale, and School Supplies.

Plenty of new items are on the anniversary vendor, a jubilant merchant in PoK. We'll get those items uploaded when our item collector is patched.


Item Name Commemorative Coins
Armored Battle Bear Saddle 1750
Burning Steel Broadblade Ornament 395
Crystal Hammer Ornament 395
Dwarven Heart of the World Rapier Ornament 395
Epicurean Egg Salad Sandwich 11
Hedonistic Herbal Tea 11
Lance of the Icestorm Ornament 395
Lieutenant's Ornamental Blade Ornament 395
Metamorph Wand - Darkpaw Gnoll Pup 210
Nightmare Blue Staff Halberd Ornament 395
Nightmare Purple Sword Ornament 395
Ornate Nightmare Staff Ornament 395
Twisted Heart of the Underfoot Hand Axe Ornament 395
Vampire Mace Ornament 395

 You can see screenshots of the above items here.


Check out all the anniversary events going on right now here.







Well Met Norrath!

It’s been a bit of time since we last spoke, and I thought there wouldn’t be a better time than before our 22nd Anniversary.

It’s been almost a year since I was introduced to you as the Head of Studio for Darkpaw, and it’s certainly been an interesting one. I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past year as well as the last 22 years that y’all have been part of our lives.

I’d like to first take a moment to recognize Alan VanCouvering, who you all know better as Absor, he has spent 20 years as part of the EverQuest family and we couldn’t make Norrath what it is without him.

I’m excited to share that we’ve hired several more designers and engineers to once again fill the ranks of the Faceless Ones. While you may have already seen the work of a few the others are deep in training learning the ins and outs of our code and the wends and ways of our stories. I can’t wait for you to see the fruits of their labor. Stay tuned, there are more things on the horizon. If you are interested in joining the Faceless Ones, please be sure to check out our eldritch links, we’re looking for heroic and creative souls to join our ranks.

Last year we switched up the previous release cadence of our TLPs for the launches of Aradune and Rizlona. We have decided to shift our launch window again this year, and we will be merging an additional server. Keep an eye out on the news and announcements forum for more information in the coming months.

And last but not least, we’re celebrating 22 years of Norrath. In addition to previously released anniversary bonus, quests and missions, we’re also introducing two new quests, a brand new mission, new rewards, and new merchant vendor items. Finally, if you are an All Access member and log in between March 16 at 12 AM PDT and April 20 at 10 PM PDT, you will receive an XP potion, the Othmir Fez, and one Hero’s Forge unlocker!

It is both a thrill and an amazing blessing to think about the fact that we’ve had 22 years of sharing stories and adventures together and there are many more to come.

Eyes On The Horizon,
Jenn Chan

Head of Studio, Darkpaw Games






It's that time of year in Norrath again! Tomorrow we celebrate the day we first stepped foot into the world we know and love. So thank you for twenty-two years of slaying those dragons, finding new adventures every day with your friends, and exploring the realms of Norrath and beyond. Here are a few of the things you can expect in game, and stay tuned tomorrow for the launch of one last thing.

Logging in between 12 AM PDT on March 16 through 11 PM on March 31 will net you that yearly 50% Bonus XP.

All Access members logging in between 12 AM PDT on March 16 - 10 PM PDT on April 20 will receive the following for their account (Please keep in mind this is one per account not character).

  • 1x Goblet of Adventure III
  • 1x Othmir Fez Hat Ornament
  • 1x Hero's Forge Unlock

We have 2 new quests and a new mission this year that will net you anniversary point, a Horn of Unity upgrade, and maybe an augment or two!

And last but certainly not least, check out the merchant for new items including a mount, Gnoll pup illusion, buffing food, and a new set of Ornaments!

We hope you enjoy all our anniversary offerings and have an amazing time in Norrath!


Server Downtime Wed March 10, 2021


All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 6:00 AM PT* for an update. Downtime is expected to last approximately 6 hours.

Patch notes for this update will be found in the Game Update Notes section of the forums once they are available.


March 10, 2021

*** Highlights ***

- March 16th marks EverQuest's 22nd anniversary! The Mechanical Fortune Teller in the Plane of Knowledge has information about new quests and a new mission. The Jubilant Merchant has new rewards to earn! We're grateful to all of you for an incredible 22 years of support, and we're excited for the future!

*** Items ***

- Proc chance increase is now correctly applied to Surge of Ice on the Velium Threaded Arcane Staff.
- Volcanic Billow Shard can no longer be placed in a bank.

*** Quests & Events ***

- This Can't Be Good - Animated spell books will have Glowing Pages again.
- Zlandicar Reborn Mission - Fixed an exploit that could grant an unearned chest.
- Sontalak Raid - Both wing buffets are now chromatic resist.
- Aaryonar Raid - The Echoes will no longer be removed when they block a spell. Consider that this will force a change of tactics to control which person has the highest rank of these spells.
- Aaryonar Mission - Made the aura punishment effects less harsh. Root balls will no longer explode and will go away much faster. Reduced the damage caused by Pull of Sleet. Only one fireball will be fired at the target(s) with the highest rank of Echo of Fire.
- Aaryonar Raid and Mission - Added a message when the smaller golems spawn.
- Cleric Epic Changes
- - Blood Soaked Prismatic Priest Robe can no longer be traded.
- - Lake Rathe
- - - Only someone that has handed Lord Bergurgle's Crown to Shmendrik can loot the Damaged Goblin Crown from the spirit of flame.
- - - Once you hand the Damaged Goblin Crown to Natasha you will have to hand a new Lord Bergurgle's Crown to Shmendrik to loot the Damaged Goblin Crown again.
- - - Natasha no longer despawns.
- - - Most of the time Natasha cannot be attacked. She can only be fought when she engages with Shmendrik.
- - - Shmendrik cannot be attacked until someone hands him Lord Bergurgle's Crown.
- - Timorous Deep
- - - Only someone that has handed Blood Soaked Plasmatic Priest Robe to Omat will receive the Ornate Sea Shell II when handing Lord Gimblox's Signet Ring to Natasha.
- - - Once you hand the Lord Gimblox's Signet Ring to Natasha you will have to hand a new Blood Soaked Plasmatic Priest Robe to Omat for Natasha to accept another Signet Ring from you.
- - - Natasha no longer despawns and cannot be killed.
- - - Only someone that has handed Sceptre of Ixiblat Fer and Singed Scroll to Omat will receive the Shimmering Pearl when handing A Message to Natasha to Natasha.
- - - Once you hand A Message to Natasha to Natasha you will have to hand a new Sceptre of Ixiblat Fer and Singed Scroll to Omat for Natasha to accept another Message from you.

*** Spells ***

- Necromancer and Shadowknight - Restored the effectiveness of Spell: Summon Corpse. Lowered its mana cost but it now only summons corpses up to level 60.

*** AA ***

- Wizard - Added 3 new ranks to Fury of Magic that will be auto-granted at levels 12, 30, and 50 to replace the previously hard-coded critical chance bonus wizards are granted at these levels.

*** NPCs ***

- During the Anniversary event, check out the Jubilant Merchant in Plane of Knowledge for some new celebratory goods!

*** UI ***

- Players should now only have to confirm the server ruleset on Aradune and Rizlona once per login.
- Attempting to /consider the corpse of a player who has not yet returned to their bind point will no longer report that the corpse is invalid.

- The EverQuest Team

Feb 2021 Patch

Today was patch day, lets see what was in the patch!

 Edit: Oh, I added in a little something on the Advanced NPC search for you premium members. You can now search by Hotzones and by expansion.

 Edit: Spells are updated and the item collector is patched.




February 17, 2021

*** Highlights ***

- Changed some of the modern Spell Casting Proc items so they won't trigger from other proc effects or twincast. This is a step, but not the entire solution, to reduce raid lag. Recursive proc casting is causing a huge amount of spells to be cast in a short time.
- Many changes have been made to Epic 1.0 quests. See the Quests & Events sections for details.
- All wares sold by Morton Stonebreaker in Western Wastes have had a pricing decrease.

*** Items ***

- Marionette puppet familiars can now be placed in a real estate without looking like a brown bag.
- Augments purchased from Tanin Gleamstone in Western Wastes can now be sold back to him for 70% of the purchase price.
- Increased AC values for caster 2-handed blunt weapons from Claws of Veeshan.
- Claws of Veeshan augments now have the correct Lore and Lore Equip groups attached.
- Merchants that sell the 'Tracker's Water Extractor' will now carry an unlimited stock of this item.
- Changed some of the modern Spell Casting Proc items so they won't trigger from other proc effects or twincast. This is a step, but not the entire solution, to reduce raid lag. Recursive proc casting is causing a huge amount of spells to be cast in a short time.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Aaryonar Raid - Made a speculative fix to a reported issue that would cause Grolik to lock his hit points.
- Paladin and Rogue Epic: Reduced the respawn time for the Oracle of K'Arnon from about 7 hours to 2 hours.
- Paladin Epic: Lich of Miragul will now spawn 35 hours after being killed. There will now be a delay for between 5 and 14 hours before it will spawn for the first time.
- Druid and Ranger Epic: Venril Sathir's remains will spawn every 20 hours instead of just over 26 hours. This will increase the window to access this NPC for quest hand-ins.
- Magician Epic: Undertow (and its placeholder) will spawn every 6 hours instead of just over 7 hours.
- Monk Epic changes:
- - Increased the chance for Targin the Rock from 5% to 15% and Raster of Guk from 2% to 10%.
- - Brother Zephyl, Brother Qwinn, Ran'un, Brother Velan Torresk, and Thena Lonnes have grown in strength. They are much more dangerous. Also, persons killing these folks will be greatly disliked by monk factions.
- Rogue Epic changes:
- - Eldreth will now return after leaving for 1 hour rather than 8. He can no longer be killed by miscreants.
- - Founy Jestands and Tani N'Mar will no longer have any parchment on their corpses if killed. They will, however, always have them in their pockets if someone happens to be clever enough to take them.
- - Renux Herkanor will no longer carry a Jagged Diamond Dagger.
- - General V'ghera will no longer carry a Cazic Quill.
- - Karg IceBear will be a bit easier to find and will be carrying the Gigantic Zweihander more often.
- Enchanter Epic changes:
- - Vessel Drozlin and Wraith of a Shissar will now respawn 9 hours after being killed and from 5 to 14 hours after a zone or server reset.
- - Verina Tomb will now respawn 13 hours after being killed and from 5 to 14 hours after a zone or server reset.
- - The One Key, Lost Scroll, and Charm and Sacrifice have had their respawn time reduced from 24 to 5 hours.
- Shadowknight Epic changes:
- - Caradon will now spawn 8 hours after being killed and from 5 to 14 hours after a zone or server reset.
- - Lhranc will now spawn 13 hours after being killed and from 5 to 15 hours after a zone or server reset.
- - NPCs involved in the quest for Innoruuk's Curse can now see things that are invisible. They will only deal with people they like.
- Wizard Epic: Broken golem will now spawn 8 hours after being killed and from 4 to 12 hours after a zone or server reset.

*** Spells ***

- Beastlord - Auspice of Kildrukaun Rk. II and Rk. III can now be selected as rewards from the Lesser Bloodmarked Velium Gem and Lesser Dragontouched Rune, respectively.

*** NPCs ***

- All wares sold by Morton Stonebreaker in Western Wastes have had a pricing decrease.

*** Overseer ***

- Changed how Overseer quests load and save as a speculative fix to the bug where Overseer quests sometimes disappear. As part of this change, all Overseer Active Quests have been deleted. For the inconvenience, all players who have used Overseer before should have an Overseer Agent Pack available in /itemoverflow.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Made the following changes to guild halls to prevent them from being removed when a player deletes their character or server transfers:
- - Placed guild halls no longer have an item owner, instead, they are owned by the guild.
- - Only the guild leader will be able to put a placed guild hall in their inventory.
- - Anyone with Move-Item access will be able to adjust a guild hall's placement.
- Activated combat skills (ex: kick, bash) with reuse times affected by haste or slow effects can now only be slowed to a maximum of 2x their base reuse time.
- - This ensures that skills activated while you are heavily slowed will no longer be locked out for exceptionally long periods of time.
- Marketplace - Corrected an issue where additional Mount Key Ring Slots were not visible for purchase.
- Fixed a bug that caused group invites to someone that has a shortened version of your name to not function.

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #2

Progression Server News

Aradune and Rizlona, Luclin releases today at 2pm PST. Check out our Luclin Progression Guide!

Also Torment of Velious unlocks today for Selo at 2pm PST!

More progression server expansion launches are happening this month!

Empires of Kunark releases for Miragul on Wednesday the 10th. Let me know if this isn't right, I don't see it on the in game calendar.

Torment of Velious releases for Phinigel on Wednesday the 24th.


Site News

Information is still flowing in for Claws of Veeshan.

Plenty of awesome people have been submitting info on just about everything, keep it coming!

I'm about to jump back into development on the site. My focus will be with bug fixes, mainly the spell system regarding how the spell parser translates information. Adding missing SPA info and such. I also have been tossing around some ideas on new features, let me know what you would like to see.


Click Read More... to see all the updates.

Jan 2021 Patch


All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 6:00 AM PT* for an update. Downtime is expected to last approximately 8 hours.

Patch notes for this update will be found in the Game Update Notes section of the forums once they are available.

*Convert to your local time


January 20, 2021

*** Items ***

- Made changes to many items that have unlimited charges and instant-cast spells attached:
- - Many items that previously had no cast or recast time now have a 1 second recast time.
- - Many spells on these items, such as the Poison Fungus Skull Staff, Pale Dragon Bone Ring, and Aspect of the Brood, will no longer generate aggro.
- - Items that cast player spells, such as Lute of the Flowing Waters, Rod of Insidious Glamour, or Robe of the Whistling Fists, will now cast new copies of those spells that do not generate aggro. The player-usable spells that were on them remain unchanged.
- Added tribute to the Item Display Window.
- Corrected an issue where the bandolier wouldn't allow you to swap between sets of lore equipped items that had a conflict with each other.
- Many illusion potions have had their spell descriptions adjusted to make more sense.
- Kitlaa's War Whip is now Kitlaa's War Blade.
- Scroll: Illusion: Hooded Othmir can now be traded as intended.
- Adjusted the AC stats on Claws of Veeshan ranged items to the intended values.
- Reduced the drop rate of Crystallized Restless Ore on basepop.
- - Added Crystallized Restless Ore to Claws of Veeshan rare NPCs and mission treasure chests.
- Changed the focus effect on Claws of Veeshan Shaman chest items to Roar Duration.
- Added descriptive text to Skyshrine Dragon Brazier to indicate it teleports you to Cobalt Scar.
- Fixed an issue with the Contract of the Othmir where it wouldn't remove itself from your inventory after being used.
- Claws of Veeshan Ranger bows have had their click effects attached.
- Zieri's Shawl of Compassion now has the correct rank of Myrmidon's Skill.
- The Warforged Emblem currency no longer has a double-space in its name.
- Ornate Restless Shield and Bow ornamentations will now fit in the correct items.
- The Warrior's Velium Threaded Broadsword no longer has Sympathetic Vampiric Draw.
- Fixed a typo in the book 'Of Moving Ice Volume 7 - Weapons'.
- Reactive Frozen Grommet, Complimentary Frozen Grommet, Reactive Velium Threaded Gem of Striking, Complimentary Velium Threaded Gem of Striking, Reactive Velium Threaded Gem of Devastation, and Complimentary Velium Threaded Gem of Devastation now fit in the appropriate items with the correct slots and have the intended spells attached.
- Fixed many weapon ornaments that had incorrect restrictions or description text.
- Changed the name of Knowm's Rod of Disempowerment to Mrtyu's Rod of Disempowerment.
- Corrected the description for Velium Composite Scale.
- Torment of Velious raid spells can now be found on Hrenvy Bloodyhand of East Wastes.
- Claws of Veeshan raid spells will be available on Morton Stonebreaker of West Wastes after six months have passed from the launch of Claws of Veeshan.
- Changed the Silver Spoon Ornament to work on bows exclusively.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent players from zoning out of a dynamic zone.
- The Conflagration Generals - Changed the filter for the zone-wide message that occurs when a whorling wildfire is hit with the proper spell. The message will now be displayed through the Direct Damage (Others) filter.
- Zlandicar Reborn (Mission) - Basepop will not respawn within the event, and will no longer con higher than they should.
- Aaryonar (Mission) - Fixed an issue that would leave the Echo debuffs on PCs when the event resets.
- Aaryonar (Mission) - Fixed an issue that caused the Echo auras to despawn prematurely. Reduced the damage on the Intruder's Curse spell to be more reasonable. Fixed an issue that would cause the echo auras to fail to give their protective buffs. When the earthen orb is absorbed by the earthen echo, if there are no guardians to be destroyed, no message about destroying one will appear. Now only two orbs will spawn at a time. Racnar will no longer spawn in this event. Lastly, Aaryonar will not rejoin the fight until Grolik has been defeated.
- The Call (Mission) - Fixed an issue that prevented all of the golems from spawning. This prevented successful accomplishment of the Let Them Go achievement.
- The Call (Mission) - The worried golem will now send PCs back up to access the rest of the tomb, if they wish.
- The Crusaders (Mission) - Many of the spells used by the NPCs in this event now have a chance to be resisted. Those spells have had their damage slightly increased. Dramatically reduced the damage on Dismal Fury of the Shrine (Sussarak's breath weapon). Reduced the damage on the spell cast by the foyer guardians.
- Quincy Algernope (Dragon Necropolis) - Corrected an issue that prevented "sorry" when spoken in /say from progressing this quest giver's conversation.
- The Coldain Ring War - Churn the Axeman, Kargin the Archer, Corbin Blackwell, Dobbin Crossaxe, and Garadain Glacierbane will now only give their rewards once at the end of the event.
- Boridain Glacierbane has gone home, as his services are not needed. Speak with Essedera to obtain the same services.
- Defenders of the Tomb - The drakes will be much harder to avoid now, they are much more aware of their surroundings.
- The Call (Raid) - Fixed an issue with achievement messaging talking about the wrong achievements. Vulak will now have his HP locked until all of the tomb guardians are killed. Eliminated a couple of exploits.
- Restless Assault (Mission and Raid) - Huntmaster Grondo will no longer sometimes cast Frozen Feet immediately when engaged.
- Eye of Zomm will no longer break the "Others' Things" Heroic Adventure when clicking on crystals to cause them to disappear.
- Resolved an issue in the Tower of Rot where Scions would create a mega train when a player completes a specific step of the quest "Narius' Plan."
- 13th Anniversary (Raid) - Tserrina's Keepsake - Fixed an issue where defeating Lanys too quickly would cause the event to break.

*** Spells ***

- We removed Mount Blessing Kala from all players. If you are on live, or a progression server that has reached Torment of Velious, you may re-click your mount to gain the buff again.
- Corrected an issue where Quick Time could sometimes cause spells to become locked out.
- Magician - Fixed several errors in Claws of Veeshan spell descriptions that create items.

*** NPCs ***

- Updated basepop NPCs in Sleeper's Tomb, Dragon Necropolis, Western Wastes, and Skyshrine raid so they will drop their rare loot, including the luck augment.
- "The Overseer Reborn" is now correctly listed as a hunt target, instead of "The Captain of the Guard" for the hunter achievement "Hunter of The Sleeper's Tomb."
- - Fixed an issue that caused "The Captain of the Guard" to report being a rare spawn when /considered.
- Fixed an issue with necromancers in the Dragon Necropolis where they could see through invisibility.
- Sirens in the Cobalt Scar no longer see through invisibility.
- Adjusted the bats in the Dragon Necropolis to behave correctly when pathing near water.
- The terror of the flying sharks of the Cobalt Scar has been resolved. Sharks now stay in the water where they belong...for now.

*** Mercenaries ***

- Several new ranks have been added to the following mercenary AAs:
- - Improved Health
- - Improved Mana
- - Improved Melee Defense
- - Improved Spell Resistance
- - Furious Wrath
- - Steadfast Resolve
- - Subtle Magic
- - Healing Acumen
- - Subtle Strikes
- - Rising Fury
- - Silent Arcanum
- - Mystic Destruction

*** Collections ***

- Claws of Veeshan collection item achievement links should now work, and lore text should be more grammatically consistent.
- Fixed an issue where some collectibles said they were from a different zone than they actually were.
- Fixed a typo in the component name 'Don't be a Guppy' for the collection achievement "Cobalt Scar Scavenger."
- Changed the component name "Journal of a Shadow Knight" to be more "Lost" to better match the other components for the collection achievement "More Lost Journals."

*** Overseer ***

- Made a speculative fix to prevent Overseer quests from failing to start.
- Added in a message reporting when an Overseer agent has recovered.
- The Conflagrant Platinum in the Ring of Scale worker reward is limited to The Burning Lands like the rest of the items in that reward option.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- "Watcher Scots" is now correctly listed as the mission giver for the mission achievement "Hero of Dragon Necropolis"
- Corrected an issue where /testcopy would fail if you had no items in the Dragon's Hoard.
- Addressed a client crash when unloading models during the zoning or camping process.
- Addressed a client crash when rendering text.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur when failing to initialize chat windows.
- Added diagnostics to help prevent future zone crashes.
- The pet who leader command should once again be usable by all players to find out the leader of a targeted pet.
- Fixed a bug where the help message from /lootnodrop was being displayed incorrectly.
- Server select and the old login screens will now properly use your default browser when opening a web page.
- Improved pathing in the Claws of Veeshan version of Temple of Veeshan.
- Corrected typos in the Dwarf Heritage Crate: Dwarf Art Collector achievement.

*** UI ***

- Removed the no longer in use embedded browser window.
- Fixed an issue that could occur if you tried to deposit an item in your Dragon's Hoard before it completely loaded.
- Corrected an issue where Task Overlay options weren't loading and saving correctly.
- The Dragon's Hoard will now automatically re-sort stackable items so that the partial stack will always be on the top or bottom (depending on which way you have the window sorted).
- Replaced the item filter type 'Combinable' with 'Tradeskill' which should prove to be a more useful search type.
- Added a help window to the Dragon's Hoard window.
- Added tribute as a search option to the Find Item Window and Bazaar Window.
- Fixed the text description for augments that require using a Perfected Augmentation Distiller to remove.
- Added the Zone Guide connections between Cobalt Scar and Kael Drakkel.

- Changed -

- Removed -

- The EverQuest Team