Yeah, I know it's apparently been out forever but the spiders and foxes in Tol Barad have been skinnable - figure I can't be the only idiot who missed this one - haven't had to do my TB dailies in forever with my skinner so completely missed it.
The spiders are a faster and easier drop rate then the crocs, although loot is crappier and no meat, but hey, you're here for leather, not lunch.
Spawn rate is a lot faster and more aggressive and the poison can sneak up on you if you aren't paying attention but they don't hit as hard so all said, a lot easier (at least for my bear).
All said I pulled 200 leather in an hour and had very little in the way of "free" skinning as there weren't many peeps questing at the time - toss in another dozen random volatiles from the bloated bellies and it was a good run for me.