Due to recent events, I have to start over.
My thoughts with raiding in mind.
As I've decided to level a Druid(Resto) and a Warlock(Affliction) together I'm undecided on a couple things.
As Alchemy requires a flask is it really worth it with the only content requiring a flask is Heroic ICC
Tailoring is proc based(yuck) I'm thinking that this is better for a DPS and/or direct healing class(not sure never played a Druid past 25)
Blacksmithing... thorium stage makes me cry everytime.
Enchanting, so far the only static buff.
Inscription.. No experience with this.
JC/Engineering are out of the question as that is what my lock will be.
Fulldown resto while leveling or sidestep through balance?(keep in mind Lock will always be with druid(RaF)