So, we all know we can link our proffession books into trade channel to let people see what we can make,
my question is how do i get mine to reflect the speciality.
every once in a while i see someone link their book and it say's something to the effect of, Elixer Master, or Master SwordsSmith, or Goblen engineer, Elemental Leatherworker....just for some examples.
I am a 450 BS, master swordsmith. i have done all the swordsmith quests and turn in's, yet when i link my book, it simply states, Blacksmith, not Master SwordSmith, like i see others able to link.
I have a 450 Alc'y, he is Exlir spec'ed, yet when i link my book it doesnt say Elixer Spec'd....yet i have seen others link thier books and see that they are Potion master spec'ed or whatever...
how do you get the title of the profession book you link to update with your speciality?