ElMuneco wrote:
If only there were a website out there that had "Game Info" about "Professions", either primary or "Secondary" like "Cooking"...
That's in the "teach a man to fish" category, though - to fulfill my "give a man a fish" requirement... you're stuck. Black Jelly was added specifically to make it easier to get the last few skillups to 425, but it's pretty much the only cost-effective way.
Wow, that sounds like a great idea! maybe you could start one. LOL
Seriously, though, I guess in my effort to keep it short & sweet I kept it too short. I have read the profession sections, looked at most, if not all of the recipes, and read a lot of the forums (though not, I admit, all). They have been a great help, and without them I could not have made grand master in all three secondary professions before lvl 50 (and before the training got nerfed.) I certainly wouldn't have known where to get killed so I could rev at the graveyard & fish in the bay of sorrows at level 35 without the excellent advice from more experienced players here. (That seems like a awfully strange statement to be making.)
Now I’m working on 450 in each - I have it in fishing. Unfortunately, as a newbie, I didn't know to read the patch notes before I sold my man-o-war's off to vendors, but I can catch more (though it seems they have changed the drop rate since the patch - I have been getting about 3 stacks of grouper to 1/2 stack man-of-war - might just be bad luck.) but as a green the jelly doesn't skill up often, and the most I will get from it is 3 more points (to 425).
Based on what I’ve read it seems that all the recipes that skill past 425 are BoP, available only for Delaran cooking awards, which are available only through quests that, based on recent discussion here, now seem to be available only to lvl 78-80.
Soooooo, what I was wondering is - Is there anything I'm missing? Something a more advanced player would be willing to share? Or is this just wall that can't be got around & I should set this aside until lvl 78 and work on other things (like getting to lvl 78<g>).
I do appreciate, from reading here, that an awful lot of people post a question rather than do a little research, but I really have tried the research route, and would appreciate some guidance, even if it's to say "there is an answer out there, keep looking" or "you're stuck for now", which I think is probably what you are saying, not just about the jelly being the way to get to 425, but about getting beyond that.
elarn - borean tundra