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New Fishing Changes Follow

#1 Apr 18 2009 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I have found out the new fishing changes yet the Wiki and other posts have not been updated yet or i could not spot them and as i am not that great at writing in english i thought i would start this thread so others better at writing could alter the Wiki and trades skills posts.

You can now learn up to and including artisan level at level 10 , no quests required and no books are needed , i just got artisan just fishing by the trainer in Darnassus , also the fishing is a lot faster now as the cast bar goes a lot faster.

I have not yet checked out what level is required to get to 450 skill but will be doing that later unless anyone else wants to add a comment first.
#2 Apr 18 2009 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
2,346 posts
Every catch has the potential for fishing skill gains, but you are likely to catch worthless junk in areas that are too difficult for your skill.

This still confuses me a bit. I know it used to be that you had to catch so many fish before you gained a level in fishing, this seems to have changed. I'm confused if this has changed to be more like other professions where lets say if you fish in a 230 and your at 230 will you get a level a cast until a certain point? I'm pretty sure that's just wishful thinking on my part because otherwise fishing would be really easy to level, but I'm at 282 and when I fish in Dalaran I can get a level in 2-3 casts or 5-6 casts. Or else maybe I'm just not paying enough attention and it has been more casts than I think.
#3 Apr 18 2009 at 8:52 PM Rating: Good
This still confuses me a bit. I know it used to be that you had to catch so many fish before you gained a level in fishing, this seems to have changed. I'm confused if this has changed to be more like other professions where lets say if you fish in a 230 and your at 230 will you get a level a cast until a certain point? I'm pretty sure that's just wishful thinking on my part because otherwise fishing would be really easy to level, but I'm at 282 and when I fish in Dalaran I can get a level in 2-3 casts or 5-6 casts. Or else maybe I'm just not paying enough attention and it has been more casts than I think.

You still have to catch X number of fish to level up at each appropriate skill level - difference now is that you now do that in zones that would previously have given you a message that you need a certain minimum skill level to fish there.

For example, my brother's fishing skill is still pre-300 yet he can now fish in the Dalaran sewers and actually managed to catch the giant sewer rat NC pet anyway. My GF's fishing only just cleared 400 and yet she's successfully doing fishing dailies in areas that you needed 450 and a good rod and bait to even cast in.

However, when you fish in zones that you previously couldn't fish in, you won't always catch the fish for that zone - the worse your skill the more likely you are to catch garbage like 'sick fish' 'tangled fishing line' 'tattered sail' and similar stuff that's only worth a few copper each.

If you're having varying numbers of catches per skill point its possible that some of those junk items aren't counting as catches towards your skill up. It used to be that everything you caught counted but its possible that the junk, either by design or accident, doesn't all register towards your skill point.

What hasn't changed though is that you can still skill up fishing in lower level fishing zones - if you want, you can just fish in newby zones and go from 0-450 without issue still.
#4 Apr 18 2009 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
979 posts
Thank you for your reply my friend.

I was curious about all the new trash items i was catching on my new alt and how they suddenly stopped as i gained in fishing level but thought it may have been just in the low areas , that was some major fixing they did on fishing then , but it is so much more fun knowing that it is more possible now to fish in higher areas without all those fish got away messages even if it is trash items we will now catch.

I do know that at 230 fishing i have caught over 500 fish as my alt has that achievement and that it is taking me about 4-5 catches to gain a point so the previous way of needing more catches to level as you gain in level is still in action.

So catching trash items means you are in an area that is a bit higher than your fishing level is which is good to know.
#5 Apr 19 2009 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
2,346 posts
I know about the whole trash items deal. I guess I could have not put in that whole last statement about the worthless junk. I've been fishing in Dalaran and I'm currently at 282. I do catch mostly junk with some coins goldfish and the occasional sewer carp. The junk does count for something, at least in the achievements it counts for catching X fish. Maybe I'll have to go to a place where I actually catch fish and see how my leveling plays out.
#6 Apr 19 2009 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
Personally, I intend to level all of my alts' fishing in the Dal sewer so that they can get pet rats.
#7 Apr 19 2009 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
I just started an alt and went to level fishing and cooking. I am currently at the pond outside Goldshire and have gotten to level 25. I got a skill up every level but I have yet to catch an actual fish. I can't figure out where I would go that would be low enough to actually net me some fish. Guess I'll have to level the early cooking levels off of other stuff.

fyi: You still get the achievement from fishing up debris. >.>

Edited, Apr 19th 2009 11:27pm by imbtrthnur
#8 Apr 19 2009 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I just started an alt and went to level fishing and cooking. I am currently at the pond outside Goldshire and have gotten to level 25. I got a skill up every level but I have yet to catch an actual fish. I can't figure out where I would go that would be low enough to actually net me some fish. Guess I'll have to level the early cooking levels off of other stuff.

That is the thing now , where as before at low level we needed a lure to even catch anything up to around skill level 50 you catch trash instead , if you had used a lure i am pretty sure you would have been catching fish .

I can say for sure that once you get to skill level above 50 you will be catching fish all the time and if you move to a slightly higher area and catch the trash again it will stop once your skill level goes up a bit , and i think it is so much easier now that we get the trash instead of fish getting away warnings.
#9 Apr 20 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
I have not skilled up on a junk catch, but I have gained a skill up on a Clam.

So I can confirm that clams = fish as far as the 'skill-up' meter goes...
#10 Apr 20 2009 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
According to El's Angling and from my anecdotal experience the Junk catches do count as catches for advancement. You still need the same numbers of catches to skill up (which can vary slightly due to rounding) but the difference is that you no longer have any "Fish Got Away" messages. This makes levelling up fishing VASTLY easier since before you'd have the same percentage of junk casts but you didn't count those for advancement (or get any junk).
#11 Apr 20 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
917 posts
rusttle wrote:
Personally, I intend to level all of my alts' fishing in the Dal sewer so that they can get pet rats.

I can haz turtle mount?

My alts will first fish in inland waters in Northrend, rat can wait :p
#12 Apr 26 2009 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
979 posts
I can add that fishing in the Dalaran sewers does give you skill up points even if at very low level as i was going for the pet rat and saw loads of people doing the daily and getting the 25/50 and higher fish achievements.

I went from 230 to 450 trying to get the pet rat in those dam sewers and still not got it , i will keep my alt there until he gets it though.

Personally i think they have made fishing a little to easy now when you can go to a very high level area with no skill and no lures and gain points just as easy as it is in a low area , you may not catch anything good but you still gain points.
#13 Apr 27 2009 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,346 posts
But none of the other secondary professions are that hard to level. I like the fact that it's easier to level fishing, except it still takes a long time to do so anyways. Plus if your leveling in a high place your just going to get worthless junk that means nothing to anyone, but it still takes X amount of catches to level your fishing once.
#14 Apr 27 2009 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I can add that it did not take me that long to get to max skill of 450 , my alt is only about a week old and was at 230 friday night and yesterday mid day hit 450 i can say its faster and far easier to level fishing than any other trade i can think of except perhaps cooking or first aid but they would need all the mats ready and waiting for you and of course unless you had farmed everything for the trade it would cost you a fair bit of gold where as fishing can only give you a profit even if only a few silver from all the trash if you skill up in a high level area.
#15 Apr 27 2009 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
Personally i think they have made fishing a little to easy now when you can go to a very high level area with no skill and no lures and gain points just as easy as it is in a low area , you may not catch anything good but you still gain points.

Versus, say, the super hard previous way to skill up consisting of sitting in front of a pond in a capital city, right? ;-)

The reality is that fishing is just a secondary skill added to supplement the real tradeskills and give peeps something to do. It's not like fishing used to be super hard to level up or anything and now they've suddenly nerfed it to the point that anyone can do it - its always been that way - the only thing slowing peeps down from maxing it was time and patience.

As such, the only real effect is that now everyone can have a shot at the turtle mount, rat pet and fishing dailies instead of exclusively those of us with who spend too much time with our rods in our hands.
#16 Apr 27 2009 at 12:53 PM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
rusttle wrote:
those of us with who spend too much time with our rods in our hands.

But as someone with a main and 2 alts with capped fishing (1 of them before the changes) I can't really say that I can see a downside to the buffs they gave the profession. Even though you can fish anywhere now at any skill level, most of the people I know still won't do it because it simply doesn't appeal to them. Farming herbs in Sholazar for 3 hours - no problem. Fishing for 15 minutes? OHGODITSBORINGKILLMENOW

I just love the fact that I can have my level 30 bank alt conduct her business from atop a smiling turtle, once I actually get it to drop for her...
#17 Apr 27 2009 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Well I'm getting about 4.5 fish/minute average on open sea in borean tundra. Without counting the time to apply lure and etc.

According to El's Angling website it's 11-12 catches per skill point from 370 to 450.

So going from 370 to 450 would take me 3 and a half hours?
#18 May 04 2009 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
65 posts
According to El's Angling website it's 11-12 catches per skill point from 370 to 450.

This number feels high to me - possible it changed with the other changes? I wasn't paying THAT close of attention while levelling up but it really felt more like 8-9 catches per skill point. Didn't see anything on El's site discussing a change but not sure how many people have really validated those numbers since the patch.

Anyways, if El's numbers still hold, yeah, it'll take you between 3 and 4 hours depending what you're trying to do. For instance if you try levelling while doing the Dalaran fountain coin fishing you have to deal with the dang "Your cast didn't land in the water" occurrences, sometimes multiple times in a row, all the other bobbers in the water to get in your way, not to mention the idiots casting spells or parking their mammoths in the fountain. If you just go to a remote iceberg you have no distractions like that to contend with.

EDIT: Because I apparently can't read and you said you were in open water lol.

Edited, May 4th 2009 2:12pm by aktlingit
#19 May 04 2009 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default

Pun was already made my friend - I'm a grand master baiter too. ;-)
#20 May 04 2009 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
979 posts
This number feels high to me - possible it changed with the other changes? I wasn't paying THAT close of attention while levelling up but it really felt more like 8-9 catches per skill point. Didn't see anything on El's site discussing a change but not sure how many people have really validated those numbers since the patch.

I made it 10 catches a point after 400 skill or it was that every time i checked .
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