This still confuses me a bit. I know it used to be that you had to catch so many fish before you gained a level in fishing, this seems to have changed. I'm confused if this has changed to be more like other professions where lets say if you fish in a 230 and your at 230 will you get a level a cast until a certain point? I'm pretty sure that's just wishful thinking on my part because otherwise fishing would be really easy to level, but I'm at 282 and when I fish in Dalaran I can get a level in 2-3 casts or 5-6 casts. Or else maybe I'm just not paying enough attention and it has been more casts than I think.
You still have to catch X number of fish to level up at each appropriate skill level - difference now is that you now do that in zones that would previously have given you a message that you need a certain minimum skill level to fish there.
For example, my brother's fishing skill is still pre-300 yet he can now fish in the Dalaran sewers and actually managed to catch the giant sewer rat NC pet anyway. My GF's fishing only just cleared 400 and yet she's successfully doing fishing dailies in areas that you needed 450 and a good rod and bait to even cast in.
However, when you fish in zones that you previously couldn't fish in, you won't always catch the fish for that zone - the worse your skill the more likely you are to catch garbage like 'sick fish' 'tangled fishing line' 'tattered sail' and similar stuff that's only worth a few copper each.
If you're having varying numbers of catches per skill point its possible that some of those junk items aren't counting as catches towards your skill up. It used to be that everything you caught counted but its possible that the junk, either by design or accident, doesn't all register towards your skill point.
What hasn't changed though is that you can still skill up fishing in lower level fishing zones - if you want, you can just fish in newby zones and go from 0-450 without issue still.