LockeColeMA wrote:
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
If you've finished Nat Pagle's quest, go to Theramore to pick up the 25% fishing pole. For Alliance, it's the best pole available. This pole has been available to horde for a while through a quest in Desolace.
1. 25%? :-P
2. Third best: Tuskarr is easier (albeit more time consuming), and us really Salty folk have a +35 :)
3. GREAT placeholder until you win the tourny or hit exalted, though!
In regards to the OP, I looked up the quest for this pole and it seems to be the exact same quest to increase your fishing cap to 300... so do you have to do the quest all over again to get the pole? I'm a bit confused..
In regards to the quote above, what is the Tuskarr? I tried to look it up on thottbot, but I see no fishing pole by that name. I love fishing in this game, so I am very curious.