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Profession unfairness in groupsFollow

#1 Apr 05 2009 at 8:47 PM Rating: Sub-Default
I'm a little tired of the profession unfairness in group activities. Why is it that enchanters get the shaft when it comes to instances, raids, etc? If something drops (blue or purple) and nobody wants it, why do they all get to roll on the enchanter's disenchanted mats from it? It's not the enchanter's fault the others didn't want it.

If this is how things are staying, then I demand that we all roll on herbs, mined minerals, skins, etc. from other professions, if gathered in an instance or raid. It's unfair. If people don't like the idea, then how about everybody just rolls on all drops, if nobody wants them? This way they can sell the item to a vendor for some gold, while if an enchanter wins the roll, they get to disenchant and keep the mats they get.

I'm seriously thinking of just holding onto any shards I get from disenchants in an instance/raid.
#2 Apr 05 2009 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
I'm seriously thinking of just holding onto any shards I get from disenchants in an instance/raid.

If you intend to go on strike as DE then I suggest letting folks know ahead of time as otherwise, they'll rightly label you as a ninja.

No, you have no obligation as an enchanter to DE for a group/raid so if you don't want to then don't offer your services and simple DE anything you personally win the roll for.

If something drops (blue or purple) and nobody wants it, why do they all get to roll on the enchanter's disenchanted mats from it?

Because its not YOUR mats - its a high value item everyone can either sell to the merchant, or if there's a chanter willing to shard for the group/raid, then its a shard that they can use to get chants for their gear.

Using your rational then a chanter should get all BOE greens as well that will obviously be sharded/merchanted.
#3 Apr 05 2009 at 8:58 PM Rating: Default
As an Enchanter, I love getting Blues for DE'ing.. but I'd never Need it over others Greeds, or expect them to pass. We are doing it to save money, whereas they could use it to sell for Repairs, to save money.
Either way people win.

But if you win the greed.. the disenchants are 100% yours. Period.
#4REDACTED, Posted: Apr 05 2009 at 9:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Mine minerals, herbs and skins are decent sellers too though. I don't understand why those aren't rolled on as well.
#5 Apr 05 2009 at 10:35 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
HandsOfDeath wrote:
Mine minerals, herbs and skins are decent sellers too though. I don't understand why those aren't rolled on as well.

Even as an enchanter I agree the current way of doing things makes perfect sense. Everyone killed the boss you all have right to the blue that drops. So either you all greed and if you win you get the shard if they win they sell. The other option is everyone passes and the DE takes it to DE and then the shards are rolled on. The enchanter has the same chance to get a shard either way.

Then you have herbs and mining there is no way a non miner or herbalist can get these thus only the people who can get the item roll. This is normally the case when there are multiple miners or herbalist they all roll for it.

See its all based on who can actually get the item on who gets to roll for it. Blues or purps anyone ore or herbs the respective proffecsions. All you are doing is converting the blue or purple to an item they can AH.
#6 Apr 05 2009 at 11:20 PM Rating: Default
Twirdman wrote:
Then you have herbs and mining there is no way a non miner or herbalist can get these thus only the people who can get the item roll.

I still don't understand why disenchants are handled as they are. With what you said here, if only 1 miner, for example, entered a group for an instance came across a mine. It's that miner's mine, because nobody else can do it, right? Why is that same logic not used on disenchants? Only an enchanter can disenchant something. So if they get the item (like a mine really) and they disenchant it (similar to mining a mine), then why is it that everybody in the group gets to roll on the results? Sure, they helped the enchanter get it, but the enchanter also helped the others just by being in the group.

It just doesn't make sense to me why enchant mats are rolled on, while other professions aren't. An item for an enchanter is the same as a mine, corpse to skin or plant. Just because the others could use that gold from the enchant mats, doesn't make it right. It's not the enchanter's fault the other party members picked another profession. Same goes with mining. If say I a mine was in an instance and the enchanter's next enchanting rod requires something made with that material, why do they not get a roll on the minerals from it? The other players helped get that miner to the mine, so they should get a chance at the materials, as with others wanting the enchanting materials from a disenchant.
#7 Apr 06 2009 at 1:07 AM Rating: Excellent
210 posts
Sadly this isn't the first time this exact topic has come into the forums. The fact is and has been stated in other posts, if you don't want to DE something for a group, don't say at the beginning that your an enchanter, or if they armory you just tell them up front that you don't DE for groups.

There is nothing written in stone anywhere that as an enchanter when you're in a PUG that you have to always DE the non-wanted blues that drop randomly. Now if it were a guild run, then of course the guild rules would apply and that would be that if blues drop that no one wants, they either go straight to the guild bank, or get DE'd for mats.

Still the point as has been stated before, if you don't want to DE something, then just make sure that everyone knows that up front.
#8REDACTED, Posted: Apr 06 2009 at 4:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I suppose not mentioning being an enchanter would be best.
#9 Apr 06 2009 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
1,574 posts
HandsOfDeath wrote:
I still don't understand why disenchants are handled as they are. With what you said here, if only 1 miner, for example, entered a group for an instance came across a mine. It's that miner's mine, because nobody else can do it, right? Why is that same logic not used on disenchants? Only an enchanter can disenchant something.

Because that mining node is worthless if there’s no miner, whereas those BoP items, if not sharded, can be sold for gold. For lots of gold, in the case of weapons…in fact, some blue BoP weapons vendor for more on my server than a dream shard.

Sharding costs you nothing and increases the group’s overall profit, which means that you get a reputation as a nice guy. You can also hope for the occasional tip; certainly I always tip the enchanters who shard for me. Or, as others have said, you could just keep quiet and disenchant the items you win in greed rolls if you really don’t want to help others out. But please don’t gripe to people that you should get to keep more BoP items than them because you’re an enchanter. Nobody likes a grasper.

#10 Apr 06 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Excellent
1,419 posts
I still don't understand why disenchants are handled as they are. With what you said here, if only 1 miner, for example, entered a group for an instance came across a mine. It's that miner's mine, because nobody else can do it, right? Why is that same logic not used on disenchants? Only an enchanter can disenchant something. So if they get the item (like a mine really) and they disenchant it (similar to mining a mine), then why is it that everybody in the group gets to roll on the results? Sure, they helped the enchanter get it, but the enchanter also helped the others just by being in the group.

The mine node, the herb node, or the skins on the dead animals are worth exactly 0 if you aren't proficient in those professions. The blue BoP drops from bosses are worth something to each person in the party, since you can at least vendor them. That's why everyone gets to roll on them.

#11 Apr 06 2009 at 7:38 AM Rating: Good
emmitsvenson wrote:

Sharding costs you nothing and increases the group’s overall profit, which means that you get a reputation as a nice guy. You can also hope for the occasional tip; certainly I always tip the enchanters who shard for me. Or, as others have said, you could just keep quiet and disenchant the items you win in greed rolls if you really don’t want to help others out. But please don’t gripe to people that you should get to keep more BoP items than them because you’re an enchanter. Nobody likes a grasper.

I don't think that's the complaint. I think it's simply the fact that the group would have BoP vendor trash if nobody could use the gear that dropped, and a lot of people would pass on said vendor trash just by virtue of the fact that it's...vendor trash. But all of a sudden someone can turn said BoP item into a BoE that everyone could use towards enchanting their own gear or sell on auction and it's communal property.

Keeping in mind my first level capped toon was my hunter, who is an enchanter. I D/E'd many things for groups when she was my main and it was never a big deal for me to hand over the shards to people who won the rolls. Also keep in mind that I don't remember the last time I rolled on a shard. I only mention these to things to set aside any accusations that my opinion is based on any sort of greed or inclination towards self-indulgence.

Having said that, the logic doesn't hold up. The justification people offer for retaining shards as communal property pending a roll is because a) the enchanter couldn't have gotten the drop if they weren't in the group, ergo the group helped them get it and are therefore entitled to a shot at the rewards and b) if the enchanter didn't D/E the item, everyone would have at least had a shot at a BoP blue to vendor.

Justification (a) in particular doesn't hold up, because any other resource nodes (herbs, mining nodes, skinnable corpses, etc.) are typically in farther than most people would consider trying to get to solo. Consequently, they couldn't have gotten to those nodes (or killed the skinnable mobs on their own) without the group.

Justification (b) has some merit to it, simply because if there's no miner in the group, the mining nodes are worthless to said group. It's not like anyone else can pick up the entire node and vendor it. There have been people in the past who have argued that enchanters who won't D/E for the group are selfish yadda yadda yadda, and that doesn't hold up either. In most cases (especially level 75+/heroic dungeons), the value of the shard is almost always greater than the vendor buyback price on blue armor. Sometimes it's even higher than the vendor buyback on blue weapons. Either way, the enchanter is increasing the value of the BoP item, either by making it so that it will sell for more, or by saving the person who gets it the auction cost of that shard the next time they need one for an enchant.

And that's why it's sort of a contentious issue...if the enchanter were to get all BoP blues that nobody else wanted by default, the people handing over those items would be losing out at a shot at the vendor buyback value of those items so it's not like the enchanter was the only one who stood to benefit. On the other hand, the enchanter is adding value to the items (in most cases) when they D/E them to a shard, and consequently "expecting" an enchanter to add that value for free is not entirely fair, either.

The standard is that if you can D/E and want to, then that's what you do and everyone gets a fair shot to roll on the resulting shard(s) at the end of the run. If the concept/principle bothers you, you're under no obligation to announce that you're an enchanter. It's your toon, your time to level the profession...nobody else has any entitlement to force you to work that profession for nothing. We're not talking about nice/not nice, just straight up other people telling you what to do with your stuff. It's not kosher. You weren't invited to the group because of your profession, you were invited because of your class. I've never seen "LF1M <insert dungeon here> need enchanter."

You could try asserting some sort of procedure where you D/E all unwanted blues and get to keep 1 of the shards by default. Problem is, folks aren't used to that and they would probably think less of you for suggesting it. (Not saying they'd be right or wrong for doing so, just that's the response I would anticipate).
#12 Apr 06 2009 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
This question comes up regularly in this forum - about once every two months. While it really is beating a dead horse, there really is no consensus or resolution to the question. However, I do have an opinion.

Please note that I am an enchanter, but have no problems sharding stuff found in dungeons. I don't think it's unfair to not get the shard, since I have just as much chance of getting it as anyone else. I don't need the shard for gold, since I make most of my gold from disenchanting stuff from the AH. If you know how to make gold in other ways, you don't need to get the shard for the gold it brings.

OK, so you don't need the shard for the gold - how about as an ingredient for an enchant? Well, if you already know how to make gold, you can buy it (how about from the lucky guy who won the roll?).

...and if you don't know how to make gold, then more shame you.
#13 Apr 06 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
What about when the enchanter really does need the disenchanted materials? Like if they need Abyssal Crystals for an enchant they want to put on their own gear? Those are very expensive (on my server anyway). It's likely the other people would just sell it, while the enchanter needs it.

Anyway, I just ran through H HoS and never mentioned being an enchanter. Though the group asked with every drop, I said nothing and we all rolled. Luckily I did managed to win 1 of the drops. I think this will be how I do runs from now on, if I'm in need of the mats.
#14 Apr 06 2009 at 9:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,574 posts
HandsOfDeath wrote:
What about when the enchanter really does need the disenchanted materials? Like if they need Abyssal Crystals for an enchant they want to put on their own gear? Those are very expensive (on my server anyway). It's likely the other people would just sell it, while the enchanter needs it.

Then the enchanter gets exactly as much chance as everyone else in the group to win the shard. The others probably need enchants too, and most everyone needs gold. A clever enchanter might offer to immediately enchant something for the shard’s winner, charging a pretty fee for the mats they need beyond that shard, or might offer to buy the shard off them for a bargain price.

HandsOfDeath wrote:
Anyway, I just ran through H HoS and never mentioned being an enchanter. Though the group asked with every drop, I said nothing and we all rolled. Luckily I did managed to win 1 of the drops. I think this will be how I do runs from now on, if I'm in need of the mats.

So you’re going to get exactly as much profit from your runs as if you offered to DE and then rolled on the shards, except you won’t get tips or your fellow players’ good will, while the non-enchanters will probably make a little less. Grats?
#15 Apr 06 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
288 posts
OMG total flashback....

so boards....lets bring up a 3 year old dead horse.
Do skinners get to keep the Pristene Hide of the Beast or do the 10 guys that ran UBRS all get an equal chance to roll on it becuase they helped get said skinner to be able to skin The Beast...
Ok discuse, i'm interested to reinvestigate this issue.
#16 Apr 06 2009 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
546 posts
HandsOfDeath wrote:
What about when the enchanter really does need the disenchanted materials? Like if they need Abyssal Crystals for an enchant they want to put on their own gear? Those are very expensive (on my server anyway). It's likely the other people would just sell it, while the enchanter needs it.

Honestly do you think you are the only one who needs enchants. what do non enchanters not get to enchant their gear because if so I should really tell all the people I've done enchants for. The only enchants that can not be given to other people are ring enchants, which require no abyss crystals. So those other people are in need of the shards and crystals as you are. Stop being a greedy ***. Now if you don't want to do the DEing don't but don't automatically assume you have any more rights to the shards or crystals then anyone else.
#17 Apr 06 2009 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Nah, it's not fair. Does all the Frostweave go to tailors?

Edit: When I say "it's not fair" I mean that enchanters getting all the BoEs is "not fair." Everyone should have an equal chance to roll. The profit for being an enchanter is simply that the dust/essence/shard you get is worth more than simply selling the item to a vendor or on the AH.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 4:47pm by LockeColeMA
#18 Apr 06 2009 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
Twirdman wrote:
Honestly do you think you are the only one who needs enchants. what do non enchanters not get to enchant their gear because if so I should really tell all the people I've done enchants for.

Of course I don't think I'm the only one who needs enchants, but those without enchanting can buy the enchants they need off the AH, just like someone without blacksmithing has to do so, when they want something that requires bs mats. For example, the rods enchanters need to do their enchants, they should get to roll on what miners get from mines.

All I get from those who are against it this idea, is that rolling on the disenchaned materials helps lower the price for enchants for the winner. It also helps them with their repair bills. However, the same would be for the mines, skins, herbs, etc. Granted, it might not be as much as disenchanted materials, but every little bit helps.

LockeColeMA wrote:
Nah, it's not fair. Does all the Frostweave go to tailors?

I've never seen people fight over frostweave. And no, it all doesn't go to a tailor, because almost all users use it. If not for bandages, then they sell it. It also takes no profession to get it.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 4:40pm by HandsOfDeath
#19 Apr 06 2009 at 2:47 PM Rating: Excellent
171 posts
HandsOfDeath wrote:
Of course I don't think I'm the only one who needs enchants, but those without enchanting can buy the enchants they need off the AH, just like someone without blacksmithing has to do so, when they want something that requires bs mats. For example, the rods enchanters need to do their enchants, they should get to roll on what miners get from mines.

Except you can never get the enchants you want off the AH. I would rather have the mats so I can have an enchanter make something for me (I am leatherworking/engineering, and I have a stack of shards on my character for any enchant I might need). As everyone else said, if you don't want people to roll on it don't offer. I realize it may not seem fair, but the mats for skinning/mining/herbalism are worth nowhere near as much as enchanting mats and not everyone can use them - I would argue that eveyone should be using enchanting mats to get the most out of their gear.
#20 Apr 06 2009 at 3:53 PM Rating: Default
I can understand that everyone has a chance to roll on the drops. However, if nobody wants the drop, why does the enchanter need to give up the mats?
#21 Apr 06 2009 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
629 posts
Usually when we have multiple disenchanted items from a run I suggest in group that we give one guaranteed shard to enchanter. It keeps them happy. While I don't think it's ok for them to need all shards but I feel that they should get something for their effort.

Frankly I have never encountered enchanter that would make a fuss over not getting any shards from run. Let's face it when we enter instance we do it mostly for gear drops/emblems/achievements. One can make much,much more money outside dungeon in half the time they spent on run. Making a drama over 10g (estimated value of shards on my server) is kinda weird.

It's just a social contract that we have. Enchanters DE not needed BoP for benefit of whole group. If group is decent they will find a way to thank enchanter for his service. If not, then it's no biggie I suppose. There are far worse things that can happen to You in a dungeon than a lost couple g from shards. Bad run can cost plate wearers 50g+ repair bill but i don't see people yelling for recuperation.

#22REDACTED, Posted: Apr 06 2009 at 4:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Actually, I've been doing heroics specifically for the shards. I've got my enchanting up to 434 now and I'll be needing those shards for buying new enchants.
#23 Apr 06 2009 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
However, the same would be for the mines, skins, herbs, etc. Granted, it might not be as much as disenchanted materials, but every little bit helps.

yes but if you didn't go i would still have something to vendor were if no minner herber or skinner goes then i get no item
#24 Apr 06 2009 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
HandsOfDeath wrote:
I'm a little tired of the profession unfairness in group activities. Why is it that enchanters get the shaft when it comes to instances, raids, etc? If something drops (blue or purple) and nobody wants it, why do they all get to roll on the enchanter's disenchanted mats from it?

Because they can use it to get a needed enchant on their own gear (PUG) or it can go in the guild bank to help people in the guild get needed enchants (guild raid). Which means you're being a contributing member of the team by DEing.

Either way, YOUR need for the mats for skillups or selling your enchant is no more pressing than their need to acquire enchants for their own purposes. And I speak as an enchanter. Certainly, I've felt some regret at times giving up a shard I could use, but I've never resented it and I've damn sure never considered ninja-ing it.

#25 Apr 06 2009 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
HandsOfDeath wrote:
What about when the enchanter really does need the disenchanted materials? Like if they need Abyssal Crystals for an enchant they want to put on their own gear? Those are very expensive (on my server anyway). It's likely the other people would just sell it, while the enchanter needs it.

If you can't afford to buy it and you are an enchanter, it's your own fault, because you know absolutely nothing about making gold. I have no sympathy for enchanters who have no idea on how to get rich in the game. I especially have no sympathy for enchanters who can't make money yet they post on this forum, where money-making advise for enchanters has been available for a long time.
#26 Apr 06 2009 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
HandsOfDeath wrote:
What about when the enchanter really does need the disenchanted materials? Like if they need Abyssal Crystals for an enchant they want to put on their own gear? Those are very expensive (on my server anyway). It's likely the other people would just sell it, while the enchanter needs it.

Anyway, I just ran through H HoS and never mentioned being an enchanter. Though the group asked with every drop, I said nothing and we all rolled. Luckily I did managed to win 1 of the drops. I think this will be how I do runs from now on, if I'm in need of the mats.

You have to be very careful when approaching this whole issue, especially if you chose to start applying words like "need" to the argument. Most top end enchants (especially weapon enchants) require abyss crystals. If you're going to put forward the idea that you "need" the abyss crystal because you want an enchant on your gear that uses one (or more) as a material, guess what? You're going to get 4 other people in the group saying, "Hey bub...I need enchants on my gear too." And they'll be right. Your need for enchants on your gear is no greater than anyone else' need for enchants on theirs.

As for the "fake rolls" you mentioned elsewhere in the way. You do not get to use that as an excuse for anything. The text color for a /roll is completely different from the text color for an /emote. The /roll command shows you the parameters (ie. bottom and top values) for the roll. If they just do a straight /roll, you'll see "So-and-so rolls 43. [1-100]" If they try to be sneaky and change it so (for example) the lowest they could possibly roll is a 95, you're see "So-and-so rolls 97. [95-100]" If you fall for that and hand over a shard, it's as much your fault for being inattentive as it is theirs for being duplicitous.

The only reason I ever decided that I wasn't going to announce that I was an enchanter and available to D/E for a PUG dungeon was because I had had a series of bad PUGs in the recent past that had pissed me off and made handing out the shards such a hassle that I didn't want to deal with it. I didn't withold the fact that I was a max level enchanter because I thought I'd have a better chance at shards. Whether you're rolling for a BOP blue that you plan to shard once you're out of the dungeon or rolling for shards at the end of a run, you've got the same chance to win. In fact, if you're doing the standard, "I have <x> <x> rolls each get one" you've actually got a better chance of walking out of a given dungeon run than you do if you roll for each one individually.

If your concern is that you don't feel you're getting enough materials to level your enchanting at a reasonable pace, maybe instead of kvetching about standard dungeon loot/shard conventions you would consider asking here about some alternatives to increase the number of enchanting materials you're getting without spending a fortune. That's a dead horse (rotting, semi-eroded-to-dust) issue as well, but it would be more productive than trying to find a loophole in something that isn't going to change.
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