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Best professions for making gold?Follow

#1 Jan 29 2009 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
I'm bringing up some new toons and want to get them into good gold making professions. Currently my main is a JC and Miner. With the JC daily and being able to sell a dragons eye I easily make 200+ gold for as little as 10 mins work. Are there any other professions like that or is JC just that good? Mining is ok. Beats dailies for time vs gold but doesn't even approach JC. Titansteel CD is a ok gold maker but somedays I don't use it because mats are about as expensive as the titansteel.

Are any other professions as good as JC for making that quick 200g?
#2 Jan 29 2009 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Cooking = 10+ northern spices a day. Check your AH for prices.

Mining is still good. While you may only look at it in a gold/hour perspective while only mining, you still get some nodes while questing/doing dailies/flying to instances too.

Fishing = good money as well, depending on server of course.
#3 Jan 29 2009 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
That stuff makes ok gold if your farming. I'm wondering if JC is the best profession for making gold?
#4 Jan 29 2009 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
JCing makes some decent money when you get it high enough to do the daily. But I don't think that dragons eyes will sell for as much as they do for much longer (they are 150 on my server right now)
#5 Jan 29 2009 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
Perhaps not but even 150g for 10 mins of playing is a steal. To bad black smithing didn't get something like that where they can make a bunch of gold. BS is so hard to level you'd have though they might get some reward for it.
#6 Jan 30 2009 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
Since you're a JC then chanting can make good money - make the ring that takes to eternal earth and then DE it - the dust are going for 2-3g each and the essences for 25+g on my server while the eternal earth run between 5-7g each.

That's about the only thing that'll make close to your Dragon's Eye profits.
#7 Feb 02 2009 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
Cooking excellent raid food like Blackened Dragonfin and Dragonfin Fillet makes a decent amount as it required high level cooking and fishing.
Demand is very high on my server, a stack of either goes for 150g (also, as supply is low on my server, it's very easy to bump up the prices to 200g/stack)
#8 Feb 02 2009 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
The question is too situational.

Just a WotLK came out I was making a fortune on Herbs. Now... I've respec'd miner. (Herb)

Titansteel was doing great if you wanted to farm your own mats. (Mining)

Skinning is currently terrible. The epic enchants for it are lik 75G on my server (Skinning)

I think it's all situational.

BS has done really well to if you have your own mats. I can sell several of the Epic weps for well over 2.5k.

The sockets always sell...
#9 Feb 02 2009 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
This is totally situational. If you are talking about taking a NEW profession (either on a current toon or a new alt) just to make money, then you have to balance what it costs to level that profession to max level vs what money you can make with that profession. Any profession is now capable of making money at max level, but many professions are very expensive to get to max level.

You may also want to look at it from the perspective of what you personally need. I know a lot of people develop their pantheon of alts so that they eventually have all of the professions covered and do not have to rely on others for anything that they need. In the long run, focusing on what you can personally use most may end up being the most economically benficial in the long run.
#10 Feb 02 2009 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
Cooking excellent raid food like Blackened Dragonfin and Dragonfin Fillet makes a decent amount as it required high level cooking and fishing.
Demand is very high on my server, a stack of either goes for 150g

Holy shoot - gotta check the AH on my server then - that's obscene!
#11 Feb 07 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Default
JC is the end all gold maker. For time vs return nothing beats doing the daily and getting a dragons eye. On my other two alts I am leveling inscription(close to maxed) and working on enchanting. I think when duel spec hits that inscription will make gold hand over fist.
#12 Feb 07 2009 at 9:50 PM Rating: Good
bsgnitro wrote:
JC is the end all gold maker. For time vs return nothing beats doing the daily and getting a dragons eye. On my other two alts I am leveling inscription(close to maxed) and working on enchanting. I think when duel spec hits that inscription will make gold hand over fist.

current plans is for you to have two inscription sets, you won't have to constantly change them out and buy new ones, fyi.
#13 Feb 08 2009 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
bsgnitro wrote:
JC is the end all gold maker. For time vs return nothing beats doing the daily and getting a dragons eye. On my other two alts I am leveling inscription(close to maxed) and working on enchanting. I think when duel spec hits that inscription will make gold hand over fist.

I'm glad that you think that you will have returning customers both for your gems and for your inscriptions. WHAT?!?!?! You don't have returning customers? Maybe you think your niche market will last forever.
#14 Feb 08 2009 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
Scratch JC and Inscript put together - fishing is now the official most profitable tradeskill (assuming peeps are getting what they're asking).

Thanks for Fish Feast becoming the ultimate raid food the components for it have gone through the roof on my server - 5-10g EACH for a lousy Nettlefish! Same thing with all the raw mats for giant feast and small feast as they're the 'gateway' recipes to 450.

Assuming these prices hold and people really are getting what they're asking, then I think its I'm going to spend a lot more time sitting out on the ice fishing.
#15 Feb 09 2009 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
I started typing a reply to the OP with the standard shenanigans...then I realized...

The OP has been around long enough to know the standard shenanigans. It's a dead horse question that has no answer. Tailoring is slow and painful to level and engineering has little to offer by way of things you can count on selling in any significant quantity. Avoid those two. Pick anything else that seems interesting.
#16 Feb 09 2009 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
I disagree - I wasn't aware of and never thought to check profit potential of Blackened Dragonfin or other cooking recipes as I was used to them having had zero earning potential pre-xpac.

I'm also sure that many people didn't realize that the components for the small, big and fish feast were also fetching top gold - I'm looking at the AH right now on my bank toon - one gent has several stacks of Nettlefish up for 5 for 50g BO, another guy has two stacks of 20 up for flat 100g bid (forgot to include a BO) and a third has a stack of 20 for 100g bid, 150g BO.

Sculpin has a bit more varied market, but that's got a lower fishing skill - prices for five stacks (not sure why that's the magic number for everyone but it is) ranging from 8.6g to 55g BO.

Salmon is going for a flat 100g bid/BO price for a full stack (only one guy selling it though but if you have a rich, lazy raider, he's set).

Spice is running 3.5-4g BO each.

So check the prices for the fish feast components on your server and, like me, you might be pleasantly surprised and decide to do a bit more fishing.
#17 Feb 09 2009 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
Well ATM i am making around 2k gold a day for about 4 hours of farming herbs in Storm Peaks (i got like 2 or 3 places and i make circles around :) ) and when i'm finished farming the herbs i make flasks with all Frost Lotuses i have farmed (usually between 10 and 20) (also i am an elixir master so they proc from time to time) i sell the rest herbs at the AH i also sell the flasks and i sell the eternal life i got from the herbs (4 hours faming get me a stack and a half of eternal lifes wich are selling 12g a piece) and i am pretty happy with the money i make.
#18 Feb 09 2009 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
Just logged onto my bank toon and wootness, two stacks of Nettlefish sold for 145g each - nothing like getting paid to level up fishing! Smiley: smile
#19 Feb 09 2009 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Hmm only one mention of herbalism for a money making profession.

Stacks of lichbloom hover around 70g a stack on my server and icethorn is around 30-40 gold a stack. Like someone has already said I farm herbs for about 4 hours and I'll bring in about 2k-3k gold. Farming herbs is so easy.

But if you really want a good money making profession combo herb/mining is always good. What I've done on my dk is go herb/mining (so my main, druid, can go LW/insc for pro shoulder/wrist enchant), and pulled find herbs and find minerals off my spell book and into the - and = on my bar. I set the secondary keybinding of action - and action = to scroll up and scroll down on my mouse wheel. That way I can fly around storm peaks, farm herbs and mine w/o having to do much effort to switch between what im tracking.

I have a friend who does this on her druid and my god, my gatherer lights up like the fourth of july when she goes farming. She can put out easily 8k gold in 4 hours farming both of those.

#20REDACTED, Posted: Feb 11 2009 at 3:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Best one now is herbs and inscription. Or herbs and mining, not skinning. JC is the best moneymaking prof where you make stuff. Encahnting is close though
#21 Feb 12 2009 at 8:02 AM Rating: Excellent
There is no best profession for making gold.

The best way to make gold is to learn your server's economy and have a basic understanding of supply and demand.
#22 Feb 12 2009 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
I agree ever server is different, with some servers mining and herbs make a great choice..myself on my server JC has taken a bit of a hit.

But I have found cooking to be up
#23 Mar 06 2009 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
4,575 posts

I think you shouldn’t worry about the ‘best’ method or profession. Instead, think about what is consistent.

If ore goes from 5g to 15g as the week progresses, you may want to leave all your ore till the end of the week. But then so did everyone else, and your ore comes back unsold. If you undersell, someone will undersell you also, and the price keeps dropping.

On the other hand, if you consistently have something available that can make money in the ups and downs of the AH market, you’re items will come back sold instead of unsold, thus increasing your bottom line. Not to mention, not having lost the deposit for the sale that failed to get a buyer.

Having said all that, certainly some items that are used up will have high profits as people need to use them again and again. It used to be that righteous orb for Crusader enchant, now it's something else -- ie the mats for that fish feast.

#24 Mar 09 2009 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
I been making a ton of money fishing almost up to 10k gold in past month or more. I eaither sell the fish I catch or make some type of food with it but both ways I am making good money. I used this guide to get my skill up quick it didnt take long once I was fishing in northrend I was in the money. good guide to get fishing up quick
#25 Mar 10 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
Heh, well the 'fishing guide' link is safe but the reality is that fishing hardly needs a guide - you can go from 1-450 in any home city and the only time you'd have to move/leave is to goto the fishing trainers.
#26 Mar 10 2009 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
TinyTago wrote:
I been making a ton of money fishing almost up to 10k gold in past month or more. I eaither sell the fish I catch or make some type of food with it but both ways I am making good money. I used this guide to get my skill up quick it didnt take long once I was fishing in northrend I was in the money.

trezzels-1-450-fishing-guide good guide to get fishing up quick

If you're the author of the guide (I assume you are, since you've been pushing that gold-selling website), It's ****-poor. It fails to explain that you can fish anywhere for skill points, and is also a big fail in the "I can make gold from this!" department. You say that you're making 10K gold/month. Why doesn't your guide say how/where you're doing that?

If you just want fishing, El's Guide is excellent, and there are no gold-selling advertisements.

Edited, Mar 10th 2009 8:48pm by ohmikeghod
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