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New Linkshell: Hope From AshFollow

#1 Feb 19 2007 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
27 posts
Hello Everyone:

Are you interested in joining a brand new, diverse linkshell filled with fun, helpful, positive and interesting people?

Our main goal is to have fun, help our fellow LS mates reach their goals; progress ingame, and get great gear in the process!

We are a shell that will be doing CoP runs; ZM missions; Sky/Sea Farming, HNM's, Sky/Sea Gods, ENM's, along with limbus runs throughout the month.

We are currently looking for applicants from level 45-75 and with a desire to finish CoP and ZM's.

Once we have members, we plan to have future events such as dynamis and salvage as well.

Please read our rules before applying.

If this is a shell that you are interested, please apply at Please post your application on the website and register for the website itself.

Our leaders are Kalten, Femwhispers,Illwill, and myself. Please feel free to send a tell ingame for questions about the ls.


Edited, Feb 19th 2007 9:13pm by Beuwolfsama
#2 Feb 20 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
358 posts
There's Hope for me? thank You :)
#3 Feb 20 2007 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
You are kind of contradicting yourself in the begging. You say this ls is brand new but its already filled with fun,helpful, positive, and interesting people? lol and then you say...Once we have members, we plan to have future events such as dynamis and salvage as well. so, might want to restate this.
#4 Feb 20 2007 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
74 posts
I think he means, by "new" they're less than a month old and they have people already and when he says "more members" he means "enough", it's really not that hard to figure it out once you think about it, on a side note, I'd be happy to join you Beu, but my home is with OrganizedChoas with no intention on leaving.

Edited, Feb 20th 2007 3:02pm by Berinhard
#5 Feb 20 2007 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
557 posts
Posted: By: Tyrico
You are kind of contradicting yourself in the begging. You say this ls is brand new but its already filled with fun,helpful, positive, and interesting people? lol and then you say...Once we have members, we plan to have future events such as dynamis and salvage as well. so, might want to restate this.

I'd be happy to clear up any confusion for ya Ty!

HopeFromAsh began on January 25th. Being less than one month old; for all intents and purposes HopeFromAsh is brand new; it is a diverse linkshell and filled with friendly and helpful people.

Initially there were just a handful of members; in less than one month we have grown to over 20 members.

Since some events take more members than we currently have; our hope is that one day that will all happen.

Hope that helps! Rather than take up any more space on this forum than we already have; feel free to send us a private message or tell in game with more questions!
#6 Feb 21 2007 at 7:56 AM Rating: Excellent
1,416 posts
Good Luck to you all in Hope From Ash..
#7 Feb 25 2007 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
Let the raping and pillaging of membership lists from other end-game shells begin!

And dont try the "we aren't endgame" line. Your LS rules clearly state you are without coming right out and saying it. You are just trying to be sneaky about it, get your friends and other players away from their current shells with promises of no end-game politics, no favoritism, etc. And one day when you look around and think you have enough people to really start making a mark as an end-game shell then your tune will be a bit different.

Yeah... best of luck...

Its no wonder you guys were "betrayed" when Red Wings was created. Wasp was born from this kind of ********* then it happened to you, and now you are doing it again. Birds of a feather...

Edited, Feb 25th 2007 7:07pm by ShivaTroll
#8 Feb 25 2007 at 7:53 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
For what it's worth...

I didn't happen to read *anything* from this post--or from their website--that mentioned betrayel, Red Wings, WASP, or events from the past. It looks to me that they are trying to build a future in spite of the past...not because of it. Rather than attempting to drag them into your own anger and frustration, I would suggest that you move on and do the same.

Remember, players aren't forced to leave linkshells; they do it because they're not happy where they are. Blaming another linkshell doesn't accomplish anything. Besides, if they shared your linkshell's vision, they would have stayed. They don't, so it's probably best that they left.
#9 Feb 26 2007 at 4:27 AM Rating: Excellent

I must have missed the part where Beuwolf denied being an end game linkshell. In fact, I don't think he gave a label for his shell at all. Looking at the activities he has listed, it looks to me that he is interested in doing, and is planning on doing, end game events. I don't think he even suggested his shell was not end game.
#10 Feb 26 2007 at 6:39 AM Rating: Good
557 posts
Wow! I think Beuwolf's post was pretty clearly spelled out.

Edited, Feb 26th 2007 9:54am by femwhispers
#11 Feb 26 2007 at 10:14 AM Rating: Excellent
240 posts
If we were to put a "label" upon ourselves it would be that we are both Endgame AND a social LS. Also, we don't require that you toss ANY other pearl you already may have. You can be in as many LS's as you so choose. I hardly see it as "raping" or "pillaging" when we allow people to be in whichever LS they choose to be in.


By: ShivaTroll
1 post
Score: Decent

I think this pretty much says it all.
#12 Feb 26 2007 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
actually Beu has denied bein an endgame ls countless times... probably not in that post but he does saying his ls will always be 45+ (which as you know 45 is much to low to be in a endgame ls) and the fact that they do social things such as ksnm, bcnm, ZM and CoP (good luck gettin too many poeple in an endgame ls to help you with CoP unless they need it themselves)...

Also as for the raping and pilliging comment youre right its not raping and pilliging since he does indeed allow you to be in as many LSs as you want endgame or not... th question is would the endgame ls in question allow you to be in his shell while youre still in his.. we all know how most endgame lses are about people bein in another ls they seem to think is endgame. I honestly wouldnt see it as a problem personally.. the only way it would be a confliect is if teh ls i was in while being in hfa was doing sky at the same time or camping the same nm at the same time or i choose to go to an hfa event whike my "main" ls was doing one but then id just deal with that problem when and if it ever arises instead of automatically assuming it will and jumping to conclusions but i guess not everyone sees things my way.
#13 Feb 26 2007 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
Good luck to you guys, hope it works out better for you guys this time around.

Edited, Feb 27th 2007 12:24am by SKPohina
#14 Feb 27 2007 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
179 posts
I'll not talk about past, I just wish best luck to you in guiding your linkshell, your new home. And... There is always hope ^^
#15 Feb 27 2007 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
DraOfShiva wrote:
I'll not talk about past, I just wish best luck to you in guiding your linkshell, your new home. And... There is always hope ^^

from ash
#16 Feb 27 2007 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
Wow... no drama on the Alla boards for quite some time and this thread showed some signs of life until Sophus stepped in. LOL

Anyway, Fem was last in DLV and was up front about why she was leaving the LS several weeks ago. So, good luck to Fem.

I am a bit dissappointed that a couple of our members have been actively recruited by Beuwolf who did use the "we arent end-game line" on them. But the folks he talked to are still with us and the ones that left hadnt really been with us for a while, so no big loss to us. Such is part of end-game life I suppose.

Beuwolf, the "we arent end-game" line isnt going to work on anyone with any sense. You have to apply to HFA. You have a point system for events. You camp HNM, do Sky, do Sea, and are planning Limbus, Salvage, and Dynamis. Sounds like an end-game LS to me. Allowing 45+ in is actually a pretty unique idea and one I kind of like. (Hope you dont mind if I decide to borrow that one.) But it doesnt make you guys a social LS like FU.

Regardless, good luck to you guys.
#17 Feb 27 2007 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
I re-read our LS rules and stuff... can't seem to find the part that say we are not an endgame shell? Hell I hope we are I am hype again about endgame^^. Also if I was in a LS that kill DL or kings. I won't drop that LS for a shell that only been around for maybe a week or so lol. That just crazy....unless that shells leader was a very good friend that I could trust.

#18 Feb 27 2007 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
240 posts

I am a bit dissappointed that a couple of our members have been actively recruited by Beuwolf who did use the "we arent end-game line" on them.

If someone left DLV (who is an end game LS) to a different LS that has "allegedly" used the phrase "we aren't end-game" line on them, then why would you care? If whatever member or members left to a LS that says they aren't end game then wouldn't that tell you they might not want to do end game things? And if that is the case, why are you "dissapointed" in a couple of members who went to another LS under the pretense of it being a social LS?


Beuwolf, the "we arent end-game" line isnt going to work on anyone with any sense.

I would like to thank you on behalf of Beuwolf for this advice. I guess now that you have shown us the light we will stop pretending to be something we aren't. Thank you.

Now since there is an obvious misunderstanding about how we "label" ourselves I will clarify it here.

If you want a LS where you can just come in and say "Hi", talk with friends, hang out and not feel like you are "forced" to attend events (which is the definition of a social LS), then you can do that with us. Yes you will have to apply but that is in part to our end game aspect of our LS. Just cause you apply doesn't mean that you will have to do end game things.

If you want a LS that does end game activities such as Limbus, Sky, Sea, etc, do those type of events as well. In this aspect yes we are an "end game" LS.

Basically we have a LS that will adjust to everyones needs and wants.

I'll leaving the labeling to the people who need to justify thier playing time on this video game.

#19 Feb 27 2007 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Wow!! we're popular w00t.

Hiei or DuoTampon w/e you go by, time to clear yourself here lol. You just asked me if i'm going to be a fully end game shell which i replied no, we're just a shell that does end game and low lvl events. By the way, hit F7 before you post, jeezus, could barely understand what you are writing lol. Have the decency to make a new post rather than thrashing our recruitment thread, oh wait, nvm no decency.

Alex, or whoevers Dad u are or w/e is you go by, I have no clue what you are talking about lol. Never even talked to you nor do i know your url for your website for recruiting DLV members. But you're welcome to join us too btw, we allow multiple shells. Make sure you post a app and register on the website. Like I stated above, end game + social shell. You could also check out the applicant section, it might give you an insight of what the facts are.

As far as lable, how about EGSS? Endgame Social Shell. just an idea :P

We're just trying to enjoy the game Alex for something we pay 14 bucks a month, that's what the intent of our shell is whether it's end game or hell even helping someone out on CoP. We just have a unique rules that sets us apart from other shells.

Finally, thank you for your kind words everyone.

Edited, Feb 27th 2007 8:19pm by Beuwolfsama
#20 Feb 27 2007 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Heh, I remember a time when DVS was that way, if I remember correctly the shells had to be split cause there just wasn't room for the end gamers and the lower levels. We were a very relaxed endgame shell, we did alot of the endgame stuff and never forced anyone to do anything. Only event we had points for was sky. Like HFA is trying to be DVS was the same way, in the end though, it kinda bit us in the butt, I believe SF went through the same troubles. People wanted more, expected more, kind of sucks when you have to cancel an event cause not enough people show up although you have 40+ in the shell. Sucks even more when you start losing people because of it, especially old friends....

Anyways, once again, good luck with your shell
#21 Feb 27 2007 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
The only way to know whether or not something will work is to try it. Change it. Grow it. Adapt it. Make it yours. But until you've done it, it is nothing more than wishful fantasy.

To everyone who may not like or agree with it, that is your right. But don't assume that it will fail simply because it's never been done before. If it fails, you lose nothing. But if it succeeds, you'll be surprised to find what you'll gain.
#22 Feb 28 2007 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent

We just have a unique rules that sets us apart from other shells.

Hold the phone. I'm willing to defend anyone when people are being generally stupid about them, such as defending the part about being an end game shell. This comment, however, has made my eyebrows raise.

Having glanced at your website and after reading your rules, I don't see anything that is particulary unique about your shell. Perhaps you could elaborate?
#23 Feb 28 2007 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
What make us unique you say....Nothing really. lol. Because everything we say we will do or going to do have already been done by others. Then why should people joins us? Hell I don't know. I enjoy it but thats not saying much is it?
#24 Feb 28 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
557 posts
This will be my last post on this thread.

In response to Meara’s question; I think what makes us *unique* is that we allow application for membership beginning at 45+ along with trying to/having the three main Promy’s done.

Sea is not a requirement, Sky is not a requirement, CoP being started or completed is not a requirement, ZM being started or completed is not a requirement. I don’t believe your linkshell application process is open to members at level 45 let alone the start or completion of ZM and CoP? Correct me if I’m wrong; but I guess that might make us *unique* in that respect.

Our intent is to allow people to come into our linkshell; and *grow* - maybe really find out if they even want to get to Sky or Sea; but have an opportunity to progress if you will towards some of the experiences you gain once you attain, Sky, Sea, etc.

Personally, I don’t care if *one* EVER achieves Sky or Sea. We will help them if that’s what they need and want upon joining; but isn’t it really all about desire anyway that drives someone to succeed? What we do care about is offering the chance, and the help that is needed TO achieve those ends.

It just so happens that many of us have already achieved all of those things. We still enjoy doing limbus; we still enjoy running up to Sky and farming; we want to one day have enough people to do Dynamis AGAIN. Will we achieve our goals and dreams here? Who knows!?

What I do know is; we do have goals and visions, we have experience leading linkshells, just like a couple of the hard working, honest and respected linkshell leaders who have posted their questions here; i.e., Meara, Alekzander.

We have no hidden agenda; our rules are open for anybody and everyone’s viewing pleasure. We are not seeking to take anything away from you or anyone else in this game; but perhaps to give. Simply: we are who said we are; we have goals, visions and things that we’d like to try that might be different from what others are trying.

That’s all.

Edited, Feb 28th 2007 3:05pm by femwhispers

Edited, Feb 28th 2007 3:08pm by femwhispers
#25 Feb 28 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
The primary thing that makes HfA unique among "end-game" shells is that there are no mandatory events, no expectation regarding the amount of time spent in the LS, no rules regarding which other shells you can be a part of (other than Zen), no pressure to do something that you don't want to. There are a number of players like myself that find this appealing, because we simply cannot devote a specific amount of time per week toward a GAME, yet we'd love to be able to do some challenging things that are only tackled by "end-game" shells. We also don't want to be forced to abandon, for all intents and purposes, our relationships with other players that aren't a part of the LS. I have nothing against other HNMLSes or those players that want to commit to that kind of intense gaming environment; I just don't want my time to be spent in that way.

That being said, I really can't imagine how anyone could read either Beu's original post or anything on the website and not understand that HfA is, at least in part, an end-game shell. It may not be *solely* end-game; it IS designed to have a social aspect and activities with "lower level" (45+) players as well. But when you read the description and it says, "sea/sky gods and farming, limbus, dynamis, NMs, etc."... yeah, those are traditionally associated with end-game activity. I mean, there's even an application, with one question being the standard "do you have OP warps for HNM pop zones". I don't think anyone could fill out an application (required to be given a pearl) and be "deceived" into thinking that HfA was "not an end-game shell". I don't see how anyone could be lured away from anywhere else under some sort of "guise" or "ruse". If they are leaving another shell to come to HfA, it's most likely either because they dislike something about their current shell, or because they see something at the new shell that they want to be a part of.

Just because a few people leave one LS doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the LS or the leaders. I know it's hard not to take things personally or feel "betrayed", but really, you just have to let it go. As Sophus likes to say, "a linkshell is a choice, not a responsibility". Let the players go where they feel they will have the best gaming experience, and if that ends up being not with you, just chalk it up to a difference in play style, not necessarily anything you or your LS did.
#26 Mar 17 2007 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I like HfA!!! I joined a little over a week ago and they are super helpful and so nice! Thanks for letting me join :)
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