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#77 Jan 18 2006 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
418 posts
you are a girlie girl- sentimental, optmistic and most likely one to cry over childrens birthings and weddings.

I bet she LOVES to wear pink to?

Bris she totally has you NAILED.

Now go back to bedazzling my denim coat for me.
#78 Jan 18 2006 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
836 posts
Never in my life have I ever had to goto shady extremes to get laid.

Probably cuz you're gay. Men can be easy, especially when you give BJ's like Dizzy Gillespie...

Bris the term ****-block is a very factual term created by man.

Very true, and that was the man that got his ****-blocked by your tonsils, he was aiming for your throat, ya back-stabbin' crotch goblin.

Wrip, I still love ya, but stop sending me messages on how much you loved your bootleg copy of Brokeback Mountain.
#79 Jan 19 2006 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
I'm surprised, Barch. On my post several months ago you talked about how you didn't support saying "that's gay" or otherwise using sexuality as an insult. Yet you (and several other people) continually accuse other people of being **** as a way to degrade them. Wrip is straight and you know it, just like Wrip knows you and Kramer aren't f--- buddies. All you prove with these statements is that 90% of the servers are full of 20-something homophobes that act like 5-year olds.

And not all guys are easy O.o
#80 Jan 19 2006 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
Mszsliccc wrote:
imo, no book (with the exception of the this i mean dr suess obviously kids, and zane obviously adult etc) can really be called either "kids book" or "adult book." they are for those who enjoy reading.

and nuzo, you actually LIKED the movies?? lol, the first and second ones were the only movies that did the book credit, imo. and good lord the goblet of fire movie sucked ***

I only saw the first and second one, I did not read the books. I enjoyed them ^^
#81 Jan 19 2006 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Did you know Dr. Suess Originaly wrote pornography only?
#82 Jan 19 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
I'm surprised, Barch. On my post several months ago you talked about how you didn't support saying "that's gay" or otherwise using sexuality as an insult.

I didn't say "that's gay." I said he IS gay. The word "gay" is not an insult.
I'm not a homophobe, I accept ppl as they are. That's what makes us beautiful. I was just pokin' fun at Wrip. But it seems that someone else might be "pokin'" him...
#83 Jan 19 2006 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
I only saw the first and second one, I did not read the books. I enjoyed them ^^

You totally should! The books are waaaay better than the movies though I did (gulp) enjoy the movies as well. ;) The last book rocked and I'm impatient for the next one!
#84 Jan 19 2006 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
BarchielReturns wrote:
I didn't say "that's gay." I said he IS gay. The word "gay" is not an insult.

You may not have said "that's gay" but you still used homosexual references as a way of putting someone else down. Your actions/language are homophobic even if you aren't necessarily "against" gay people.

BarchielReturns wrote:
I was just pokin' fun at Wrip. But it seems that someone else might be "pokin'" him...

Wrip isn't my type :\

BTW, I love Scarry Potty and have read all the books and seen all the movies - they are easy reads, but a far cry from "children's books". I didn't care for the 3rd movie, because it was my favorite book, but it grew on me a bit. 4th movie left a lot out BUT it included all the key points re: the tri-wizard tournament and presented the story very well - and yeah, ok, so I liked the Viktor Krum closeups too ;)

Anyone who considers LOTR a kids story obviously hasn't read the books or bothered to realize the amount of linguistic scholarship Tolkein put into them. If anything, a child won't understand it all.
#85 Jan 19 2006 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
...but you still used homosexual references as a way of putting someone else down...

In the strictest sense, you're right, but the put-down is not in being included into the referenced group. Really the attempt is to bait someone into protesting being included into a group, thus showcasing how provincial they are by they're own actions.

If I say you were probably matriculated, Lawtechguy, in an expectation that you'll take insult at being labeled as such, it does not mean I've referenced people who've been accepted into university in a derogatory manner. However, if you take insult to being labeled as such, my insult is realized.
#86 Jan 19 2006 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
I admit that is an interesting way of looking at it, Gentoo (even if I did have to read it 3 times to figure out what the hell you meant @.@). Matriculation does not carry with it the same sort of stigma sexuality does, though, particularly when it is used as a way to bring into question someone's masculinity.

"... they like men while still boys, delighting to lie with men and be embraced by them. These are the most noble boys and youths because they are by nature most manly." Aristophanes, in Plato's Symposium, 192a
#87 Jan 19 2006 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
"... they like men while still boys, delighting to lie with men and be embraced by them. These are the most noble boys and youths because they are by nature most manly." Aristophanes, in Plato's Symposium, 192a

Isn't his opinion biased cuz he's gay?

Nonetheless, I do think that you are manly. Dare I say, a macho man?

"Macho, Macho Man!!! I've got to be...a Macho Man!" ^^

jk L.Tech.

But yeah, Gentoo has a way with words. I swear my I.Q. goes up everytime I read one of his posts. lol

#88 Jan 19 2006 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
woah! i never cared to look on the Shiva board thing .. and its pretty cool seeing all you guys posting on here because ive seen you all in jeuno x.X

anyyyyyway... first off, i met Wrip in Valkurm Dunes and he wasnt very nice to me... i killed some mobs around the outpost with my monk's Spinning Attack just for fun, may i remind you that NO parties or people were there when i got a few mobs, anyway.. i killed them, was about to Outpost Warp, when magically, a party is there screaming, slapping, giving me nasty tells and all that magical junk, Wrip being the worst one... completely ripping my head off.. i apologized, because it wasnt on purpose.. but yeah.. they all kept being weiner heads. then one of them called me a gilbuyer i think, mind you my gear isnt even good enough to be called that. but i got mad and followed their party around for a few minutes killing what they were about to kill until i got an apology, which i did, from the leader. but wrip was still being a potty head. (like my 1st grade terms? i think they sound funny..) anyway i dont hate him/dislike him/blah blah him.. blah.. and im sure he probably hates me :o (btw wrip this is Shruiken, the elvaan monk who killed some fly's and leeches around the camp you guys appeared at after i killed some mobs and your party was all like "RAWRRRR you *******!" but that was long ago and i hope you still dont hold a grudge for it.

ANYWAY since i typed that for no reason, heres my response to the... um... topic!

ever see office space? you know the expression the main character has on his face after he's hypnotized? you shoulda just got up.. look around like that.. scratch your balls once or twice, yawn, and walk out! it woulda been humorous and maybe your roommate woulda been like "holy crap wtf was that?!"

i come home from school sometimes and hear my sister banging away at her boyfriend sometimes. thats disturbing. thats really ******* disturbing. O.o... do i sound crazy? im not.. i just have midterms tomorrow.. and im not looking forward to it!

thank you for your time and good night!
#89 Jan 19 2006 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
71 posts
Matriculation does not carry with it the same sort of stigma sexuality does, though, particularly when it is used as a way to bring into question someone's masculinity.

I acquience to your point -- my POV might be very singular.

I read Barchiels posts (such as the ones above) and see him adopting a derogatory "term" in such a way that protesting it would expose one as thin skinned and narrow minded. In a very 'round about way, as I watch Barchiel deftly go to work on someone, I also see him removing the power of that stigma.

even if I did have to read it 3 times to figure out what the hell you meant @.@

Sorry, it was badly stated. The topic, in my head, is almost recursive, and trying to unravel it in short amount of time was beyond my ability.
#90 Jan 19 2006 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Gentoo > The Architect (The Matrix: Reloaded)

I swear I love your posts, such handling of grammer and word usage;
school us, lol.

Gentoo's I.Q. ownz me.

#91 Jan 19 2006 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
418 posts
Yeah shruiken I remember that. And you did see us. You trained every mob around our camp brought it near us killed them all then did a /laugh. I was mad. The party was horrid, and we finally got a decent puller and you did that. I did not cuss you out, I said it was un-called for and very rude. I said that being 60+ you should know better. Then when I tried to get the party to do the right thing and leave the spot you followed. Threatened a GM call. And proceeded to kill everything on the beach. I blisted you and moved on. The rest of the party being new people took it further. I hold no grudge against you but you will not be removed from my blacklist.

Bar calling me gay is hilarious. Say what you like, it bothers me not.

Oh and Bart, I may not be gay but I'm everyones type.

I've said my peace on Shaos problem. Oh wait.

BTW Wrip, your empty "threat" of discrediting me as an honest guy if I disagree with you doesn't scare me in the slightest.

I never made any threats. I can't discredit you. I can say how it is in my area, I can tell you how every other guy i've met feels. OK maybe not every other guy, but most average, good looking guys feel this way. If you are going to disagree it's because A. You want to look like a "nicer" guy then me. B. You can't get any. or C. Well there isn't really a C.

Now please guys rate me down some more for sharing an opinion and give further proof that you can't tolerate someone else if they have an opinion that differs from yours.
#92 Jan 19 2006 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
nono, i didnt laugh because i killed them to make you angry, i laughed because i killed them in one shot with Spinning Attack and it made me giggle. I see you misunderstood that. and you did cuss me out, dont even pretend you didnt. you and the leader went crazy on me and i had even apologized... i continued to follow you guys because i wanted an apology for being insulted so far, and yeah, i got one from the leader of your party :o so i left! see i dont like it when i dont do anything wrong on purpose and then people get mad at me and i apologize but they refuse to calm down and understand what even happened, i see the leader of that party saw what happened from my point of view.

i did not ask you to take me off of your blist, nor did i say i wanted you to. its not like im gunna give you a /tell anytime soon for casual chat, and im a higher level than you so i doubt i'd be telling you for a party.

obviously, being that i remain on your blist and your still accusing me of doing something wrong you do hold a grudge against me. i do not hold one against you because i understand that you were angry, though your party did take it too far..

anyway, if you want to continue holding a grudge against me thats fine, because like i said, its not like im gunna be sending you a /tell for casual chat, i would just like to clear my name.
#93 Jan 19 2006 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
oh and for the record, i did not see you. when i got there before i trained my mobs there was only a dragoon there, so yeah, you have that part wrong too. if i had saw you i wouldnt have done it, because i know how much that would **** me off. possibly when i was killing leeches, singally (might have been looking for ruby perhaps, idk) but after that i started training, then when i returned to outpost you were all there. once again, even tho its in the past and stuff, i apologize, once again, for what i did on ACCIDENT.
#94 Jan 19 2006 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
71 posts
edit: whoops

Edited, Thu Jan 19 22:57:02 2006 by Unixium
#95 Jan 24 2006 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
lawtechguy wrote:
Anyone who considers LOTR a kids story obviously hasn't read the books or bothered to realize the amount of linguistic scholarship Tolkein put into them. If anything, a child won't understand it all.

i was 11 years old when i first read them. of course there were words that i did not understand- but i figured them out by context clues and the occasional dictionary help. but overall, i understood the books. so it's not really fair to say a blanket statement like that, unless that was a shot at someone, which i think it was, but a very vauge shot :)
#96 Jan 25 2006 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
I should clarify - a child can read the story and follow along and get the general idea, such as what is portrayed in the movies (which I did enjoy), but I don't believe you can fully understand them until you are an adult. LOTR is meant for a completely different audience than The Hobbit or Chronicles of Narnia. I read LOTR when I was in middle school, again the summer right before college (1995), and most recently last year. Only now have I truly been able to appreciate the details of the world Tolkein created.
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