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Should a white mage be required to Raise and Port ?Follow

#1 Sep 03 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
OK here it goes. The other night I was in Bastok working diligently on my goldsmithing skill. I had turned on the anonymous function as I didnt want to be disturbed unless it was by someone I know. Half way through the night... shouts started coming for ports... apparently there were no white mages of high enough level to do them. After about 30 minutes of yelling for a port ( to Dem I might add ) this group of people starts yelling about how all the white mages are lazy, and didnt care about other players... this ticked me off. I sent a tell saying that I didnt think that was the way to get any white mage to want to do a port... the reply I received was that because they have port they SHOULD port and that was that. I just turned the shout filter on and went about my business. The next day I was on a choco in Meriphtaud heading for the crawlers nest to join a PT that was waiting on me. I receive a tell asking to do a raise over near the spine and I was nearly to the zone. I told them that I was on a choco and was heading to join a party that was waiting for me and not only that but I was nearly out of the zone. The reply I got was really rude... I was told that I was a **** for not coming back and helping out and that they would pay me if I did. I assured him that money wasnt the issue here that I wanted to just get to my party. I received a whatever as a reply and then nothing more. It got me to thinking. Should I as a white mage be REQUIRED to do a raise in that situation ? Should I HAVE to do ports just because someone is asking for one? I have given tons of ports and a lot of the time I dont bother charging. Before I port I always give a shout that Im heading that way and will take anyone along for the ride that needs to go. I constantly raise people when I am on foot traversing from place to place. How much is enough for everyone ? Am I wrong in my ideas about this topic ?

Disgruntled Whm

Edited, Fri Sep 3 12:21:44 2004 by Gravymonkey
#2 Sep 03 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
567 posts
This thread was way funnier when that post was blank. Smiley: grin

Anyway, of course you shouldn't be required to raise/teleport people who aren't in your party. Anybody who thinks that you have to just because you can is delusional. Just because a Warrior has Provoke doesn't mean he's required to run around voking everything that moves (dumb example, but I like it anyway).

In short, your time is valuable. It's up to you to decide what you want to do with it. If you don't want to raise/port, don't.

Edited, Fri Sep 3 12:36:33 2004 by Ryld
#3 Sep 03 2004 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
In a party, yes.
#4 Sep 03 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
lol sorry I pushed enter by accident and sent a blank post =) doh me = dumb
#5 Sep 03 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
NO! I don't care if you are standing next to the person shouting for Teleport-Dem, and start casting it on yourself. You don't have to do anything! However, if you have the time(and the spell needed) it can only help your reputation. WHM does not equal Raise/Tele slave.
#6 Sep 03 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
For your fellow party members, yes you should be Raising and Teleporting you all as needed. That's kind of the point of those spells. However, a WHM is in no way (nor should it ever become) a Tele/Raise *****. That's ridiculous. WHMs Raise and Teleport other non-party members at the WHM's convenience. Sometimes for gil, sometimes for kicks or just to be helpful. The key phrase here is at the WHM's convenience. It's staggering to see the number of people who seem to think that WHMs have no life other than Tele/Raise. Those people are what we not-so-lovingly title "asshats."
#7 Sep 07 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
No, you shouldn't. Thats like saying that any mage past 30 should powerlevel on demand. I have a few 'friends' that have made me feel guilty because I wouldn't go out of my way to raise, teleport, and powerlvl them... its annoying and also makes the game boring. {Hmmmm} that could also be the reason why I've taken a break from FFXI.
On topic, I would laugh at any stranger who cursed me for not jumping at their orders.
#8 Sep 07 2004 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Yeah those people are very rude. I ask politely and if no one helps oh well but if they do they are very nice about it since I was.
#9 Sep 07 2004 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
As a whm.. If ur in a pt and u are required to raise or port them, u SHLD..

however, u have the right, whether u want to raise or port ppl..

at least, thats what i think. ^^
#10 Sep 08 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
I lvl whm and have encountered that kind of attitude though not to that extreme yet. My advise? playe how you want. I personally believe as others have stated that you are only obligated to raise/teleport xp pt members; as others have said. Anyone else? if they have a problem with it, what are they going to do? report you to a GM? lol ^^
#11 Sep 09 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
kind new here but heres my views.

I mostly agree with whats been said so i wont repeat it, but i see one major item that has been left out. the LS, i think that yea if a whm can raise/tele a LS member they kinda should, but no as been said whm are not slaves to some random noob who needs a tele/raise.
#12 Sep 09 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
kind new here but heres my views.

I mostly agree with whats been said so i wont repeat it, but i see one major item that has been left out. the LS, i think that yea if a whm can raise/tele a LS member they kinda should, but no as been said whm are not slaves to some random noob who needs a tele/raise.
#13 Sep 09 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
opps on the double post bad internet connection at the time....
#14 Sep 09 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent still need a static or mid level LS?

send me a /tell in game: Sakitumi
#15 Sep 09 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
491 posts
/sigh I've gotten that kind of attitude before. I was called a lazy *** because I didn't want to get off my choco when I was already close to zone. They were near the entrance and I was about 5 seconds away from the exit.

I also get that from folks leveling new jobs when I'm in town. I hate it when people seem to think I only leveled white mage to be at everyone's beck and call. I didn't level a white mage to spend my life powerleveling you. If i'm in a powerleveling mood, I might throw in a cure or two for some random person for a battle or two or help a friend or LS mate level a few. (free for LSmates or friends always)

but then I get those,
Random Person>hey can you PL me?
me> <I'm sorry, I'm busy now.>
Random Person>come on, please? I'll pay you.
me> (thinking, well gee, I can make 500 gil in 2 seconds by doing a teleport or PL some guy that I wouldn't have without some sort of compensation in the first place...generally if you let them decide, it ends up being 100-200 gil for a few hours of work anyway >.<)
me> /anon, <I'm sorry> <good bye!>
Random Person> goddamn why aren't there ever any good white mages on anymore?

If i'm on foot and there's a dead guy next to me, I'll raise them for free on the spot. Being on choco with a place to go is a whole different story though.
#16 Sep 09 2004 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
To answer your question i'm with everyone else on this thread no it's not your job to raise or tele them and what you do is nice as it is to offer and not charge for everything like some whms I know so no your not in the wrong there the other players were just being noobs and/or idiots
#17 Sep 14 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
yes and no.

it's all a matter of if you want to nice or not.

i'll sometimes sit in the dunes or qufim with my my whm and raise people for donations of crystals. if they want to give money, i'll take it too... i ain't that way... but i'd prefer crystals...

sometimes i encounter the annoying newbie that thinks I'm being the **** for asking for a donation, so I made this macro:

"Roses are red and tulips are sublime
if you don't donate now, ***** you next time"

most people let me have the crystals, and they are cool with it, and tell me about other whm's that demanded money ^^

makes me feel less guilty about asking for crystals...
#18 Sep 14 2004 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
Here's a recent story the other day. An LS member says that there is someone wanting a teleport-mea in s.sandy and is willing to pay 3500 gil for it. So I say, sure! why not? (I am lvling brd in w.ronf at the time. So I start heading my way back to town and send the guy a tell.

he asks "For free?"

my response was "lol... no, teleports are a convience and I am going out of my way"

a minute or two later and I am almost in sandy

Me: "So you still need that tele?"

him: "No, already got one thanks"

I am not quoting exactly so I know I am leaving part of the flavor of the post out. Yet to me it seemed as if he was upset that I was going to charge 3000 gil for a teleport. Now me? I know how long it takes to get to Mea on foot and can easily see the willingness to pay 3k for a teleport-mea if you are in sandy. If I was already in town and teleporting it would be for the normal 500 gil. Yet I was going out of my way which demands compensation in my book.

As for teleporting LS members for free? I disagree about whm's being obligated to. I teleport LS members for free because I want too. If it was required? I wouldn't do it. The difference is in the attitude. I am not obligated to do anything in the game outside of a pt. People have a problem with that? fine. I have no control what issues people do or do not have. I just have control over me.
#19 Sep 14 2004 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
I do teleports for my linkshell people... we are a small shell and we are all good friends so going out of the way is no bother at all. What I do hate is how inconsiderate people are of a Whm's time. Take for instance I was farming crawler silk in East Sarta... I received a tell from a pt in the Maze of Shakarami asking if I could raise their comrade because he hadnt set his homepoint after teleporting from Bastok and had just gone straight into Xping. I told them that I would be right there just let me run and get a choco. I run to Windy pay for the Choco and get going. I arrive in Shakarami...dismount and go inside. I ask what their position was and I am greeted with a reply of... oh sorry we already got one. It is this kind of inconsiderate behavior that is really getting me to the point of staying anon ALL THE TIME. I really enjoy helping people but I get sick of people expecting that I should help... hell half the time I dont even receive a thank you. Then people when I go out of my way to help cant be considerate enough to let me know not to trek out to do a raise via a simple tell... dont waste our time. People are complaining all the time about there are no White Mages... no goood White Mages. Heres an idea folks; STOP MISTREATING WHITE MAGES, BE COURTEOUS AND CONSIDERATE THAT THESE PEOPLE GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO HELP YOU AND MAYBE YOULL SEE A FEW MORE OF US NOT GOING ANON ALL THE TIME.... Just a thought
White Mage takes a certain kind of person... most White Mages are very giving by nature... we are not blood thirsty... go crazy adventurers for the most part, our job is to heal and support. So why not try giving us Whites a little respect and some support of our own... we are not tools.

40 Whm

Edited, Tue Sep 14 17:57:22 2004 by Gravymonkey
#20 Sep 15 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
3,139 posts
You do "WHAT YOU CAN WHEN YOU CAN" which means the choice is yours. IF you can, and it wont disrupt your current plan, then by all means you should (charging is another thread). But if you cant, then you simply cant. No one can force you to, and if they cant understand that, then too bad.

On a lighter note, most people totally understand when you tell them you cant help them for whatever reason. I have only had one as you call them "asshat" who tried to force me to raise them, right after i raised 7 dead whm's in yhoator, and hadnt partied for 30 minutes, and he was on the other side of he zone.

#21 Sep 15 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
should a WHM be required to port? and Raise!!!

#22 Sep 16 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
29 posts
Anyone saying any one job is required to do anything is just fooling themselves. WHMs generally have 'CURE' stamped on their foreheads, along with their nice support abilities. RDMs can do the same jobs, though they don't do tele-taxi service. Now, seeing as we all pay to play this GAME, I don't see how you can demand anything of someone else who is also paying to HAVE FUN on this game. Not to mention that the spells in question have to be bought by said WHM before they can actually use them. I've taken WHM out for a spin or two, and the costs of playing the job are pretty high, along whith the high expectations of the partys you join. You also get to be the sacrificial lamb if things go wrong with Benediction. All of these factors pile up to be a huge responsibility and is generally a thankless profession due to the lack of consideration and courtesy by far too many of the players on FFXI.

I've long expressed my distain for people who are job-combo elitists. (just read my sig) WHMs are primarily healers, but they can fill other party roles as well. Just completely being the robot that does the 'expected' role of your job is boring, unimaginative, and occasionally dangerous. This can be summed up by a conversation related through LS chat:

WHM: Hey, can you cast some cures once in a while? I'm blowing through my mp pretty fast, and you're not helping.
RDM: (at 80%mp) I'm debuff.

It's truly a pity that the lamers that actually do believe white mages are raise/tele whores won't read this thread, and if they do, they won't learn anything.
#23 Sep 17 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
358 posts
Yes of course WHM is supposed to raise and tele. You are our slaves! You must do our bidding! Especially when we ask you in the rudest possible way and then remind you that, again, this is your job, slave.

Silly White Mage. Why are you even trying to do things for yourself like smithing and partying. Your soul belongs to us dead, lazy and impatient people.

#24 Sep 17 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
I don't think that you should be required to raise or tele someone. When i'm in a pt and someone dies this first thing i do is if we don't have someone who can cast raise is i'm looking for someone who can. If or when i find someone i always send out a private /tell (shouting is rude i think). If they can then great but if they can't its no big deal either. If people think that whms are REQUIRED to raise or tele then just let them think about this.....what if there was no whm there at the time? Who would they blame then? People need to treat it as if there isn't one available and start looking at the fact that if someone can or is willing to raise them that it is an added plus. Besides if they set there home point while they are trying to lvl then it shouldn't really be too much of a problem. Hell in some cases that would be even better to just home point and then keep on fighting rather than wait the 10-15 minutes or so waiting for the whm to come, raise, heal, wait for you to not be weak, and then heal again. If they can't deal with that then they need to grow up.

White Mages have a life too. So let them live it without the harrasment.
#25 Sep 19 2004 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
I agree when ppl reply earlier, that whm doesnt HAVE to raise and teleport. and i agree, that it be nice to donate for those port and raises. and i think that why most ppl invite whm, cause they can teleport the party to their exp camp..

example: a pt of around lvl 50ish, want to go to boyahda tree, or quicksand, instead of paying for teleport, they invite a whm who got teleport-mea, or teleport-altepa(imagine..asking a whm to port a pt..most whm charge teleport-altepa..1000x6) ... if not, the party can alway invite Rdm as their main healer (maybe 2).

and also, that another reason, why most ppl invite blm in the higher lvl...cause at lvl 40, blm learned warp2....and after the battle is done, the blm can warp2 the pt back to their hp.( like in the crawler nest..i hate walking back to jeuno from Cnest... monster aggro me,along the that lvl...around lvl 35ish)
(and escape and tractor make blm, a most sought after class^^)

hmm, something to think about

also, next time, tell those lazy b*tch, to switch over to whm and lvl it to 36... that way, they can learned teleport dem/mea/holla and raise. even me, with poorly equiped armor, i still get invite all the way to lvl 40ish...and i'm a elv.
ppl want whm in their pt, no matter what their subjob is or what they wearing. (please dont hate me^^, but i was a poorly equip whm , back when i started this game, and the only reason i lvl whm, no one want to invite me, and since whm lvl faster then the other class, and i want to get an adv job...i lvl whm to 30, and did those adv job.

p/s: sorry if i go on and on....but i, too, feel strongly about this subject
and sorry, if there any grammer and/or spelling error :P
#26 Sep 20 2004 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
the sad fact of the matter is a good portion of people do believe whm's are the B*T^Hes of the game. My main job is whm for a reason i like to help out (/sigh i shoulda been a taru) but i dont like it when things are demanded of me >.< If i'm busy and someone asks for a raise or a p/lvl i'm More then happy to do it as long as youre nice to me and dont bS me... on the otherhand if you demand of me i will just polietly dismiss you (up to a point) anyway... I personally feel if we were kinder to our Whm eaquals they would be EVEN MORE kind to us ^.^

dont know how i feel about this one:
SomeRandomMithraInFrontOFAH: taaaaaaxxxiiiiiiiii! <Teleport-Holla> 500g
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