In good forum fashion, instead of making a new thread, I will add on to an old one.
I shut it all down last night. Goodbye linkshell, I will miss you. Special shout-outs to my girls Insertcliche, Lovegoddess, and Pwincess, and my boys, Nerdcrewlee and Krazy. Thanks for the fun these past few months.
Bye people I met on Allakhazam - Picout, Grizzleox, Seryn, Cydille, Eekiki, Alphire, Yraec. Thanks for entertaining me with your insight/humor/great storytelling/encouragement and for the waves and chats in game.
Bye people from my friends list and people I just knew for some reason that I can't remember. I will miss Blithe, Hawkeyee, Miraj, Borked, Aleksandreah and Nicholla, Tamandra, Alsarius and all my galka buddies, Kamzu and Erikka (sorry I can't make it to the wedding, I wasn't going to be home anyway), Majikstx and our farting matches, Danielson even though I have no idea who he is but he always waved at me and everyone else (gotta appreciate someone who is just friendly to everyone), Queenie for being cool regardless of us having the same name and finding me that raise when she first saw me dead in Qufim (come on, most girls would be like oh no she DIDN'T show up here with my name!), Veruca, Ferriol, Frusciante, and everyone else I met doing EF, Oldrottweiler, Dyer and Borealis whom I met in the Easter event and remembered me, Victoriousllama, all my samurai friends (especially you Phrosty), and everyone else I can't remember right now.
Wow, I'm going to feel really bad when 16 people follow this with "What about me? I thought we were friends!" Sorry, can't remember everybody while I'm at work, and my friends list no longer exists.
Most of all I want to thank Mibotsu. He was a constant source of laughs and let me vent to him whenever I needed to. He gave me some pretty good deals on his hand-me-down armor and weapons too. I had a good time when we camped the NM in Delkfutt's together went to Yuhtunga to kill lizards. We should have done more of that, maybe I would still be interested in the game. Tell Nich and Aleks I said adios. Enjoy the loot I sent ya. I know it won't cover for the expense of the war bow +1, but at least you won't be broke after you buy it now. Drop me a line anytime. I'm going to miss you most of all Scarecrow.
Vaya con Dios Ragnarok. I'm going to go play some GTA: San Andreas and reconnect with my real life and my real friends. I was once a kickass dominoes player, time to see if I still got it. In the words of Jerry Springer - Take care of each other and yourselves.
Edited, Thu Dec 23 15:23:36 2004 by queeniexb