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LARP's :(Follow

#1 Apr 12 2009 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
540 posts
Id like to shoot some raspberries to the LARP's who sic'ed the GM on a linkshell member of mine today. He might get banned :(

Shouldn't the LARP's use /party or /linkshell to do their LARP adventure?
He may have only wanted to demonstrate absurdity of the /say spamming of the LARP's, by spamming back like a clown. However I wanted to vent.

I am not against LARP'ers personally, but they just need a thick skin and perhaps do it in /party or /linkshell chat only.

Thank You

Edited, Apr 13th 2009 12:37am by thinktank
#2 Apr 13 2009 at 4:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
A couple things:

First off, the LA in LARP most likely means "live action"; in other words, real life. What you see in the game isn't really LARPing. This is.

Secondly, just because I don't understand or care about what the people at the adjacent table at the restaurant are talking about doesn't mean that I should be harassing them. It's not vulgar, indecent, or intrusive, so what's it to you? If you want to talk absurd spam, try checking out Whitegate's shout channel.
#3 Apr 13 2009 at 4:55 AM Rating: Default
1,892 posts

*I doubt there are many people here that will remember this quote.
#4 Apr 13 2009 at 6:03 AM Rating: Good
Shouldn't the LARP's use /party or /linkshell to do their LARP adventure?

Frankly, no. If there aren't rules for others on what/how much can be in /say, why should there be for roleplayers?

Most rpers are pretty courteous about not using /say excessively in busy areas such as the AH, etc. And if they are, many would respond favorably to a simple polite /tell asking them not to spam in such a crowded area. However, no one responds well to rude /say or /shouts back.

I feel that rpers get a bad rep all around, which is unfortunate. They have every right to exist in a mmorpg. I know you said you're frustrated and venting, but try to see it from the rpers' perspective. It's not acceptable to harrass someone for playing the game in their own way, especially if it is not directly effecting you.

I am sorry for your friend and hope he doesn't get banned over what sounds like a small incident. Hopefully, any future problems can be resolved in a better way.

Edited, Apr 13th 2009 10:04am by Humaisna
#5 Apr 13 2009 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
If you don't want to see people roleplaying in /say or /shout then make use of your chat filters and /blacklist. Thats what those features are for. I don't get why people get all bent out of shape when people spam /say or /examines you. Just turn the filters on so you don't have to see it. People should be able to say whatever they want in /say we do have the freedom of speech you don't have the right to tell people what they should or shouldn't do it is their game as much as it is yours.
#6 Apr 13 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
3,493 posts
If you act like an ***, then you'll probably get banned. Pretty simple.

I'm curious what your friend said that got him banned now.
Long Live Windurst! ( ^∀^)
Maat is a big bully! マート、大っ嫌い!( ⊃д⊂ )
Windurst Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 10
Zombies are delicious:
#7 Apr 13 2009 at 9:41 PM Rating: Excellent
126 posts
I would be the one who called the GM. When a group of people is standing way out of the way so as not to be intrusive on a cliffside on Qufim, and someone decides to run in the middle of us then start repeatedly spamming things in /s then making suggestive and inappropriate comments to linkshell members... I'm sorry, but I'm going to call a GM for harassment.

We purposely found an out of the way spot so as not to be in anyone's hair and Rowley, of his own accord, decided to make an *** of himself. Unfortunately, I can't offer my apologies.
#8 Apr 13 2009 at 9:46 PM Rating: Excellent
139 posts
Howdy. I just want to ask if we're genuinely being blamed for your friend's misdeeds? Roleplaying in /say in an entirely far off and secluded corner of Qufim Island is considered spam that requires both sexually harassing talk and flooding of text to combat this 'spam'? Who on earth are you, Glenn Beck?

Even in our excessive numbers (Something like 12 of us there), it is practically impossible of us to achieve the log speed of a packed city. Our linkshell has had somewhat of an open policy that should someone be interested in joining the living world we call Vana'diel, they're more than welcome to do as much as join the community or simply acknowledge their fellow Adventurers.

People like your friend is why we can't have nice things.
#9REDACTED, Posted: Apr 16 2009 at 6:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I sympathize with both parties here, but that's not going to please anyone. One one hand, logging into your cartoon avatar and running amok in a digital world with a great sword and fire magic is more than sufficient to serve all your role playing needs, period. Ridiculous flamboyant mannerisms, pretending to speak High English passably, and holding arbitrary conversations in convoluted prose do not in any way enhance the game or make persons involved in such behavior special. Rather, they're a large portion of what gets those of us RPGers who don't fairly deserve the weight of all the negative stereotypes, stereotyped. It's annoying, please stop it immediately and offer no excuses.
#10 Apr 16 2009 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
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29,633 posts
I sympathize with both parties here, but that's not going to please anyone.

If you're not with me... then you're my enemy!
#11 Apr 16 2009 at 7:49 PM Rating: Excellent
139 posts
Adloma wandung geunþwærian wé á lÃðungt ácweðan swá dimnes æfterieldu búrena. Wyrd mæst of ús canne ácweðan heáhtreów cniht Englisc!

There you go. Olde En... Oh wait. You wanted High English.

Well, I do have some HighEnglish.

"When ye assume, ye maketh an *** out of you and me!"

Pretty good, no? It's really fun when people perpetuate stereotypes. I think people who play the game solely to progress to a defined goal put the undue stereotype on us roleplayers as those who do nothing but sit on the PC day in and day out mindlessly grinding while shoving their faces full of unhealthy junk food.

Kind of punches a hole in your argument, doesn't it?

Ridiculous flamboyant mannerisms, pretending to speak High English passably, and holding arbitrary conversations in convoluted prose do not in any way enhance the game or make persons involved in such behavior special.

Tarutaru players acting like Tarutaru. Mithra characters acting like Mithra. Humes smelling like Galka. All acting out the living plot of the world of Vana'diel, not twelfth century England. Very flamboyant! Almost Kefka-esque in the spotlight hogging. Gyahahaha~!

Me thinks ye need to grow a thicker hide, pull thine boots up by the thongs and preform a mite of research.
#12 Apr 16 2009 at 8:27 PM Rating: Excellent
126 posts
People seem to have a basic misunderstanding as to what roleplaying is and what sort of people do it that honestly sort of confuses me. Roleplaying is far more accepted in Europe, both online and off, so far as I am aware. (If I'm wrong, please, EU players correct me.) This stigma it has seems to be a uniquely American phenomenon so far as I can tell.

Why is this though? People seem to think several things about roleplayers that simply aren't true. One, that they're social outcasts who hide in basements to pursue their activity. From what I've seen, many active roleplayers tend to be creative, outspoken, and social people. There are, of course, the dregs of the barrel but isn't this true in every pursuit? You have people who enjoy football then you have meathead jocks. You have upstanding, moral people and then you have religious zealots. You have confident people and then you have @#%^s. You have people who enjoy games, and then you have Koreans. (I know, joke in poor taste.) Should all be judged by the extremist minority?

All this to say that I think most of the bad rap roleplaying gets is from a fundamental misunderstanding. In most instances of roleplaying I've seen, both online and off, people tend to speak in pretty modern English. It'd sound both stilted and awkward to reel off Victorian era English, especially since most modern speakers would butcher it terribly. Go read Canterbury Tales if you want an idea of how burdensome it'd be to actually try to speak that way.

In our particular linkshell, Canta Per Me, I think my character is the only one who actually speaks very formally and many of the other characters think him odd and make fun of him for it. Yes, as several posters have already noted, it sounds pretty damn silly to modern ears. As to our members? We have a chef, a medical researcher, a graphics design artist, a primary education teacher, an insurance risk assessor, and several college students. I may be wrong but this doesn't sound like the outcast dregs of society to me.

If you'd like to spend all your time turning that +4 gear into +5 gear for marginal improvements in your merit party parses, hey, go for it. I'm active in a HNM shell and no slouch in a group myself. Performance and giving it your best can be fun, but realize you're just as silly for pouring all your time into cranking out bigger numbers in a nonexistant world as we are for enjoying its story.

Edited, Apr 16th 2009 11:30pm by Hecatoncheire
#13REDACTED, Posted: Apr 16 2009 at 8:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) There are reasons that every time one of this game's NPCs starts speaking in dialect I slap a hand over my eyes and compulsively spam the enter key, no longer caring what I'm missing out on. Does it fit within the context of the game world? Absolutely. Does it utterly destroy any glimmer of interest I have in the content of the dialogue? You betcha.
#14 Apr 16 2009 at 10:27 PM Rating: Excellent
139 posts
Now here's where things get interesting: do the points I've raised against your breed of role player hold true for the majority (or even a statistically significant portion) of your given community, or vice versa? Because like it or not, stereotypes do come from somewhere, and barring those based on race or gender, the assumptions frequently hold true.

Stereotypes exist for two solid reasons.

1.) There's a hint of truth.
2.) People are inherently ignorant.

What you have done is take a common, and quite ancient stereotype and blanket it across an entire subsection of gamers. Then again, that's what a stereotype is. As a (laughable concept indeed) professional role player since the First Great Dungeons and Dragons scare the idea of the pimple-faced, Ye Olde English Speaking, fast food flipping role playing nerd accounts for about a quarter of the current role playing population, and from my knowledge, NONE of the people on Lakshmi. The sad fact is, we've flipped the image around as one of endearment. Of our roots. Just like Black Americans and their various forms of "*****" and we queerosexuals and our use of "***". Just look at Stephen Lynch and his song "DnD".

Unfortunately, there are people who take this image as fact. Because it mustbe true.

Kind of punches a hole in your argument, doesn't it?

Frankly, your's is still deflating. All you've done was prove that you're a 'smart guy' (Also, I do hope you recover. Being a retired combat medic, abdominal work is quite the *****), when I had called out out at throwing such stereotypes around while falling under inversely proportional stereotypes yourself. You claim to care nothing for story and view game performance preferable over fun; while simultaneously decrying people who prefer fun over performance.

The Wise Fyn wrote:
If you're not with me... then you're my enemy!

Sounds about right.
#15 Apr 17 2009 at 2:15 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
The Wise Fyn wrote:
If you're not with me... then you're my enemy!

Sounds about right.

You can thank the Sith. They deal in absolutes.
#16REDACTED, Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 11:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just for the record, you should read some of the scientific literature on the study of stereotyping as it pertains to cross-cultural psychology. The current belief amongst many professionals is that stereotypes exist because (A) all human learning centers around data categorization and arrangement, (B) schema and mental sets form the basis for our grasp of everything from physics to the constancy of our everyday environment, and (C) our understanding of other people groups, be they separated by race, religion, gender, ethnicity, etc., is ultimately formed by a like process.
#17 Apr 17 2009 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Just for the record, you should read some of the scientific literature on the study of stereotyping as it pertains to cross-cultural psychology. The current belief amongst many professionals is that stereotypes exist because (A) all human learning centers around data categorization and arrangement, (B) schema and mental sets form the basis for our grasp of everything from physics to the constancy of our everyday environment, and (C) our understanding of other people groups, be they separated by race, religion, gender, ethnicity, etc., is ultimately formed by a like process.

In other words, studies have shown clearly that in all cultures worldwide, stereotypes exist both as a means of a culture identifying themselves by self-perceived qualities, and of one group labeling another by what they hold to be identifying characteristics (frequently negative, often with a "core" of truth). Stereotyping is universal behavior to all mankind, and in and of itself should not necessarily be rejected as wrong or evil. The question is by what are we stereotyping one another—our strengths and favorable traits, or our weaknesses and cultural sins?

Granted, this didn't paint me innocent, nor did it bring any concrete answer to the issue, but what I did do was offer a lot of fascinating information in a rather academic derail attempt. >_> Really, all I'm missing is APA citations, which I could find if I really felt like it.

I like swords
#18REDACTED, Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 4:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You tried too hard. It failed. This thread is now firmly on track thanks to you.
#19 Apr 17 2009 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
You tried too hard. It failed. This thread is now firmly on track thanks to you.

Welcome to Corneria

I like swords
#20 Apr 17 2009 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
901 posts
Sweet thread.
Watusa of Lakshmi

svlyons wrote:
Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
#21 Apr 17 2009 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
3,493 posts
It's the Rabbit of Caerbannog!! RUN AWAY!!!
Long Live Windurst! ( ^∀^)
Maat is a big bully! マート、大っ嫌い!( ⊃д⊂ )
Windurst Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 10
Zombies are delicious:
#22 Apr 18 2009 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
I Cant believe i had to make an allakhazam account to defend myself :/. First of all, i did not get banned! /hurray. However, i did get suspended for a week all over something that could have easily been solved by both parties. Now let me start by saying Yes i was wrong in spamming during your "Event" (I dont know the proper name). Now why did i do this? When my friend and i were leveling in qufim, we were duoing mobs all over, kinda just running around. When we came towards the cliff, which is not as secluded as say the tunnel to Behemoths Dominion, I was sent multiple tells telling us to leave. Now had they asked nicely, i wouldnt have had a problem. Also, im not going to blist 12 people talking in say when they can easily have just blisted me and we would have gotten along our marry lives. Now i dont remember names but one member was basically "Yelling" at me, which i thought rather humorous since its a video game. I dont GM people because i feel that there is nothing someone can do to me in game that cannot be solved like grown-ups I.E. Blacklist. I guess the only thing i can say about this whole ordeal is if you RP, Keep it to /p and /l. If every linkshell / Party went around talking in say only, it would suck to play the game. SE made different chats for these situations.

P.S. I Didnt spam anything that would be concidered offensive, i spammed "BY THE NINE DIVINES YOU DID IT!". If you dont know what that is, its from Elder Scrolls OBLIVION. I just wanted to feel like part of the gang :P

P.S.S No i do not believe in paragraphs.
#23 Apr 18 2009 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
118 posts
your lucky they didn't lightning bolt you
#24 Apr 18 2009 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
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Welcome to Corneria!

Vote King Shykre!
#25 Apr 19 2009 at 12:09 PM Rating: Excellent
3,493 posts
Rowleybsmoove wrote:
I Cant believe i had to make an allakhazam account to defend myself :/. First of all, i did not get banned! /hurray. However, i did get suspended for a week all over something that could have easily been solved by both parties. Now let me start by saying Yes i was wrong in spamming during your "Event" (I dont know the proper name). Now why did i do this? When my friend and i were leveling in qufim, we were duoing mobs all over, kinda just running around. When we came towards the cliff, which is not as secluded as say the tunnel to Behemoths Dominion, I was sent multiple tells telling us to leave. Now had they asked nicely, i wouldnt have had a problem. Also, im not going to blist 12 people talking in say when they can easily have just blisted me and we would have gotten along our marry lives. Now i dont remember names but one member was basically "Yelling" at me, which i thought rather humorous since its a video game. I dont GM people because i feel that there is nothing someone can do to me in game that cannot be solved like grown-ups I.E. Blacklist. I guess the only thing i can say about this whole ordeal is if you RP, Keep it to /p and /l. If every linkshell / Party went around talking in say only, it would suck to play the game. SE made different chats for these situations.

P.S. I Didnt spam anything that would be concidered offensive, i spammed "BY THE NINE DIVINES YOU DID IT!". If you dont know what that is, its from Elder Scrolls OBLIVION. I just wanted to feel like part of the gang :P

P.S.S No i do not believe in paragraphs.

No offense, but somehow I don't believe you got suspended over spamming one line. Either you had previous offenses, or you censored your story.

Honestly, I think this is really all too silly. Let them LARP if they want to. They're not chucking acorns into your eyes, and the only thing you have to put up with are letters on your chat log. If you don't like where you are, then the simplest solution is to remove yourself from the area or tolerate/ignore them.
Long Live Windurst! ( ^∀^)
Maat is a big bully! マート、大っ嫌い!( ⊃д⊂ )
Windurst Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 10
Zombies are delicious:
#26 Apr 19 2009 at 12:28 PM Rating: Excellent
383 posts
If they asked you to leave before you started spamming, assuming you were just duoing without otherwise harassing them, that's no bueno. If you started it, then blame falls on you. Either way, the obvious way to settle this is Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Also, {/wave} Verence.
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