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#1577 Aug 18 2010 at 7:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Turn that frown upside down Maw... Watch this...

#1578 Aug 18 2010 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
10,811 posts
Lol Tofu!^^

In honor of McGruff the Crime Dog's whistle-blowing RMT thread next door, I submit for the approval of TL10K, How I Mine For Fish.
#1579 Aug 18 2010 at 2:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
GrowlingBunny wrote:
Wait, DD came home to Lakshmi? stfu...
He should have our dead ls pearl! That no ones in.
#1580 Aug 18 2010 at 2:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,362 posts
Wait if that's his face then we been climbing into his...... ewwww.
#1581 Aug 18 2010 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
Kaup wrote:
Wait if that's his face then we been climbing into his...... ewwww.
I don't see how eww this is unless the face is upside down but this is more like a large headed maw!
#1582 Aug 18 2010 at 3:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
I see no schsets darkdoom also,

#1583 Aug 18 2010 at 5:59 PM Rating: Excellent
I realized something I could do that wouldn't require actually gearing up SCH to show my sets.
<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
		RequireVersion = "2.17" 
		Debug = "False"  
		ShowGearSwaps = "False" /> 
<!-- Group: Nuke Low Skill --> 
		<group name="Low Skill" default="yes"> 
	<!-- Set: Idle --> 
			<set name="Idle" > 
				<main>Terra's Staff</main> 
				<sub>Bugard Strap +1</sub> 
				<ammo>Phtm. Tathlum</ammo> 
				<head>Scholar's M.board</head> 
				<neck>Orochi Nodowa</neck> 
				<lear>Ethereal Earring</lear> 
				<rear>Merman's Earring</rear> 
				<body>Argute Gown</body> 
				<hands>Garden Bangles</hands> 
				<lring>Merman's Ring</lring> 
				<rring>Jelly Ring</rring> 
				<back>Cheviot cape</back> 
				<waist>Hierarch Belt</waist> 
				<legs>Scholar's pants</legs> 
				<feet>Desert Boots</feet> 
	<!-- Set: Enmity --> 
			<set name="Enmity" BaseSet="Idle"> 
				<head>Hydra Beret</head> 
				<body>Goliard Saio</body> 
				<rring>Trooper's Ring</rring> 
				<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs> 
				<feet>Scholar's Loafers</feet> 
				<hands>Scholar's Bracers</hands> 
				<waist>Penitent's Rope</waist> 
	<!-- Set: Enhancing --> 
			<set name="Enhancing" BaseSet="Idle"> 
				<head>Goliard Chapeau</head> 
				<neck>Enhancing Torque</neck> 
				<body>Argute Gown</body> 
				<legs>Scholar's Pants</legs> 
				<hands>Dvt. Mitts +1</hands> 
				<feet>Mahatma Pigaches</feet> 
				<waist>Penitent's Rope</waist> 
				<lear>Mamool Ja Earring</lear> 
				<lring>Omega Ring</lring> 
				<rring>Communion Ring</rring> 
				<back>Prism Cape</back> 
	<!-- Set: Enfeebling (LightArts) --> 
			<set name="EnfeeblingLight" BaseSet="Idle"> 
				<head>Scholar's M.board</head> 
				<neck>Enfeebling Torque</neck> 
				<body>Errant Hpl.</body> 
				<hands>Goliard Cuffs</hands> 
				<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs> 
				<feet>Rostrum Pumps</feet> 
				<waist>Penitent's Rope</waist> 
				<back>Gleeman's Cape</back> 
				<lring>Omega Ring</lring> 
				<rring>Omniscient Ring</rring> 
	<!-- Set: Enfeebling (DarkArts) --> 
			<set name="EnfeeblingDark" BaseSet="Idle"> 
				<head>Scholar's M.board</head> 
				<neck>Enfeebling Torque</neck> 
				<body>Scholar's Gown</body> 
				<hands>Goliard Cuffs</hands> 
				<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs> 
				<feet>Rostrum Pumps</feet> 
				<waist>Penitent's Rope</waist> 
				<back>Gleeman's Cape</back> 
				<lring>Omega Ring</lring> 
				<rring>Omniscient Ring</rring> 
	<!-- Set: Dark -->	 
			<set name="Dark" BaseSet="Idle"> 
				<neck>Aesir Torque</neck> 
				<body>Scholar's Gown</body> 
				<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs> 
				<feet>Rostrum Pumps</feet> 
				<head>Walahra Turban</head> 
				<hands>Goliard Cuffs</hands> 
				<waist>Penitent's Rope</waist> 
				<lring>Omega Ring</lring> 
				<rring>Omniscient Ring</rring> 
				<back>Gleeman's Cape</back> 
				<lear>Abyssal Earring</lear> 
	<!-- Set: Elemental --> 
			<set name="Elemental" BaseSet="Idle"> 
				<sub>Bugard Strap +1</sub> 
				<head>Selenian Cap</head> 
				<neck>Uggalepih Pendant</neck> 
				<rear>Moldavite earring</rear> 
				<body>Royal Redingote</body> 
				<hands>Goliard Cuffs</hands> 
				<rring>Omega Ring</rring> 
				<lring>Omniscient Ring</lring> 
				<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs> 
				<feet>Rostrum Pumps</feet> 
		        <lear>Abyssal Earring</lear> 
				<back>Gleeman's Cape</back> 
				<waist>Penitent's Rope</waist> 
	<!-- Set: Stoneskin (LightArts) --> 
			<set name="StoneskinLight" BaseSet="Enmity"> 
				<main>Kirin's Pole</main> 
				<head>Goliard Chapeau</head> 
				<neck>Enhancing Torque</neck> 
				<body>Goliard Saio</body> 
				<legs>Scholar's Pants</legs> 
				<hands>Dvt. Mitts +1</hands> 
				<feet>Mahatma Pigaches</feet> 
				<waist>Penitent's Rope</waist> 
				<lear>Mamool Ja Earring</lear> 
				<lring>Omega Ring</lring> 
				<rring>Communion Ring</rring> 
				<back>Prism Cape</back> 
	<!-- Set: Stoneskin (DarkArts) --> 
			<set name="StoneskinDark" BaseSet="Idle"> 
				<main>Kirin's Pole</main> 
				<head>Goliard Chapeau</head> 
				<neck>Enhancing Torque</neck> 
				<body>Argute Gown</body> 
				<legs>Scholar's Pants</legs> 
				<hands>Dvt. Mitts +1</hands> 
				<feet>Mahatma Pigaches</feet> 
				<waist>Penitent's Rope</waist> 
				<lear>Mamool Ja Earring</lear> 
				<lring>Omega Ring</lring> 
				<rring>Communion Ring</rring> 
				<back>Prism Cape</back> 
<!-- Group: Nuke Mid Skill --> 
		<group name="Mid Skill" inherit="Low Skill"> 
			<set name="Elemental" BaseSet="Elemental" BaseGroup="Low Skill"> 
				<body>Errant Hpl.</body> 
				<feet>Rostrum Pumps</feet> 
				<neck>Aesir Torque</neck> 
				aist>Penitent's Rope</waist> 
<!-- Group: Nuke High Skill --> 
		<group name="High Skill" inherit="Low Skill"> 
			<set name="Elemental" BaseSet="Elemental" BaseGroup="Low Skill"> 
				<body>Scholar's gown</body> 
				<feet>Numerist Pumps</feet> 
				<neck>Aesir Torque</neck> 
				<back>Gleeman's Cape</back> 
				<hands>Genie Gages</hands> 
	<variables clear="true"> 
<!-- Var: Elemental Staves --> 
		<var name="IceStaff">Aquilo's Staff</var> 
		<var name="WindStaff">Auster's Staff</var> 
		<var name="EarthStaff">Terra's Staff</var> 
		<var name="ThunderStaff">Jupiter's Staff</var> 
		<var name="WaterStaff">Water Staff</var> 
		<var name="FireStaff">Fire Staff</var> 
		<var name="DarkStaff">Pluto's Staff</var> 
		<var name="LightStaff">Light Staff</var> 
<!-- Var: Elemental Obis --> 
		<var name="IceObi">Hyorin Obi</var> 
		<var name="WindObi">Furin Obi</var> 
		<var name="EarthObi">Dorin Obi</var> 
		<var name="ThunderObi">Rairin Obi</var> 
		<var name="WaterObi">Suirin Obi</var> 
		<var name="FireObi">Karin Obi</var> 
		<var name="DarkObi">Anrin Obi</var> 
		<var name="LightObi">Korin Obi</var> 
		<if CommandPrefix="/magic"> 
<!-- Rule: Gear Based on Spell Type --> 
			<if Skill="EnfeeblingMagic"> 
				<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White"> 
					<action type="equip" set="EnfeeblingLight" /> 
					<action type="equip" set="EnfeeblingDark" /> 
			<elseif Skill="EnhancingMagic"> 
				<if Spell="Stoneskin"> 
					<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White"> 
						<action type="equip" set="StoneskinLight" /> 
						<action type="equip" set="StoneskinDark" /> 
				<elseif Spell="Phalanx|En*"> 
					<action type="equip" set="Enhancing" /> 
			<elseif Skill="DarkMagic"> 
				<action type="equip" set="Dark" /> 
			<elseif Skill="ElementalMagic"> 
				<action type="equip" set="Elemental" /> 
	<!-- SubRule: Enmity set for Heals if they are Accession'd --> 
			<elseif Skill="HealingMagic" BuffActive="Accession"> 
				<action type="equip" set="Enmity" /> 
<!-- Rule: Staff/Obi based on Spell Name or Skill --> 
			<if NotStatus="Engaged" TPLT="20"> 
				<if mode="or" spell="Bio*|Sleep*|Drain*|Aspir*|Cure*|Cura*" skill="ElementalMagic|EnfeeblingMagic"> 
					<action type="equip"> 
					<if advanced='("%SpellElement"=="%DayElement")||("%SpellElement"=="%WeatherElement")'> 
						<action type="equip"> 
					<if spell="Bli*|Fre*|Aer*|Tor*|Sto*|Qua*|Thu*|Bur*|Wat*|Flo*|Fir*|Fla*|*helix"> 
						<if MPPAftercastLT="50"> 
							<action type="equip"> 
								<neck>Uggalepih Pendant</neck> 
<!-- Rule: Correct Strategem for Proper Arts --> 
		<elseif CommandPrefix="/jobability"> 
			<if spell="Penury|Parsimony"> 
				<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White"> 
					<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Penury" /> 
					<action type="Command">input /recast Penury</action> 
				<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black"> 
					<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Parsimony" /> 
					<action type="Command">input /recast Parsimony</action> 
			<elseif spell="Celerity|Alacrity"> 
				<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White"> 
					<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Celerity" /> 
					<action type="Command">input /recast Celerity</action> 
				<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black"> 
					<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Alacrity" /> 
					<action type="Command">input /recast Alacrity</action> 
			<elseif spell="Accession|Manifestation"> 
				<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White"> 
					<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Accession" /> 
					<action type="Command">input /recast Accession</action> 
				<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black"> 
					<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Manifestation" /> 
					<action type="Command">input /recast Manifestation</action> 
			<elseif spell="Rapture|Ebullience"> 
				<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White"> 
					<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Rapture" /> 
					<action type="Command">input /recast Rapture</action> 
				<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black"> 
					<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Ebullience" /> 
					<action type="Command">input /recast Ebullience</action> 
			<elseif spell="Addendum*"> 
				<if BuffActive="Light Arts"> 
					<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Addendum: White" /> 
					<action type="Command">input /recast "Addendum: White"</action> 
				<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts"> 
					<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Addendum: Black" /> 
					<action type="Command">input /recast "Addendum: Black"</action> 
<!-- Rule: Equip Idle Set when Light/Dark Arts is used --> 
			<elseif spell="*Arts"> 
				<action type="equip" set="Idle"> 
					<main>Terra's Staff</main> 
				<if NotBuffactive="Sublimation: Activated" MPPLT="85"> 
					<action type="equip"> 
						<body>Royal Cloak</body> 
				<if MPPLT="93" HPPLT="100"> 
					<action type="equip"> 
						<neck>Orochi Nodowa</neck> 
				<elseif BuffActive="Sublimation: Activated"> 
					<action type="equip"> 
						<head>Scholar's M.board</head> 
						<body>Argute Gown</body> 
<!-- Rule: Gear Swap to cancel Job Ability Animation -->	 
			<if EquipFeet="Desert Boots"> 
				<action type="equip"> 
					<feet>Rostrum Pumps</feet> 
				<action type="equip"> 
					<feet>Scholar's Loafers</feet> 
<!-- Rule: Equip Desert Boots if Sandstorm is Active --> 
		<if BuffActive="Sandstorm"> 
			<action type="equip" when="AfterCast"> 
				<feet>Desert Boots</feet> 

Obviously various things would change if I did 77-80 or bought ASA and did pants, but that's a general enough outline.

Edited, Aug 18th 2010 6:00pm by Darkdoom
#1584 Aug 18 2010 at 6:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
Spellcast makes me sadface trying to learn XML format.
Someone must of been bored getting all obis..
#1585 Aug 18 2010 at 6:57 PM Rating: Excellent
I only have ice Smiley: frown, it just had rules for all of them when I got it. I don't even have inventory to carry the one Obi I do have, so it wouldn't do much use for me.

Edited, Aug 18th 2010 6:58pm by Darkdoom
#1586 Aug 19 2010 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
A day without new posts I'm dissapoint.
#1587 Aug 19 2010 at 6:53 PM Rating: Excellent
I know, I've been checking since I got home and nothing! Also, currently writing an essay on de Tocqueville's The Tyranny of the Majority the night before it's due, as our teacher explicitly stated not to do. Smiley: cool
#1588 Aug 19 2010 at 7:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
Yay camping funguar nm with 10% drop rate!!

just as worst as hazmat for pop timer..

Edited, Aug 19th 2010 11:09pm by Szabo
#1589 Aug 19 2010 at 9:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
All of darkdoom's fish gil belong to mee!
#1590 Aug 19 2010 at 9:13 PM Rating: Excellent
937 posts
I'm thinking of sticking around for Scars of Abyssea. Also planning to retire DRG once the level cap increases.

#1591 Aug 19 2010 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
Szabo wrote:
All of darkdoom's fish gil belong to mee!

Smiley: frown
#1592 Aug 19 2010 at 9:53 PM Rating: Good
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
Tyjet wrote:
I'm thinking of sticking around for Scars of Abyssea. Also planning to retire DRG once the level cap increases.

Your better off quitting! Retiring a DD is a no-no!
#1593 Aug 19 2010 at 9:53 PM Rating: Good
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
Doctor Darkdoom wrote:
Szabo wrote:
All of darkdoom's fish gil belong to mee!

Smiley: frown
You silly fish mongers make all the gils now..
#1594 Aug 19 2010 at 9:54 PM Rating: Excellent
937 posts
I only leveled DRG so I could get a feel of what a DD job does at end game. I've had my fill of being a DD. I'm happy as a tank and mage.
#1595 Aug 19 2010 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
Tyjet wrote:
I only leveled DRG so I could get a feel of what a DD job does at end game. I've had my fill of being a DD. I'm happy as a tank and mage.
Your jealous of my drg is that it?
#1596 Aug 19 2010 at 10:51 PM Rating: Good
Szabo wrote:
Doctor Darkdoom wrote:
Szabo wrote:
All of darkdoom's fish gil belong to mee!

Smiley: frown
You silly fish mongers make all the gils now..

If only I wasn't too lazy to run to windurst and rankup :/.
#1597 Aug 19 2010 at 10:57 PM Rating: Good
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
I got hooked on crafting now lvling subs now..
#1598 Aug 19 2010 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
I need to get motivation to do Leather, don't really have any though Smiley: frown.
#1599 Aug 19 2010 at 11:30 PM Rating: Good
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
Doctor Darkdoom wrote:
I need to get motivation to do Leather, don't really have any though Smiley: frown.
Don't steal my craft, bro!
#1600 Aug 19 2010 at 11:31 PM Rating: Good
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
5 hours with no pop later...

I blame kaup sorry to you keep up!
#1601 Aug 20 2010 at 5:32 AM Rating: Excellent
3,767 posts
Tyjet wrote:
That much was obvious when you announced you were quitting for the 3rd time in a year(ish). Smiley: clown You should take up Magian weapons, MMM, or become obsessed with making copious amounts of gil (like I attempt to) to pass time. You might just find something you enjoy doing on your own time instead of with a group.
Szabo wrote:
Doctor Darkdoom wrote:
Szabo wrote:
All of darkdoom's fish gil belong to mee!

Smiley: frown
You silly fish mongers make all the gils now..
Trust me, there's really not that much gil to be made from fishing unless you put massive amounts of time into it.
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