LOL chewy i love you, as always. for anyone interested in a ls, i had made this post on the garuda-welcoming threads, but cut and paste makes me happy :P
Welcome Garduda-ans!!! This will be quite the adventure, now wont it? For those who are looking for new homes on Lakshmi (LS wise) -- I happen to have a social LS that is full of wonderful people, most of whom have families and souls <3 Hard to find nowadays lol. Anyway its called WingedTwilight - been around for about... 3 1/2 years now. We have a very solid core of members of every level, new to game, veterans, endgame geniouses and barely into the Promies... we have it all. Most of our members have families so its a safe place to hang out, not to say there wont be swearing or lewd jokes, but EVERYthing in our LS is said with a dose of respect, and we are all friends. If you want to join us, all we ask is you send a tell to either myself (Karelia) or Tritant with your HONEST garuda name (we really dont want people who are riddled with drama or gossip or bad karma) so we can ask our members if anyone is opposed. We do this with members from Lakshmi as well, so please dont feel singled out. We would LOVE to increase our linkshell family if you feel this would be a good home for you - we just place our current members' happiness over any potential new member - we will extend you the same courtesy once you join us!! Oh, and I know some shells prefer you only ever hang out with them and get angry if you shell-hop... we are not like this!! As long as you show respect for our members and FFXI players as a whole while you equip our pearl, we understand you have other friends, endgame shells, and sometimes just wanna be left alone! Its ok <3 Just bring a smile when you come into our shell!! We help with leveling, missions, NM camping (oiy!) :) you can generally find the help you need, or we will try to set up a future time to get people online to help you if it requires more planning or people are busy --
ok! end public service announcement!! Welcome to Lakshmi!! Hope to hear from some of you soon!!!
also please note: you can replace garuda with lakshmi at any point in this message, and it is still valid :) we like people no matter where you started, as long as you arent a giant punkass <3