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#428 Sep 02 2009 at 7:18 PM Rating: Excellent
3,767 posts
Hoeman wrote:
Name one thing miracles has done.

Hoeman wrote:
my problem is with the sh*t talkers.

Hoeman wrote:
Miracles talks sh*t

A tip for you: If you're trying to make a point, don't contradict your own point.

You're being a hypocrite.

Hoeman wrote:
I have huge respect for anduril

Hoeman wrote:

Your lack of honesty is overwhelming.

Edited, Sep 2nd 2009 10:18pm by chewzer
Fynlar wrote:
Chew is being a lot more level-headed regarding the whole issue, which is strange because he's probably drunk.
#429 Sep 02 2009 at 7:33 PM Rating: Excellent
57 posts
Chewzer said:
Hoeman wrote:
Name one thing miracles has done.

Hoeman wrote:
my problem is with the sh*t talkers.

Hoeman wrote:
Miracles talks sh*t

A tip for you: If you're trying to make a point, don't contradict your own point.

You're being a hypocrite.

Hoeman wrote:
I have huge respect for anduril

Hoeman wrote:

Your lack of honesty is overwhelming.

Sus...give this man a cookie. He wins for the night

Edited, Sep 2nd 2009 11:34pm by EronofLakshmi
#431 Sep 02 2009 at 7:56 PM Rating: Excellent
57 posts
Actually when you insult the do not respect it as a can you respect it and still call it names? This is intriguing
#433 Sep 02 2009 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
937 posts
I don't consider obese to be an insult.
#434 Sep 03 2009 at 12:20 AM Rating: Excellent
513 posts
Hoeman wrote:
No an insult is calling someone ugly, obese, poor, jobless, and maybe vaginaless.

Hoeman wrote:
If i was really a **** I could take those pics from various rl pic threads and start photo shopping and some of them i could leave as is.

Er... Well, obviously, you aren't a **** by doing that. So what are you now? Oh. One of your "insults."

Hoeman wrote:
Personal attacks on a mmo shouldn't be taken so heavy it's for entertainment purposes only. So when you say you dislike miracles It looks like you're taking the game way to personal.

I'm not one to rise up to things like this, but this really, really annoys me.

You are a fool for thinking that these individuals somehow don't have any emotional or personal impact on other players. The game may be for entertainment value, but because you are dealing with other people, your entertainment is directly based on your interactions with other people. It is selfish to even consider that you are not making any sort of impact on someone when you play. In fact, I'd wager it is this very attitude that allows people like the ones we've mentioned throughout this thread to do what they do. It directly impedes on our enjoyment of the game. Hence, the original purpose of this thread: to inform people about known troublesome characters, so we don't have to deal with their warped sense of social interaction.

Hoeman wrote:
do I care?....hell no it's not stopping me from making money or getting women.

No, I really don't think a shallow individual such as yourself really does care.

#436 Sep 03 2009 at 3:13 AM Rating: Excellent
513 posts
Hoeman wrote:
Please look up shallow in the dictionary.

Wh-what? Someone... asked me to look something up in the d-dictionary?


This is surely any Grammar ****'s worst nightmare. Evil fiend! You have... bested me.

#437 Sep 03 2009 at 4:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Let's break down your post shall we??

Hoeman wrote:
In the event you show emotion that may mean you're taking it personal.

Since when have you known standard human interaction to be without some form of Emotion?

Hoeman wrote:
You could brush off constant attacks like many people do in the game, because they have other sh*t to worry about.

I don't know about you, But when someone is stepping on me I bite back! I let that someone who was stepping on me know I am not to be stepped on. You can relate this to playing online because it's all still human interaction.

Hoeman wrote:
You don't have to work with other players to enjoy the game there is a little bit of solo content.

Little? Yes you are right about that... The rest of the game requires us to risk grouping up with morons and people who tend to abuse the system. Which is why we band together and share previous experiences of people as a reference. To judge whether or not this person is suitable to ally/exp/etc. This is why people with bad reputations get nowhere... Though from what I can see it's not really working... /facepalm

The reason this is, is because there are many people out there that are clueless about troublemakers like Valdan, Galan and Miracles. Sometimes it is their fault because they didn't listen to the warnings of the general player base. Though most of the time you will find that these are the uninformed masses... The people who still get their items Ninja Lotted because they didn't know about the fact that would happen. But that's another story I guess...

Hoeman wrote:
It's like a very bad high school, everyone wants to have the popularity of the jock.

I could honestly care less what you think of me or anyone else of that matter. I play this game to have fun believe it or not. I just speak to people and treat people the way I wish to be treated. It's general human interaction. There's no popularity contest here. You will run into some people who think this. But that's "fair enough" in my book and I just leave them to it. Sometimes I run into idiots who spoil my fun and I feel that informing everyone else to be careful around said person causing trouble is a good thing to do. As it causes awareness.

Hoeman wrote:
If you can't recall a time miracles stole something, cheated you out of money, deceived you, then your hate is based upon typical he/she say bullsh*t. People just cry to much it's other sh*t you need to worry about, fix your priorities.

Miracles has done some rather bad things in the past. I'll name one for you. Happened quite a long time ago. We were camping Xolotl and my LS got claim. It was only low man from what I remember... During the course of the fight the tank gets charmed.

Miracles orders his minions to attack the tank who is now an attackable target. We lose the tank and things start to fall apart and eventually we wipe due to shock of the douchebaggery. Miracles takes claim.

Don't try and defend Miracles by saying "It's fair game because he was charmed." Because that's moot by the fact that you said that you as an LS wait for the alliance/party holding the NM to actually buckle under their own steam by the way I looked at it. >.>

Miracles use amoral means to get what he wants in this game... I don't know if you remember that or was around when that happened but I am sure you will say something to try and defend it. If you do try to defend him, What you can't change is the fact that it happened. So what's the point?

I am sure many other people have bad run ins with this guy.

Hoeman wrote:
The word to describe me is antagonist.

...aka a troll?? >.>

#438 Sep 03 2009 at 4:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
mind = still blown
#439 Sep 03 2009 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
lol, Why is that Fyn?? D:
#440 Sep 03 2009 at 4:47 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I always thought your name was an inexplicable jumbled mess, until I saw the name Racingjaw. Which still doesn't make much sense, but at least that name is composed of two actual words.
#441 Sep 03 2009 at 4:52 AM Rating: Excellent
The Glorious Tyjet wrote:
Hoeman wrote:
No an insult is calling someone ugly, obese, poor, jobless, and maybe vaginaless.
I don't consider obese to be an insult.

I don't consider vaginaless to be an insult - in fact, just the opposite.

Hoeman wrote:
do I care?....hell no it's not stopping me from making money or getting women.

Oh it is one of those guys. What a ***.

I remember Miracles from years ago when he tried to steal members from our Dynamis shell for his own, promising them things, etc. He's an ***. I'm actually surprised there are still people outside of players like Valdan and Galan that would be in a shell ran by Miracles.

Speaking of Galan, is he in Miracles's shell? He copied and pasted LS chat where someone in his LS called me gimp. I just laughed back at him when I saw who it was. Figures they'd hang out together.

Edited, Sep 3rd 2009 8:05am by VawnLakshmi
#442 Sep 03 2009 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, I get that alot... lol

My name is actually my name. D:

{First name: Ciaran} {Middle initials: j g} {Last name initial: w}

I've had people come up to me and think my name was a code for something. x.x lol, It's a personal username I use. I guess it's sort of unique? >.>; I have other online names too... It's just I am a avid fan of Final Fantasy. So when I created the character I had that in mind and created something that has a personal touch. (Not that I was thinking of ripping off any old FF character at all... That's just stupid. ;/)

I wanted change my name after a while though but to do that I would have to server transfer and I don't want to do that... <3 Lakshmi (Plus the fact I don't want to give SE anymore money than needed. >.>)

Besides everyone kinda finds their way around it. :P Most people tend to call me CJ. :D
#443 Sep 03 2009 at 5:11 AM Rating: Excellent
852 posts
The Fynlar of Doom wrote:
I always thought your name was an inexplicable jumbled mess, until I saw the name Racingjaw. Which still doesn't make much sense, but at least that name is composed of two actual words.

Racingjaw is a Galka, if that helps you make sense of that one at least. (And I nearly died literally when I noticed the anagram - damn scorpions using Death Scissors unexpectedly :/)
#444 Sep 03 2009 at 6:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
My name is actually my name. D:


My bad then. >_>
#446 Sep 03 2009 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
seems ive been accused of something by...holman? lol
at least i dont have to be worried the accusation carries any substance then.
Potius mori quam foedari.
#447 Sep 03 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
Hoeman wrote:
Steal members from your dynamis, if people are willing to make the conversion its not stealing. Galan never called you gimp, the whole server did.

Wow so much to address in one such a compact stupid post. First, you are speaking for Galan, so I am to assume he is in your and Miracles linkshell? That should be enough to know not to take you seriously, but I'll go on.

Miracles didn't steal any members, I said he attempted to. People in our linkshell were saying things along the lines of "lol Miracles promised me such and such (i.e. full rdm relic in a month) if I leave this linkshell and join theirs". If you don't think that's weak, then you belong with Galan and Miracles.

I'm looking for your info on FFXIAH, but apparantly you are hiding under a sock. That's too bad because the name "Hoe Man" fits you perfectly. And no, not the entire server is calling me gimp. A few people did when someone took a SS of me in random town gear. Those players that know me have never done so, and honestly, I don't care about those BG guys dumb enough to think an Amano won't work without full Usukane and minor upgrades such as Black Tathlum. The one slot you can call me gimp and I wouldn't argue would be my lack of a B. Haidate, but I've stated the reasoning for that and I choose to wait my turn in sky rather than have some outside LS kill it for me.


You know you talk a lot like Galan? You definitly belong in a shell with him and Miracles. How about you post us your real character name and link yourself with FFXIAH.

One last question. Do you have to pay Miracles to suck his ****, or does he let you do it for free?

Edit: Oh, Hoeman is Holman. Yeah, I'll have to agree with DB on this one and this isn't worth the time knowing that. At least all these people hang out together so the rest of us don't have to.

Edited, Sep 3rd 2009 10:59am by VawnLakshmi
#450 Sep 03 2009 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
... /facepalm
#451 Sep 03 2009 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
This is a great thread. Only thing missing now is a poll.

Who has the biggest love-struck fanboy?
Josm for Valdan:8 (47.1%)
Holman for Miracles:9 (52.9%)
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