Jophiel wrote:
Between games, I pain minis as the mood grabs me.
Better than people or small animals I suppose.
I've been consistently disappointed with PC games. Best games I've played as of late include Return of the Obra Dinn, Snake Pass, and A Hat in Time. Tales of Beseria had a disappointing combat system, Nino Kuni 2 was basically a Tales game. Pillars of Eternity 2 was a lot of complexity for very little depth.
I'm currently playing Apex Legends for a multiplayer, largely because it is the only game my friends and I can agree upon. But Battle Royales have pretty significant inherent problems that are difficult to overcome.
I'm in a Pathfinder campaign set in the Warhammer universe. I prefer D&D 4, but I've largely played out all the content there is in that game. D&D 5 is too much of a halfway point between the extreme polarity of D&D 4 and D&D 3.5, so might as well go full 3.5 with Pathfinder.
I'm learning C# and Unity with some vague and half-hearted desire to build my own games (primarily an RPG), largely because I;m so annoyed with the direction the genre is going (Western RPGs are just garbage, **** Dragon Age, **** Mass Effect, **** Witcher, and **** Elder Scrolls) while JRPGs seem to have become less popular.