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#452 Mar 19 2011 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Majivo wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
The last 6 pages were mainly me trying to convince Gbaji that we agree on something.

Well, don't worry, I think it is finally over. Just in time for my vacation too! I don't think he still believes that my argument doesn't necessarily focus on race, but he is running out of statements that he believes to state otherwise.

It's cute how you think that anyone actually cares about the way you and gbaji jerk each other off in here.

It's even funnier that you think I care what you or anyone else thinks.. Have thee not learnest anything?
#453 Mar 19 2011 at 1:30 PM Rating: Default
1,150 posts

Edited, May 9th 2011 1:47pm by ShadorVIII
#454 Mar 19 2011 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Gbaji wrote:
First off. Stop using orange tags. Some of us use a color scheme on which that color is nearly impossible to see.

No. I color quote things, because obviously just saying them and using bold isn't enough for people like you who don't read entire posts.

No one really reads anything you post. The color coding makes sure we'll skip over it.
#455 Mar 19 2011 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Nadenu wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Gbaji wrote:
First off. Stop using orange tags. Some of us use a color scheme on which that color is nearly impossible to see.

No. I color quote things, because obviously just saying them and using bold isn't enough for people like you who don't read entire posts.

No one really reads anything you post. The color coding makes sure we'll skip over it.

That's funny, you just read that sentence....
#456 Mar 19 2011 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
I never knew thisuntil about 2 days ago, but there's an ignore feature that makes the person you placed on ignore show up like a sub-d varus post, minimized. It saves a ton of space on each page when Alma's on that list.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#457 Mar 19 2011 at 6:08 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Uglysasquatch wrote:
I never knew thisuntil about 2 days ago, but there's an ignore feature that makes the person you placed on ignore show up like a sub-d varus post, minimized. It saves a ton of space on each page when Alma's on that list.

Kind of defeats the point if you continue to read their posts and respond to that person doesn't it? Especially in a thread where you are "ignoring" one of the two people participating in the discussion. I mean, unless you just like to see Gbaji "talk to himself".
#458 Mar 21 2011 at 1:18 AM Rating: Good
Omegavegeta wrote:
What i got from this thread is that Shador is actually a err... it's complicated ex-christian turned newly avowed atheist, now turned pagan who also happens to be a racial separatist.

Skipping over all of Gbaji's & Alma's posts: that is the gist of the thread, yes?

Shador wrote:

You're certainly a walking contradiction, but I'd really like you to explain why you think you're a "racial separatist". Considering my girlfriend of almost 3 years is of Japanese decent, & soon to be my fiance, I'd like to know why you think that's wrong.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#459 Mar 21 2011 at 6:24 AM Rating: Default
1,150 posts

Edited, May 9th 2011 1:47pm by ShadorVIII
#460 Mar 21 2011 at 7:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Shador wrote:
Because intermarriage is resulting in the disappearance of the White race. Everytime someone miscegenates, a White bloodline (perhaps going back centuries) is destroyed. White genes are recessive, meaning the the child of a White and a non-White is non-White.

Bullshit. We're all human, evolved from common African ancestors, & it's thought that our "white" genes developed as a result of our ancestor's migration out of africa into a european climate that didn't expose said ancestors to sufficient UV radiation needed for vitamin D production. More so, our asian cousins developed the same light skin independently for the same reasons. Sure, some of our "white" genes are recessive, but having kids with someone of a different race doesn't destroy the bloodline- those kids carry it on & the diversity of said children makes those kids better equipped genetically to deal with a myriad of diseases than either one of their parents. In fact, it's even possible, albeit rare, for half japanese kids to have blonde hair & blue eyes.

Besides this, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics generally have more children than Whites. That's why the White race is on track to be a minority by 2050. If the trend of small White families and intermarriage is not reversed, our people will eventually be wiped out.

While it may be true that other races may have more children than whites, I'd argue education & economics matter much more than race. The poor & dumb tend to have the most children and people of any race can be poor & dumb. It may be in the best interest of racial supremacists such as yourself to keep minorities "poor & dumb", which has been a "white" concept going back 100s of years, but it certainly isn't in the best interest of America, "the great melting pot".

Shador wrote:
Granted, the Caucasoid racial group is closer to the Mongoloid than it is to the Negroid, so your choice is not as bad as some.

My choice isn't "bad" at all, cunt. I'm going to have beautiful half japanese-half Caucasian kids that'll carry both my european (by means of french canadian) genes & my girlfriend's japanese genes.

Shador wrote:
Still, it contributes to the genocide of the White race, which makes me sad. I mean, we've contributed so much to the world in terms of culture, science, etc., and yet, for the evils of a few, our race is held to blame for all the ills of society. If what is happening to the White race were happening to any other race, there would be an outcry. Us? We only get a "good riddance".

Well, because of your sexuality you, hopefully, won't continue your bloodline & won't raise any children to believe the racist drivel you ascribe too. So, the rest of human kind certainly won't be missing out on anything.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#461 Mar 21 2011 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
Baron von ShadorVIII wrote:
Still, it contributes to the genocide of the White race, which makes me sad.

Yeeaaah, interracial marriage isn't genocide, Einstein.
#462 Mar 21 2011 at 9:04 AM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
Seems like the more I learn about Shador, the less I like him.

Edited, Mar 21st 2011 11:04am by Eske
#463 Mar 21 2011 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Baron von ShadorVIII wrote:
Still, it contributes to the genocide of the White race, which makes me sad.

Yeeaaah, interracial marriage isn't genocide, Einstein.
We were getting to be a bit too white anyways.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#464 Mar 21 2011 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
That's some Varus level retardation there...
#465 Mar 21 2011 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Elinda wrote:
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Baron von ShadorVIII wrote:
Still, it contributes to the genocide of the White race, which makes me sad.

Yeeaaah, interracial marriage isn't genocide, Einstein.
We were getting to be a bit too white anyways.
That would be a result of the fact that even though the ginger gene is recessive, it can't be wiped out.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#466 Mar 21 2011 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Uglysasquatch wrote:
Elinda wrote:
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Baron von ShadorVIII wrote:
Still, it contributes to the genocide of the White race, which makes me sad.

Yeeaaah, interracial marriage isn't genocide, Einstein.
We were getting to be a bit too white anyways.
That would be a result of the fact that even though the ginger gene is recessive, it can't be wiped out...

...because gingers reproduce by "budding".

Edited, Mar 21st 2011 12:38pm by Eske
#467 Mar 21 2011 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default
1,150 posts

Edited, May 9th 2011 1:48pm by ShadorVIII
#468REDACTED, Posted: Mar 21 2011 at 11:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Shador,
#469 Mar 21 2011 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
Baron von ShadorVIII wrote:
I wonder why "Black Pride", "Asian Pride", and "Latino Pride" are okay, but "White Pride" is evil?

Because it's usually only racists like yourself who use the term "white pride" and insist that interracial marriage is the same as genocide.

And I would disagree with the "rational" adjective you used to describe your responses, personally...
#470 Mar 21 2011 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Baron von ShadorVIII wrote:
I wonder why "Black Pride", "Asian Pride", and "Latino Pride" are okay, but "White Pride" is evil?
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#471 Mar 21 2011 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Baron von ShadorVIII wrote:
I wonder why "Black Pride", "Asian Pride", and "Latino Pride" are okay, but "White Pride" is evil?
You're batshit crazy.

Humans can breed outside of race so they probably know keep the gene pool diverse, strong and healthy.

Besides with genetics being what they are, we'll soon be designing our babies in the womb, enhancing whatever particular traits are desired by the parents.

Edited, Mar 21st 2011 7:52pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#472 Mar 21 2011 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
#473 Mar 21 2011 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
Shador wrote:
The different enviornments produced many other changes, both physical and mental, than just skin color. Intellgence studies as recently as the 1990s have shown more or less the same results:

Average Intelligence (IQ):

African (Sub-Saharan) - 60
African-American (which includes many "mixed") - 70
Caucasian/European - 100
East Asian - 106

I'd ask for a cite, but I really don't give a shit where you get this drivel. The human brain is mother nature's greatest invention & gives any man, of any race, the potential to be "as smart" as any other. Perhaps "average" IQ among races differ slightly, but people across the entire IQ spectrum can be found amongst every race. Not only that, but IQ tests don't measure intelligence. Intelligence is a product of ones environment, which is why the average Japanese kid is more intelligent than the average preppy white American.

More so, your genetic variation differs from another person's by only about 15%, yet less than half of that, only 6%, is from know racial groupings. So, next time you're posting on stormfront, please be sure to inform them that they're more than half as likely to be genetically similar to an African than they are to their unrelated white neighbor.

Shador wrote:

Perhaps education has something to do with it. I still don't see poor Whites having as many childeren as poor Blacks, nor by as many partners.

You've never been to a trailer park in the south, have you?
Shador wrote:

Also, I never said anything about wanting to keep non-Whites "poor & dumb". You invented that and stuck those words in my mouth.

I didn't invent it, white supremacists have tried to keep a brother down for centuries. While it's true you didn't say it, you are a white supremacist, so it's safe to say it's something you ascribe too. You may not admit it, as it'll make you come across as even more of a tool, but if you truly believe the crap you're spewing in this thread then I find it hard to believe that you don't.

Shador wrote:
I simply meant that your choice is, perhaps, somewhat less detrimental to the racial stock and to your future children.

It isn't detrimental to either me or my girlfriend's racial stock, nor to my future children that they'll be bi-racial. The fact that you believe that it does makes you a racist.

Shador wrote:
So, if you disagree with someone, anything about them suddenly becomes fair game?

This is the asylum, grow some thick skin or gtfo.


Because I have this opinion you disagree with, my genetic line has nothing to contribute to society?

I don't know about your genes, but if you're going to raise children to believe the crap you do then it certainly isn't going to benefit society. I feel just as relieved knowing that as I did when I took a clean dump this morning.

Shador wrote:
You will be disappointed to know that my sexuality, whatever I finally sort it out to be, does not render me impotent.

Nah, but it does make it harder for you to breed naturally, which is a boon for us all.

Shador wrote:
I do NOT hate non-Whites. I simply love my race and am proud of all it has accomplished.

Without Godwining this thread, I'm certain you can't possibly be proud of ALL that whites have accomplished.

Shador wrote:
I wonder why "Black Pride", "Asian Pride", and "Latino Pride" are okay, but "White Pride" is evil?

Because Black Pride et. al is a response to white power/privilege, while white power/privilege perpetuates the status-quo, keeps whites in charge, & keeps minorities down.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#474REDACTED, Posted: Mar 21 2011 at 12:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Omega,
#475 Mar 21 2011 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
varrus wrote:
and white power was a response to the carpetbagging yankees and freed n*ggers that were running wild raping and pillaging southern white families. Bet you didn't study that in your govn texts.

Nah, white power has been around for a good deal longer than emancipation. If you weren't from the south, you'd know that.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#476 Mar 21 2011 at 12:51 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Eske Esquire wrote:
Uglysasquatch wrote:
Elinda wrote:
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Baron von ShadorVIII wrote:
Still, it contributes to the genocide of the White race, which makes me sad.

Yeeaaah, interracial marriage isn't genocide, Einstein.
We were getting to be a bit too white anyways.
That would be a result of the fact that even though the ginger gene is recessive, it can't be wiped out...

...because gingers reproduce by "budding".

Edited, Mar 21st 2011 12:38pm by Eske

God I wish that were true. It would have been a lot less painful.
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