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#1 May 03 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
I've been mining at Gusgen Mines for a while now and it's become a nice source of Darksteel ore for me. My Smithing level is at 72 right now so I've been trying to get my hands on as much of it as possible. The only problem is that I feel like runnning around looking for mining points is not the most efficient way to mine and I don't think SE intended it to be either.

I have a theory about the 15 mining points (MP's for short) in Gusgen. There is atleast one MP at any given time no matter what. So if I were to exhaust the only spawned MP at a given time then a new one would spawn immediately at a different location. If this is true then in theory if an alliance of 15 miners would just have to camp the 15 spots without having to move.

So I propose to create a MINING COOP on Bismarck. I'll admit the first 15 people who are interested and if all goes well I hope to expand even further (maybe even to other lucrative mines).

Proposed Rules/Benefits:

1) There is no entrance fee to join the COOP. The only thing I ask is that when we do set up a Mining Run that is convenient for everyone involved that everyone shows up. So attendance is madatory unless an emergency occurs. The whole idea of the COOP hinges upon this so it's very important.

2) Mining Runs will not exceed 2 hours. SE implemented an update that lowered the chances of getting quality ore if you stay in a zone for too long. Besides mining for extended periods of time maybe hazardous to your health...

3) Ore obtained is yours to keep. The group does not pool all obtained ore/items.

4) Equipment required: Field Gear & Pickaxes
I will supply the first 15 members with the Normal Version of the Field gear (I can craft every piece except the Tunica so it shouldn't be too bad).
As for the pickaxes, each member is responsible for picking up there own axes. 2-3 stacks should suffice for a typical run and they are pretty cheap from local NPC vendors. If you absolutely are low on cash then I can craft the pickaxes for you provided that you supply the HQ rate on them is pretty high but still the end result is a marginal discount so it's really up to you...

5) You need a job aleast to level 50...otherwise you'll get aggro and might die :(

6) All of the above are not set in stone...we can negotiate terms, rules etc.

Please respond with comments, suggestions and especially if you are interested in joining ^^

Edited, Tue May 3 15:03:47 2005 by JibeLL
#2 May 03 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
542 posts
Well, over the last few days I have actually been considering this as one of my next ventures in an attempt to make some cash. Count me in. As far as the gear is concerned I only need to the Tunica, which shouldn't be a problem.

Anytime after 530-600pm Pacific works for me during the week. Weekends vary depending on whats going on at work. Just contact me through PM here or /tell in game.
#3 May 03 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
I love this idea!

I have been wanting to take up Mining as a source of Income becuase I'm sick of fighting with gilfarmers/other ****** people for NMs and I really hate farming!

I will /tell you in game.
#4 May 03 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Hey Jibe,

I miss ya man. Gimme a /tell sometime.
#5 May 03 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
would a lvl 41 rdm rdm be ok to come? If not i will sign up a different time.
I plan on lvling after LS promy run :)

Edited, Tue May 3 16:23:53 2005 by RyathRDM
#6 May 03 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
If i get my paper done by this weekend sure i am in. Need to get a few million gil ; )
#7 May 03 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
I agree with the theory, but not with the tactic. :(

What this means is that anyone not in on your gathering would find it absolutely impossible to mine. It would be basically taking out a monopoly on the mine, and I guarantee someone would call a GM at some point.

Someone in my LS suggested doing this, and I said no for that reason; it's tempting, but it's penalizing for everyone other than those 15 people.
#8 May 03 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
isn't this exactly what the gil sellers did?

what happens to the random person who goes in there to mine?

Edited, Tue May 3 19:17:15 2005 by TseTsuo
#9 May 03 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Eh, I thought it was a good idea until i read the replies. It is a good idea, but in all honesty, it is very unfair. I'm sure you see how if you think about it.
#10 May 03 2005 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
The random miners can just steal mining points, its not that hard to beat out a singl person camping a mining point, and mining points dont dry up after the first hit at it. So it wouldn't be a monopoly.

As for the OP I like the idea, and If I was lvl 50 I would coe and join, but sadly I am not.
#11 May 03 2005 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
It's technically not monopolizing, but people will start to realize what we are doing, and it will start to put a bad rep on us, like most other people that do stuff like this.
#12 May 03 2005 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
450 posts
2) Mining Runs will not exceed 2 hours. SE implemented an update that lowered the chances of getting quality ore if you stay in a zone for too long. Besides mining for extended periods of time maybe hazardous to your health...

Its 1 hour and only leaving the zone, via Warp, Teleports, Escape, or actually walking out will reset the timer.

Tse: its sorta what they tried but they didn't work together in this large of a scale since it seems each gil seller group consists of 5-6 at the most, they can't. What the Tom's used to do is just this camp 1 point with a bot, which led to the 1hour timer.

But i do agree if you do this with 15 people enough times the GMs could start to concider it an attempt to monopolize the points. However you can try to argue that anyone is still free to come up and pick at the given point. So its more of a Grey area then a right and wrong type of thing.

I would still be willing to do this, but i'd only be doing it for Gold Ores since i don't have a need for more gil atm. I offer you an alternative;(i don't know if the ores land in a pool since i haven't mined in pts) Basically people go with agreed upon ores/rocks(hopefully for crafting skill ups) that people want ahead of time and only lot/random on those and the rest of the stuff could be split to lessen the expenses. Maybe set it up so that we could only lot/random one 1 of the given ore until everyone that wants one got one. This would ideally be used for benefiting the crafters.
#13 May 03 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
You know, now I'm very glad I mine in Movalpolis.

I want an honest answer to this:

If some other random miner comes in and finds your LS on every single last mining point, and decides to "share" one, would you let them? Would you let another person come up and take your point? Mining Points can last anywhere from one to at least five succesful mining attempts. If that random miner comes up and takes a point that lasts only one attempt, would you be mad? Consider this.

Remember not everyone is a member of this.

If SE intended this, they wouldn't make all these restrictions to prevent extended mining. And I'm fairly certain there was an update that made it so that the more you mine the same point, the worse off your results. So you could do a hoe-down and shuffle points every now and then, but you're still controlling the Gusgen market.

Tread carefully. Gusgen may not have any unique ores, but that is beyond the point.

Edited, Tue May 3 20:54:25 2005 by seraphimhunter
#14 May 03 2005 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
I must say I'm a bit shocked by some of the responses...I never intended the COOP to be a monopoly nor did I see anything wrong with my proposal on moral and ethical grounds (I still don't and I'll explain later on in the post)

I do concede that I kept the motivation behind this idea a secret. Maybe if I explain why I came up with it everyone will understand where I am coming from...

I mentioned that I have been mining in Gusgen for a while. To tell you the truth it is very lucrative and I make a decent profit doing it (if I sold what mined anyways but I use it to craft so I don't see the maximum potential returns) BUT it's no cake walk. There are 3-4 people there 24/7 that refuse to obey proper mining etiquette (constantly digging on MP's that others have already "claimed") and I highly suspect that they are part of an organization (aka gil seller company). I won't name anyone because I have no proof of this but really that is besides the point. It has really gotten to the point in Gusgen that Mining has become super cut throat. When I say that these people are on 24/7 I really mean that they are there all the time. Now to give in to them is really allowing them to, for the most part, maintain a monopoly on ore (Darksteel in particular). How can you compete with a "person" (it's probably more than one person controlling a single character because there is no way a human can stay awake for that long) that mines 24/7 and has no qualms about "stealing your" MP's? Under this context does the COOP make a little more sense? I hope so but I'm not done yet...

Dec. 16, 2003 Update:
New items have been added for logging and mining.
Also, hatchets, pickaxes, and sickles will break more easily when used repeatedly at the same point.

This indicates that you will break your pickaxe more if you mine the same MP and NOT that you will have a lower probability of obtaining quality ore.

Dec. 9 2004 Update:
The longer a player remains in the same area, the more difficult it will become to obtain certain items through logging and mining.

This indicates that if you stay too long in the same zone you WILL see a marked decrease in the number of quality ores you obtain.

So what does this mean? It boils down to getting dug on (sharing an MP) is not as bad as it seems and prolonged exposure to the same mine is in fact hazardous to your health...

Ok with this info I can now answer some of the reservations and concerns.
Tse you said:
isn't this exactly what the gil sellers did?

what happens to the random person who goes in there to mine?

Sioux you said:
What this means is that anyone not in on your gathering would find it absolutely impossible to mine. It would be basically taking out a monopoly on the mine, and I guarantee someone would call a GM at some point.

To answer both of you, other people are free to mine while the COOP is in the mine. In fact they will reap the benefits of the COOP as well because MP's are not claimable. SE never intended MP's to "belong" to a single individual. If this system is going to work the notion of sharing MP's has to be introduced. Because you don't have to run around looking for an MP makes sharing more tolerable. In addition, the minimum number of Gusgen miners is around 3-4 while the max is around 15. So it's not like the COOP will be stepping on people's toes all the time.

Moreover, I never intended the COOP to be in effect 24/7 (I like this game but not that much) so your concerns about a monopoly can be put to rest. To tell you the truth I am not even sure this is going to work; I was going to experiment with the idea by trying it for no more than a 2 hour period once a week max and end the session by completing the Eco-Warrior quest.

Another motivating factor behind the COOP was the group atmosphere. Everything in this game is group oriented. You always reap greater rewards when you are helping each other out. Have you ever noticed the number of crystals/items that drop from mobs when you are in a party vs. when you are playing solo? This effect may extend to mining as well and I was curious how big of a role a 15-18 man alliance would have. I just wanted to make the miining experience better through cooperation; I never intended to create an underhanded technique to establish a monopoly. In fact the end result of this venture may help the economy. Before the Dec. 2004 update and the massive cancelation of gil seller accounts, the price of one DS ore was 5k. Nowadays they go for on average 20k a piece. If the COOP injects a significant amount DS into the community it will cause prices to drop and the economy as a whole will benefit. Gil sellers have a firm hold on lucrative items such as the emp. hairpin and the peacock charm but this facet of the economy does not need to be controlled by them anymore.

In closing I fail to see how the COOP is a violation of ToS agreement and especially how it raises eyebrows on ethical grounds. Then again my moral compass maybe out of whack...
In any event I appreciate the feedback and I am looking forward for more critcism/interest.

Edited, Tue May 3 23:55:31 2005 by JibeLL
#15 May 04 2005 at 3:33 AM Rating: Decent
450 posts
In closing I fail to see how the COOP is a violation of ToS agreement and especially how it raises eyebrows on ethical grounds. Then again my moral compass maybe out of whack...
In any event I appreciate the feedback and I am looking forward for more critcism/interest.

It isn't at least not yet. Neither was claiming a mob and not kiling it at the time, well that changed after GMs got spamed by people camping morion(among other NMs) complaining that Happy__ were spawning it and not killing it. Just becuase something isn't blatently against the ToS doesn't mean SE won't make it, or change the game to affect it. If enough people were to cry then SE will answer eventually and it could happen.

As to how it goes against ethics, well I a miner who respects the unwritten code walks in to a point camp, well now i don't have a point to camp or a reason to run around looking for free ones.
Also if we are all camping the points it is possible that someone running around trying to get points won't be able too since most of the time the point will be done with by the time they get to it to share the point.
#16 May 04 2005 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
282 posts

It would be a good idea if you your self come into Gusgen, round up all the miners there and group them up and camp the MP together. Your ideas will then be the fairest for everyone that was mining/will come to mined while the group is there. Ofcourse this would required that everyone agreed to your rules. If you come there with your own group and take up all the mining points, ruining the mining experience for others not in your group that's a totally different story. That is monoplizing the M-points for your group within the duration that you are there. In essence no different than what the gil sellers were/are doing.

I don't see how this is a good response to "Unethical" people stealing MPs especially since you said it your self, others are free to mine the same point (the same as stealing points.)

Though I've heard of LSes mining together before, I believed a shell I used to know Crazy88 used to hold group minings like this. Not sure if they camp points though.

#17 May 04 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
Bravo Jibe!

You have put a lot of thought into such a thing and I am jealous I have yet to come up with an idea such as that.

As for those people saying "you're just as bad as a gillseller!". I would highly disagree with your claim. To My understanding its for a brief period of time (2 hours max), its not like the COOP would be there 24/7 and its not like we are going right to IGE, So really if you don't want to participate in such a trail event then don't. It is just a THEORY and has the potential to benefit other "honest" people.
HELL you know what I thought of....If the COOP were to do this and make it work then instead of everyone being greedy and keeping the price of say DS Ore @ 20k or making it higher, why not agree with everyone in the COOP to put it in @ 15k or 10k .... we still make gil and save some of the crafters gil.

Once again Jibe, this is an excellent idea, it might might not, just sand the edges and give er a shot.

I already bought my tunica. Need the rest of the gear and I'm set to go.

By the away my company is called "Qinny's Crew Ltd." and I will pay you all 5.00 USD an hour so long as all the proceeds go to my delivery box. {Thank you.}

that's a joke.....albeit a bad one :)

Edited, Wed May 4 09:16:38 2005 by Qinnydar
#18 May 04 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I think it sounds like a good idea, from what the OP was saying I dont think he intends to block up a mine for hour after our like a gil seller would do. Even if his Co Op did this for 5 hours a week that really isnt very much time and I doubt it would be enough for SE to take action against them.

#19 May 04 2005 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
SE has enough on their hands already

like MPKer's, sexual harassments, and let's say.... uhhh the Tom's???

rather than a couple miner's do this in one mine once every couple days for 2 hours...

#20 May 04 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
247 posts
I was thinking about doing the same thing in Ifrit's Cauldron.
Would have to add Silent Oil to the list of required items though..=)
#21 May 04 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
Shadowbuni said:
well I a miner who respects the unwritten code walks in to a point camp, well now i don't have a point to camp or a reason to run around looking for free ones.
Also if we are all camping the points it is possible that someone running around trying to get points won't be able too since most of the time the point will be done with by the time they get to it to share the point.

I don't think I got my message across. If you are in the mine and our group comes I want you to camp points with us. Sharing an MP will be advantageous for everyone because that means that the MP's will cycle through faster and the number of MP's as a function of people will be distributed evenly. In fact if there is room in the alliance I will invite people to join. For those that are not accomodated communication will be acheived through /say but it still can be done. Again I stress that this COOP is about cooperation; the whole thing hinges on the fact that you can trust that no MP will be sitting there unmined and that a new MP will cycle to your location in a short time. The only real problem I forsee is the language barrier between non-English speaking players. I am not sure how to handle this yet but I think they will adapt to the situation...

Bowser said:
I don't see how this is a good response to "Unethical" people stealing MPs especially since you said it your self, others are free to mine the same point (the same as stealing points.)

First off I never said that "stealing MP's" was unethical; I said that they did not obey proper Mining etiquette (aka the unwritten code). Secondly, the notion of "stealing MP's" atleast while the COOP is in the mine has to be changed to SHARING MP's...

Let me ask a question to all the miners out there. How many MP's do you come across on average per a 2 hour session? 20 maybe? If the COOP allows you to see a significantly higher number of MP's (even if you have to share) than the system works. If it doesn't then the COOP will be abandoned...I just want to find out one way or the other.

Dissectional said:
I was thinking about doing the same thing in Ifrit's Cauldron.
Would have to add Silent Oil to the list of required items though..=)

You hit the nail on the head Dissectional. This would be the end goal of the COOP. Ifrit's Cauldron is by far the most lucrative mine but it's also the most dangerous. If the system works and the COOP is comprised of trustworthy and loyal people I hope we can expand to accomodate this mine too. For now I think it's best if we try Gusgen out first to see how it works out. Besides I don't have a map of the Cauldron lol.

I have to go teach a Physics Review Session right now and I have my last final exam (yeah no more school w00t) tomorrow morning so I can't answer back until then, but I am still enjoying the feedback and am looking forward to reading more ^^

Edited, Wed May 4 11:43:10 2005 by JibeLL
#22 May 04 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
I doubt this will work, usually when i see a mining point just pop up and goto mine it, it will usually only last for 1 hit.
#23 May 05 2005 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
512 posts
the problems with translation will only be solved by finding yourself a japanese partner that speaks both languages fluently and has access to both key sets. you need someone who can help create a pidgeon language with the autotranslator, much like the one that is commonly used in exp parties. for instance, the use of {sightseeing} or {fishing} when pulling in a party with japanese players. i don't know what auto translator phrase suits the idea of sharing mining points. the person i'm talking about will.

i think your head is in the right place on this, but you need to make it much much bigger than an alliance. you need to make it an LS many trusted sackholders, of all languages, and give pearls to anyone, even the "gilsellers". a spam channel from hell worn all day everyday by anyone in a mine anytime of day in six or seven languages. and you take the auto-trans pidgeon that forms on that channel and you construct a new etiquette where people can call out to the shell that miners are needed to fill rotation positions in {Gusgen Mines} or wherever, and crafters can come on to spam ores needed and at what prices. people like my 38whm/19blm can put on the pearl to get teleport requests for pickup and drop, and maybe make money moving inventory.

if you want this to work, you kind of said it yourself, it will have to become the new standard. you need like ten commandments or the fight club rules for people to remember and memorize and it would help if they are the auto trans phrases i was talking about earlier.

but it has to include everyone, unless someone behaves poorly and must have their pearl broken (i'm thinking verbal abuse, and/or racism, sexual harassment.)

all of that said, i'd be down to help out where i can. what you are doing is creating a worker's union, so keep that in mind as you take this up. it's not going to be up to you how things work out in the end. it'll be up to what the masses of people work out for themselves together, and it will probably have some troubles along the way.
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