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What was it like for you as a newb?Follow

#1 Apr 14 2005 at 12:55 AM Rating: Good
97 posts
It's been a few months. About 5 that I started playing this game, and I think it's safe to say that I no longer consider myself a newb(Though, I haven't quite ventured out into Vanadiel.When I first started out as a MNK, this game was a huge challenge to me. I had a hard time, I couldn't afford anything and my gear was always five to ten levels. Eheheh..XD My only friend at the time was Sashomaru(RL friend). Same thing happened when I switched to a WAR, I wasn't as destitute as I was when I was a MNK, but I still lacked a lot of important gear. I remember having a lvl 18 sword with chain and lizard parts when I was in Yhoator. It wasn't until I became a Paladin that I started getting some decent cash in my wallet. If it wasn't for all the people I pt'ed with, those several PL's, Reizon, Sashomaru, or my ZantsukenSyndicate LS members than I wouldn't be anywhere. ^^
#2 Apr 14 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
Oh when I started out I sort of had the same problem. Though furthermore the whole time I kept thinking I was never going to get to level 30 since people kept expecting WAR to sub NIN. Kind of dumb if you ask me, That's probably why I quit WAR. Hell, if they want me to sub NIN they better pay for my Shihei XD
#3 Apr 14 2005 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
385 posts

for me, this thread is more like...what did i do today?

I still don't feel like i'm out of this state, but when i was 'starting out' i was lucky enough to meet and get introduced to a lot of nice/knowledgeable people.

The gear thing wasn't an issue for me, since in the beginning of the game i really wanted nothing to do with parties, and spent a LOT of time logging in ghelsba outpost.

When i hit over 100k and was still lvl 10...i figured i should probably stop draggin my butt and lvl.

But, as you can see in the sig (no, not you, Sigmund), i still consider myself a newb, and probably always will.
#4 Apr 14 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
Oh geez. Where to start? Iran around mobs which I thought they would hit me less, and when I first saw the NPC's at the Outpost in W. Ronfaure, I was like "What are they doing here? Don't they belong in town?" After I hit 7, I had a RL friend who power-leveled me Rdm from 7 up to 10 or 11 as my rdm and then we partied as a duo up to near 16... then I went to the Dunes. =( Not fun. He helped me with gear and stuff since he was also a Rdm and i could equip his gear. After I got my sub and partied in the jungles, I looked at myself as a "somewhat" experienced player. But, even at my level, I still don't know the answers to many questions lol.

Oh yeah, I also didn't know what the AH was or how to use it. I would sell all the stuff I found to the random NPC's around town. I never felt a real drive to quest until a bit later on either. That was my experience as a newb. I sit and think back to then and I say to myself "Well, I haven't really changed all that much since then." hehe
#5 Apr 14 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
I am an eternal newb, and proud of it ^^.
#6 Apr 15 2005 at 1:32 AM Rating: Good
476 posts
I spent about the first 5 minutes trying to figure out how to move (Instruction manual? pffff)

My friend (was a 50 something war when I started) sent me some level 1 gear and a wand so I'd have something besides the starting rse (though the starting gear stayed in my safe for a long time because I thought I couldn't get rid of it, just because I couldn't sell it).

I spent maybe 30 minutes or an hour sitting around while my friend taught me and another friend about macros etc, before we had fought a mob yet.

I kept calling the wand a wooden spoon.

The first time I wanted to log out, I asked my friends if I needed to do or go anywhere special first (thinking of save points in all previous FF games). They told me I needed to pay 10K to log out... I freaked out, wondering where I was going to get that in such a short amount of time... took me a whole 10 minutes to realize they were just being bastards -_-

I was pretty good about gear though, usually moderately up to date, for a new player anyway. Though I didn't wear earrings at all for the longest cause I thought the measely 2MP on onyx earrings was worthless. I thought 2K was a lot back then.

The first time someone needed to lot on an item I had already, the rest of the pt was telling me to pass the item. I kept saying "How can I pass it if I don't have it?!"

I was so smart back then XD

#7 Apr 15 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
For me it was fun as hell.

...What? They were.
#8 Apr 15 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
I got lucky. When I finally decided to start playing my room mate <Cloudkitty> was there to hold my hand the whole way!! Even though I'm 51 now she's still helping me out enormously. She even put her rdm on hold to lvl up jobs with my whm. She introduced me to alot of nice and helpful ppl. I try to repay her kindness/helpfullness by helping other ppl on the game myself. I have to agree though, still a newb m^.^m but it's all good. You can never have all the answers just plenty of help along the way
#9 Apr 15 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
471 posts
I spent three hours trying to find my way out of Windy >.>
#10 Apr 15 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts

I still do that
#11 Apr 15 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
i tried to play with the mouse for the first 2 weeks.

didn't know how to con mobs for like a week.

things got easier after my first 2 weeks ^_^;
#12 Apr 15 2005 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
I'm curious now, Is anukia the Mithra that I met in Ghelsba who carried on /tell conversations with me for a deal of time about lvl'ing Bonecraft and Woodworking? I was doing alot of Logging there at the time, lvling my woodworking and for gil.
#13 Apr 15 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
I spent about the first 5 minutes trying to figure out how to move

Try standing there for half an hour. I was using a laptop and the mouse and the arrow keys wouldn't move me. ^^;;

As a n00b, I had a 42 PLD help me out. I kept talking in /says and then later when I discovered how to /tell, I thought I had to keep typing his name for it to work. For a while, I thought 42 was so unattainable when I saw it. I was astounded yet I wondered why my mentor would /cheer and say "Congrats" to all the people I now know were in AF. Didn't know he wasn't that high yet. ^^;;
#14 Apr 15 2005 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
542 posts
Lol, Jnag I'm willing to bet that was Aunika.

I was actually kind of lucky too, one of my friends played for a few months before I decided to start. I picked up a lot of the earlier parts of the game from either watching him or playing his character.

As far as what I did? Hmmm...War with a sword til I hit about 15, and I got a great axe then when I hit 23 or so, I switched to Polearms because I was going to play DRG. I was actually lucky to have a well diversed LS and was guided in the right directions as I came up. Which is something I try to do now that I am in their shoes.
#15 Apr 15 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
Well I learn fast I didnt have much trouble learning the game.. yes I did think the B. Seals were junk... had to have thrown over 60+ away ><

Gotta say if it wasnt for NightsFallFavor (LS) I'd prob wouldnt have gotten as far as I did. Would most likely still be tossing B. Seals lol ^^

So thanks Guys!

Edited, Fri Apr 15 23:46:23 2005 by Yaotzin
#16 Apr 15 2005 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts
Still a noob, but less so. It was heck now that I look back. I was in a pt in the dunes b/c I'm leving my Red Mage, and I had basically all +1 equips. And seeing the poor subless warrior trying to keep hate with his leather gear, it brought a tear to my eye. He's gonna be a good player ^_^
#17 Apr 16 2005 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
^^ its reizon again, and np man if you ever need help /tell me im on alot. see ya in game
#18 Apr 16 2005 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
417 posts
Yeah I had the same problems when I first started almost a year ago. San d'Oria seemed HUGE and I got lost alot XD. Money was a big problem too. Always was for me, up until now (I love fishing :D)
#19 Apr 16 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
I still consider myself a newbie even though I have a 53 brd and 50 smn. Why? Because i'm always learning something new.

For example: Since when did Erase turn into Erasega with Divine Seal? I learned that today... haha

Makes me wonder what else is affected in -ga form with Divine Seal.
#20 Apr 16 2005 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
No its not Divine Seal its Divine VEIL new Whm thing SE put in place ^^

Now your little lesser a noob ^^ lol
#21 Apr 16 2005 at 9:17 PM Rating: Good
350 posts
{Hmm...} let's took me about 2 hours to find my way out of the city, about 2 days to find out about moghouse, 3 weeks to discover AH, and about 4 months to get rid of that damn Adventurer's Coupon!! Smiley: grin

I suppose it took me longer to figure out a lot of aspects of the game since I didn't have a single RL friend who played the game (and technically still don't, unless we're counting in-game friends who became RL friends), but I'd like to imagine that I've almost got this game figured out after playing for a year...key word being almost. Smiley: tongue

edit: btw, this is my first post here in about 4 months...trying to remember all the text markup and smiley markup makes me feel like a noob on the boards again hehe

Edited, Sat Apr 16 22:21:19 2005 by willfoss
#22 Apr 17 2005 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Posted this a while ago, but added a lot of new stuff towards the bottom of my newbish behavior. Take a look^^


Where do I begin?

I started this game out with a rw friend who seems to have her head on a lot tighter than I ever will.


"Hey Nights, meet me at the werehouses at Port."

I look for about an hour in Waters, Walls, and Woods trying to find this "Port" and these "werehouses".

No luck for about an hour and a half. She eventually gave up, and met me at the Home Point.
"Hey Nights, lets go level."

(She was thf at the time) And I wondered why in the world she was always able to do more damage than me as a white mage...

And then after fighting, I would still not be able to find the town gates back to Windurst. (Totally inept when it comes to map reading).
Wanted to tank as a white mage at level 1, and still couldn't figure out why those things hit so DANG hard.
I beared/bulled by a LARGE amount several things in the Windurstian market when I first began. Examples: early June, I shoved the yaggie necklace market down to 20 gil, and the fire crystal market up to I think it was 5k?
"Hey Nights, lets do missions."

Well...lvl five is NOT the right lvl to go down into the ruins to do mission one-one. Luckily, we happened upon this very nice taru (Anubus) who kept raising us everytime we died. We died several times.

And we still did not finish the d*** mission.

Why? Because we were in the wrong tower, and were looking for the crack in the wall on the main map.
Getting bored, so sitting and shouting in Windurst for three hours straight, holding convos with people.

Boy did I learn about the /blist add function.

Was blisted by I think around 30? people that day.
Writing macros that were in /sh mode only.

Its a quiet day in sabrutabaruta, when all the sudden, a rabbit hears a voice BOOMING across the landscape:


Nightsintodream uses Banish.

Ding, another 5 people added me to their blist i think everytime i used that spell.
Wondering where the pheonix down was in the game. (I still think there should be some).
Attempting to pay for one of my earliest friend's wedding (that later fell through).

Now that was fun.

Farming crystals, selling them to the NPC, then sending the poor mithra five, six k a time. Yes, I farmed that many crystal stacks.

When I add it all up, I could have had erase by the time I was level ten.
Going to the Maze (when it was cool to level there), and having almost my entire pt die. Asking very nicely a white mage to please raise my party. She comes to the enterance of the cave, gets off her Chocobo, enters the cave, raises the pt, stays around till they are unweakened, and escorts them to the enterance.

At that point, I am wowed. A white mage who actually helps people???? (All the white mages I had run into before demanded gil for a raise). So promptly, I kneel, and what do I say?

"Please teach me to be a better white mage like you. Please be my teacher."

Later on, when I was added to the ls that she was in I was greeted with "OMG, its FQ's pupil!!" by fifteen different people.

I found out later on that when I asked her that, she had no idea what in the h*** I was talking about, since there was no such thing as a "teaching" thing in the game.

She just agreed because I her ls said that she might as well and I seemed desperate enough.

I felt like an idiot.

But Fairyqueen still is my teacher :D
Still trying to do some serious tank battle damage at level 15 white mage.

And on some respects, suceeding better than the tanks with the spell banish and my trusty ash pole. I could keep the hate on me like you wouldn't believe.
Thought for the better part of 20 lvls that the Goddess of the Dawn WAS the Star Sibyl.
Okay, time to ride a chicken!

Get to the stable, spend all my gil on feeding the stupid bird, and then finding I am too poor to afford a simple godd*** ride.

Kestra, thank you for financing my first ride.

Wearing my level one armour.

Somehow, I lived to tell the tell.

Oh yes, and I was subbing warrior at that time, because I still could not figure out how the h*** I was dying so much faster than anyone else. I figured the extra hp would come in use. (It didnt).
Made the mistake the first time I tried to build a pt in qufim of inviting a lvl 75 character in Jueno to pt with me.

Didn't know he was a lvl 75 character, misread the 7 for a 2.

Somehow, the rank 10 next to his nation flag didn't mean anything to me.

Talked to him for a while, still not knowing he was lvl 75. It wasn't until he said something about Scorpion Harness, and needing 6 million gil for it that I began to suspect something was amiss.

My jaw dropped when I found out what level he was.

I walked into La Theine Plateau.

With a map.

Got lost there for two hours.

Still get lost there in fact.


Most people saw the yakata as a cheap temporary accessory.

What did I see it as?

Free armour.

Glorious, free armour.

Glorioius, free armour that was better than the crap I was wearing now.

Nightfallsfavor probably remembers me raving on and on about that^^.
Level 26, time for Kazham.

Wooohooooo!!!!!!! My first airship ride!!!!!

What happens?

I see a tarutaru get up on the railing, and jump off.

My screams that the tarutaru committed suicide was probably heard clear from Jueno to Kazham.
In Kazham, now what?

I walk into the jungle wearing my yakata.

Still trying to fight the mob, while doing my job as main healer.

And somewhat succeeding in it.

At this point, I had switched my subjob to blm.

Lvl one blm. (Blm is currently at lvl four)
Hmmm...what is this volcano?

It sure is pretty...

I walked to the pit.


Bomb explodes and does 600 damage to me.

Die, and delevel.
I got aggroed (I think it was a glitch) by a Goblin Weaver more than once as a lvl thirty two white mage in the beginners area.

I felt like crying.

When the h*** am I going to stop being attacked by these idiots????
<Easy prey> my a**.

<Too weak> my a**.

More like <Impossible to gauge, let me decimate you with one hit please in such a way that your grandchildren will feel it everytime they tries to bend over to tie their boots>.

Amazingly, it took several times for this lesson to sink in when I tried to do buburimu at lvl 32.
First time I ever saw pirates was at level 34.


I walk out onto the deck.

Nightsintodream gets hit for 200 damage.


Nightsitnodream dies and delevels.

I am going to kill those miserable bastards one of these days.
W00t, time for citadel!

I am finally starting to get used to the looks from a pt going "WTF is he doing with a bard sub???" phrase that I keep getting everytime I open my mouth and start to sing.

I was NOT ready for when I first fell through the floor, and screamed my head off...

I thought I was a goner.

I was. Stupid undead mages...
Just a week ago, I got my way to Rabao thanks to a person I met trying to camp the Goblin Archeologist at the Holla crystal.

Neither of us could figure out how long it would take to make it appear, so we just wound up going to Rabao to try to get Teleport-Altrepa. (I still need to get that spell).

Well anyway, what happens?

I set my hp there.

And I dont change it.

Later on, I die, and I hp.

I promptly start freaking out because I am stranded in Rabao, with my hp there, and no map of the desert.

And no white mage to tele...


Im a white mage. I can teleport myself out!!!

It took me a whole of I think a day of logging in and out of the game trying to find a way out that I remembered my job.

My ls had a good laugh at that one.
The dice man in Rabao.

While I was stranded there, I happened upon him.

"Roll the dice, get above four hundred, and win!" he said.

I am thinking it is like a normal /random roll. Piece of cake i think.

I rolled a four.

The total of the day was 55.

I felt like an idiot when I realized it was a six sided dice.
Figured out outpost warping at level fifty.
Okay, went off to do my first real bcnm at level fifty three.

We get there and do 40, Worm's Turn.

I was there to get Erase, and out of all the people that went, was the ONLY one to NOT get Erase or Utsuemi: Ni.

Yes, that is 5/6 good runs.

Bought it from Sirlimp for a VERY good price, and he was kind enough to let me pay it on installments, even allowing me to reinvest the gil over and over again to churn more and more profits out.

Used the spell, and discovered it wasn't worth the Jeuno price tag -.-
Was doing the magicite missions over again in RP with Dawn.

I am waiting on the ledge above the ground floor, and for my amusement, I dia II a Yaggie on the first floor. Amused, I think that this yaggie is gonna have to run all through the castle, just to get to me.

Eventually, he does come up. With sixty of his friends.

I forgot that yaggies linked.

Somehow, we survived it.

But there were still trains of yags running all throughout the castle because of me for a while after that >.<
Recently, I finally got to that small island in Batallia Downs.

I see an NM, a big walking tree by the name of Ahtu.

I try to fight Ahtu.

I get killed by Ahtu.

And like always, I deleveled. -.-
Wanted to get Raise II.

So I promptly bid 200k on what I think was Raise II.

It was Regen II, worth only 6k.

Luckily...the guy returned the gil to me the next day.
Went to dunes to gate guard recently.

Level 54, dressed up in AF pieces, and feeling pretty good about myself.

Someone zones a bogy. Okay, no problem. I dia II it, and start wacking at it with my Dark Staff. Then someone zones a Pugil. Okay, no problem. I dia II it also, and start beating at it.

My hp starts to go down and down and down. I don't cure myself figuring I can handle it.

It was then that both mobs used WS.

I die.

In front of a party full of newbies.

I felt like an idiot >.<
Sold a wooden Hakutaku eyeball for 100k.
Finally got Lufaise Meadows, after 12 trips into Promy-Holla.

First thing I do is that I attack a sheep.

Didn't con it, didn't switch out of my lvl 30 gear, and didn't med my mp back up from the fight.

I died and had to deathwarp back to Jeuno before I could even really explore it.
Zoned out of the PM 2.5 fight today, ******** my party over, making us lose.

That happened today.
I'm still a newb, at least in my opinion.

So be nice to us^.^

Edited, Sun Apr 17 07:15:58 2005 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#23 Apr 17 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
When I first started the game in May 2004, I was a Mithra white mage named Katalina (who is now a lvl 25 super mule in Bastok Markets, heh)... When I hit lvl 3, I met my best friend in-game Disciple... He was a lvl 7 WAR at the time, but already knew alot about FFXI. He helped me figure out some controls, shortcuts, taught me how to make macros... Gave me confidence, since I really had no clue how to play - period. lolz...

When I hit lvl 5, I met Chikaizer... he was a lvl 51+ lvl Red Mage hanging out by the gate in Bastok. We became friends and he gave me a pearl to my very first linkshell, the Autobots. We hung out alot and Chikaizer inspired me to make my main character... Chidahlia, who is also an Elvaan RDM...

I reunited with Disciple when I bumped into him in South Gustaberg at lvl 7... I </check>'d him and realized he was a Decepticon!!! I did </shock> emote, pointed and called him "Bad Bot"... He was like "Huh?" Then, he checked me and laughed when he saw the name of my linkshell... Turns out, the leaders of our LS's were irl brothers lolz...

At lvl 8, I joined my first party and we xp'd in Dangruf Wadi... I met Disha... Disha and I made dance macros and goofed off in Bastok Markets near the Home Point... I had a blast bein a dork w/ him... He later made Infestedtaru and we proclaimed each other "Big Sis" and "Lil Bro" and vowed to watch each others backs til the end...

As I grew in lvls, Disciple and Infestedtaru held my hands and guided me along the way. They were my backbone and the reason I looked forward to playing FFXI each day. We did Summerfest together and gained our kimonos; Disciple took me to get my first Crag Crystal at Dem & laughed at Infested and me attempting to Goldfish"; We helped one another farm fire crystals, lent each other gil, obtained sub-job items, exp'd together, PL'd one another, explored new areas, camped NM's, did Rank Missions with one another... Disciple and I eventually achieved Rank 10 together and we relied on one another (mainly for the moral support, not power) for AF quests...

There was alot of drama along the way filled with laughter and tears, joy and heartbreak, and plenty of excitement.... Today, I am a lvl 68 RDM, Infested now plays as Thebus - a lvl 57 SAM, and D quit the game as a lvl 73 RNG... Hopefully, D will return someday... But, the three of us have become so close in game and IRL, and I'll cherish that forever...

Thank you, guys... I love yall <3 \(^.^)/ <3

#24 Apr 18 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
Hi ryumaru or somethin. Your the one who recognized my xanga Duerga >,< . When I was a newb i was invited at an early lvl to higher levels ^^. I think the first time i entered la theine w/ a grp at lvl 8 I was chased by a water elemental. I stopped + noticed it was still after me so I ran to a strange building - didnt know it at the time - Tele Holla >,<
#25 Apr 19 2005 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I first started playing about a month or two befor summer fest it could have been longer. I started of with a hume char, the first thing i did was go out into west ron and attack a orc, died after 10 seconds. i realized tha i didnt like the look or the name so changed to a elvaan with the name i have now. i got to lvl 5 and realized i didnt like the hair colour so i spent hours wondering if i should delete my char and start over. I didnt know if i should do it becase it took a day to get to lvl 5 but in the end i decided to do it. 2nd time around it took me 2 hours to get to lvl 5 (now i could do it in 30min). I got my war to lvl 14 and realized i didnt like the pt wait so i decided to be a whm not knowing about elvaans major lack in the mp, after geting to 20 i gave up and started mnk then went on to pld. now a year later im back to mnk trying to save up money for O kote >.<
#26 Apr 19 2005 at 5:24 AM Rating: Good
385 posts
I'm curious now, Is anukia the Mithra that I met in Ghelsba who carried on /tell conversations with me for a deal of time about lvl'ing Bonecraft and Woodworking? I was doing alot of Logging there at the time, lvling my woodworking and for gil.

Yes, Jnag, that was indeed, me. I'm surprised you remembered the pestering of a newb as myself.
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