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Petition Against HNM Monopolization!Follow

#1 Apr 12 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
#2 Apr 12 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Default
955 posts
I'm against this petition. No point in getting an armor or equipment if everyone has it. Nobles used to be a high class item but is now something you see everywhere. The same with scorpion harness. Making these spawnable will just take away any enjoyment with the game.

Also, lets say you make the draters or whatever drop the items. Those will just be camped 24/7 then and so will the ??? to pop the HNM. Yes things are overcamped but get used to it. So far only one LS I know of that actually bots and supports others in their LS to do it. Another LS does their little mistell provoke stunts which I believe to be wrong but I don't think they cheat.

HNM stealing is another thing that alot of LS's seem to resort to. Last saturday is a good example when Bluejeans LS stole King Behemoth from Kasai's LS. They then went on to blaming random people who they thought stole. Having KB called for help on 2 times by Hoodlum is just a "Oh, that's too bad" in my opinion. Karma is such a bi*** if they decide to blame people.

Things should stay the way they are and only the botting and deleting dat files should be changed. And if anyone wants to comment on my opinions on HNM botting or the KB incident, make a seperate thread or send me a message via these forums.

EDIT: Removed LS names to promote "better LS relations"

Edited, Wed Apr 13 01:05:57 2005 by Ayrilana
#3 Apr 12 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Double post due to Alla's laggy site

Edited, Tue Apr 12 14:36:54 2005 by Ayrilana
#4 Apr 12 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
Please dont hold it against me, i dont know how every server is, but on Shiva it is horrible and thats why i posted this. There are 2 JP LS's that camp these HNM's 24/7 with bots,pocket sniffers, and programs that give them the HNM's id. There are no NA HNMLS's that have any PLD's with any Koenig besides the one obtained in sky due to this!.
#5 Apr 12 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
There a number of ways that SE could fix these conditions. I find that making tham all ??? is a bit too easy. I actually wish that the HNMS had a greater spawn area, or could spawn in multi-zones. If the HNMS spawned every 12 hours also that would reduce the Japanese from stay up late and the NAs staying up fpr a possible spawn, they would just have to cut the drop rates of the rare drops in half. Also, I wish that since the KS99s have been in place, that they moved the rarer ABJ's to them. Cause than your dealing with the big 3 in a 30 minute battlefield with only 18 ppl, I feel this is a better show of skill than 60 ppl killing Behemoth with BIO 3. I just feel that as the people reaching 75 not only on one job but multi-jobs it makes these HNMs more of pain to get. More people want them and more LS hunt them, actually now were seeing multi-LS on the JPN side joining up to kill them.

As far as your botting point, I really do not think it is as big of a deal of people think. Do I think people bot, yes, but I do think the Japan ping will make any NA LS think they are botting against, and the PS2 players always seem to be called botting. Actually I find the idea of using any 3rd party programn should equal banned status, but I guess it is too hard for them to catch it. I wish more could be done, but there are some exploits that SE has know about for years and never fixed.

Edited, Tue Apr 12 14:47:01 2005 by jawas
#6 Apr 12 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Default
327 posts
Ayrilana : So, you fell proud wearing an item nobody has ? And so if you could prevent others people to get this item just to be the only to wear it, you would do it ? Meh ... You should prove your valor with another thing than gear ... Skill, for example ... There are some people who can own without an uber gear because they're very good at this game. A gear is used to improve your stats and help you and your party to defeat enemies, it's not a way to say "LOOK AT ME, I'm GOD, I'm wearing <insert_90M_worth_rare_item_here> ! w00t". If you really want to be respected, do something for it.

I haven't met you yet, and so don't know you, I don't have anything against you, but saying ...

No point in getting an armor or equipment if everyone has it.

... just looks like a Lv75-I-ownz-you-suck-because-you-are-Lv-30 comportment :x

LionsFan's petition is well-builded, it's not a boo-SE-sucks-they-do-nothing-against-<insert_problem_here>-shame-on-you-SE-please-everyone-sign-my-petition-to-prove-that-SE-sucks like- petition. (Even if I don't believe it will have any impact on SE, but at least it informs others people over an existing problem, and tell us SE is working on it)
#7 Apr 12 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
353 posts
I personally like camping over spawning.

And yes, if I have a piece of gear few others have, it does feel nice. It's a sign of your hard work and the hard work of others. I do not feel like every Tom, Di[b][/b]ck and Jane should have x uber item.

Forced spawn HNMs would be hilarious. People camping spawns, training on each other... Oh wait a minute...

Hell, put them all on thirty minute timers. If they're not killed in thirty minutes, they vanish and show up thirty minutes later. Poof, gone and then back again. And make the drop rates insanely low.

After taking a break and being able to reflect, I like HNM camping. The JP have an advantage? **** 'em. OMG Ayrilana, you Lunies get Fafnir/Nidhogg all the time *WHINE* Just means the rest of us have to be smarter. And I rather like it that way.

To the OP: I'm not knocking your petition. All the power to someone trying to come up with a constructive solution, even if I don't agree with it.

Edited, Tue Apr 12 16:49:45 2005 by Raynedrop
#8 Apr 12 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
345 posts
It wouldn't be a bad idea at times to have it actually be a poppable spawn instead of windows and lotteries :x Everyone actually wants the hnm and there is quite some competition, not to mention that people also need to have the spare time to remain camping at the spot ^^; If it would work like a bcnm then it would cut out quite some drama as well seeing as hnm can cause quite some drama :<
#9 Apr 12 2005 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Ayrilana : So, you fell proud wearing an item nobody has ? And so if you could prevent others people to get this item just to be the only to wear it, you would do it ? Meh ... You should prove your valor with another thing than gear ... Skill, for example ... There are some people who can own without an uber gear because they're very good at this game. A gear is used to improve your stats and help you and your party to defeat enemies, it's not a way to say "LOOK AT ME, I'm GOD, I'm wearing <insert_90M_worth_rare_item_here> ! w00t". If you really want to be respected, do something for it.

I haven't met you yet, and so don't know you, I don't have anything against you, but saying ...

How is making the HNMs spawnable involve skill? Have you actually killed any real HNMs to see the skill involved. Most people take pride in what they equip. Back when the game game out for the NA, chainmail was a status item of sorts since it was expensive. And I don't have very much uber gear by the way. Until you get into the HNM world, please don't comment about HNMs.
#10 Apr 12 2005 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Please dont hold it against me, i dont know how every server is, but on Shiva it is horrible and thats why i posted this. There are 2 JP LS's that camp these HNM's 24/7 with bots,pocket sniffers, and programs that give them the HNM's id. There are no NA HNMLS's that have any PLD's with any Koenig besides the one obtained in sky due to this!.

I wasn't holding it against you since you're from a different server and things are most likely different from here.
#11 Apr 12 2005 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Hey, everyone wants to xp, but sometimes, there just aren't enough mobs for everyone in the zone where they want to xp in!

Let's make all non-triggered mobs level 1, and have these drop triggers for different level xp mobs ! And when we want to xp, we'll trigger a mob !

... -_-

...having them watch more tightly for 3rd party programs usage seems a lot more appropriate to me.
...and giving appropriate punsihment, too.
#12 Apr 13 2005 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
and giving appropriate punsihment, too.

Permanent ban from the game would be nice. Stops the gilsellers and others.
#13 Apr 13 2005 at 7:53 AM Rating: Default
327 posts
How is making the HNMs spawnable involve skill? Have you actually killed any real HNMs to see the skill involved. Most people take pride in what they equip. Back when the game game out for the NA, chainmail was a status item of sorts since it was expensive. And I don't have very much uber gear by the way. Until you get into the HNM world, please don't comment about HNMs.

First, I didn't write a comment about HNMs, but about your comportment. I didn't say you CAN'T be proud of what you wear, but preventing others people to get this gear because you want to show you have it to feel unique and proud, that's childish. Thanks to you, I maybe understand the Lv75 people way of acting better (Note : I don't say every Lv75 people is like that, but I'm speaking about the general tendance). It becomes harder to low-lvl people to be helped by high-lvl people as these get higher. They just ignore them. Sometimes I have the feeling they forgot they were Lv1 one day, though I've met some high-lvl people who were very kind and absolutely not selfish, they gave (and are still giving) of their time to help people, to improve everyone's game experience instead of theirs, only. You can say that HNMs camping takes a lot of time and so you don't have any time to spare, but I don't think it's a reason to close your door to everyone else than your HNM LS. But the topic was a petition to change the way the HNMs spawn, and I think that offering a chance to everyone to fight them is a very good idea. You said it requires skill to defeat HNMs. If you're proud because you can defeat HNMs, let the others try to do this. Show them you can do this better than them, and so you could be really proud, instead of preventing them to fight these HNMs, you look like you're afraid people get to your Level and accomplish better things than you ...
#14 Apr 13 2005 at 8:06 AM Rating: Default
282 posts
But you gotta remember most of these high levels received little or no help when they were low except for the rare japanese intervention. I my self however leveled a bit slower and was able to get help on certain things (kazham keys and such.) Yet when it came to all the Genkei and keys, pick up parties sucks, but thats the way most of us had to resort to. If it was that bad already for a moderate leveler such as my self, when most of Lunies were in their 50s, what high levels do you think help them with Genkei and AFs? I don't know why you are ripping on high levels because of that.

Back to topic, I think having ground HNM spawnable really wouldn't fix anything as the trigger items mob would then be camped to death. This is already happening in sky as we speak. More and more Linkshells are sky capable nowadays. I remember showing up one day for LS item hunt only to find out that other linkshells have went through and clear out the place and none of us have 3 hrs to wait for the next pop. But again I think the petition is aimed more at the botting and hacking issue, certainly those need to be address, but making HNM trigger pop isn't the best way to do it in my opinion.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 09:11:44 2005 by Bowser
#15 Apr 13 2005 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
327 posts
(I'd just like to say, a Lv75 NIN helped a member of my LS to gather his items for G1 because he knew it was hard. He helped my mate because he didn't want him to face the same difficulties as him, because he really disliked them.)
#16 Apr 13 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
LOL I never got help I been around since NA release and I dont have any of this gear. W/E I dont think I will be here for much longer, the game has gotten bad, I am way too addicted and is no longer fun.
#17 Apr 13 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
281 posts
It becomes harder to low-lvl people to be helped by high-lvl people as these get higher.

And that is because they don't owe us lower level people anything.

They just ignore them.

getting /tell from random people for:
"PL me please ?"
"get my coffer key for me please ?"
"kill Fenrir for me please ?"

will do that to a person, yes.

Not doing the job *for* lower level people so that they, too, can work to get their stuff isn't being selfish.
What will you do when you get to 75 and there aren't any higher level people to do your work for you anymore ?

It seems to me like people only start learning true collaboration and teamwork at 70+, because then they *have* to work out a strategy, instead of calling some uber person to wipe the path clear in front of them.
That is also why I am very happy of the existence of all these capped events, even though the gearing up part is annoying, but that is another story.
#18 Apr 13 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
the good attitude is the most important in this game, being selfish, childish, snobbish, jealousy, hate and ignorant really give this game bitter taste.

so how long you gonna keep you nose up to the sky to make you feel superior? when everybody leaves this game you feel lonely and you never can shout "OMG I HAVE TEH WTF1337UBER GEARZ YOU NOOBS NEVER HAVE THIS GEARZ, YOU GUYZ ARE SUCH A SORE L00ZERS RAWR!" << this act its really retarded and socially unacceptable.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 13:32:36 2005 by Apis
#19 Apr 13 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
Yo Seriph,

I consider you a friend but if I had 5 gil for everytime you either said you were quitting or complained about how bad the game is, I could buy a Haubergon.

No offense bro but the repetition gets old.
#20 Apr 13 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
327 posts
Niji : Do you think that people who help the others are doing this because they owe something to them ? And do you think every "call for help" are like the ones you list ? It's like saying entire Europe is bad because France is an european land ... (I don't have anything against French, believe me ^^-)
Most of the "call for help" are /shout-ed in different areas, for Genkais for example. It took so long to my mate to find someone to help him getting his G1-stuffs ... Most of the answers were given by people who were asking gil for it. Do Lv30~ people who help Lv22~ people getting Rank 3 by /slapping the Dragon usually ask a fee ? That's what I meant.

Apis' message is kinda linked to my point, even if he uses strong words and expressions I wouldn't say ^^-

(And everyone got rated down again)
#21 Apr 13 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
Well LOL yes it does Krack and the reason I hold back is that I have many friends in the game and I would not want to leave them behind as an old memory. To me is no longer the fact that OMG the economy this or HNM that is just that it has become a job for me, and yes you are right it does get old and thank you for pointing that out, as of tonight I will take my rest I will say my goodbyes for now and see how it goes from there, I will not delete my characters and I will continue to pay my fees but I will leave for a while dunno how long, but since this game I gained weight and have become a couch potatoe, I cant take this anymore.

This game is good for those that arent obsessive compulsive as I am. I have to say goodbye for now. Krack in my book you will always be a nice guy, and thank you for all your help in the past.
#22 Apr 13 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Youll be back man,

Until then, ditch the extra lbs and get a nice comfortable recliner.
#23 Apr 13 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
LOL maybe but until then it was fun, and Krack you are the best tank in AD in my book. Just dont let Invoky come see this post.
#24 Apr 13 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
281 posts
Niji : Do you think that people who help the others are doing this because they owe something to them ? And do you think every "call for help" are like the ones you list ? It's like saying entire Europe is bad because France is an european land ... (I don't have anything against French, believe me ^^-)
Most of the "call for help" are /shout-ed in different areas, for Genkais for example. It took so long to my mate to find someone to help him getting his G1-stuffs ... Most of the answers were given by people who were asking gil for it. Do Lv30~ people who help Lv22~ people getting Rank 3 by /slapping the Dragon usually ask a fee ? That's what I meant.

The rank 3 example is irrelevant to me: the event is capped, therefore you are not getting any unnatural advantage because of the level of the people who are helping you.

As for genkai, as specified in my last post (was typing while you posted this), I never asked for any high level helped. I looked around to join on parties of people my level. I put it in my bazaar comment. I've put it on my search comment on occasions, too. This is something that is needed by everyone as they reach 50 for the first time, so I didn't think it was justified to *have someone do it for me*, until I saw that noone ever did this as a group anymore, and then I waited for people I knew to *offer* help.

I am commenting on the sentence you used: you complained about higher level people ignoring lower-level people's requests for help.
If higher level people start ignoring their lower level friends, there is a problem. If higher level people ignore requests from strangers, I really don't see what the problem is.
The game was designed so that a certain level's content is done by people this level. If it had not been designed properly, we would still not have level 75s today. The first people who got beyond certain barriers didn't have higher level people to do the required things for them. They had an actual challenge. Whereas today, we seem to see it as granted that there should be people of a higher level to *do things for us*.
To an extent where it doesn't even seem to be a possibility to do things in the challenging way they were meant to be done. And where people complain where they are not getting that help.

edit: added quote

Edited, Wed Apr 13 13:57:42 2005 by Niji
#25 Apr 13 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
281 posts
(I'd just like to say, a Lv75 NIN helped a member of my LS to gather his items for G1 because he knew it was hard. He helped my mate because he didn't want him to face the same difficulties as him, because he really disliked them.)

that's funny, I got mad because I *wanted* to do G1 the "normal" way. To get 5 other people who needed the drops and go camp them.

I answered a few shouts in Jeuno, from people asking for help, only to be told "sorry, only doing it for myself". So, people are shouting to mooch help from strangers. {All right!}
Eventually, higher level people I knew offered to help me. Why did I accept ? Well, if I had not, how long would I have stayed G1-less ? weeks ? months ? Until I quit the game maybe ?

edit: added quote.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 13:56:01 2005 by Niji
#26 Apr 13 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
yo seriph, i talked to you only a few times, but i feel you are already like my friend, i hope you gonna come back.
yeah about weigh problem is the main issue for me heheh, I used to weigh 185 lbs, but now i loose about 25 lbs, but what keeps straining my head is gaining-weight-phobic!! lol

I keep looking my self at my mirror, comparing the figure i have now with the one i had before heheh. So now what i do is doing light diet, avoiding sodas (coke, pepsi and their companion) as best as I can, try to walk my self to stores and mall (hey walking in the mall not only good for your health, but its also good for your eyes health lol, you know why? pretty chix HNM only spawns in the mall lol!)
I should do more exercise tho, ive heard that doing 15-30 mins exercise is good if doing it regularly compare to doing exercise in hardcore way ^^

hope to see you soon in game man!
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