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MPKer ivoriFollow

#1 Apr 01 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
Ivori, a person that gets a kick when tank dies then escapes? He was in a PT with a few friends of mine refussing to escape, saying he didnt like the tank, when tnak finally died he started to cast escape to save only everyone but the tank. Then thought it was funny to laugh? JPN members kicked him out. Although that wasnt to funny i suppose. This is a person veryone needs to be careful of on eof those sad little freaks who gets off when they got a little power! sick Ill never invite you to my groups ivori.
#2 Apr 01 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
I actually heard about this, one person said its not MPK, but when u dont escape and laugh when tanks dies? umm thats MPK, and I personally hate MPKers. So people like this ivori will get no respect from me either. Sad people gatta sulk to such levels and do stupid things like this.
#3 Apr 01 2005 at 4:33 PM Rating: Default
yeah hes just one more person im blacklisting and slaping when I see.
#4 Apr 01 2005 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
OK...milkshake just stfu u fricken noob....ivori isnt an
MPKer' hes <Freind> of mine in my linkshell...he is only liek that in ****** pts like urs...and the JPN ppl dont get their sense of this game til like 70+ before then most act like noobs even if u cant see it...and milkshake all u do is ***** at ppl...i swear u might be the next infamouskiller u idiot stop being such a ***** and grow for the other poster GO TO HELL YOU FRICKEN NOOB
#5 Apr 01 2005 at 6:29 PM Rating: Default
:O . . . hmmmmmmm GIL SELLERS EXSIST?! >>Milkshake: Are you going to keep shouting for your af armor you buy?" >>Kyx: "Why yes...I think I will.........idiot." Milkshake: "OmG BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCKCKCKCKCCKC LISSSTRSTSTSTSSTST!!!!!!!!"
#6 Apr 01 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Oh my god, reading that hurt.

Go back to school, please.
#7 Apr 01 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
omgwtfux you mean people do this kind of ****?

omgwtfux people do it every day?

Say it ain't so, Lassie!

Grow up, go get an education, then post. Spell check is an alternative, too.
#8 Apr 01 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
ok listen

not what happened one bit

u guys just like to harrass others to make ureself fell good about ure impudent lil brains. Get over it, if a tank dies a tank dies it happens, deal with it move on. now let me tell u something about the people involved in this incident

Kimber- U honestly have nothign better to do but run around insulting people because u suck to much as a pld to not die :-)

Sprite- You once asked me if i had any j lvls over 60, when i said no u thought i didnt know what i was talking about, and made fun of me for it. Real mature. You people are why others quit the game


name is Andrew

and btw dont ever ever harass ivori again and if u do it = gm spam
i mean i will report u guys at least 60 times a day
if ue evr do this again so just go back to doing nothing with your life like u currently are and of course have a nice day :-)
#9 Apr 01 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
First off, nice job making a completely pointless new thread when there already is a thread for bad player alerts. The name of the thread is "Bad PLayer Alerts".

Second, it seems like you guys are as childish as Ivori says. Ivori said that the PLD and his LS were sending harrasing tells. Now you go as far as to make an account to post it?

Here is Ivori's side of the story. "Our puller pulled a crawler. Things started to look bad so I asked if I should <escape>. The WHM said no, we will be fine. The PLD ends up dying and then I cast escape" To me this sounds like bad judgement on Ivori and the WHM. This was in no way an MPK, it was just a mistake on Ivori for listening to the WHM.

I am in the same LS as Ivori so you may think that my post is bias, but think whatever you want about the situation.

Kyx, for god's sake learn how to make a sentence.
#10 Apr 01 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
Punkforget wrote:
Sprite- You once asked me if i had any j lvls over 60, when i said no u thought i didnt know what i was talking about, and made fun of me for it. Real mature. You people are why others quit the game

WOOT! Go Andrew!! She is also spreading a rumor about me that I do nothing in PTs. One thing Sprite, you never EVER partied with me, so how the hell would you know? ...*****...
#11 Apr 01 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
well well

it seems my old friend SPRITE and her ****** gang of asshats are at it again.

first of al, ivori didnt do what you asshats have psoted about him/her.

ill give a quick description of what happend, but ill save the details for when ivori tells what really happened.

ivori was in a xp pt, and asshat #1 sprite was in it. one of asshat #1 sprite's friends, zeroassassin, sent a tell to ivori to D2 the smn who was in the pt.

this smn didnt know that asshat#2 zeroassassin was trying to get them D2 back and ivori refused to do it.

asshat #1 SPRITE told ivori that she/he would regret it.

later on in an xp pt a mob was pulled and the tank died and escape was casted afterwards.

now this bunch of asshats have tried to tarnish the name of ivori as an act of vengence.

first of all, if that tank doesnt like dieing... pick another friggin job.. ive died a jillion times because blms and rdms didnt escape and whms was a little slow with cures.

i never got angry at them if it only happened once or twice while xping cause accidents happen.

if you cant tank and take the bad with the good, then dont tank.

now to the LS of asshats who tried to tarnish the reputation of ivori. im sure everyone here knows sprite.

Sprite is hated by anyone who has ever gotten within the same zone as her. and Sprite has not sold her character cause she remembers every cross word ive ever sent her.

Sprite is the same old bag playing that has always played and according to ivori she is the one behind all this.

now, you wanted to play the ******* game with a friend of mine?

lets see who can play it better you LS of retarded asshats.

ill send tells to anyone i see partying with you and explain to them how bad of a bunch of asshats your are.

ill have all my friends do the same to you. ill send shouts in towns you are in and tell everyone how stupid you are, and just how sickening you are for trying to do what you did.

you are hated by several for good reasons. Remember, its your reputation and you earned it. Sprite and milkshake and zeroassassin and any of the rest of your asshat friends have earned a loud reputation today.

i hope it was worth it. the act of trying to teach a blm you didnt know a lesson because they wouldnt D2 someone out of a pt for no reason.

i wish i could do a spit emote. i would spit on you every time i saw your nasty face.

PS.. i hope you catch some rare disease that rots your damn eyes out and you cant see to ever log on again. keep your damn lies among that LS of asshats you live in.

#12 Apr 01 2005 at 8:11 PM Rating: Default
heyheyheyhe guesssssssssssssssssssssss what ~? its calllllllllllllllllllllllllllled slang :O woah no way!~? never heard of it!? are u alike.......................40?
#13 Apr 01 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Default
Did I EVER say that I was Kyx? No I don't think so. I would be named as Kixike or can choose...but not "Kyx" I'm not "Kyx" so...maybe...hmmm.....I'll...get back to you on that one.
#14 Apr 01 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Default
#15 Apr 01 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Default
#16 Apr 01 2005 at 8:46 PM Rating: Default
HELLO PEOPLE I HAVE one more thing to say i think kyx is kay BUT! he says things THAT MAKE NO SENSE AT ALL thank you good bye

PS.. gameslave that was a kick *** post you put up i loved it love to be your friend in FF11 JUST FRIENDS THO JUST FRIENDS im not some kind of gay kis LOL alright see you all soon EXEPT FOR SPRITE ASSHAT#1 AND ALL THE OTHER ASSHATS..... yes hmm... well thats it
#17 Apr 01 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
[Maroon][/Maroon]hi this is a test the colors wont work so dont pay any atention by the way if you want to help me out gettin this thing to work go ahaead lol damn it wont WORK WTF!!!!???!!!???

Edited, Fri Apr 1 20:47:57 2005 by asshatkiller
#18 Apr 01 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
416 posts

1) Your a Tank!!! It's your damn job to die if need be for pty to get away!!! You don't like it then don't tank....

2) WTF??? who the hell do you think you are to tell someone to D2 a party member??? YOu don't like him/her then disband and look for another party or start your own and invite your ******** friends!!

3) Where the hell do you get off talking crap about someone cause they didn't do what you said??? When the hell did you been come the Master of this game?? I really want to know this!

4) I stand behind my friends in this.. Ivori is NO MPK'er.. Although I can't say the same for you asshats!!

BTW: /Welcome to my blist

Edited, Fri Apr 1 21:05:45 2005 by RdmKelton

Edited, Fri Apr 1 21:06:26 2005 by RdmKelton
#19 Apr 01 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Default
#20 Apr 01 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
OMG RABBID ASSHATS ARE ATTACKING HELP ME PLEAS......E this was a tape from a very bad place where asshats attack please support our fighters we need help if we plan to fight off evil asshats suck as SPRITE hahaha
#21 Apr 02 2005 at 2:36 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
Ivori was one of my friends and i was privileged to meet such a person... I can honestly say that Ivori is a very good person and i can Vouchee for him that he would never do anything these people are accusing him of .. He is no MPKer that much i promise you and he is one Kick *** BLM!
#22 Apr 02 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
OK um i am this "supposid" MPKr.... this is slander aggenst my name i mean seriously come on... and dont ***** around with me like this anymore milkshake or sprite seeing as you two are hated world wide... if you think u can scare me anymore as you were trying to destroy my reputation not hapening you suckaz can try any time you want... oh and kimber i never tryed to kill you... you just died... and if you have a problem with one accidental death dont be a tank... peace
#23 Apr 02 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
i Can not believe... there is a THREAT created because of this pty.. OK this whole fight has to end ok? Let me clear this up..

I WAS the leader of this pty. IT was in Boyhama Tree or whatever and our pty level was 54-55ish. Now SPITE was NOT in the pty. her room mate Kimber was. I was haveing terrible connection problems. This happened twice. Luckily no one died while i was d/cing. Anyways, our thief pulled a Crawler and we had a ruff time with it. Ivory did not escape fast enough ( but its a god damn experiance pty- im surprized we all didnt die. deaths happen suck it up) After Kimber was dead, we all looked for a R2 or R3 for her. because i was only lev 55 i could not r2 her yet. Once we gave her the R2 she left without explaining why. I later recieve TONS of /tells from people harassing Ivory and other BS ALL because of one stupid death. And to be very honest i feel terrible for the PLDS death, i really do. BUt dont harass other players and spam their names in youre linkshell because of one death. I honestly canot believe someone even started a forum on such a small stupid event. Everyone has already apologized to the PLD. Let this subject die now.

ALso.. gameslave do not post that you know what happened becaus you were not there (as many idiots are claiming they know what happened and were not there). However, Yes you are right i think they are trageting ivory out of vengence but sprite wasn't even in the pty and zeroassassin was only there because he was coffer hunting. Zero wasnt even nearby when the death happened.

I cant believe im even posting in this "hate threat" Its very embaressing. I just hope now that you guys know what truthfully happened you will all calm down. It's an experiance pty of course there are going to be deaths. And again.. my pty apologized for the death of the pld.. it was not intended and i hope to see you in the future~
#24 Apr 02 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
762 posts
I have had an experience as well with the sheer, utter stupidity of Sprite, Kimber, and Milkshake. They have proven to me that besides knowing each other, they are all raging idiots. But then again, when you only have one brain cell, you tend to hang out with others who only have one brain cell as well.

These conversations ensued a couple of days after I called Sprite an MPKer, because well, she is.
#25 Apr 02 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
well geee whizz malorie, if you had taken the time to read carefuly, you would have noticed that i referred to 2 seperat partys that ivori was in that day. the first party has miss asshat in it and was the source of the problems that followed.

the second party ivori was in was your pt. that was the one where a pld died. i hope i cleared that up for you.

but really malorie, you kinda opened my eyes with that rant. i now feel bad about the whole thing and im very sorry it ever happened. so im going to publicly apologize to sprite.

here goes..

To Sprite, dear sprite i am so very, very and utterly sorry that you are an asshat.

wow!.. i do feel better. thanks malorie. i feel like a new man

now i think ill get drunk somewhere. cya guys
#26 Apr 02 2005 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
1,091 posts
not to get off on a rant here but,

is this the same sprite who is also an, and pardon the slang "uber 1337 bst"? cause if it is, i remeber wuite a few times of being mok'd by her in many many different place, and at one point it got so bad as i would search the area and if she was in it, i wouldnt go.

also, i have met kimber, it was a coffer key hunt if i recall correctly and she was s total *** hat, so much that we told her to leave. poor little mithra pld.

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