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THE APRIL UPDATE - News and ViewsFollow

#27 Apr 15 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
169 posts
This is real. I just headed over to Playonline (which is really slow today). Rate-ups!! This they are doing this to stop players that are leaving for Wow?


Edited, Fri Apr 15 09:25:39 2005 by lgordon
#28 Apr 15 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
Hmmm... is it just me that thinks making it easier to get from 50 to 75 cheapens the accomplishments of those who have made it there already?

What about those of us that are not there? Do we get the same bragging rights having had what amounts to free XP handed to us?

I for one am not impressed.
#29 Apr 15 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
I'm not impressed either. The players who are already 75 and well merited are getting shafted basically.

I think a *better* way to implement it would have been to say that after you have one job to level 75 THEN the new exp set up will go into place for the other jobs you level. Kind of like an incentive and reward to get a job to 75. It would still lessen the exp grind, however it would ensure you have to grind it at least once. Call me crazy but I think the exp grind is good for people. As annoying as it is, all that time spent leveling tends to make some people *really* good at their jobs, and weeds out some idiots (although not all).

I'll be leaving some negative feedback with SE about this change. Anyone else who feels the same way should leave feedback as well, although I know not everyone will think this is a bad change ^^;
#30 Apr 15 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Why do people who are already level 75 complain about this? Why can't you just be happy that other people will be able to join you quicker? This doesn't cheapen your merits, after all, you'll be able to say you got to level 75 *before* the patch. That amount of patience is admirable.

Complaining about it, however, is not. It's like when they introduced the level 20 avatar battles and all the people who'd gotten thier avatars from the 60+ battles began to complain. Well, don't. Just be happy for those who'll be able to get to 75 a bit easier and join thier higher-level friends.
#31 Apr 15 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
This is nice for when exp is lost dying.

Tho, the fact is that post lvl 50 or so, when exp starts to become a lot to next level, a person should not be dying in an exp party to begin with.


The exp to next level being changed?

There is a reason why people aren't all level 75 within three months after they begin.

I guess this boils down to a matter of competition.

I have played EQ (briefly), EQ2 (have it, sorta playing it), FFXI (currently my game of choice), and WoW (three hours).

Out of all the games I played, FFXI is the hardest to level in. It takes a while to gain a level, and you can NEVER solo decent exp past dunes unless you are a beastmaster. This seems to be in line with the "Return to Vana'diel" campaign.

You want to keep players/entice old ones back, you make the game more in line with the other ones out there. WoW had 1.5 mil in three months. It took FFXI two YEARS to get that many. This is a chance for FFXI and SE to rebuild the gaming population of Vana'diel.

I am going to call up POL and talk to them about this. When I do, I'll post thier reasoning for this change to the EXP policy here.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#32 Apr 15 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
wow thats major, i would be pissed as hell though if i was 75. They should find a bonus to give them, for the "excess XP" they earned, maybe give them a merit point or something. or 1 gil per excess XP :)
#33 Apr 15 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Actually, several classes can solo DCs past the dunes. Ninja, a good Paladin, Rdms, and Smns all can. Smns can solo for xp almost as well as Bsts all the way to 70+

Sorry, just had to throw that in. ^^;;
#34 Apr 15 2005 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
That amount of patience is admirable. Complaining about it, however, is not.

I wasn't complaining about it. I was stating an opinion. You are entitled to yours as I am entitled to mine.

I think this change shafts patient players who got to 75 and benefits impatient players that quit to go to WoW. It goes along with their thing where you can come back to Vana after cancelling your account. It's just trying to get back the impatient players who went to easier games, and personally, I can't say I care to play with impatient players. It's just my opinion though, and I'll be leaving feedback about it. I suggest everyone leave feedback if they want, whether you love the change or hate it.

It just seems to me that they have lost a lot of players to other games and are trying to change the game to make it appealing to those that left, rather than keep it appealing to those who have stayed. I'm just speculating though, I could be way off. It does help the players who don't have tons of time to play, however I don't think they were gearing the change towards those players.

SE is kind of notorious for making *mild* changes though. Watch... everyone will get their panties into a bundle about this and they will reduce the exp needed for each level by 1k or something -.-

Edited, Fri Apr 15 10:38:52 2005 by Apocpink
#35 Apr 15 2005 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
I'm not past 53 on any job, so this of course has affected me very little so far.

But I do like how it'll be easier now, especially since i'm stuck on in the morning when people are either disbanning parties, or trying to start ones((usually are started before I can log on)).

I'm on in the morning central time, which is very hard to get a PT in the first place, let alone my hardships as a smn.

Well, I don't think it's fair to the people higher level than me, but I do however think it's fair to people like me. I'm lucky to get invites on ANY job I decide to level with my stupid time frame. I've also been turned down by several statics because of my time frame. It's not really negotioable except on weekends((mostly)) and certain days of the week.((which are random)) ;-;

They should've made it a sort of quest anyone can take with an alliance. Maybe level cap it to 50. Make it super long, with every step requiring the Alliance to kill something. Make the battles super hard even with a full alliance or something.

I think earning the easier ticket would be like earning your G1 paper. If you get it, you should have every right to level to 55; as such, if you would acquire a keyitem from a quest they could do for this new XP thing, you recieve the new XP limits.

They could've even introduced some new R/EX items too. Stupid things like a Baseball Bat, or a Hockey Stick, or a Paper Fan. ((y'know, joke weapons like some MMORPGs have)).

...I would kill for a 'Crazy Tune'((PSOep1+2)) in this game. :]

Edited, Fri Apr 15 10:41:16 2005 by Suiza
#36 Apr 15 2005 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
A baseball bat would be awesome. I'd be forced to make a character named Ness if they did.
#37 Apr 15 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Hmmm... is it just me that thinks making it easier to get from 50 to 75 cheapens the accomplishments of those who have made it there already?

What about those of us that are not there? Do we get the same bragging rights having had what amounts to free XP handed to us?

I for one am not impressed.

I agree 100%.

And for that guy who's saying stuff about level 75s complaining... look at my level list. And read as I call you self-centered.

edit: and yes, I do know exactly how much xp it takes for those levels beyond 51. I know 2 people IRL who are level 75, so it's not like I'm completely ignorant about it.

Edited, Fri Apr 15 10:51:33 2005 by Niji
#38 Apr 15 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
You can't honestly say that you think making the xp reduction update into a quest or an exclusive for people who already have a lvl 75 job is a good idea can you?

Imagine a party getting formed where som had their total XP to lvl reduced and some didn't, making parties would get even worse than it already is. As if trying your best to dodge total morons now isn't enough already.

This update is a do or don't do. There is no middle road no matter how you look at it.
#39 Apr 15 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Big drawbacks to this include:

- Dying in Dynamis = more level downs due to reduced Xp TNL.
- More crowding in the already overcrowded 60+ lvling zones.
- More people in Dynamis - less chance to get yer relic on.
- More people @HNM camps - which equals a longer wait period for people hoping to equip abjuration items from ground Gods.
- Sky becomes more crowded, therefore going after God pop items will take awhile since they pop every few hrs. =/

On the plus side, maybe if there are enough people at certain levels some prices will be going down.

This is probably already being discussed to death in every linkshell everywhere. :x

Suiza: Chameleon Scythe/Chainsawd > Crazy Tune ;d

/wave Neijya
#40 Apr 15 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
The only *really* good thing I see to this change has nothing to do with leveling actually...

If you have to get a lot less exp to get to 75, you kill a lot less mobs on the way, therefore you get a lot less loot drops, and a lot less money enters the economy. It *could* help inflation in the long run, but that would be an indirect affect.
#41 Apr 15 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
I never got to equip a Chameleon Scythe, but I did however have a Chainsawd; which I loved. The Chameleon Scythe looked cool though when I saw it. :D

They should add some more merit points to those who are already that high. It's only fair that they have some more uber stats than those who will get to their level soon. Fair? Yes, I think it is.

BTW: I liked the Samba Maracas too... maybe duel-weild some sort of Maracas in FFXI? I should send some of these ideas to SE... I know sheaths and straps for Swords/Katanas and Great Swords/Axes have been talked about alot, but these would be a great little idea for the people high level.

What better way to retain your elite status than by having a customizeable Sheath, or even a cape like Cornelia wears, ALONG with merit points?
#42 Apr 15 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Im surley gonna be in a better mood.
#43 Apr 15 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Big drawbacks to this include:

- Dying in Dynamis = more level downs due to reduced Xp TNL.
- More crowding in the already overcrowded 60+ lvling zones.
- More people in Dynamis - less chance to get yer relic on.
- More people @HNM camps - which equals a longer wait period for people hoping to equip abjuration items from ground Gods.
- Sky becomes more crowded, therefore going after God pop items will take awhile since they pop every few hrs. =/

Instead of looking at it like that, why not look at it like this:

- Dying in Dynamis - It'll be easier to level back up after taking so many deaths
- More people who are willing to level up in unorthodox areas, possibly making for new leveling spots in general. And with more people, there are more chances to get in a pt. (I don't know about you, but I'd rather be in a pt that's getting *some* xp than to be sitting on my butt in Jeuno waiting for one.)
- More Dynamis runs in the first place - more chances to get yer relic on.
- The possibility of SE putting in more HNMs to the game.
- Sky becomes more crowded, so people look to other places for HNM action. Maybe CoP mission runs will become more common, given that SE could install a Kirin-like HNM series in sea as they did in sky.
#44 Apr 15 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
A reduction in the TNL does nothing when you're sitting around in Jeuno with your flag up for six hours, so...whatever. As for lowering the percentage lost when dying, I'm all for that. Less XP for me to make up due to my farming accidents. >.>

Edited, Fri Apr 15 12:19:40 2005 by Xanoxonax
#45 Apr 15 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Dying in Dynamis - It'll be easier to level back up after taking so many deaths

what he meant is: your xp buffer can't be as big, since the xp cap is lower. Therefore, you die less before you de-level. At 75, you will still less 2400xp perdeath minus raise xp recovery, no matter those changes.

More people who are willing to level up in unorthodox areas

I call this wishful thinking. If people aren't willing to do that when their TNL is about 2k, I don't think it's gonna change @ level 60.

More Dynamis runs in the first place - more chances to get yer relic on.

you can't dynamis for 3 days after you've done one anyways, so that won't change.
#46 Apr 15 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
Less XP for me to make up due to my farming accidents. >.>

I've had my share of those, so I like the XP reduction the most.
#47 Apr 15 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
Changing this to bring people back doesn't get rid of the gilsellers, which are still the biggest problem with the game, and still something SE is completely content to ignore while they busily fix things that don't actually need fixing. F[b][/b]uck you, SE. I'm only 66 and I'm already feeling like my work to get there is going to be cheapened, I can't even imagine how it'll feel for those 70+.

Edited, Fri Apr 15 12:35:35 2005 by Byaina
#48 Apr 15 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
Less XP for me to make up due to my farming accidents. >.>

Or accidently running into the biggest MFing train I've EVER seen in all of Vana'diel, while higher level people are fleeing for their lives. I never knew Seaserpent Grotto had so many kinds of nasties in there O.o

Kestra (to the keyhunting party): Any of these the ones we need? LOL

Party: Nope

<the mobs stop their pursuit as the party zones>

Kestra: Uh oh.

<mob aggros the party>
Kestra: Crap! too late, this way hurry!

<party engages the mob, and realizes it will eat them for a snack.>

Party: Umm... Which way
Kestra: Follow me.

<Kestra makes a desparate run for Norg, leading her poor party to safety>

<Rounding the last corner to Norg,...>
Kestra: AWW CRAP!!

<as the whole train rounds the corner, the horror sinks in, that it was zoned to Norg>

<Kestra gets assaulted, with more spells than I could count>

<Kestra is defeated by whichever mob tossed that last Holy>
<Kestra falls to level 61>

Kestra: Aww man! I just gained that level! ><
#49 Apr 15 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
Um. that's odd... There was only one of these up this afternoon...


Edited, Fri Apr 15 18:33:34 2005 by TheWanderingShadow
#50 Apr 15 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Ah, so you were the lvl 60+ RDM that I heard got eaten alive out there that night, eh Kestra? I had just logged back into Norg that evening and there were a bunch of people at the zone. I said, "Something going on out there?" They replied that there were a number of high level nasties outside, and that a lvl 60-something RDM had died because of it. I decided to stay inside until all that had settled.

Monday morning, I logged on in Norg once again to do some running around and killing Sahagins. I noticed this one guy running around training a Mindgazer behind him, which sometimes would go unclaimed again. This made me rather nervous, since they were conning VT-IT to me. They were doing this a number of times, sometimes looping them around some of those paths near the Ornamental Door that loop back into themselves. No idea at all, what-so-ever what this was all about.

Sorry ot hear about your death, but yeah...I heard the zone into Norg that night was a bloodbath.
#51 Apr 15 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
what he meant is: your xp buffer can't be as big, since the xp cap is lower. Therefore, you die less before you de-level. At 75, you will still less 2400xp perdeath minus raise xp recovery, no matter those changes.

It's not as though they're going from 75,000 tnl to 4,000 tnl at lvl 75. They'll more likely just take it down maybe 1,000 or 2,000 at most. And with a Raise III, you'll still need to die about 40+ times to go from max experience at 75 to lvl 74 if you get a Raise III each time. (Which is somewhat wishful thinking itself.)

I call this wishful thinking. If people aren't willing to do that when their TNL is about 2k, I don't think it's gonna change @ level 60.

*shrug* If enough zones get too crowded, something has to change. Or, on the other hand, some of you are worrying too much and this xp change won't cause the 100s of extra lvl 75s you seem to be worried about.

you can't dynamis for 3 days after you've done one anyways, so that won't change

That's true, but do YOU do a Dynmais run every 3 days on the clock without stopping? Well, with more 75s, it might be possible to do 2 Dynamis runs in 6 days instead of 1 every 2 weeks. More dynamis runs = more chances for relic armor drops.
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