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Is anyone else disturbed by this?Follow

#1 Mar 21 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good

Now I don't know much about Sky (doing ZM12 this week so hopefully that will change ^^) but this is disconcerting. It would seem that gil sellers are making their way to Sky.

This post is far from conclusive, but I also read in another post that Jerryz dinged 60.

Any thoughts on whether or not gil sellers really can get to Sky (I mean really, Zilart Missions are fairly difficult, some of them anyway) and potential impacts they might have there should they decide to try to monopolize the trigger NM's?

I don't want this to be some kind of flame thread about gil sellers but a discussion on the what if's involved.
#2 Mar 21 2005 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
Very interesting indeed..

i guess we will just have to see if we see any jerrys runnin around in sky..

I havent seen any.. but i dont go thier every day..

but yes.. Very interesting.
#3 Mar 21 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Excellent

This reminds me of some of the uber guilds on EQ who literally controlled thru camping the key droppers to the elemental planes, so that they were pretty much the only ones who could get there and farm it.

I don't know much about Gods, or Sky, having never been there. But I DO know that Zilart is fairly hard to do, but if a Jerry can hit 60 and get full AF, I have little doubt that Sky isn't out of their reach.

Believe it or not, there are people who still don't know WHO the Jerry/Redapple/Tom groups are, or that don't believe that these groups only serve the evil of the Tenshodo and seek to turn a profit out of the gil.

However, touching the Sky and fighting Gods are two different things.

Anyone with time can reach the Sky, but you can't just go pop a God with a party and defeat it, at least from what I understand. You actually have to be fairly good at this game...

Something that the various gil selling groups out there are NOT good at.

And like the OP in the linked thread said, there simply is no money to be made in pop items for Gods. I myself can back this up with personal experiance, as I have had tried to sell various pop items and seen others try to sell pop items with almost no success. Now if they controlled these pops for an extended amount of time, then MAYBE they might be able to create a market for these goods.

However, these gil selling groups, if they can't turn an immediate profit on an item, they won't do it. If they were willing to wait and have patience, they would all be farming elemental ores in their mog houses and would be making a LOT more money after a couple of weeks than just by camping NMs.

So I honestly don't think that we have much to worry about with Gil Farmers monopolizing Gods or anything of that nature...

Though it would be funny to see a video of a bunch of gil sellers getting massacred by Kirin and his spawned children.

Edited, Mon Mar 21 16:41:18 2005 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#4 Mar 21 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
That's a good point Nights.

I wonder though what would happen if they try to farm the triggers and bazaar them to make their illicit funds instead of farming the gods themselves.

Of course, it would be much easier to thwart them that way, we just wouldn't buy from them. It would make getting the triggers more difficult though. Some may look at the situation and say a) we could go spend hours competing with un-scroupulous gil farmers to get drops for our god fight or b) we can dip into the LS bank and buy the triggers instead and save ourselves the hassle.

I really don't know how the trigger NM's work (obviously) so I'm not sure if that scenario would play out or not.

Edited, Mon Mar 21 17:05:20 2005 by Wintaru
#5 Mar 21 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Of course, it would be much easier to thwart them that way, we just wouldn't buy from them. It would make getting the triggers more difficult though. Some may look at the situation and say a) we could go spend hours competing with un-scroupulous gil farmers to get drops for our god fight or b) we can dip into the LS bank and buy the triggers instead and save ourselves the hassle.

There are a LOT of triggers that are out there currently to pop the Gods, and so the gil sellers wouldn't make a worthwhile profit off of the triggers for a while...

And if you can't make a profit off of an item immediately, they usually won't do it. If you pay attention to the gil seller's items that they sell, you will notice that they only sell stuff that sells out in less than 12 hours usually from time of listing.


Remember, each person that plays a gil seller has a quota in gil to meet every shift. You don't meet the quota, and you will most likely get in trouble.

It IS possible to create such a strangle hold on the market, that you could become the only source for a particular item, and thus be able to actually sell it, but it would take a while.

A good while.

You have to wait for all the other trigger items out there to become rare enough that people might actually have to consider buying it.

Then, there is the reputation factor.

As far as I know, the only people who go God hunting are HNMLS. I believe this is a fairly accurate statement, since I have yet to see a shout in Lower Jueno since I arrived there last June to the effect of:

"Kirin <Notorious Monster> <fun>, <excitement>! <Do you need it?> send </tell> 1/??"

And as we have seen before, anything that happens in an HNMLS that is even slightly shady is found out rather quickly, and splashed across every FFXI forum in existance. And personally, buying trigger items for Gods with full knowledge that the people who are selling them are Gil sellers is a bit more than slightly shady, and will be found out eventually by the community at large.

This doesn't just apply to NA HNMLS, but also to Japanese HNMLS. The JPN players have full knowledge of these gil sellers also, and having taken a fairly close look at their culture, it would be unwise to go buy these trigger items from gil sellers also.

It doesn't do an LS any good to be poorly thought of, and already just from this site alone, there are several HNMLS who have taken some reputation damage from various posts about what they do, and how those LS have replied to these comments.

Take a look at the last few pages of the flame war that became the old "Bad Player" tread, or the ArtOfWar thread, or the IRON "darter removal from game data" thread, or any other number of threads...if you want examples of this.

Edited, Mon Mar 21 17:31:09 2005 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#6 Mar 21 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
Excellent post Nights, rate up. I agree with all of your points and I hadn't thought of the reputation factor. That's definatly a biggy.
#7 Mar 21 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
I don't know what they could do. 90% of what drops in sky isn't sellable. I mean, they could farm all the pop NM's 24-7 but that is really easily remedied. They can compete against a couple people camping amemet but there is no way in hell that they can compete against every LS that does stuff up there.
#8 Mar 21 2005 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
Ploroma, Garuda Server wrote:

Would be very ehh EPIC if all the sky LS that are usually at each other's throats united to fight this common enemy.

Oh, considering that these are the most organized and strongest of shells usually, they could make things really bad for gilsellers if it got to the point where they interrupted their sky activities. I dont think any gilsellers will be able to deal with active opposition ona large scale. Sky is safe if you ask me.

Hmmm.... Very interesting ^^
I don't really have any relations with anyone in a HNMLS but perhaps someone could bring this to the attention of someone who is in one, or several of our HNMLS's. Make an alliance now, so that if any gilsellers ever do reach Sky, then this pre-forged alliance will go into effect.

Thoughts? Suggestiong? Comments?
#9 Mar 21 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
If/when the Toms/Jerry/Redapple hit Sky, they'll 1) need to learn around sky, more than likely getting killed several dozen times?

as for the farming: the more reputable HNM shells (Lunies, AO) will probably be there to thwart their plan, and considering most people in AF2 are in a shell, and wait their turn to get the drop, or the item from Kirin or whatever god they're camping, more than likely, people won't buy from the AH if it's priced. when they can get it for free, if they bid their time.

unless they're like the leader of ArtofWar, and buy gil. but then it's just a cycle of getting your bought gil.
#10 Mar 22 2005 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
258 posts
...don't believe that these groups only serve the evil of the Tenshodo and seek to turn a profit out of the gil.
Spare us the dramaticism....please? The Tenshodo aren't... well, I'll let you find that out for yourself.

Can gilsellers get all the way through ZM13? Sure, I don't see why not. There's Lv70+ gilsellers running around right now. Yes, they beat Maat. Go look at Evele and Fihkenyaa in Zi'Tah, they're prime examples. If they wanna get sky and run around up there, sure. Fine by me.

I do NOT think we'll ever see gilsellers in sky actively farming pop-items, killing gods.

On one hand: Killing at least the 4 main gods (Byakko, Suzaku, Genbu, Seiryu) may be tempting for the gilsellers. They regularly drop high-priced items, amongst which include Damascene Cloth, Damascus Ingot, Siren's Hair, Behemoth Hide, Divine Log, and Shining Cloth (very rare drop from Suzaku, I believe?). These could easily be sold via AH, and can be killed as often as they could obtain pop items.

HOWEVER: I will follow them around laughing if they ever try to start farming sky. I find it highly unlikely that gilsellers will ever have the organization or determination to pull it off.
- Especially with the high prices of Silent Oils as of late, that right there would deter them somewhat from venturing up to sky. 10k at the minimum for a stack, multiplied by at least 18 players. That's 180k minimum right there, for maybe 2 or 3 hours of oils, if they stretch them as long as they can. That's a big risk to take for reasons listed here.
- They would then have to gather information on what God pop NM was killed when. This task is already hard enough for those who speak the common language, and have the respect of other HNM LSes. I feel relatively certain that no HNM LS on our server would willingly tell a gilseller what time a god pop NM was killed. This would make pop item farming horribly inefficient for them, especially since they could sit at one of the spawn areas for upwards of 3 hours, never seeing what they're looking for.
- Killing the gods themselves takes a huge amount of effort on many people's parts. Eighteen would be a bare minimum, more is common. Playing the role of one person in an alliance fighting a god is frantic enough. Taking on the roles of two, three, or even four members is near impossible. Gilsellers are known to multi-box (playing more than 1 char at a time), and this tactic is very, very hard to pull off in a god setting.
- The enormous risk overall. You're spending massive amounts of gil to even be able to kill the gods in the first place. Massive amounts of gil and time in Silent Oils, trying to get the god pop items. Then if you're ill-prepared and lose to the gods, your pop items are gone, and all that time and money wasted getting to that point.

This is all assuming that they're alone in sky. I don't even think I need to go into the various tactics that HNM LSes could use to force gilsellers out of sky - whether they be legitimate or illegitimite. I'll let you use your imagination to figure that much out.

On the subject of buying god-pop items. I don't think any of the items are AH-able. (Curtana may be, but meh.) This would require the gilsellers to Bazaar off any items they obtained. As someone said earlier, I don't think any HNM LS would buy these items from them, or anyone, unless they were rediculously cheap, making them not worth the time they took to obtain.
#11 Mar 22 2005 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
Yeah and also venemous claw o_o;;

I won't be surprised if you see them all in sky sometime. The number of gilfarmers has grown quite big and there are quite a few new ones leveling :< *points at Amemet, Musicqueen etc.*

Sky is actually a fun place to hang around, get pop items and kill the gods, having a load if gilfarmers who only go there to monopolize everything so they can earn a little bit of cash will really ruin it ._.

So yeah, I think they can actually get to Sky. Seen them make light skillchains so they are getting smarter! :3
#12 Mar 22 2005 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
I honestly would be more worried about them trying to monopolize exp spots in sky in an effort to get to 75 and grab a few nice drops off exp mobs while they're there. There are very few level 75 exp spots as it is, and having to compete with gil farmers in sky like I had to in Kuftal would make the baby Jesus cry.

ZM8 for the most part thwarts bad players from reaching sky (unless they have an experienced party drag them through it), so I'd just hope it would do the same for any gil farmers trying to finish the mission line.

I'm really not sure what they would accomplish in sky though. As was previously stated, there isn't SURE money in pop items and gods. There is POSSIBLE money, but that money hinges on them being organized enough and smart enough to find their way around sky and kill NMs and/or gods that will easily wipe out inexperienced players. I just don't see the risk-reward being that attractive to them.
#13 Mar 22 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
think about it though, jerryZ doesn't need to be able to get to sky with the jerries, they just need to buy someones account that has Sky access already.

Look at the site which cannot be named, there are usually high level accounts there, all it takes is some of those and they are in. Whether they can survive is another issue, but i don't think it will be long before we see them up there.
#14 Mar 22 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
after gaining access to sky last weekend i can say this, i dont think gil farmers will be able to beat ZM8.

also wintaru ZM12 is pretty easy, when you go if you need me and i am not busy i'll go with you. i dont remember the way to the nm pop site so i cant guide, but i'll be there to help kill it.

#15 Mar 22 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
Thanks so much Firestarter! I'll send you a tell if we need some help :)

As far as them not being able to beat ZM8 I think Tse is right, if they buy 6 level 75 chars they should be able to tackle that guy, even if they suck as players. Or it could be the level 75 chars they bought already did all the ZM missions too.
#16 Mar 22 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
281 posts
And if you can't make a profit off of an item immediately, they usually won't do it. If you pay attention to the gil seller's items that they sell, you will notice that they only sell stuff that sells out in less than 12 hours usually from time of listing.


Remember, each person that plays a gil seller has a quota in gil to meet every shift. You don't meet the quota, and you will most likely get in trouble.

I dunno.

If that is how it works,

What if their boss goes... "According to our estimates, we have enough gil to sustain us for X amount of time if we start proceeding less. I see the possibility of a great deal of profit if we succeed in monopolizing triggers. I am temporarily lowering your quota and assigning you to a special project!"


in any business, things working a certain way doesn't mean it will always work that way. Smart managers know to adapt when they have the means to do so, and, as much as I hate the concept of the company and find it disgusting, I can't deny that cannotlinkto is a brilliant money-making scheme.
#17 Mar 22 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
281 posts
And if you can't make a profit off of an item immediately, they usually won't do it. If you pay attention to the gil seller's items that they sell, you will notice that they only sell stuff that sells out in less than 12 hours usually from time of listing.


Remember, each person that plays a gil seller has a quota in gil to meet every shift. You don't meet the quota, and you will most likely get in trouble.

I dunno.

If that is how it works,

What if their boss goes... "According to our estimates, we have enough gil to sustain us for X amount of time if we start proceeding less. I see the possibility of a great deal of profit if we succeed in monopolizing triggers (or whatever else it is they wanna do). I am temporarily lowering your quota and assigning you to a special project!"


in any business, things working a certain way doesn't mean it will always work that way. Smart managers know to adapt when they have the means to do so, and, as much as I hate the concept of the company and find it disgusting, I can't deny that cannotlinkto is a brilliant money-making scheme.
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