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#1 Mar 19 2005 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
***** Disclaimer *****
This is a rant and nothing more if your name is mentioned here it is well deserved and please pardon me if you do take offense, but like I have stated this is a rant. If you feel that you have been named wrongfully in here then please by all means feel free to post flame or even heaven forbid because I care so much about it rate me down. Also I must include in this rant that we are talking about "players ability in game." THIS POST HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WETHER OR NOT YOU BUY GIL FRANKLY I DON'T GIVE A RATS ***.

So there are a few things that have been bothering me lately about this game not to the extent that it would make me want to quit though. It has nothing to do with the economy, no it has nothing to do with Gil-Sellers, no it has nothing to do with Gil-Buyers even.

Wow go figure, three of the most commonly talked about topics in game and I have absolutely nothing to say about them. Wowzorz rate Zander down!!!!!111Shift+one!!11!!1

My concern is directed to you, the players of FFXI. Now forgive me if I am out of place especially saying this here in a forum that no one seems to take seriously at all anymore (sadly I might add).

When did we turn into the greedy snobs that we are? When did it become okay for the mis-guided ***[/b]holeness (is that even a word) to run rampant across the server.

Sure I can attribute most of it to an influx of new players as the older more established players have either left the game due to life catching up to them, or their frustration with the game itself, something that I personally have been contemplating myself.

I used to tell myself so many times when I was a lowbie, "When I become a high level I am going to help everyone." Yet daily the reality of what exactly that means becomes further jaded as I find that the people shouting for "High Level" help in Jeuno do the exact opposite of what they should do when they do receive the help of a "High Level" player.

No I am not stating that they/you should all be bowing down to these people and becoming enslaved to them, that is not what this game was ever meant to be.

A prime example of this would be [b]Sprite
Can someone please tell me when exactly it became ok to send a /tell to a friend expressing your frustration to a friend only to have that friend send a /tell to "Said High Level Player" calling them a noob for trying to help out without hearing both sides of the story. Just a word of advice kiddo, learn to become a listener because in the real world only knowing one side of the story can get you killed. Kimber it is your own fault that you died, why don't you try rehashing "The Full Story" to your friends instead of just your side. (And in response to your impending accusation Sprite I am in no way shape or form Jnag.)

While I have to admit I am not innocent in this matter but rather than send a tell to someone calling them a noob I tend to try to find out the otherside of the story. Another fine example; Dunpeald. Remember that party you MPK'd in Kuftal Tunnel? I do, and what was your response when I asked you why you did it? "Fu[/b]ck Off... not one of your shining moments was it?

You know I don't know how many new players actually come to these forums before they start playing, and to be honest I don't know how many current players frequent these forums as well. But just a small word of advice.

If you plan on attaining a high level players help it is YOUR responsibility to have a contingency plan.
What do I mean by that? Well I am most definitly glad you ask. As you know most of us high levels do not like to go out and randomly help out people because of two huge factors.
1) Time
2) Death

Let me elaborate on #1 for you. You take time out of our playtime so please have the sense to respect the fact that we are down there and for the love of everything good LISTEN TO WHAT WE SAY. It will undoubtedly save a lot of time and effort. We did not attain the levels we got by being ignorant players. Something of which there has been an influx into the server.

And to be a bit clearer on #2. If we die, while we may harbor no hard feelings to you it does help if YOU know someone who can come down to where we are dead and give us something better than a lousy Raise I. Now don't get me wrong I still take my fair share of raises, but seriously taking an exp hit when you have to obtain 33-50k+ experiance points is not entirely a fun thing.

And another thing. When did it become protocol to harp on players who have the best equipment, regardless of the way they attained it? You had better belive that if I am in need of a job I am going to invite you to my party. A prime example of this would be [b]Armyofone

Call it ignorance or whatever helps you sleep at night, but I personally don't care what beef you have with other players on the server, if you are in my party you had better understand that I am looking to maximize MY playtime and make the most out of the limited time I can actually play.

Yes you may see me logged in game, but 75% of that time I am not even at the game console.

So to recap, people please be more considerate of eachother and understand that we all have a life outside of the game, people please try to be more considerate of other players and understand that just because one person says somthing happened does not mean it actually did happen the way you were told.

Like I stated at the preface of this post if you are offended or have a problem tough. These are my opinions something that I have held back from these forums long enough.
On that note I have to mention that I won't be posting on these forums anymore aside from possibly replying to any responses to this post.

I will still be available in game to any of those who need help.
Do not be afraid to ask or even leave me a message, more often than not I will probably be afk.

#2 Mar 19 2005 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
rate up ^^
I feel the same way a lot of times. The game sure has changed since I started playing, and not for the better I am sad to say
#3 Mar 20 2005 at 12:03 AM Rating: Good
617 posts
Arrogant/ignorant/rude people have been in this game since day one. There's only two things you can do: ignore them and move on.

I don't think I can be considered high level by most people here. I'm 59. But I will say this: Although I can sympathize (and to an extent empathize, I've died helping people), the Raise II comment, it's a bit much if you're talking about helping a low-level player or a newbie. They're most likely not going to know someone with Raise 2. And it's my personal belief that if you are truly that concerned about exp loss, you should not be helping a person or you should take a White mage with you. And no I'm not biased because I *am* a White Mage, I don't even have Reraise II yet. When I die, I take my Raise. I have Moghancement: Experience because of this, my countermeasure against the inevitible loss.

If we're talking about experienced people, it's sort of a different story. And you can ignore most of this post. But I still stand by that if you are concerned about exp loss, take that into consideration before you say "yes."

Part of the game is having fun exploring new areas and learning from mistakes. And with this, you have to accept the penalty that comes with death. Doesn't matter if you don't like it, that's just the way the game is designed and you have to deal with it. It certainly is avoidable, but to think one is immune is naive.

Sorry. It's a very, very touchy subject with me.

In regards to those people you mentioned, you've probably picked the two most controversial people on this server, plus Dunpeald. Sprite was notorious for his bad attitude and rampant MPKs back in the day, and I don't think I need to say anything about Armyofone when he had his own 15 minutes only a week ago. It's not surprising in the least you had bad experiences with them.

I'll stop. I'm leaving the rating buttons alone. And I don't care what happens to my own.
#4 Mar 20 2005 at 1:58 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
Just a side note: Sprite is actually bought account. And trust me when I say this. ANYBODY controlling Sprite now, is 100 times nicer and more amicable than the original Sprite was.

I have nothing to say about the topic at hand that hasn't been said time and time again in other threads, but I thought I'd just point this out.
#5 Mar 20 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Good
LOL that means I was used by the new sprite, and he/she is smarter than the old one.

I hated the old sprite but I have misjudged people in the past so I decided to give the new sprite a chance. Well there is this guy that became a good friend of the old sprite, and so I being a friend let by gones be by gones and invited sprite to our LS. I was trying to be nice and I was the highest lvl in the LS so he/she needed help with SMN AF1 and I helped after being asked several times through /tells. I go get my friends all about my lvl and about to leave in Jeuno, all for her.

It was overkill by a big part cause we had an alliance but Raikku knew where to go, and since he saw so many people he said it was overkill and disbanded cause we really didnt need him, but only as a guide. He/she sends a /tell to Raikku and disbands the Alliance whom waited for her for about 30 minutes so she can go with Raikku and get what he/she wanted. I was pissed and broke her pearl. Dunno who is best the one the old one who was and as[b][/b]shole and everyone knew to stay away from or the new one who hides in sheeps clothing. >_<

Edit: Dont quit man, we have had our run ins in here and our own small flame wars, but I feel that you are one of the few good ones. I mean if you leave us to the arrogants they gain one and we lose one, just not worth it, just dont go.

Edited, Sun Mar 20 04:49:26 2005 by JoLOveS
#6 Mar 20 2005 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Perhaps the feelings in my post are misguided but maybe I should clarify a few items.

Sprite is the only person in my book that I will always ask myself "What the hell were they thinking." Granted bought or not, I still have a bit of resentment in regards to certain situations that did transpire. New or Old Sprite is still sour.

I tried talking to this person yesterday but the idiocy that radiated from the tells I was receiving..... well enough said.

Death is a fact that we all face in this game, it is the inevitability of what we all aspire for with greatness comes death. However as I did mention I have taken my fair share of Raise while helping other people. It is not cool to have a "High Level" come help you only to have them die and then "Said Person" having accomplished what they set out to achieve disband and go. (Yes I had this happen to me, and Pol if you are reading this it is not in reference to you).
#7 Mar 21 2005 at 3:15 AM Rating: Good
139 posts
While I agree with your point about the need for people to be more courteous, I took issue with your dismissal of gil-buying.

Gil buying hurts the economy, and on top of that it's just plain against the rules. And why should I have to waste my precious playing time farming for twice as long as I otherwise might have just because some ******* bought gil and raised the price on some item?

In the end, only SE can really put a stop to gil-buying, and it doesn't look like they're gonna do it anytime soon. But if we all take a stand that we won't help out or even pt with people who buy gil, we can possibly make it that much less desirable to buy gil, even if it means looking for someone else to fill that pt slot.
#8 Mar 21 2005 at 3:16 AM Rating: Good
139 posts
While I agree with your point about the need for people to be more courteous, I took issue with your dismissal of gil-buying.

Gil buying hurts the economy, and on top of that it's just plain against the rules. And why should I have to waste my precious playing time farming for twice as long as I otherwise might have just because some ******* bought gil and raised the price on some item?

In the end, only SE can really put a stop to gil-buying, and it doesn't look like they're gonna do it anytime soon. But if we all take a stand that we won't help out or even pt with people who buy gil, we can possibly make it that much less desirable to buy gil, even if it means looking for someone else to fill that pt slot.
#9 Mar 21 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
919 posts
My attitude has completly changed the past month. This server loves to **** on beastmasters, so w/e theres no chance in me helping out a stranger. (Unless they are a friend of a friend, but a friend of my friend is a friend to me)
#10 Mar 21 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
Moshiiii the Charming wrote:
My attitude has completly changed the past month. This server loves to **** on beastmasters, so w/e theres no chance in me helping out a stranger. (Unless they are a friend of a friend, but a friend of my friend is a friend to me)

Sorry to hear that Moshi >.<

Honestly anymore I only help out good friends, for the most part in this game I've either had high level help from friends I had already made (not a random person I'd never met or didn't know very well) or organized my own deal (anyone remember the G2 run I put together? ^^); honestly there's not much a 62 WHM can help with atm :)

I got tired of getting burned helping with random Promyvion runs so anymore I just do LS events and try to keep a low profile. I still have no problems giving advice, I actually gained a new friend doing this (Fianchetto was shouting for a Prot and Shell before taking on Ifrit so I gave him some pointers while we waited for Iceday) but sadly my playtime is so limited I have very little time for much else.
#11 Mar 21 2005 at 12:22 PM Rating: Default
148 posts
Moshiiii the Charming wrote:
My attitude has completly changed the past month. This server loves to **** on beastmasters, so w/e theres no chance in me helping out a stranger. (Unless they are a friend of a friend, but a friend of my friend is a friend to me)

WOW....ya know mosh you mite be on to something here cause i mean lets face it why would anyone wana help anyone? I'm sure if that was the case you would still be one of the people that mite someday ask for help from you and get a f*** off reply and wonder why.
As far as this server ******* on beastmasters thats a load of ****. The only reason beastmasters get so much **** is they try and lvl where they know they cant at their current lvl and zone mobs right by xp partys not to mention any mob that may link on your way to the zone.
If you want to have that attitude thats all fine and good but you still have a long way to go in this game and mite wana change that statment about not going to help a stranger by no chance. Cause that stranger that you tell to get lost or dont even bother to reply 2 may be someone you end up haveing to ask for help one day.

Awww well what ever do as you will but always remember what you do or say can and will come back and bite ya in the ***.

mosh did you remember posting this cause I'm sure everyone else did?
I'm looking for 4 65+(60+ could work) BLM to come with me to Waughroon Shrine BCNM (Lachesis) - Operation Desert Swarm. The battle should only take 2 mins. Ill provide the orb it will only take about an hour and ill pay 70k for your help. Give me a /tell in game Mosh or post here. Thank you.

O OUCH ya i guess helping is a bad idea unless they have enough gil to rent you body long enough to get what they need. Is that how it works??? Maybe....cause if so than hell it should be ok to buy gil right?? Maybe its just ok for a noob to ask for help if they buy 3-4 mil worth of gil to pay people for their o so valuable time than after you take their gil you can come back on this same forums and start a thread about them. Ya thats it call them a pos and crap like that cause they BUY GIL to pay you for help hows that sound?
Hell ya that sounds just nice right?


Thf 67
Windy Rank 10

Edited, Mon Mar 21 12:44:50 2005 by TheOneWildchild
#12 Mar 21 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
Helping people is an odd sort of business.

I've spent countless hours doing AF hunting coffer keys repeating missions, and after a while, it just isn't fun any more.

My luck is terrible, and I'm convinced keys drop faster when I'm not there. For example, I helped someone in Garlaige Citadel for 5 hours before a key droped.

On the other hand, when I needed these keys, nobody was there helping me. I built EXp parties for every key I needed. beadeaux, Crawlers Nest and Garlaige. Sometimes it took 2 attempts before getting what I wanted, but I did it myself.

Because of this, I find helping others so they don't go through what I went through is rewarding. However, I also wonder why can't you go di it without high level help?

Seriph, Leeluu, Syntax, Blayze, Trizzoro and myself finished Zilart 4-13 in one week. Actualy it was two weekends. Now, I know I'll be repeating all these missions for my LS, probably multiple times. I like helping them, but all the while I have to wonder, why can't they do what we did?

And although I never help someone for the thought of personal gain, it would just be nice to hear a thank you, or see my name on the good players list.

I have goals I'd like to acchieve, and even though I'm in no rush to get to 75, I could be there with 2 jobs by now if I didn't spend most of my time doing things for others. It's a balance of reward VS personal gain. Eventualy the reward (Being monitary or internal) will not over come the lack of personal gain and it will be time to work for you.

Another great example is HNM and end game LS. Everyone is in such a hurry to get to 75 and applu to an end game LS. So you PL your character to 75, then join a LS that fights gods every week. The personal gain is higher, but you tend to throw out all the people you are friends with, all the LS you pledged loyalty to, all so you can get some god gear.

Friendship is great till level 70ish, but as soon as lewt comes into play, ***** friendship, HNM all the way.

People will fight over gear and equipment when they have one goal, gear. On the other hand, friends will just about always cheer for eachother, and congratulate when your buddy gets a piece of lewt.

Are you
Friendship > Lewt
Lewt > Friendship

As far as Mosh goes, it's his choice if he wants to be helpful, I'd think his job of choice is perfect for him. Most people who play BST have already felt the anger Zander is expressing in his initial post. Thats his choice and there is no reason to insult him for it.
#13 Mar 21 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Default
148 posts
LMFAO OMG ok first off reread what i typed cause it wasent bashing him. To put it in nice words that everyone is able to read ill say it like this. its not ok for someone to ask for help than tell others that they can sit on a cactus and rot when they ask for help. Now since maybe that got into your mind in a nice plesent sounding way eat your cookie drink your milk and lay down its nap time.

And i figured as soon as i posted that someone from his ls would have to post something about it makeing it sound like im a mean old grump. In fast that wasent the case but it is still just a bit ignorant to say what he did than ask for help with something else don't ya think?

Awating the rate downs with open arms \(^_^)/

Thf 67
Windy Rank 10
#14 Mar 21 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Excellent
LMFAO OMG ok first off reread what i typed cause it wasent bashing him. To put it in nice words that everyone is able to read ill say it like this. its not ok for someone to ask for help than tell others that they can sit on a cactus and rot when they ask for help. Now since maybe that got into your mind in a nice plesent sounding way eat your cookie drink your milk and lay down its nap time.

And i figured as soon as i posted that someone from his ls would have to post something about it makeing it sound like im a mean old grump. In fast that wasent the case but it is still just a bit ignorant to say what he did than ask for help with something else don't ya think?

Awating the rate downs with open arms \(^_^)/

If your post was in fact an attempt to warn him about his play style and in-game choices, then I would have agreed with you.

However, re-read your own post, you insulted him multiple times through curses and an assortment of 5th grade vulgarity.

It's good to see you here clearly representing the reputation you have made for yourself on the server.
#15 Mar 21 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Default
148 posts
WOOT now i got a rep huh? Damn thats kind of cool considering the fact that you dont even know me. So tell me whats this rep you speek of cause I would love to know and if its such a bad rep than why is it noone seams to have a prob with me other than you??? Hmm.... ya see I feer that now you dislike me because i told 1 of your ls members he was a going to end up ******** himself and to tell ya the truth im not sure i could take it if someone disliked me for stating a fact. O I get it my rep is from joining a ls that had bad seeds right? Did i get this rep from the week i was in the same ls as Armyofone? Or maybe cause I happen to talk to hiptaru? Maybe its cause i don't know are you scared that i may catch something you say and call you on it????
So plz tell me what this rep you speek of is because you seem to be the only 1 that knows about it.

Thf 67 Windy Rank 10
#16 Mar 21 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
148 posts
Awww... your no fun you replyed so fast to my last 2 posts what did i take all the badthing that you could think up to say i had a bad rep?
Ok well i guess you need some time to dream something up is that it ? It's ok i understand your tired just woke up or something ill just check back l8r after you think what my so called rep is cause i truly want to know just what goes on in your mind. Be nice tho dont call me a cereal killer cause that box of frosted flakes had it comeing and everyone knows it.

Thf 67
Windy Rank 10
#17 Mar 21 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
33 posts
Um...Incoherent much?
#18 Mar 21 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Wildchild wrote:
WOW....ya know mosh you mite be on to something here cause i mean lets face it why would anyone wana help anyone? I'm sure if that was the case you would still be one of the people that mite someday ask for help from you and get a f*** off reply and wonder why.
As far as this server sh*ting on beastmasters thats a load of sh*t. The only reason beastmasters get so much sh*t is they try and lvl where they know they cant at their current lvl and zone mobs right by xp partys not to mention any mob that may link on your way to the zone.
If you want to have that attitude thats all fine and good but you still have a long way to go in this game and mite wana change that statement about not going to help a stranger by no chance. Cause that stranger that you tell to get lost or dont even bother to reply 2 may be someone you end up haveing to ask for help one day.

Awww well what ever do as you will but always remember what you do or say can and will come back and bite ya in the ***.

mosh did you remember posting this cause I'm sure everyone else did?
I'm looking for 4 65+(60+ could work) BLM to come with me to Waughroon Shrine BCNM (Lachesis) - Operation Desert Swarm. The battle should only take 2 mins. Ill provide the orb it will only take about an hour and ill pay 70k for your help. Give me a /tell in game Mosh or post here. Thank you.

O OUCH ya i guess helping is a bad idea unless they have enough gil to rent you body long enough to get what they need. Is that how it works??? Maybe....cause if so than hell it should be ok to buy gil right?? Maybe its just ok for a noob to ask for help if they buy 3-4 mil worth of gil to pay people for their o so valuable time than after you take their gil you can come back on this same forums and start a thread about them. Ya thats it call them a pos and crap like that cause they BUY GIL to pay you for help hows that sound?
Hell ya that sounds just nice right?


Lets look at this nice reply you made.

Now, I can’t quote anyone, but for some reason I’ve always known better than to do anything with the player Wildchild. Perhaps it was just a hunch, but judging by this amazing and informative post of yours, let me guess what I’d expect by partying with you.

I bet you are young.
I bet you constantly use contractions that don’t exist in the English Language. U UR PLZ etc… Which is a sign of stupidity. Hell, Japanese players use better English than you.
I bet you get angry a lot. I bet when you are angry, you use vulgar language, and a lot of it.

I don’t know how great a player you may be, but I sure as hell wouldn’t want to find out in person after reading this.

I am also re-reading Mosh’s post and trying to see where he provoked an attack by you, but I didn’t see him calling you an *** anywhere. I suppose it is your duty here on Allakhazam to police the posts and return witty retort full of personable language, but I recommend using your power when necessary or you may look like the *** you speak of.

For the record, I’ve never insulted Armyofone, nor have I ever said anything bad about his LS. I have a new found respect for Beatdown, but bet your *** if he came here and insulted one of my friends for no apparent reason, he’d be in a whole new pile of trouble with me.

To finish, if I was wrong, and I was the only one who thought you had a bad rep, then I apologies. However, after reading this thread, and the way you handle yourself, I’m sure your reputation isn’t exactly rising as good player with a great personality.

I await your splendid grammar and classic retort in your rebuttal. Good day.
#19 Mar 21 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Good
Well said Sing.

Edited, Mon Mar 21 16:02:28 2005 by Wintaru
#20 Mar 21 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I bet you are young.
I bet you constantly use contractions that don’t exist in the English Language. U UR PLZ etc… Which is a sign of stupidity. Hell, Japanese players use better English than you.
I bet you get angry a lot. I bet when you are angry, you use vulgar language, and a lot of it.

Yep, Yep, and Yep.

Your inital judgement was dead on as well.
#21 Mar 21 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
TheOneWildchild wrote:

And i figured as soon as i posted that someone from his ls would have to post something about it makeing it sound like im a mean old grump.

Mosh the only reason BST get so much grief is because of the "ME" mentality. Did anyone ever think that maybe "WE" are stealing the beastmasters pets and exp mobs? No of course not, why? Because people are full of ****. Yes, yes I did say it.

Then again you will run into the occasional lunatic (refer to above quote) who thinks they are gods gift to the gaming community.

Numitor wrote:

While I agree with your point about the need for people to be more courteous, I took issue with your dismissal of gil-buying.

Like I stated before this game is Player and Ability. I do not care where or how you finance yourself, frankly it's not my money, you can go out and have 16 accounts with voke bots as long as you know how to hit "Provoke" and use "Cover" and just for kicks have some decent equipment then you are ok in my book. I am looking to maximize MY playtime.


Edited, Mon Mar 21 16:34:35 2005 by zandertheredmage
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