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So hey. How about this inflation, huh?Follow

#52 Mar 12 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
542 posts
I wish I could remember where I read about it, but someone mentioned something about starting a "Black Market" type linkshell. Where those who were fed up could buy/sell thier high dollar items in an attempt to fight the insane prices we see today. From what I remember it consisted of people that were "good" at camping the respective items would sell them through the shell for prices that aren't weren't so rediculous. Then when you were finished with it you could sell it back to the shell. The same could be done with other items that are frequently farmed. I know that this idea is kind of far fetched and who's to say that someone wouldn't ***** everyone in the shell by buying low and selling high on the ah.

Goblobsters's post reminded me of this thats all, please continue on your way now, good day.
#53 Mar 12 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
A linkshell like that was started. I was a pearlsack holder for a while, but it went under when the owner of the linkshell stopped playing, and people just stopping showing up. We are probably going to try it again sometime, because it worked rather well for a time being.
#54 Mar 12 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
Zander, Hip: THAT IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! Most of yall sit here reading this and think "oh it's just another post of Byaina being pissy and using filter tricks to curse" but I'm not friggin kidding. We have to do something about this. Those of you insisting it will never work, you're using the same argument that people who don't vote use: "I'm only one person. My vote won't count." With respect, f[/b]uck that. It only takes a few people to start a revolution.

Unfortunately, I pretty much only farm to supply my own crafting at this point - since I will be GODDAMNED if I'm paying 20k a stack for all the levels of clothcrafting I need silk for - but I might start farming just to I have stuff to sell cheaply, sh[b]
it, it's not like I'm doing anything else. I'm going to do my part. I'm even trying to track down the person who paid too much for my daihannya the other day (thanks to one of the classic AH tricks I used) and give them back some money.

Couple of other things: The reason I don't camp NMs is that I don't want to compete with the gilsellers. One, they completely monopolize their camps. Two, it will make me quit the game, flat-out, if I spend 5 hours waiting for VE to pop only to lose him to Bmoboss and Happydz. I don't have the patience right now. Granted I am probably going to end up camping him in the end, but isn't it funny how camping for items you need has almost been driven out of our vocabulary, as it were, by the gilsellers?

Two, I want to apologize to you Velfire. I think both of us were taking out our frustrations from being on either side of the economics argument on each other. Truce?

edit: OMG please let's start that linkshell again. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I was thinking that one of the few ways we could do anything, short of flooding the AH and attempting to control it ourselves (which I am still willing to do but would, admittedly, be extremely difficult), would be to somehow have our own private AH. That would be a start, a self-contained economy. It would require a lot of participants, but man, it would be fantastic...

One last edit: This really warms my heart, guys. I was sure when I posted this it was going to be the worst flamewar ever (hence the edit not long after I posted it), that it would just be a mess, that it would be the final step to me leaving the Alla boards for good. Instead people are coming out of the woodwork with their own plans and support. This is really phenomenal. You wonder why I don't quit the game despite my frustration, it's stuff like this that keeps me going. :) Thank you guys.

Edited, Sat Mar 12 15:03:30 2005 by Byaina
#55 Mar 12 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
225 posts
Yep, this is insane :/

Byaina if you ever camp the pin, and want some company tell me. I don't want anything, i just like making camping...un..boring o.O;

It was insane seeing Vermillion cloak go from 4.5mil to 6mil in about a week, luckily it's gone down. But's only 1mp/tick hardly worth 6mil (says the Mithra who payed 5mil for it -_-).

I've been farming my own silk too, ******** i'm going to pay 20k a stack. I'll spend the hours farming for it. (may actually level THF to 15 <_< Much to my dislike.)

As for gilbuyers...can't they find something better to spend their money on? -_- i can barely afford dinner, so don't buy gil. Buy dinner for Noxx! (b^-^)b

Edited, Sat Mar 12 16:28:48 2005 by NoxxTheMithra
#56 Mar 12 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
Well just so you know.. HipnotikNation has been kicking around a couple ideas to get the flow of things moving in the right direction..

We have yet to actually sit down and have a intelligent conversation about it, because its usually 3 am when we start talking about it, and most of us are sorta intoxicated at those hours lol..

But my good friend Stegan had a interesting idea, and i know with the collective minds of my LS.. (I consider my LS to be full of some of the brightests minds on the Bismarck Server) we are going to actually help make a difference on this server, and anybody who wants to come along is more than welcome..

Give it about a week of brainstorming, and i think that we just might have something goin on..

alright, off to Burnet to play a damn show..

i will miss you all.


PS.. Thanks for the rate down, when my post was positive..

Edited, Sat Mar 12 23:17:49 2005 by Hiptaruu
#57 Mar 13 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
448 posts
I want Peacock Charm ;_; Not to sell but to use *cries*
#58 Mar 13 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
I think that this "blackmarket" linkshell idea is a great idea. Please keep me informed about this.
#59 Mar 13 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
Rated you back up Hip, I don't know why you got voted down either. Keep me posted. You may or may not still be on my blist from the casino days (I blacklist casino spammers on sight) so I'll check and make sure you're off. :)
#60 Mar 13 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
Byaina and Hip I will help in anyway I can. I was thinking about joining HN....I am an LS Leader but we are more like friends since day 1 LS, we dont do anything but Socialize in it.
#61 Mar 13 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
well, i tell you what.. if you guys meet me up in game, we can talk, or also, go to the HN forums..

the link is at the bottom, in my Sig..

and we can discuss there..

So yeah.. lets see what we can get rolling here.
#62 Mar 14 2005 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Don't have an economics degree, but I have taken Micro/Macro and got an A in both (EASY classes, especially after you've taken Calc 1 and 2).

But regardless of that, I hate to **** on anyone's cheerios, but you could just adjust to the market instead of trying to adjust the market for your goods. For instance, if you're making an item that requires something that costs too much to make a profit on, or farming something that no longer has the opportunity cost that you are looking for, find something else.

One thing that I have learned is this message board NEVER CHANGES ANYTHING. Let me say that again, this message board never changes anything. 1) There are japanese people on our server that make up at least half of the players, so there are 1/2 of the people on our server that will never hear about/care about any schemes that are hatched here. 2) I'd say only 10% of the NA population on our server read these boards, so there are 90% of the other 50% that will never see the schemes hatched here.

Thesis: You can't control the market, the best you can do is adapt to it.

#63 Mar 14 2005 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
84 posts
A lot of what I'd normally say has already been said, so I won't rehash all that. I will add a few things, though, and rehash what I've said myself on different threads.

First of all, please don't confuse this with a real economy. It doesn't matter if you have a degree in economics or not, because the traditional theories of economy don't apply in this game. If you look at the research on the value of the dollar, you'll notice it's always based on something like a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread. Well, there's no comparable object in this game. Inflation theory certainly doesn't work because there are no "essentials." We're not paying rent on our moghouses and we're not buying food to survive. I gave a more complex and thorough response to this on a different thread, but I don't feel like repeating it all here. If you're truly interested, find me in game or send me a message on here and we can discuss it.

Secondly, I've been contemplating working on a petition to send to SE about the gilsellers. I know they're a small part of the problem, but every little bit helps. We have jobs, or school, or something that keeps us from being here 24/7. They don't. That little warning whenever we log on telling us not to forget our friends, family, job, school, whatever is almost a joke considering the system SE has put into place and how it can be manipulated, and how little SE does to prevent it. Remember that we all agreed to not sell gil when we signed our terms of agreement -- to expect SE to enforce that clause isn't so ridiculous. I think I'll finish writing my petition and post it on question is, at that point, is anyone internet savvy enough to help me work on a way to collect signatures without a pen and paper? If so, again, please contact me either in game or through here.

Finally...and I almost hate doing this...but I feel I should point something out. Hip, I do believe you may want to help things out now. But here is what you said before.

Hiptaruu wrote:
Yes, i like to buy out expensive Items in the AH and watch the price go up..

I didn't rate you down for your post on this thread. I just read this thread recently...I haven't been keeping up with Alla much. But the same people who read this thread probably read you saying that, and that's why you were rated down. If you've truly changed since posting that, then good. Just send me a tell or a message and I'll be willing to help any way I can.
#64 Mar 14 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
883 posts Unfortunately, this has been used for so many petitions that have been total jokes that it's become a joke in itself over time. But it's better than nothing.
#65 Mar 14 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
I really don't mind the inflation that much because, get this, I'm relatively poor. Counterintuitive you say? Well the way inflation works is that money becomes worth less so prices go up. It's not price gouging, that's toally different (and in the case of Emp. hairpin and Lizzy boots, the increases seem to be gouging, NOT just the shrinking value of gil). Aside from those items that are priced unreasonably by gilseller jerks, when money becomes worth less, everything is worth more. This is really bad news for people with large stockpiles of gil. Any money you had before the inflation happened is now worth quite a bit less. But any money you make in the future is going to be appropriately valued. Inflation is something that hurts the rich and helps the poor, and while there are a lot of rich people who are undoubtedly mad because of how out of control it is, all us poor people should be grinning about it instead of *********
#66 Mar 14 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
My roomy is convinced that the horrid prices is an SE conspiracy. Here is what he said:

SE releases new items, puts them on the AH at an outrageous price. They dont do much about gilsellers because the sellers pay their monthly fees and cause massive inflation. The inflation in turn makes us farm more and work harder, therefore adding more months to our game time equalling more monthly fees. He made a good point. SE is a world wide corporation. They know about the jerrys and the toms, and the fact that they are not removing them is just evidence of his theory. It sounds paranoid, but it also makes sense....
#67 Mar 14 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Yeah vimes, i did say that before, and guess what.. I still have about 8 Astral rings in my *********

Doesnt mean that i cant feel its crappy for people who dont have oodles of gil to just blow on crap, i mean, everyday, i hear my LS friends saying how they need this, and that, and it just seems silly to me that a some of the items people need are over 10 million gil.. Cmon. i mean, the smart thing to do is to just farm the items yourself, and get them crafted..

Ohh but you have to have an alliance of level 75 characters to get some of the items.. hmm... it does really suck.. The idea is to start out very small, and then hopefully it will get larger and larger until the economy has nothing to do, but lower its standards for teh price of certain things.

In Regards to Tsetuos reply.. very very true man.. about 10% of the NA players are on here, if even that.. But at least we can give it a shot, and see if we can start small. I know stuff like this isnt going to happen overnight, i am thinking its going to take alot of dedication, and alot of stuff goin on under the Radar and microscope..

I mean, i am willing to sink a couple of million into lowering the economy.. In the long run, we will all be considered heros if we can actually pull it off, but if we dont, at least we went down fighting..

Thats all i am sayin..

#68 Mar 14 2005 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
I'll weigh in..

Byaina, I feel your pain and frustration. I only play casually (ususally only 3 nights a week, and 2 of those are with my static) so I don't have much farming time at all. My Alchemy has come to a grinding halt at 63 because I can't get materials and the materials I can get are way to expensive.

I've since changed my guild contract to fishing if that tells you how severe this is, it's the only guild I have a chance at reaching higher levels in at the moment.

My wish list includes a Vermillion Cloak (un-attainable as far as I'm concerned with my current amount of time to play), Pentitent's Rope (also un-attainable, I don't get many seals anymore to try this and getting a group that will try this for free is a little tough at times), and an Apollo Staff (yeah...right.)

With my baby on the way (10 weeks o.O) I will have even less time to play, I think I'll be duking it out in my AF and Druid's Rope till I hit 75, and even then I have the one monster spell that is at least somewhat attainable through ENM.

I would wholeheartedly support some sort of black market shell and provide whatever materials I can at lower cost (I can currently get you all the water clusters you could desire for very cheap), but I don't think relisting at the AH is very advisable. I believe prices would just go back up anyway.

However if you start this blackmarket shell and it takes hold, sellers at the AH would still sell stuff sure, but they wouldn't sell as fast depending on participation in said shell. The only danger you run into with this type of shell is someone who joins, gets goods at a mark down price, then turns around and sells it on the AH for a profit. Not cool, something to look for.

Keep a stiff upper lip Byaina, I too am glad this didn't turn into a flame fest and instead is a nice discussion on ways to remedy a growing problem.
#69 Mar 14 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Default
448 posts

Can you also write a letter to Microsoft, the RIAA, and a slew of other companies saying the exact same thing ;-)
#70 Mar 16 2005 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
I've been pissed about this for a while, especially after I hit the 6 million gil mark for ebow to find out it's gone up to 10 million.

What I'm willing to do:

Anyone that needs ANYTHING done in woodworking that I can make at my level (See my serach comment in game, it's always there) I will make at no charge, you keep and HQs, etc etc.

What does this mean?

I will be using the 6 million gil I made to get ebow to take woodworking to 75+ in the next few weeks. (Be patient, it's not gonna happen over night, and I still need my apron...) Start growing some ores, find a goldsmither who's 80+ who can make elemental beads. Have him make you an elemental bead, grab a piece of ebony lumber and bring it to me. I won't HQ it until much later on, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper than buying at the crazy AH prices compared to what you can get saplings for. Here's an even better part--I'll sign every staff I make. No charge. It's advertising for me.

Also, for RNG who need bolts/arrows:

I can make Scorpion and pretty much any arrows cheaper than the AH price. Having lumberjack means that wood for me is basically whatever wind crystals are going for. Bring me a stack of arrowheads, the fletching of your choice (you may even ask Noxx if she can make them for you; she's 58 Clothcraft), and a stack of earth crystals and a stack of wind crystals. That's at the minimum 4 stacks of arrows right there, if I don't HQ. For anything under 30 woodworking, you have a good chance of me HQing. This includes Shihei. Your best bet for those not craft-savvy is darksday. Bring me bast parchment, black ink, and wind crystals on darksday and you have yourself Shihei.

If any Clothcrafters, Boneworkers, Smithers, and Goldsmithers woud like to team up with me on this idea to provide cheap materials to people, then I'd happy work with anyone on that.
#71 Mar 16 2005 at 12:26 AM Rating: Good
225 posts
If any Clothcrafters, Boneworkers, Smithers, and Goldsmithers woud like to team up with me on this idea to provide cheap materials to people, then I'd happy work with anyone on that.

I'll team up, 58 clothcrafting (HOPING to be around 65 next week :/) taking leathercraft to at least 20 soon too, so i should be able to HQ most Seer's, Noct and Garish stuff. Just need materials. Anything i can make, i will as long as you pay for materials. And i'll sign them if you like too.
#72 Mar 16 2005 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
Word. Throw me in. Crafting levels in sig, and constantly updated.
#73 Mar 16 2005 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
If they would only implement PvP we could go around doing hits on gil sellers all day long till they delvld to 1 :-P

I want a Peacock Charm myself but there is no way Im going to beat the 2 lvl 70 bots that sit there

I dunno I was able to deal with the economy before the fishing stuff went down, and low and behold my black sole are down 7k a stack each. Considering they aren't a low lvl fish just anyone should be able to catch yet its been undercut city lately even though the cost of sole sushi itself is constant, this pisses me off. I also did not spend my entire summer in game (first raising black smith to 34 so I could fish rusty caps only to have that black smith lvl nerfed when they killed rusty fishing) getting a goddamn lu shang rod only to have the thing completly nerfed now. Sure I can pull in Ryugu Titans and pray for a Mercurial Sword but thats about all its good for. 0-30 something on that lil endeveor. Every single patch in the last year has slammed fishing in some way, Im just lucky I have the majority of the equipment Ill need for the remainder of the game
#74 Mar 18 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
Just bumping to enquire as to the status of the "black market" linkshell.
#75 Mar 19 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
When I started on this server a stack of fire was 3k tops. Its up to 5k now. Even little low level me can see the inflation.

I've had NO trouble getting gil though. I have about 100k in gil and equips. At level 19 blm, 11 War, 8 Mnk, 7 rdm.

I just go war/mnk and hit ghelsba for 2 hours a week. Go Blm and farm silks off crawlers in saruta, and I got the drop off the NM crawler, Silk cape I think?

Fishing in Selbina waiting for Dunes invites is awesome. Good gil and it makes the pt waiting time feel like nothing.

I'm also 0/1 on JEJ. Thats right I camped him and beat a 45thf/nin to the claim. No drop but I camped him with my RL friend. Made camping much more fun with a buddy to pt chat with. In the end we had a lot of Rabbit Hides to cash in for some nice Sandy fame. Enough that I quested the drain scroll. Saved me lots of gil.

Yeah gil is coming in EASY pre lv20 at least.

I tried crafting but gave it up due to the high materials costs. I just farm and undercut to make gil. I sold my lv7 leather set for 100g/piece. They all sold at going AH price. Not my fault people are lazy. Why not just go to Sandy and buy it off the NPC?

Thats what it is. The AH is screwed because of 2 reasons.

1) Gil drops/repetable gil quest + not enough gil taken from the PCs

2) People are Lazy. Too lazy to walk from the AH to the Armour Shoppe and buy armor there. Too lazy to farm materials. Too lazy to try and bid under the price history.

I'm done

edit: spelling

Edited, Sat Mar 19 15:23:49 2005 by Malkov
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