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So hey. How about this inflation, huh?Follow

#27 Mar 11 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
I'm tired of talking economy to people who've never taken a class.

This might give everyone a better perspective.

There may well be problems with the economy. I'm tired, however, of hearing everyone slap about the wrong terms and blame other players, and then come up with schemes that should not and will not work.

Bye, karma - I tried to earn it with good, intelligent posts, but I'm freaking tired of this.
#28 Mar 11 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
87 posts
In regards to economics, there are many items that still defy this. Emperor's Hairpin broke 1,000,000 gil the other day... but this doesn't seem to simply be a matter of inflation or supply and demand. I'm in no way an expert in the field of economics, but something still just doesn't seem right.

I see the same people camping the hairpin each day, some of their names appearing in the AH history several times in a row. I'm sure this is happening with other items as well. In a period of ~6 month, the hairpin has jumped in price by about 250%. Many consumables and other items have only risen in very small amounts, and in fact, some items have dropped a great deal lately. Usually anywhere from 4-8 emperor hairpins will sell each day, and yet there are many items that sell much less frequently that are a fraction of the price. Is this still indicative of a supply/demand problem?

I'll never fully understand this stuff... not to mention that I don't really care much for economics. I just wish I didn't have to spend 50% of my playing time trying to raise money for equipment, spells, food and other supplies. 50% of this game is fun, while the other 50% feels like a job.

Chowdah - Whitemage
#29 Mar 11 2005 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
The supply and demand model is generally simple, but there are some subtleties to it. I believe the changes in the Emp. Pin, for example, are completely explainable with the supply and demand model and inflation, and the sort of vague (but useful) economic phrase "prices are sticky". That's why I'm trying to encourage approaching this with at least some understanding of economics.

Whether or not these changes are indicitative of serious economic problems is a different story that I don't know about.
#30 Mar 11 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
Sh[b][/b]!t, I am the cheapest high lvl that there is, I have never crafted, I farm scorpions and sell their shells for pennies. I also sell crystals, and I am the worst undercutter that there is. I sell my items 10% less than what they are in order to sell fast. I have had all the equipment I ever wanted, never the Uber stuff, always NQ, save Espadon+1. I had leapings once when Lizzy popped in front of me and I got the drop, which I gave to a friend once when I thought I was done with FFXI.

I am cheap and I made it to 54 DRG, and 71 PLD. It can be done, you dont need the best equipment, is all about skills. But if you dont the same people that rant about the economy being messed up are the ones that wont invite you into a party because you dont have THE BEST EQUIP, thus making you a n00bz.

Edited, Fri Mar 11 19:17:53 2005 by JoLOveS
#31 Mar 11 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
If it was actually as simple as Supply and Demand there would be no need for 4 year degrees in Economics, let alone advanced degrees, and everyone would understand John Nash's work easily. These things tend to actually be much more complex, even if the basis is somewhat simple.
#32 Mar 11 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Okay, motherfu[/b]ckers tankng my karma: Show yourselves. I knew it was going to happen, I just expected the people doing it wouldn't be chickensh[b]it and might actually have the balls to say something to me about what they're doing. Come on, what are you waiting for?

To the rest of you: Thank you for the discussion. I, too, do not believe that this is as simple as "supply and demand" and economics, and I don't appreciate being talked down to like I'm too stupid to understand any of it. Neither, I'm sure, do the rest of us. Velfire, I understand that you and everyone else who understands economics are tired of explaining it, but I don't think it's fair that you automatically got on your high horse here. My father is an accountant, understands economics better than anyone I know, explains things to me all the time, and he still sits there and says that our (national) economy is a mess, even if he can understand it. It's not a lack of understanding, it's frustration, pure and simple, and we are all, every one of us, with whatever understanding we have of the situation, entitled to it. And we are entitled to better treatment than the superiority complex of those who throw Wikipedia articles at us and dismiss us as uneducated.

I don't want a lecture, I want it acknowledged how completely and irrevocably screwed up what is going on is. It's GREED, not supply and demand or any of your other convenient economics buzzwords - which you, Velfire, acknowledged yourself as "vague but useful" - unless that fits into some convenient economic model somewhere. And I'm getting more than a little tired of everyone who's taken one college course shrugging it off and telling the rest of us to "suck it up" because they think they're smarter than us. Normal price fluctuations, okay. But Saiyuri is absolutely right. This is PEOPLE, not economy. And it's not "normal" in any way and you cannot possibly expect me to read a few articles and be completely okay with it. And you know what? How do you know I haven't taken a class? I could have a degree in this and still be completely pissed off that all of the things I wanted to buy have doubled in price over the course of ONE WEEK. I'm pissed off, not uneducated, not stupid. That isn't fair. Don't talk down to me. Don't talk down to any of us. I acknowledge your frustration, the LEAST you can do is acknowledge mine.

gah okay one more thing about economics: In a real economy doesn't somebody usually DO something about the problem of monopolies controlling and overpricing things? Antitrust suits, anyone? You know... the government? Boy SquareEnix sure has been doing a great job of that! This may be an economy but it is far from a perfect one that functions the way all your precious economic models should describe. When you have people injecting money into the system artificially all the time, that throws half your theories out the window. There is no provision for gilsellers and what they do in any economic model I've seen or had thrust down my throat. I HAVE been reading this sh[/b]it in a desperate effort towards understanding so maybe I won't be so furious when this crap happens anymore, and it has yet to work. Okay, it's an economy. It's all economics. Are you happy now? Here's the problem: IT'S A COMPLETELY CORRUPT ECONOMY. If you try to tell me that I cannot be frustrated and angry with that, well... I don't even know what to say to you.

As to those of you suggesting that I quit, I have. Many times. It's the people, the GOOD people, who keep bringing me back. Also, something you should know about me: I like to talk about the negative s[b]
hit no matter how happy I am. :) And third, I never post on these boards anymore because of what a mess they've become - but remember what I've tried to do in the time I have been posting? Secret Santa? Valentine's Day? The convention? It's not ALL bad, is it? If I'm fed up it's because people have been constantly disappointing me. This is no different. But the GOOD people still make it worthwhile.

ps shackleton we really miss you :(

Edited, Fri Mar 11 19:59:30 2005 by Byaina
#33 Mar 11 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
Aye.. prices have been pretty nasty lately for sure.. I guess we all have to just deal with it though... after all, it's only a game; and although the inflation blows rather hard, we've all got to find our ways to manage. Hell I just bought a pair of gloves that *used* to be 800k for 3mil... the jump is all on the same page of the AH sales.

Explanation for prices rising? Beats me. Maybe it's the buyers, spending money they wasted their week making just to impress people on a video game.. or possibly the sellers, who pretty much dominate all the more expensive camps lately.. to the point where regular players are just giving up on them. Whatever it is.. it just means everyone's got to work together a little more. Sure it rocks to have top-notch gear, but everyone's getting so damn competitive. It's like... sure no one's got a problem whining about the inflation, but when it comes down to actually helping another player out a little, it's like nahh, I'd rather see myself looking awesome before anyone else :/ But apparently everyone's got trouble managing on their own, so with that same mindset of putting yourself first, no one's getting anywhere.

No I'm not saying give your money away... but it's about time everyone starts coming up with constructive ways to work around this inflation... rather than whining about it. I'm able to fend for myself as far as money goes... but nevertheless, I'm open to suggestions ^^

Just a thought~

#34 Mar 11 2005 at 7:55 PM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
I thought about it.. I want to help also.

Edited, Sat Mar 12 01:49:46 2005 by Hiptaruu
#35 Mar 11 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
I'll get this out of the way: I'm not touching karma on this thread.

Next, I can tell you don't have a degree in this by the way you talk about it. I'm sure you're quite smart, but you and many many others don't have any idea what's going on because you don't have the tools to analyze it. I don't have a degree in this. My knowledge of economics is INCREDIBLY rudimentary, and I'm very much hoping that someone who DOES have a degree in it can come in and correct me, elaborate, etc.

The thing is, people *think* they understand supply and demand, but they don't. Without some very basic tools to analyze the situation, all you're going on is "I feel like prices should be lower". That's why I posted the articles, rather then spend the time to give a full lecture myself.

I know you're pissed off, and I very much believe you're not stupid, or (on a larger scale) uneducated, but in respect to economics, you (and many others) don't know what you're talking about. I'm saying that I'd like people to have an idea of what they're talking about before they do so.

Also, I do not necessarily believe what is going on is completely and irrevocably screwed up. And I really think, with some of the tools in the links I posted, people might start to understand that. There may be some problems - but I believe they're being misidentified. There was some mention of gil selling/buying on this thread, and I believe what was said was right on.
#36 Mar 11 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
439 posts
Well look at the bright side... paying 2.5k for a chocobo is technically cheap now *^.^*
#37 Mar 11 2005 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
Eh, that's fine. I didn't mean to imply that I have a degree, merely that people who are educated can be pissed off too and it doesn't come down to not understanding it. I refuse to believe that if I did, I could still be calm if the item I farmed for for months jumped 200k by the time I saved enough for its original price, and then had jumped again by the time I got the next 200k, and so on and so forth.

That said, I HAVE been reading the stuff everyone and their mom has thrown around every time the economics discussions come up and I've even talked with my father (my only source of anyone who knows anything about economics, heh), albeit slowly and painfully, about the mess of the economy here. I get it. Some of it. Not all of it, by any means, but I do get more of it than anyone gives me credit for. Doesn't mean I can't hate it. I understand the psychology of serial killers but they're still f[b][/b]ucking bastards. :)

Edited, Sat Mar 12 00:53:06 2005 by Byaina
#38 Mar 11 2005 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
376 posts
I think it's amazing that Byaina got Karma-bombed for something that is actually happening. No, it's not all supply and demand, it's an economy of greed. Leaping boots and Hairpins for a million gil? Seriously, that's gilsellers, look at the logs. Supply and demand's standard rules fly out the window when a product is monopolized, that's why monopolies are illegal in free market based economies. Don't talk S+D if you're not going to take all the factors into consideration. Rate up.

Edited, Fri Mar 11 20:17:51 2005 by galkaBST
#39 Mar 11 2005 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
281 posts
I'm sorry if it has been mentionned in this thread (I read it, but may have missed a few sentences)...

There is one major difference between in-game economics and real-life economics...

and I know it has been mentionned in another thread about this subject.

gil drops. quest gil awards.

more money enters the world that leaves the world. If there aren't enough moneysinks (such as those taxes we all hate), well... people end up having more gil on their hands in general.

In that aspect, even without any kind of basic knowledge about economics... inflation, to some extent, becomes even more normal...
#40 Mar 11 2005 at 9:50 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
All I have to add here Byaina is I totally understand your frustration.

Be on the lookout for sporadic and very dramatic price
decreases in (GOLDSMITHING)

For those of you getting ready to level that craft.

Camp the AH is all I am going to say
Gold, Mythril and Silver ingots will become
"Gil Friendly" for those needing to buy them.
#41 Mar 11 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Excellent
123 posts
I think people that purposely raise prices for their own benefit tend to be self-centered douchebags. Thats right, if you do this, you are a douchebag. I've seen the lame, far too tired excuse of "its just a game," but everyone pays their money to play this game. When someone sets out to ***** others over for his or her own benefit, that person is simply ruining another person's good time, without a single shred of consideration for others.

For all you people that disagree with me, rate me down or kiss my ***. Either way, youre self-centered douchebags.

Edited, Fri Mar 11 22:31:31 2005 by Finamenon
#42 Mar 12 2005 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
oh no, Zander ><

I sell silver ingots :(

I always undercut! :( But not by too much, or I don't profit at all...
#43 Mar 12 2005 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Send me a tell in game since I don't see you on at the moment. We can work something out so that I don't flood silver when you have items up for sale, or so I can arrange to move a set of mules to another city.
#44 Mar 12 2005 at 1:49 AM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
you know what.. i just read thru some of the responses on here..

I want to actually lower it back too.. I will help with Goldsmithing prices. If we get together, and find a group that will buy it low, and sell it for cheaper than the going price..

We could make crafting a bit easier again.. 20k for a gold ore.. omg.. cmon.. anyways..

I would like to withdrawl my last statement, because i took my own advice, and would like to join in the helping restore the economy..

Why not?
#45 Mar 12 2005 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
There's a trick to it. Everyone get the items that are being over-priced and wipe out the price history by buying it over and over. Sure it'll cost you gil to put it up but beats everything being over-priced.
#46 Mar 12 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
You can argue economics with everyone all day if you want to, it doesn't answer this situation. I'm sorry, someone paid 1.5 MILLION (1,500,000) gil for an emp hairpin in the history recently. That is not supply and demand. There is no shortage of emperor hairpins to cause that great an increase. There is no rush on them to cause the shortage, people buy and sell them everyday, they are not uncommon. That is merely a player who, for whatever reason, had enough gil and didn't care about spending it enough to pay 1.5 million for an item some of us can remember going for 300-400k. Economics does fit into this game, this is a player based economy and we do control it... to an extent.

There is no way this is just simple economic growth on our servers... if it was natural, then we would all have enough money to be paying for these items and not ******** about it. But... we don't. There is no way you can keep up, you farm 500k for an item, and by the time you get it, it's 600k. You get another 100k, and lo' and behold, it is now 800k. You struggle, you are growing impatient, you preservere. 1 million gil. People are not going to be able to keep up with this inflation forever and will either quit or these uber items will become what they supposedly are, uber. Not everyone will have them anymore, and we will have to quit shunning melees from our parties because they do not have a haubergeon, or a ninja because he does not have a hairpin at lvl 24. Anyway, thats a jumbled mess of my thoughts at 1:30 in the morning... and my first post ever. I hope everyone makes fun of me and calls me a sock puppet like they did to shackleton! yay!
#47 Mar 12 2005 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
I think the inflation is a domino effect. It started after the update and from there it all fell apart. People charge alot for an item and to afford the item, the buyer in turn charges more for what he sells.

SE just released all these new items with the Feb update. Honestly, is there any excuse for people selling the stuff soo damn high? People curse about the ingame prices yet they do nothing about it. I was looking for a Psilos mantle the other day and my friend finally spotted it for me in TKpink's Bazaar. I was so excited that I raced to lower forgetting to ask him how much it was going for. I got to lower and into the bazaar..... 3.4 MILLION GIL? WHY WHY WHY? How does this make sense? With people trying to pull this crap how the hell is the economy going to improve. Has anyone seen the stats? the damn thing is: Def 7 Accuracy+1 Attack+12...Rngd Accuracy+1 Rngd Attack+12. HOW is this worth 3.4 Mil?

I have the perfect solution.... put a 2 mil gil cap on the AH and Bazaars. Takes away our freedom dont it? Well obviously if people arent responsible enough not to muck up the economy then maybe we need more control. I am a 72 Drk.... had the economy been this bad earlier on, I woulda never made it this far. I feel bad for the people coming up thru the ranks, and the noobs who have to pay 5k for a full set of Leather armor, that cost me 1.5k when I first started a year ago March.

Cap the damn AH, Cap the bazaars, and if it has to be done limit how much gil can be transferred thru the mog house in a 24hr period.

I know alot of people who quit cause the prices are soo insane. I have 5 RL friends that "Used" to play on Pandemonium but dont anymore cause of the prices.

My Favorite attempt by SE is to release similar items to the high priced ones.... only to watch the similar ones get sold for the same price as the originals or jacked beyond them.

Woodsmans Rings anyone? meh only mere 1.2 million each!
#48 Mar 12 2005 at 7:04 AM Rating: Excellent

I have been reading this thread and I have a few points that I would like to make. There are some very positive concepts presented here and I would hate to see my fellow players band together to try and make a change in vein, so here it goes.

Firstly do not think that by undercutting at the AH you are going to change the price of the items there. Most of the people who dominate those items will use the same strategy as you. They will buy your items for the lower price that you have listed them at and relist them at the high price (thusly you would be making you enemy more money).

The only true way to defeat the system is to avoid the AH. Not as easy as it sounds. You should all have bazzaar type threads within your LS forums and offer the items to each other at what they are worth instead of what gilsellers think that they are worth. Community and resistance is the only way to defeat forced inflation.

Also all of you will have to be more tolerent of players with bad gear. Maybe if you pt with one of them you could sell them your good gear at a fair price. But the AH is controlled by those who would like to see you pay 1mil for everything. So avoid it if you can.

The game has good people in it. Just the other day some guy gave me a telport Altep scroll for a d2 (Duerga..thank you very much. The whm that I gave it to idolizes you now). I informed him that it was worth 200k on the AH and he said he would not participate in that. So I took it and gave it to my LS.

Community is the way to defeat this. You canot change the sytem, but you can make your own. Leave the AH to the gil sellers/buyers on the high priced items and let them buy and sell to each other perpetually. I know you cannot possibly avoid the AH in all cases, maybe not even in most cases, but you can at least try. You would be surprised at the returns of a grateful player when you need help with something.

One final note. IF Squeeniz really wanted to fix the economy issue, they could do it with about 2 hours of research. All that would need to be done is to make all those way overpriced NM drops RARE/EX. Then who ever wanted the item could go camp it, but no one could sell it. At least then you would know that you were competing with other player who needed the item as opposed to someone camping it for their 9-5. Im sure that this would have an impact as gillsellers would look other avenues to get money. But they would have to go farm like every one else. And while they may be able to jack the prices on some items it wont be as bad...because all those items have multiple drop points as opossed to say one drop point.... every 24 hours. But it would efect the gillsell economy too. I bet if they couldnt perpetually bot NM's that they would have to actually employ more gillsellers because actuall human interaction would be needed to make money. Then you would see a raise in the price of gil and less buyers. Squeeniz could jack the price of the GILSELL AH if they wanted to, but they havent. So its up to you. If you know who the gillsellers are and what they are selling share that info with your community so we can avoid their wares (or the wares of your greedy fellow players if thats the case). They will not have gill to sell if you dont buy from them. Make the economy wreckers work for it. Dont just give it to them.

PS. Real economic models hold no relevance to FFXI economy. In the real world one simply cannot go out and buy some money. Also real economic models are based on the availabilty of the resource. Real trees dont respawn(well they do but the repawn rate is around 50 years). Live stock doesnt just pop. There are no quests other than your 9-5.

Real econimcs are based heavily upon the education of your workforce, the availability of natural resources, your geographical location, taxation rates, and your trade partners (and their needs). FFXI AH is poor exscuse for an econonimic model(I am of the opinion that you should be able to do REAL auctions). There are some basic econimic concepts that are shared, but thats about as far as it goes. But dont get mad about it. Its human nature to be greedy. Do something about it if it bothers you. You have a multitude of options for trying to combat the solution. Apathy solves 0% of any problem.


(sorry i write long posts with poor grammar. I blame Coca-cola corp.)
#49 Mar 12 2005 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
512 posts
good post gobby.

i'd like to say to your post and the OP that you really CAN go out and buy a bunch of money, and it DOES happen like this in the real economy. it's called 'arbitrage'.

in this case, the exploited markets are the vandiel:bismarck economy and that of (primarily, though not entiely) US dollars. and the security being traded upon in our case is the Gil.

note: in the US if we wanted to combat this trend in RL we'd have to take up a new currency, which is treason. in vanadiel it's not treason, just very very difficult.
#50 Mar 12 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I can certainly understand your anger about the most recent set of price hikes, but you have to look at the facts. Yes, these are legitimate players doing this to one another, but you can't challenge someone to provide you with a good reason and exclude any mention of gilsellers, because like it or not, while they aren't the only cause they ARE one of several. The economy is fairly well tied to the prices of certain items accessible through NMs or BCNMs, and while it's true that people CAN make a difference in the prices of most items, I don't think I heard anyone touch on what could be done that might have the most dramatic impact(if someone did, I apologize...this was a lot of anger to read through :P) on these rapidly destabilizing prices: camp your own items.

Before anyone flames me, I realize that it isn't always an option to camp an item you need at the level you need it, but a lot of the time, you really can camp an item you want(you honestly can't make an argument for NEEDING any of it, my PLD doesn't NEED both kidneys to tank.) at roughly the same level that it's useful to you. You can't camp a hairpin at 24, but you can camp it past 30 and still get quite a bit of use out of it. You can't camp a kote at 34, but you can by 50, and it's still a viable item for later game, where it would be far more useful to you than earlier. I realize a lot of people don't play this game often enough to spend days camping items, but I also realize that a lot of you do. I know I play often enough to camp my own items, which I do, usually. If people camped their own items in any applicable case, then they could sell them to people who don't have the time for such things at a moderate price, and we could all move on with our lives. Most people don't want to, gilsellers are willing to, and the dance goes on and on. I apologize for the length of my post, and my nonsensical analogies, but I just thought my perspective could be put to some use.
#51 Mar 12 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts

Edited, Sat Mar 12 12:41:50 2005 by CannedWeasel
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