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#1 Mar 04 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Excellent
617 posts
I might as well pre-empt this. Mr. Karma Troll, you will find the Rating drop-down menu to the left of this message. I believe you are looking for Awful in the list. No, not Decent. Little higher. Almost there. ATTABOY! Ok great. Now, scroll to the bottom. Almost there. Little more. See the Rate Posts button? No? It's there I swear. Bottom-right of the screen, dear. Oh you see it now? Fantastic. I'm so proud of you! Please click that and move on to the next topic and congrats on a job well done! :D You're a big troll now, that you are!


Anyway I was just wondering if anyone else was having the same little issue I am. Namely, the fact that their search comments are being completely ignored.

I'll give you an example. Here's a typical search comment I use if my static party (3 members) needs to put the invite tag up because there's nothing to make a party with (I'm 51BLM in it, if that makes any diff):

@#### INT##+## Ice/Drk/Lite Staff
SETPARTY: Name&Name (Job&Job)
I will *N O T* party without them!!

But I always get invites (sometimes blind) that just say "(|party|)" (which frustrates me in and of itself. I mean it's blatantly obvious I want a party) when I say that I won't join unless my static members can, they either say "ok nm," don't reply, or say "we only need blm, not them." And a couple times we got invited to a party with people who are far too high level for me (me being the lowest member in the static exp-wise).

And it's not just BLM that this happens with. My name is too long to show up completely on the Find Member list so they can't just /tell me unless they know who I am (and even those who do can't spell it. Hi Ary :p). Regardless, the comment is there to be READ.

I can't tell if people are inviting me and my friends ignoring their comments just to be smartasses or what. I guess this is mainly a rant, but if anyone else is having this little issue, I won't feel so paranoid. Cuz it's not just an isolated incident, it's been happening for at least a month. :/
#2 Mar 04 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Happens to me al the time on NIN/RNG. I specifically state that I cannot tank in my search message, yet I'm expected to tank in 9/10 parties I'm invited to.
#3 Mar 04 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
281 posts
heh, they expect you to tank without voke ? ... all I can say is wow.

Anyways, yes, it's happenned to me, as I seldom group over lvl 40 without people I know anymore. I remember, too, when I got invited to a party as monk, with my whm friend, the leader then invited a war, whom, after joining, noticed that there wasn't room for his 2 set PT friends. Well guess what ? The RDM I think it was, said "they are asses for not starting their own party".

Anyways, final point is: if those people can't understand what a search message is for at level 50+... there probably are other important stuff they haven't figured out either.
Too bad that setting up a pickup group takes so long that people often feel compelled to try any damn group that's offered to them ><
#4 Mar 04 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Most people outright ignore search comments, seriously. I could put some demeaning, angry comment in my search comment along the lines of something like "Your mother's a who[i][/i]re and she gets anally raped by wombats every time you send an invite to somebody that doesn't want to party" and I'd still get invites.

How hard is it to hit enter one more time after selecting somebody's name, really? We take the time to write them so we can actually have good parties. The least you could do is take the time to read them.
#5 Mar 04 2005 at 8:42 PM Rating: Good
You mean you guys actually get invites :(

58mnk and I wouldn't get invites if I gave out gil... /cry
#6 Mar 04 2005 at 9:03 PM Rating: Good
617 posts
Anyways, yes, it's happenned to me, as I seldom group over lvl 40 without people I know anymore. I remember, too, when I got invited to a party as monk, with my whm friend, the leader then invited a war, whom, after joining, noticed that there wasn't room for his 2 set PT friends. Well guess what ? The RDM I think it was, said "they are asses for not starting their own party".

I forget the name of that RDM, but if that WAR that was invited to that party was Vachir, /wave, that was our static. Yeah we tried invited that RDM before and s/he said "yes" initially but then she apparently got an invite from someone else and said "sry I dont want to join u anymore." Then Vachir gets invited to the party s/he's in and there's no room for me and our other member and that's almost exactly what s/he said. Wish I remembered the name. Jojo something maybe. Well the only Jojo showing up on search is Jojokage and Elvaan but I thought it was a Taru. Well that was a long time ago.


How hard is it to hit enter one more time after selecting somebody's name, really? We take the time to write them so we can actually have good parties. The least you could do is take the time to read them.

Now this is what I really handsdown agree with. And it gets to the point where I start saying to myself, "If they can't read a comment, it's not a person I want to party with." But then I end up waiting another 2 or so hours for a party and get mad. :p

I think what frustrates me most is the fact that our static is post 50 and they STILL can't freaking read the comments. I even got asked to join a party as WHM when I said (|I'm playing solo right now.|) (|Party|) (|No thanks.|) in my comment. I would've thought that was sufficient but no, no fewer than 4 people asked (and there were two other freaking WHMs anyways).


Edited, Fri Mar 4 21:10:56 2005 by seraphimhunter
#7 Mar 04 2005 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
727 posts
I read peoples search comments all the time. I know for a fact that if you try to play in peak JP hours that you will not get an invite without a autotranslated search comment that tells them what you can bring to the party
#8 Mar 04 2005 at 10:41 PM Rating: Good
Oh ho ho boy. Thanks for making this post, Seraphim.

This is, without a shadow of a doubt, my #1 pet peeve...

Even though you already quoted it, I'll quote Alauce again:

How hard is it to hit enter one more time after selecting somebody's name, really? We take the time to write them so we can actually have good parties. The least you could do is take the time to read them.


We all know how macros work. You go to the spell/ability you'd like to use, select it and press enter.

Ya see that green dot that's next to my name? Yea, that means I have a search comment. Now go down to my name and hit Enter. Good!

It's no harder than using a macro, people, try it some time.

I used this example in the "Things That Suck" Thread awhile back but I'll use it again.

I was in Yuhtunga a few months ago lvling RNG. Probably around lvl 23-24 at the time. I had something like 500 tnl, so in my comment I put "@500" like everyone else does with their tnl. So I get an invite and everyone in the PT is a lvl lower than me. "Hmm kinda fishy", I think to myself but whatever.

So we kill a few gobs and I lvl.

Leader: o, ur too high for us now, ur gonna have to leave
Me: It said in my comment that I was 500tnl...
Leader: o sorry i didn't see it

Now just because this *** couldn't hit enter one more time and actually read that I was @500, I just wasted a good 15-20 minutes that I could have been in a PT that actually went somewhere. But no, I'm out on my *** again.

The BLM got a little pissed at the leader too and told him I was a good RNG. He even sent me a /flist invite and he's still on my list today.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but I had a bad day at work and seeing this topic and the chance to release my frustration was nice and therapeutic to me ^^.

I was also looking for a PT last night and I got a /tell from a 40 BRD:

BRD: [Hello!] BCNM40 {Do you need it?]
Me: [No thanks.] {Experience points.]
BRD: [Understood.]
Me: [I'm sorry.] [Thank you!]

Now this I really don't mind at all. I'm a RNG, so the occasional BCNM invite really doesn't bother me at all. The BRD saw that even though I wanted an xp PT, I may have been tired of looking for one and agreed to do the BCNM with him. Totally acceptable.

In closing I'd like to say that I read people comments all the time when I'm lfp, just for the hell of it. Maybe I can get a good idea from one of them for my own comment. It helps pass the time and some are kinda amusing.

Ok, rant over.

P.S. I rated you all up, to counter-act the trollage and for sharing the same views as me ^^.
#9 Mar 04 2005 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
I read search comments! I make good one's too! I love them good.
Some people have really hilarious search comments.

By the way, what are some good search comment strategies that will get better invites. Because some of the time I know your search comment is sort of like a 2 second resume for partying, and sometimes I don't know what to put.
#10 Mar 05 2005 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
202 posts
yes, people rarely ever read those damned comments. Sometimes you shouldn't even have to. If you see a blm/thf in pashow without a flag, do you really need to ask him if he wants to pt? Now if you see that yellow dot next to his name, that should make it even more obvious. If you clicked his name and hit the tell button, you obviously saw that he's farming. SO STOP DOING IT.

For a week my comment said that I needed to get G-1 done and that I was a lv50 exp cap. Wouldn't you know it, it's the ONLY TIME EVER that I get invites without my flag being up. Now that I've had it done for a week, I've only been in three pts and 2 of them actually LOST exp for me.

By the way, what are some good search comment strategies that will get better invites. Because some of the time I know your search comment is sort of like a 2 second resume for partying, and sometimes I don't know what to put.

Mine almost always says:
@xxxx (to exact numbers, btw.)
DEX+23 AGI+18 - acc+45
{Japanese}/{English} {Party} OK

Keep in mind I add food into my stats.
#11 Mar 05 2005 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
yes, people rarely ever read those damned comments. Sometimes you shouldn't even have to. If you see a blm/thf in pashow without a flag, do you really need to ask him if he wants to pt? Now if you see that yellow dot next to his name, that should make it even more obvious. If you clicked his name and hit the tell button, you obviously saw that he's farming. SO STOP DOING IT.

Thank you! I once got invited to a party as a RDM/THF in Jugner Forest. Heh, some people. Must have been really desesperate for a rdm to invite me while I was all the way out there farming. ¬_¬

It is annoying when you place your tnl then the pt leader ask you what it is. I'm always like "Didn't you read my search comment? O.o" to which I often hear "no". >_<

But what I find really irritating is when someone sends me a tell asking to join a pt when I AM the party leader! Come on! Do they really expect me to leave the party that I created myself to go join theirs? Sheesh...

It's kinda sad how much more search comment options SE put up for us in the last update when there's so many that never even bothered to read them in the first place. =(
#12 Mar 05 2005 at 1:48 AM Rating: Good
137 posts
I guess I'm one of the few who read them O.o
First thing I do before /tell someone is to make sure i read what they put up.

To me its just plain rude not to.
#13 Mar 05 2005 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Conincidentally, I just got the typical "{Party}" tell. No punctuation or anything. Best part is--my search message.

My current search message:

EXP PT {No thanks.} {I'm sorry.}
{Eurytos' Bow} > {Fei'Yin} NM
ToD {Can I have it?} 100,000g

That's set up with the item category on. How the hell do I still get invites?!

I might also add that I was RNG/BLM at the time...while I was in Jeuno. -.-
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