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Another obtaining Fenrir thread?Follow

#1 Mar 02 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
Yes! Another one!

Beating Fenrir.

Members ready to fight Fenrir.

71MNK/NIN Singular 71WHM/SMN Leeluu 74RDM/BLM Shannoncasull

Looking for

WAR/NIN X 2 with Utsusemi: Ni

And either a




• I will supply any Utsusemi needed.
• I will give each Melee an Icarus Wing.
• I will bring Opo-opo necklaces for the tanks and myself. Also, enough Sleep potions to sleep us all to near 300TP.
• WHM will bring hi potions.

Battle Strategy
• Enter > Buff > Sleep to 300% TP.
• Someone with Utsusemi: Ni will pull Fenrir, and we’ll start off with a skillchain.
• WHM will keep Haste on tanks for Utsusemi timers.
• RDM will replace buffs and debuffs since their cast time is faster.
• When Fenrir reaches ½ health, I will eat an Icarus Wing and prepare Shoulder Tackle.
• If we have BLM and no BRD, BLM will Stun.
• If we have BRD and no BLM, BRD will cast Dark Carol.
• If Fenrir’s 2 hour lands, PLD pops Invincible, and WHM uses Benediction.
• Once we’ve lived past the 2 hour, since the WHM may or may not be dead, the tanks can consume an Icarus Wing and skillchain again, hopefully near defeating the avatar.

This is a solid tested strategy, after the fight we can enjoy our new avatar, 15K or any of the other various gifts from completing such a battle.
#2 Mar 02 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
Even though we've had problems in the past I'd be glad to gave ya a hand...
#3 Mar 02 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
Beatdown wrote:
Even though we've had problems in the past I'd be glad to gave ya a hand...

Very impressive. I take back one of those mean things I said about you. Smiley: clap
#4 Mar 02 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
197 posts
Beatdown is lure!!(rule i meant heheheh)

pls start a thread titling "Beatdown IS NOT a bad player" heheheh....

peace out
#5 Mar 02 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
I'm still looking to get Fenrir, and I'd go as a Bard, but I'm still at level 68. Working on improving that, but if 68 is high enough (for your run - I've tried the fight without success before, but I'd understand if you wanted to keep it 70+), just send me a /tell whenever, and I'll join you if I can.
#6 Mar 02 2005 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
Velfire wrote:
I'm still looking to get Fenrir, and I'd go as a Bard, but I'm still at level 68. Working on improving that, but if 68 is high enough (for your run - I've tried the fight without success before, but I'd understand if you wanted to keep it 70+), just send me a /tell whenever, and I'll join you if I can.

68 should be fine, assuming you have Dark Carol.

When is good for you? Do you have the baubel?

I'm praying for tonight, but more than likely the update will keep a lot of people from signing on. So tomorrow evening seems more likey.

This would put us at MNK/NIN BRD/WHM WHM/BLM RDM/BLM

Leaving 2 openings a PLD/NIN and another Utsusemi: Ni tank.

Edit: Just to let you know Beatdown, I'd gladely accept your help. But I'm also assuming you don't have the baubel since you just helped someone 2 days ago.

Edited, Wed Mar 2 12:07:50 2005 by SingBismark
#7 Mar 02 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
The moon bauble is like a tuning fork. Once you've won and trade for your item, you just have to wait 24 hours (or server reset) to get another. All Beatdown has to do is go talk to the NPC for another one. Good luck Sing!

edit: called you sig instead of sing :P

Edited, Wed Mar 2 12:17:07 2005 by Vimien
#8 Mar 02 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
Great startegy but only 1 flaw it seems you arent aware of or maybe i read your post wrong. You can only use 1 icarus wing per hour~ as you are medicated and cannot consume another for a quit some time. Im 75 WAR/NIN now btw If I can get the bauble thing in time ide like to go.
#9 Mar 02 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
Sing, check your PMs on the aurora forums :-]

#10 Mar 02 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
Lvl68 is cool and yes I just have to wait 24 hrs to get another bauble.. So I can pick one up after the update ...

Just send me a tell when ya get a chance. Tonight or tomorrow is cool with me.

I'll be on in the daytime EST tomorrow also... Got the week off hehehe...
#11 Mar 02 2005 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
I've got my bauble - tried the fight about a week ago with Beatdown and some others a few times with no luck, actually. I'll be on today about as soon as I can get the update (at the moment, POL is giving me 0206 errors) and the servers come back up.
#12 Mar 03 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
Well, here is what happened.

Let me just say, Fenrir is a little baby.


It pretty much came down to the 2 Paladin/Ninjas.

For the first half of his life, there was nearly no damage to either PLD. Beatdown did exceptionaly well. But the other PLD in the party sort of ruined it for us.

Beatdown is holding agro, his shadows go down.

His HP goes Yellow.... Other PLD does nothing...

HP goes a little further down, and in a matter of seconds

Eclipse Bite for 900+ DMG.

All the 2nd paladin had to do was slack for 5 seconds and we lost.

I'm 100% sure 3 level 74+ tanks with Utsusemi Ni and a WHM could win the fight.

If you have 2 tanks, they both need to be on the ball like Beatdown was. If you have 3 tanks, he becomes Easy Prey.

I'm going to try again tonight, hopefuly with a 3rd tank, and if I can't find a 3rd tank, I'll only go if I can find 2 very good tanks.

But to be honest, for an 80NM, I was a little dissapointed.

Lets talk about job balance here. You can't bring a cookie cutter party into this fight. The only way to win is to cheat and blink tank everything. SO for this NM, you rely on Utsusemi to win. As well as most other BCNM, it all comes down to a blink tank.

Then there are Manna burn parties.

Then there are RNG parties.

Then there are 3 MNK parties in KRT.

There are 6 BST BCNM.

But what do SAM, DRG, DRK, have that makes them exceptional for anything? Ever had an event and someone said "We're gonna need 3 DRG for this."

Just some thoughts I had last night while I sat awake staring in the dark, contemplating our defeat. My dreams were mixed with thoughts of revenge and pitty for the whoopin were gonna put on that dog tonight.
#13 Mar 03 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
197 posts
I think the one you need is: War/nin

think about tossing hate between pld and war should make fight easier. Adding up a summoner for stone skin to reduce fenrir 2hrs is a nice to have. If you cant find a summoner, brd is good enough to survive his 2hr.

The mechanism should be like this: war->voke fenrir->war shadow about to gone->paladin->flash fenrir->paladin shadow about to gone->war->voke fenrir

at nearly his 50% hp, summoner cast stoneskin to tanker, whm cast stone skin or if have chance using hi reraiser.

this was my exp, i casted stoneskin before his 2hr, my stoneskin ate his 2hrs, my hp didnt go red. Only the tanker and melee did.
I ran toward tanker casting benediction, fenrir didnt even turn to me. I was safe from fenrir hate after using benediction.

hope this will help, good luck
#14 Mar 03 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
Apis wrote:
The mechanism should be like this: war->voke fenrir->war shadow about to gone->paladin->flash fenrir->paladin shadow about to gone->war->voke fenrir

This is pretty much what we did.

It almost worked better because the PLD could also cure eachother to pull hate.

Only problem was when one PLD let the other PLD's shadows go down, and didn't yank hate.

It is a perfectly feesabel strategy, but you need 2 tanks who are on the ball.

In a matter of 5 seconds after Beatdown's Shadows went down, Fenrir hit him once, maybe twice, then used a TP attack and Beatdown was dead.

The other PLD should have pulled hate as soon as he saw Beatdown's HP go down, but didn't. Thats all there was to it, that 5 seconds of slacking off on the 2nd PLD's side lost the fight.
#15 Mar 03 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
197 posts the problem is with 2nd paladin, but beatdown did his job very well

why dont you take off that slacking pld and replace him with war/nin? war 75/nin37 is the best DD+tanker. Especially war got +enmity gear as pld does, but i think war got more +enmity compare to pld (war got more +enmity on his/her AF).
Remember that pld will out of mana pulling hate with cure, and all mana refresh food or spell will be debuff by fenrir dispelga.
thats my idea tho, hope this will help.
#16 Mar 03 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
Apis wrote:
why dont you take off that slacking pld and replace him with war/nin? war 75/nin37 is the best DD+tanker. Especially war got +enmity gear as pld does, but i think war got more +enmity compare to pld (war got more +enmity on his/her AF).
Remember that pld will out of mana pulling hate with cure, and all mana refresh food or spell will be debuff by fenrir dispelga.
thats my idea tho, hope this will help.

That is a great idea. I intended to go with 1 PLD for Invincible, and 1 WAR/NIN to set up light skillchain with. The problem is availability of high level WAR/NIN with moon baubel.

Gryffes was kind enough to offer his help, but we have a pretty large time zone difference. When I get home tonight, it will be 2:00 AM in the UK.

Also, I'm notorious for doing things with the less than optimal set up.

Oh, one other thing.

Last night was a Full Moon, and we still almost won.
#17 Mar 03 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
Yup I do have to say we were all stupid for trying it on Full Moon...hahah but oh well..

I game for tonight ... War/Nin pls...hehe

Cuz if the other PLD aint on the ball ya see what happens..

But it could be done..
#18 Mar 03 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Honestly, another effective strategy for Fenrir is the 74+ Rdm/Drk strategy.

Any party makeup with strategy can do this, but heres what I had envisioned:

75 Rdm/Drk, 65+ Whm/Smn, 70+ Nin/War, 75 Mnk/War (That's right, no /nin), 75 Blm/Whm, 65+ Brd/Whm.

Everyone goes in and melees charge up to 300% tp. Nin engages Fenrir, and everyone uses the basic Fenrir strategy (Making SURE the Rdm conserves Mp. Have the Whm concentrate on healing with the Bard backing up. Bard should bring Mp+items.) to get him down to close to his 2h hp range.

During the first part, however, whenever the Nin could manage it without risking his life, he'd throw off a Suiton: Ni to lower lightning resist. Hopefully one or two of these would hit. When Fenrir is at about 3/4 hp, the Bard would Soul Voice and start piling on accuracy and damage buffs to the monk in particular. (The blm should also always keep enough mp to throw off a Thundaga or Thunder IV. Always.)

When Fenrir starts getting real close to 2h level, the Rdm would Chainspell and start spamming Stun. At the exact same time, the Blm would hit Manafont and start piling on pure damage spells over and over again without holding back. (Thundaga III and Thunder IV being prominent, hopefully being enhanced by Suiton) Also at the same time, the Monk does 100 fists with Warcry, Agressor, Berserk (all the fun Warrior damage boosting skills) and wails on Fenrir.

The spammed stun has a good chance of interrupting Fenrir's 2h, plus he'll be all but unable to do anything for 30 seconds. If, however, he does manage to pull off a few attacks, the whm should heal whoever recieves it.

Hopefully, during the chainspell time the blm, mnk and nin will have done enough raw damage to kill Fenrir. If not, as soon as chainspell wears off, the whm runs up and uses Benediction, followed by the Nin immediately using his 2h. If your mnk and blm have done good damage, then it should finish Fenrir off.

If even that doesn't work, well, you've got your tank dead, but Fenrir should be so close to death that one DD will be enough. The Blm (assuming he's still alive) uses the mp he's saved to cast one final spell, which should finish Fenrir off.

Now, I honestly don't have any experience in a Fenrir battle, but I turned this strategy over in my head a lot and it seems like it would work. It's pretty flexible too. So long as you've got a Rdm/Drk and enough DDs, the Nin can be replaced with a Pld or the Brd can be replaced with another DD, anything.

The only major problems with this strategy is you've only got 1 tank, and you have to conserve a lot of your attacks for after the Rdm 2hs. Blms would need to conserve mp, and the Rdm would definitely need to conserve mp. Also, if the blm's or DD's spells/attacks get really resisted, then Fenrir could stay alive long enough to destroy the pt before they can recover. It's an all-or-nothing strategy.

I got the whole Rdm/Drk idea from the Summoner board initially. Fine group of people over there (generally speaking) and have a lot of great ideas.
#19 Mar 03 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
I suppose it could work, the only thing I can see is;

VS a PLD/NIN, fenrir stripped his shadows fast, like a MNK type would. And it was either 1 or 2 hits and a WS (Eclipse Bite) and the PLD/NIN was dead.

I think it's almost a necesity to have 2 tanks.

I don't know that the best equiped PLD in the game could strait tank Fenrir, let alone a NIN with paper thin DEF.
#20 Mar 03 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
That was one of my worries with the strategy too. Getting Fenrir to the 2h point would be the biggest challenge of the fight. It might be possible to replace the Brd with another tank if you think you need to. Replacing one of the DDs would be risky though, since you need them to finish off Fenrir.
#21 Mar 03 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
I will be on tonight, and have no plans. Send /tell if you need help with this.

Edited, Thu Mar 3 13:02:54 2005 by VTXFool
#22 Mar 03 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
VTXfool wrote:
I will be on tonight and have no plans if you need help with this.

I literaly just got done PMing you on AD forums.
#23 Mar 05 2005 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
So Yesterday night I got my Bauble finally ^^
although at my current lvl [smn55] I don't think there is really a possiblity for me to obtain Fenrir...


is there?

please tell me there is! ^^

Edited, Sat Mar 5 03:31:55 2005 by Shakah
#24 Mar 05 2005 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
Dark coral isnt that useful imo, it either gets dispeled or not reduce enough damage. You will still get hit 400-800 damage anyway.

Pld/Nin is really gimp imo, so little control compare to war sub. Our evasion is horrible also, the shadows get knock down so quick. Fenrir doesnt hit that hard, should use pld/war instead.
#25 Mar 05 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
im a lvl 73blm/36whm who has a moon bauble lying around in the "key item" list. so if you need me, give me a /tell :D
#26 Mar 05 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
No skilled group is "Gimp" as you put it.

Also, it's not exactly like the jobs neede for an optimal party are just jumping out at me.

I need to work with the jobs available and when people make comitments then don't stick to them, I'll obviously be stuck with the less than optimal config. Which actualy would have worked flawlessly if the 2nd Pick-up PLD had been on the ball like Beatdown was.

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