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Quitting FFXIFollow

#52 Mar 01 2005 at 3:17 AM Rating: Good
"LOL to Gryffes and Nimla. (Keep coming the Screenshots Guys, lol its a good distraction for making people read this thread. The more people read it, the more I am happy about it, cause people will see what kind of LS you are). I would also like to see more of the MEAN stuff I said, lol. You don't know me in RL and I don't know you in RL. So keep em coming, lol. It won't affect my life that much."

Maybe you and me read different convos but it looks to me like all it showed was that you were lucky they didnt kick you out earlier. Get it straight you are making yourself look bad not them. Even if you dont care what people think about you which I doubt is the case you are way too emotional not to care. You do care about making these 3 said people look bad, and you have failed miserably. {leave} {earth} {just for a short time is fine} lol... jk {long time} {please}

Edited, Tue Mar 1 03:37:09 2005 by Ladyrikku
#53 Mar 01 2005 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
one word...


Alauce wrote:
Don't let the door hit you in the *** on the way out.

could it have been put ANY better?

Edited, Tue Mar 1 05:26:18 2005 by Fendy
#54 Mar 01 2005 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
whoops double :O

Edited, Tue Mar 1 05:25:54 2005 by Fendy
#55 Mar 01 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
You suck Fendy :<
#56 Mar 01 2005 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
Hiptaruu wrote:
^^get a little excited there? eh dadrtystth?

Your d@#! right Hip. I wish I was in that linkshell to see this s@#! hit the fan. It would have been funny!! Not to steal your thunder or anything, but d@#! man people need to join you and smoke a dobbie to chill out.

That and I think I hit post too many times.. opps.. my bad.

Edited, Tue Mar 1 09:44:51 2005 by dadrtystth
#57 Mar 01 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
Maybe you and me read different convos but it looks to me like all it showed was that you were lucky they didnt kick you out earlier. Get it straight you are making yourself look bad not them. Even if you dont care what people think about you which I doubt is the case you are way too emotional not to care. You do care about making these 3 said people look bad, and you have failed miserably. {leave} {earth} {just for a short time is fine} lol... jk {long time} {please}

I was not gonne reply anymore. But i'm laughing so hard right now that I only have 1 thing to say.

#58 Mar 01 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
#59 Mar 01 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
So Entertaining. I think this thread was just to make the forum more entertaning, cause everything is so funny, lol. I guess i'll just wait till a Moderator Lock this thread or until I get my IP banned from Allakhazam. and maybe then i'll stop laughing at all of you who said something against me or Thend. So to everyone who answered something against us, I laugh so hard in your face. Hahahahahahaha.

Edited, Tue Mar 1 15:30:11 2005 by Aphrodisiak
#60 Mar 01 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe you and me read different convos but it looks to me like all it showed was that you were lucky they didnt kick you out earlier. Get it straight you are making yourself look bad not them. Even if you dont care what people think about you which I doubt is the case you are way too emotional not to care. You do care about making these 3 said people look bad, and you have failed miserably. {leave} {earth} {just for a short time is fine} lol... jk {long time} {please}

Do you think I care if i'm making myself look bad. If I would care I would stop laughing in your face and I would stop answering to this thread, but i'm having so much fun I just can't stop laughing at people who are being ******
#61 Mar 01 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
#62 Mar 01 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
#63 Mar 01 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
Dude, Sorry to say that your leaving. IMO, I thought you were cool. Always nice to me and my brother. (And that 20k you gave to me for my new armor and songs, I can't forget that heh) Well, see you on the flip-side dude.
#64 Mar 01 2005 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
Dear ******* (Aphrodisiak),

I hope you die, you immature *******. You've always been a ego crazy maniac since, well... forever. I remember back in Skylight when Melocke just joined, you were always the main "tank", when you found out Melocke was joining.. OH NOES! Your not gonna be the star anymore, so you whine, yell, call people names, leave the LS. Like a little ******* baby. I seriously hope you wake the **** up dude. Your a douche bag, you suck, I hate you. Your like what 24, and you act like a 5 year old. While leveling in Boyahda, I was PM'd by Aphrodisiak, these pictures are for people who actually care that he's leaving~
Lexihya PM'd me that she bought your account, such a dumbass. I reported her. Dunno what GM did.

P.S. I hope you die.

edit: had too fix pictures

Edited, Tue Mar 1 17:27:26 2005 by RaikkuTheCondemned
#65 Mar 01 2005 at 5:26 PM Rating: Excellent
(Deima, by the way)

Obviously, I've never posted here before, although I have had an account. I just never found a reason to post until now.

It makes me sick and sad to see all of this verbal vomit being flung back and forth. However, I still feel the need to put in my two cents.

I'm sorry you were removed from the LS. Honestly, though, you were warned multiple times. You could be a really nice guy, but your temper was unrivaled, and bluntly put, unbareable.

When I first met you, I was absolutely disgusted with your display of anger and immaturity. You say "it's just a game" but you yourself, by far, had the worst reactions to the smallest things.

However, once I permanently entered Aurora, I found that you could be quite helpful and thoughtful. Even when you weren't directly aiding anyone, you were giving us tons of entertainment with your accent (no offense).

I actually came to like you, and let go of my first-impression of you, which is really rare, considering how stubborn I am.
Then the LS started doing more endgame content. And we used WAR/NIN tanks, not PLD tanks. I believe this is when the tantrums and the vile language got to its worst.

I remember being at one of the god runs, and my face physically turned red from embarassment at some of the things you said after dying to Genbu. I felt that it was uncalled for, and something others shouldn't have been subject to.

At that point, I had hoped that you were just going through a rough time (everyone knows my mouth gets filthy when I'm stressed ><), but the language and the animosity only worsened. A part of me was sad to see you have to leave, but a stronger part of me was glad to not have to bystand anymore unreasonable verbal attacks.

Even after you were removed from the Linkshell, I had hoped you could leave gracefully, and maybe keep good contacts within the shell. This is why I felt the need to respond here. I was severely dissapointed, and further saddened by your actions against the shell.

I guess my overall point is, you can be a great guy, but in my humble opinion, I think you would do better to keep your temper in check. This isn't just for in-game relations, but also in your daily life. You'll find that if you control your anger better, people will find you more pleasant to be around.

Please take this to heart, and be the Aphro that everyone liked.

Best Wishes,
#66 Mar 01 2005 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
Aphro man this thread is great man. Seriously! This s@#! is so crazy haha! Man your stuff out there is just so d@#! funny!
#67 Mar 01 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good

Thank you very much Deima. I really appreciate it that you told me my problems in a different way then the others and in a more polite way. For that I can swear you will always get my Respect. And for his about the Real Life Aphro, I'm a shy guy and cool guy. I can't say bad things to people in RL nor do anything bad. But its easier to write down stuff then to say it. So lets just say All of this had to came out in one way or another. Accumulation is very bad, hehe. And yes I don't care about what the other says, but yes this game really got to me, I was taking it to seriously even tho its just a game and I did forget that this is just a game, just for fun and whatever happens in GOd runs or whatever is only virtual items and that I shouldn't get worked up for virtual stuff. But unfortunately i'm not the only one that had a problem with the game, that let the game come to me, but i'm the only one to openly admit it, YES i was taking this game to seriously. I take WoW less seriously because of the Gameplay. You can't get this same problem with WoW, people getting mad cause of a mob or whatever. I had some problems with Gryffes-Nimla-Jeminii, but the prolblem I had with them wa sbecause of a stupid game. So I admit I cannot say that Gryffes or Nimla or Jeminii are idiots because I don't know them in RL. And people usually act differently in game then in RL. So heres what everyone been waiting for.

Gryffes I truly appoligize about everything I said on this thread, and i'm serious. I just had to let everything out because I had it inside of me for all my time in Aurora. So please accept my appoligiez Gryffes, i'm sure your a cool guy in RL, and my biggest problem was the game got to me. Also my Apoligies to Nimla and Jeminii for the same reason, and also sorry Raikku for the tells you received in Boyadha, but I can swear that it wasn't me. A few people had my account info. But its your right to not belive me.

And one more thing Raikku. Lexihya is a RL friend, and I gave my account with all my gil and all my items for Free because he his a RL Friend of mine. So I don't think its against the rule to give away for free an account to a RL friend.

Now you guys might laugh at me for appoligising and make fun of me. But have fun doing so and remember that if ever its gonne be your turn to appoligise, people will laugh at you and make fun of you. Thered an expression in french cause i'm french i don't know how to say it in english "Oeil pour oeil, dent pour dent". Basically it means whatever you done to others, they will do the same thing to you when its gonne be your turn.

Thx for taking time to read
#68 Mar 01 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
mmm rate down, truth hurts huh ********? :D
#69 Mar 01 2005 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
104 posts
Apology Accepted, I hope you have fun in WoW :-]
#70 Mar 01 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
Not really Raikku. Compared to others I don't mind saying the thruth or appoligising Raikku. And also you rate me down and I will rate you UP cause its only numbers, lol.

But I really mean what I said Gryffes anbd if you want some public appoligise, just give me permission to go on Ventrilo to appoligise in front of everyone in the Aurora Channel, which i'll do without Regrets. :)

Edited, Tue Mar 1 20:23:43 2005 by Aphrodisiak
#71 Mar 01 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
I see no reason why anybody would flame you for apologising, Aphro. You've done what no other ****** on this forum has had the cajones to do. You've apologised, and sincerely I hope. And for that, I can say no ill and I doubt anybody else here could either.

EDIT: What you were thinking of, the french quote. "What goes around comes around." ;)

Edited, Tue Mar 1 20:52:49 2005 by Alauce

Edited, Tue Mar 1 20:50:04 2005 by Alauce
#72 Mar 01 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
EDIT: What you were thinking of, the french quote. "What goes around comes around." ;)

Thank You Alauce, and yes I really do mean it my appoligies. Btw I don't understand that quote at all :(. I'll have to do research on that quote.

I'm a damn French Frog, lol.

Edited, Tue Mar 1 21:00:24 2005 by Aphrodisiak
#73 Mar 01 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
HNMLS's reputations will never be tarnished simply because there will be too many people who think its the best situation to be in one. So FUCK OFF.

Maybe you and me read different convos but it looks to me like all it showed was that you were lucky they didnt kick you out earlier. Get it straight you are making yourself look bad not them. Even if you dont care what people think about you which I doubt is the case you are way too emotional not to care. You do care about making these 3 said people look bad, and you have failed miserably. {leave} {earth} {just for a short time is fine} lol... jk {long time} {please}

WTF does he care if he's being made to look bad? IMHO if I was leaving the game, I wouldnt care what others thought about me. Frankly, I don't care what anyone currently in-game thinks about me. I have plenty of friends who enjoy my company and think I'm a nice enough guy. To anyone who harbors any notion that HNMLS is the only way to go at end-game, your completely wrong. Oh, and just in case you think I care bout reputation, oh look what is that? Could that be another account im rating myself waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down with?
Also if you think I care bout reputation in-game, I think I woulda not BS'ed my way into one of the HNMLS's dynamis runs.
#74 Mar 01 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
Sorry posted w/ the wrong account.

HNMLS's reputations will never be tarnished simply because there will be too many people who think its the best situation to be in one. So **** OFF.

Maybe you and me read different convos but it looks to me like all it showed was that you were lucky they didnt kick you out earlier. Get it straight you are making yourself look bad not them. Even if you dont care what people think about you which I doubt is the case you are way too emotional not to care. You do care about making these 3 said people look bad, and you have failed miserably. {leave} {earth} {just for a short time is fine} lol... jk {long time} {please}

WTF does he care if he's being made to look bad? IMHO if I was leaving the game, I wouldnt care what others thought about me. Frankly, I don't care what anyone currently in-game thinks about me. I have plenty of friends who enjoy my company and think I'm a nice enough guy. To anyone who harbors any notion that HNMLS is the only way to go at end-game, your completely wrong. Oh, and just in case you think I care bout reputation, oh look what is that? Could that be another account im rating myself waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down with?
Also if you think I care bout reputation in-game, I think I woulda not BS'ed my way into one of the HNMLS's dynamis runs.

In-game name is Gamion BTW

Edited, Tue Mar 1 20:59:11 2005 by Gamion
#75 Mar 01 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry to say this, but I cannot mark the words of someone who doesn't have the guts to tell us is real ingame name.

Oops ok. I worte this post while you were logging into your account. Sorry about that :).

Edit: For the correction

Edited, Tue Mar 1 20:59:21 2005 by Aphrodisiak
#76 Mar 01 2005 at 8:59 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Btw I don't understand that quote at all :(. I'll have to do research on that quote.

It basically means that whatever you do to somebody else can happen just as easily to you. It's a long-winded way of saying "Karma, bi[i][/i]tch."
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