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Quitting FFXIFollow

#27 Feb 28 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Excellent
245 posts
man, being in a high level LS doesnt seem that great. seems like all you guys do is fight, then bring it onto the forums...meh.

well, bye bye and take care. have fun with WoW

#28 Feb 28 2005 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
Two people have had a beef with Aurora in the past few months. It's more public here because people read it. Think of your group of friends in real life; how often does one of them get angry? They then tell one of their friends about their being angry and people either agree or disagree and maybe a heated discussion or a fight will break out.

These forums sort of represent that aspect of friendship. The only thing is that alla is sort of like blowing up and fighting with all your friends in the middle of a library during finals week.

If you look at the amount of drama posted here you have 5 groups of friends (or associates)


Each of them has their own drama they either bring to the table and/or have to deal with when someone else brings up an issue. With 2000+ people on Bismark, a few fights are bound to happen. I'm just glad that 90% of the flak that happens is in game and not on the forums. Disagreements happen, with high level rare/ex and extremely rare drops, disagreements happen even more. I think Singular said it best when he said on our forums, 'most of us only get to see pictures.'

So please forgive us for sometimes causing issues. It's not anyone's fault, but it will happen and it's not always unavoidable.

Edited, Mon Feb 28 16:16:32 2005 by Namfoodle
#29 Feb 28 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
Ahh, welcome nam-f00l. I see youve done your part to read only what you want to read. GJ

Show me where I say all of Aurora cheats. What I do say is.. If your an accomplace to the crime, your hands are just as dirty. Show me my list of names of people that I know cheat in your LS. I only know of one. I'm not doubting others do, but I dont know.

Allow me to post this again since you obviously blink every time I bring it up...


"Every linkshell who camps fafnir even remotely is going to have someone using this, *(edited to save a future reply post)* and even my own linkshell Aurora, we probably all have at least one member who had used this bug while camping fafnir."

Elaborate please? I'm dieing to know how this isnt cheating.

"If we just talk to each other a lot of the Drama that occurs will simply go away."

Hmmm... Well you guys talk about it... behind my back... to my friend.... I'm not going anywhere. Try again.

"When I met you you were powerleveling yourself by dual boxing; is this not worse than cheating? Or is this ok because you say to yourself, 'who wants to go to Valkurm Dunes?"

Show me where it is aginst ToS to play 2 accounts. I have already talked to several GM on this subject and all they can say is more power to me. Lets not forget that day f00l. How is it any better that tehjew was plving your pt? Or is your memory like your reading.. selective.

"You have harbored this anger toward a single member of aurora and our reaction of your accusing him of child molestation for nearly a month and a half before reacting."

Wrong. I'm equilly disgusted by all of aurora. And wrong again, I never called him a childmolestor. That is you and your crew reading only what you want to read. I was merely stateing an example of what is considered wrong. Weither or not it was taken personally is not my problem. But hay if the shoe fits. WTF are you talking about a month and 1/2.. wtf??? I make my oppinion about cheaters, known on a daily basis. Just because the world doesnt revolve arround you, doesnt mean it doesnt happen. Dont you worry that fradgle little brain of yours Word of your LS's actions are spreading. I mean come on. When armyofone can throw stones at your glass house you have to see thier is a problem.

"I think that mentally, this is rather unstable. Drinking by yourself at the keyboard? I think you might want to set the controller down for a bit and go outside and relax. This is a game; yet the feelings and emotions you are displaying reflect some sort of deep seeded animosity toward everything. This worries me."

By the way you type that.. Damn you must be god to see through my roof like that. Actually I had friends over last night. Sunday is thier friday and we did some drinking. You'll do well to take your own advice. My animosity comes from people that act like this game belongs to them. That certian people are above the rules and can do what ever they feel like doing. Who does that sound like? Jerys, toms, zoos all have this attitude and occasionally real players do too. So what would you have us do?? Reward said players for cheating or turn your back on them because you'll decide to do whats right and not add to destroying this game. What worries me is your human? Yet your morals arent.

Seeing as how you deal with a LS member that is disgruntled, by leting him die on purpose. Any one bother to ask why he said what he said. Ever occure to you that generally what people complain about, isnt what thier problem really is. You guys took the moral high road on that one. GJ rate up all arround. I know, I know... I wasnt there but I want to play god too. You show me its alot of fun.

See 2 wrongs make right.

As far as things go. I never said anything about bad players. Only bad people. Conversely, I never claim to be a nice person.
I do however try to do what is right, even when my back is aginst the wall. Show me where I claim to be perfect. Show me where I claim to have tact in my words or patience for people that have a total lack of respect for other peoples feelings.

Arround here Hip, the answer is bluntz. Smokein da bluntz.

Retort? ***** =P
#30 Feb 28 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
Retort? ***** =P

Mommy! The bad man took my candy! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

That is all.
#31 Feb 28 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#32 Feb 28 2005 at 5:28 PM Rating: Default
Bahahahahahahahaha, Nam stop throwing your humour around all the time! You're bound to kill someone someday >.<
#33 Feb 28 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
You know, its messed up.. I see some of the people posting in this thread, and they are my friends, but they are fighting with each other...

Cmon you guys, lets just chill out.. Somebody quit the game, and called out a few people that they dont like.. Then some other people didnt like the same people, then the LS that was called out come to defend itself..

Everybody just move on, and realize that you all dont like each other, and play the game.. Aphrodisiak went to go Play WoW and is enjoying it now.. I wish the player the best of luck in his game, and why dont you guys do the same..

Be the bigger person and just let it go.. Or, you can each show everybody how you belong in the Special Olympics by flaming each other over and over and over again...


Smoke A Doobie.. Please.
#34 Feb 28 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
then the LS that was called out come to defend itself..

Actually we aren't defending ourselves as much as we are laughing at 2 idiots trying to smear our reputation through bad grammar and ill worded insults. And failing horribly at doing so I might add.

Edit: On another note, I decided to take you off my blist Hiptaru. Your posts lately has sort of changed my opinion about you. :p

Edited, Mon Feb 28 17:51:23 2005 by Tyraelle
#35 Feb 28 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
Tyraelle wrote:
then the LS that was called out come to defend itself..

Actually we aren't defending ourselves as much as we are laughing at 2 idiots trying to smear our reputation and yet are failing horribly at doing so.

Edit: On another note, I decided to take you off my blist Hiptaru. Your posts lately has sort of changed my opinion about you. :p

Edited, Mon Feb 28 17:45:31 2005 by Tyraelle

well thank you very much.. I didnt even know i was on your blist.. but i really think that people need to let all of this drama die..

Its getting way out of hand.. so everybody just be mature about it and move on..


Edited, Mon Feb 28 17:52:25 2005 by Hiptaruu
#36 Feb 28 2005 at 5:48 PM Rating: Default
Smoke A Doobie.. Please.

Been there, done that. will do again :).

Thx Hip. I wish you luck in FFXI.
#37 Feb 28 2005 at 5:49 PM Rating: Default
Be the bigger person and just let it go.. Or, you can each show everybody how you belong in the Special Olympics by flaming each other over and over and over again...

I am. If I wasn't ignoring it both Thend and Aphro would get a mouthful of what I really think of them. Instead I choose to laugh at them.

Edit: Corrected a typo >.>

Edited, Mon Feb 28 17:53:40 2005 by Tyraelle
#38 Feb 28 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Smoke a Doobie!
#39 Feb 28 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
312 posts
Wow, I haven't reached end game yet and all the posts on these forums make me not even want to attempt it. Is this the way it is end game for most? I sure hope not. I love this game, the people in it and the comraderie with others. Please tell me that this is not the normal everyday occurences that you experience in HNMLS's >.<

There is a post on the server forum from Qinnydar a while back (forgive me, I can't find the OP to link it) congratulating Bismarck on having the most posts of every server. Well it shouldn't be a congratulatory link .... most of the posts on this forums lately are people ********* whining, complaining about and/or flaming others. Do some of you just enjoy finding fault in others?

I started posting on this board a couple of months ago and I have never really become involved in any of these flame wars and there is a reason for it.... I honestly don't care. I treat everyone with respect unless they have personally done something to me. I make my opinions of others based on what I know about them not based on hearsay or what is posted here. With that being said... I understand people will get pissed at each other at one time or another. I also understand if someone wrongs you, you have the right to post here and say it. But...continuing these type of posts with just useless he said, she said crap is just in poor taste. There are plenty of helpful and informational posts out here to make this a great server forum. Why don't we leave it to posts like that? It would definitely make for better reading on my eyes. I'm sure I'll get rated down for this, I never really posted anyway so rate away.

I just hope someone reads this and sees that I really have an outsider's view on all this and take into consideration my viewpoint. I still think Bismarck is the best server and will always say that. I love the majority of people on it and love frequenting the forum.

This is not really the correct thread for posting my rant...but then again what would be the right thread? I could pick any one of twenty threads lately.. I apologize for my rant in advance. ^^
#40 Feb 28 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
I am. If I wasn't ignoring it both Thend and Aphro would get a mouthful of what I really think of them. Instead I choose to laugh at them.


Thats all I have to say
#41 Feb 28 2005 at 6:47 PM Rating: Default
I agree with you Moonpie. A lot of controversy with HNM claiming or end games content. The most fun I ever had in this game is when I was around lvl 30. Thats one of the reason I quit FFXI for WoW. You won't have any Problem with this kind of Claiming in WoW becoz of their claim system. There his no 21-24 hour Pop. So no need to camp a mob. There are some NM's which are called Silver Mobs (Rare), but those are rare and their Placeholder have not yet been found. Usually when people kill them they just pass by there and they see a Silver and they kill it. So thats whats fun about WoW no arguing about which Guild is the best or who is the best player. But for people who wants to do the End Game content of FFXI, don't give up because of what you read on the forums. Theres a lot of End Game stuff to do which is awesome, you just need to be around good people and have fun, but all this to remember this is a game and people get carried away, I agree I got carried away more then once, its my personnality, but at least I admit. After this post I won't reply anymore in this Thread becoz it is getting out of the subject but i'll keep reading.

Thx to everyone who helped me during these 2 years.

/em rolls a Doobie
/em smokes the Doobie
/em passes the Doobie to Hip
#42 Feb 28 2005 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
Correct me if I´m wrong but...

isn´t this just a game? O.o
#43 Feb 28 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
im to lazy to read all this past about mid way :\ it just got kinna stupid.. plus i very much dislike namfoodle ^^" (stuck up little midget can die for all i care)

but the point is, this game is one big drama-fest these days.. if your not in a 'HNM' LS, then at higher levels you get no where and youg et there fast.. so you try to join one.. but then you get stuck with all the stupid drama of selfish little brats and stuck up tightwads fighting eachother and that get upset when they dont get their way or 'OMFG THIS DIDNT GO JUST EXACTLY AS I HAD PLANNED SO OMFG ITS THE END OF THE WORLD AND YOU ALL SUCK!!' :\

thats why ive almost entirely given up on ffxi.. im not inspired to play or level to 75 anymore because ive realized that if i join a 'hnm' ls to get the things i want, no only do i have to sit around adn wait in line to get them (ie: af set 2), but then i have to actually show up to other crap which doesnt pertain to me at all and which ig et nothing from (when in reality the only things i WANT come coupled with other items for other ppl.. ie: crimson abj's and af set 2 and zenith abjs.. they all are drops from hard mobs or dynamis which drop stuff for other people)... so in summation, i have to do 10 times the work for the few items i want .... or i can just be solo till 75.. and never get anything i want -.-... ya thatll be fun

word to the wise... quit this game unless 1 of 2 things applies to you... 1. you dont MIND the drama and the incessent work that comes with getting what little you want, or 2. your one of the prick leaders that get to decide the rules ^^" that is all
#44 Feb 28 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
448 posts
All I can say is if you didn't want to start anything you would have gone silently and had fun in WoW.

Good Luck, I really don't care for WoW. Not my cup of tea and I don't trust blizzard as an administration point.
#45 Feb 28 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
Bethor wrote:
Correct me if I´m wrong but...isn´t this just a game? O.o

I'll correct you. Man h@# nah I ain't!! You my friend obviously remembered what that man named Aphrodisiak unfortunately has lost sight of.

Personally that's what this comes down to:
Some people just take something that's made to relieve stress into something that just brings forth more. It's enough to make a brutha cry... a@# it does haha. Aphro you left this game on a high note!

A high note: dissing a linkshell that takes themselves way too seriously. I must say the random dissing and cussing makes my day when I'm bored at college. Man I read this with a friend who doesn't play this game. My friend was like: " You deal with s@#! everytime you play?". Unfortunately, I replied while laughing.
#46 Feb 28 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
Bethor wrote:
Correct me if I´m wrong but...isn´t this just a game? O.o

I'll correct you. Man h@# nah I ain't!! You my friend obviously remembered what that man named Aphrodisiak unfortunately has lost sight of.

Personally that's what this comes down to:
Some people just take something that's made to relieve stress into something that just brings forth more. It's enough to make a brutha cry... a@# it does haha. Aphro you left this game on a high note!

A high note: dissing a linkshell that takes themselves way too seriously. I must say the random dissing and cussing makes my day when I'm bored at college. Man I read this with a friend who doesn't play this game. My friend was like: " You deal with s@#! everytime you play?". Unfortunately, I replied while laughing.
#47 Feb 28 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
Bethor wrote:
Correct me if I´m wrong but...isn´t this just a game? O.o

I'll correct you. Man h@# nah I ain't!! You my friend obviously remembered what that man named Aphrodisiak unfortunately has lost sight of.

Personally that's what this comes down to:
Some people just take something that's made to relieve stress into something that just brings forth more. It's enough to make a brutha cry... a@# it does haha. Aphro you left this game on a high note!

A high note: dissing a linkshell that takes themselves way too seriously. I must say the random dissing and cussing makes my day when I'm bored at college. Man I read this with a friend who doesn't play this game. My friend was like: " You deal with s@#! everytime you play?". Unfortunately, I replied while laughing.
#48 Feb 28 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
Bethor wrote:
Correct me if I´m wrong but...isn´t this just a game? O.o

I'll correct you. Man h@# nah I ain't!! You my friend obviously remembered what that man named Aphrodisiak unfortunately has lost sight of.

Personally that's what this comes down to:
Some people just take something that's made to relieve stress into something that just brings forth more. It's enough to make a brutha cry... a@# it does haha. Aphro you left this game on a high note!

A high note: dissing a linkshell that takes themselves way too seriously. I must say the random dissing and cussing makes my day when I'm bored at college. Man I read this with a friend who doesn't play this game. My friend was like: " You deal with s@#! everytime you play?". Unfortunately, I replied while laughing.
#49 Feb 28 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts

get a little excited there? eh dadrtystth?

#50 Mar 01 2005 at 1:59 AM Rating: Good
104 posts
To those who complain about "HNMLS drama" on these boards:

First of all, it's not nearly as "drama-fied" as it's made out to be on Alla...

Secondly, how is it any different from that 200 page "Bad Players" thread?...end-game players have their quarrels just the same as low-levels have their's...

Thirdly, if there was no drama to read, be honest with wouldn't be half as entertained...

That is all...I haven't even followed what this thread is's late, I'm tired, and felt like posting...ah well..
#51 Mar 01 2005 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
Lol Alauce, I wouldn't talk if I were you.

Do I remember the day you left Aurora saying OMG everyone in the LS hates me, i'm talking to much. bla bla bla, bla bla bla. Then like 2 weeks later begs to get a pearl back, lol. I wouldn't talk if I were you. So do us a favor and Shut Up.

Begged? Excuse me? Read that thread again. I said I DIDN'T want to go back to Aurora. I was ASKED to come back. Because, you know, I was a valuable member of the team.
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