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Quitting FFXIFollow

#1 Feb 28 2005 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent

Some of you may care, some of you may not care, but I don't care if you don't care.

I am definately quitting FF for good due to the simple reason that WoW is much more Fun. And that Aurora did everything to **** me off, which worked well. Also I would like to mention never trust any Aurora ******* which names are Gryffes-Nimla-Jeminii. They are pieces of **** in this Universe. And you know who you are (Gryffes-Nimla-Jeminii). I don't have anything against the rest of the members of Aurora, you guys are all cool. So before Applying for Aurora pls think twice.

I would like to thank everyone who played with me during these 2 years, which i deeply think they are cool.

-Minidragon (Who doesn't know him)
-Frantz (Great DRK and NIN)
-Sephial (Cute little Taru)
-Dburton (Awesome BLM and a cool guy)
-Babyjade (Always Cheering me up)
-Zenelly (Cool Guy)
-Tredvolt (Thx for the fun in the Dynamis's :))
-Duwie (Awesome MNK and Player)
-Tetsume (Awesome THF)
-Mathias (Awesome player and awesome ldr for a LS)
-Prawneh (Cool DRK a lot of fun chatting with Him)
-Naoya (JP NIN. Awesome guy to play with. Arigatou Gosaimasu)
-Denz (Excellent player and a good guy to have fun with,(When I am talking about council member, you or Carrotlee are not included, don't worry)

I must of missed a few person, which i'm sorry. But I will miss all of you, hehe. If you see me ingame its probly not me.

Oh and One more thing. I don't know if I mentionned it. But Aurora Council Member are pieces of ****. (Gryffes-Nimla-Jeminii). (If your name is not mention in those 3, you are cool in my Book, Denz, Carrot you 2 are not like those 3 *********

I would also like to appoligize to any other people I pissed of during I was playing the game. Its only a game sometimes people get carried away and forget what is a game.

Anyways It was fun playing with all of you. And if ever you come to WoW. Come on Kargath Server and send me a tell, my char is named Aphrodisiak also.

P.S.: If people think this Thread is to ruin Aurora's reputation, well its a goodbye Thread from me but also a good way to **** Aurora, especially Gryffes-Nimla-Jeminii.)

Thx guys your all cool whoever I played with.

P.S.2.: I have a lot of proof of what Gryffes had to say about other LS's. Yes he said something bad about every Endgame LS in this game. Now I know when I got kicked from Aurora why people were all saying that they didn't like Aurora or stuff like that. But I won't post anything of what Gryffes said about other ls's, just by respect.

P.S.3.: A point to remember his, when I got kicked from Aurora they owed me money from a Second Split and Third Split. I had 3 Seals of GOD with me. I got my money from the Second Split, so I traded the 3 Seals. But for the third Split and I recall we killed 5 Byakko's and 3 Seiryu's. Which at the end we ended up with 2 Behemoth Hide 2 Divine Log. The excuse that Gryffes gave to me for not giving me my money was that I was AK half of the GOD run. Which is absolutely not true, and he knows that I tanked 4 of the 5 Byakkos's. Anyways all this to say never trust someone named Gryffes. He his the worst kinda **** in the universe. So if anyone has a chance to **** him off. pls do so and I will be foreve in your Debt.

One more thing Gryffes. I have you way up the *** right now. And that for me your always be a piece of ****, a stinking ******* and a damn SOB. You will never accomplish anything in this game.

BTW I know people will Rate this Post Way Down and my Rating will go low. But to those people i say. I don't give a **** about rating. Its only numbers and I only use tis forum for FFXI, now that I don't play anymore, I won't be posting anymore, so go ahead and rate me down. It won't affect me in RL, lol.

Edited, Mon Feb 28 02:26:22 2005 by Aphrodisiak
#2 Feb 28 2005 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
137 posts
Well don't know who the heck you are but its always sad to see anyone leave the game /cry

Good luck in WoW.
#3REDACTED, Posted: Feb 28 2005 at 1:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you're leaving FFXI for WoW then I'm glad to see you go.
#4 Feb 28 2005 at 4:11 AM Rating: Default
340 posts
Take care~
#5 Feb 28 2005 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
Don't let the door hit you in the *** on the way out.
#6REDACTED, Posted: Feb 28 2005 at 4:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ...................
#7 Feb 28 2005 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
104 posts
Preferably I'd like not to respond to this thread but its such a crass attempt to harm the linkshells reputation I thought I'd make one single post and leave it at that.

So to the screenshot below:

The upper stuff is just general comments of conversations with aphro, the "Hares" chat is aphrodisiak logged in on a friends account, presumably so his friend got reported to the GMs and not him. The lower text is what occured when Bluesteel killed Nidhogg a while back.

We don't feel anyone who plays this game should have to deal with the kind of language and behaviour aphrodisiak showed.

We have nothing further to say on the matter.

#8 Feb 28 2005 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good

obviously you didn't check you delivery box hard enough, if you look closely you'll find the worlds smallest violin.

#9 Feb 28 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Ok, np.. I'll rate you down too. I want to know how it feels to be spineless. Thier whole LS seems to get off on it. Must feel real good =/

Why do people who clearly don't meet the requirements to rate people up or down say this?

anyway to the O.P. GL and take care ^^
#10 Feb 28 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
Thend, I forget how all of us Aurora people are cheaters; enlighten me. I play on a Ps2, how do I cheat? We rarely go to big camps like Aspi, Behemoth, or Fafnir and we win very seldom; are we cheating by farming sky before we go do anything else? Are we cheating because Square made the popped gods red as we pop them? Am I cheating by making whatever gil I have through killing one HNM as often as it pops? We have worked extremely hard to get to where we are now and I am proud of Aurora. While you may be doing your best to try and make us look as horrible as possible; I am trying to keep all of the HNM linkshells friendly toward each other. If we just talk to each other a lot of the Drama that occurs will simply go away.

When I met you you were powerleveling yourself by dual boxing; is this not worse than cheating? Or is this ok because you say to yourself, 'who wants to go to Valkurm Dunes?' This is a game, Thend, and I think that you're letting it get to you a little too much. While I would normally write you off as another idiot overreacting I think that this is somehow worse. You have harbored this anger toward a single member of aurora and our reaction of your accusing him of child molestation for nearly a month and a half before reacting. I think that mentally, this is rather unstable. Drinking by yourself at the keyboard? I think you might want to set the controller down for a bit and go outside and relax. This is a game; yet the feelings and emotions you are displaying reflect some sort of deep seeded animosity toward everything. This worries me.

It worries but, in any case, do as you like. In the situation of Aphro, he did his best to make us dislike him. I believe the last thing he said that made us eventually kick him was, "I hope you wipe on Byakko," which was stated when we wanted to let some of the new people in the Linkshell try their hand at Tanking the big Tiger. After he said what he said to Bluesteel at Nidhogg, and after countless temper tantrums and outbursts which made several people quit the game, I was glad to see him go. The amount of stress I was under disappeared as I no longer had to talk people out of leaving due to one persons attitude and behavior.

I was voted onto the council of Aurora nearly two weeks ago. I am proud to be in the same LS as Gryffes, Nimla, and Jeminii and I look forward to hunting with them as time progresses. When I joined Aurora we were just starting to kill Genbu. Now I look at us and I am proud of all we have accomplished and of all the new friends i've made as word of our accomplishments spread.

Sorry to everyone who find themselves disgusted to wake up to yet another piece of LS drama.

edit: nidhogg not kirin....

Edited, Mon Feb 28 11:06:07 2005 by Namfoodle
#11 Feb 28 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
wow, so many replies so fast.....

Take care stranger, and have fun in um... WoW -.-

Edit: Oh yeah, do u think u could get me a World Pass into
Bismarck? u know... since u leaving and all... (^_^)

Edited, Mon Feb 28 08:40:09 2005 by Our
#12 Feb 28 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
P.S.3.: A point to remember his, when I got kicked from Aurora they owed me money from a Second Split and Third Split. I had 3 Seals of GOD with me. I got my money from the Second Split, so I traded the 3 Seals. But for the third Split and I recall we killed 5 Byakko's and 3 Seiryu's. Which at the end we ended up with 2 Behemoth Hide 2 Divine Log. The excuse that Gryffes gave to me for not giving me my money was that I was AK half of the GOD run. Which is absolutely not true, and he knows that I tanked 4 of the 5 Byakkos's. Anyways all this to say never trust someone named Gryffes. He his the worst kinda sh*t in the universe. So if anyone has a chance to **** him off. pls do so and I will be foreve in your Debt.

if i remember correctly you were being an *** on the first or second Byakko so we let you die, so that luminare and naoya could duo tank him. After that i dont remember seeing you do anything... maybe you provoked once and no one cured you, but thats about all i can think of...

after looking at the pic gryffes posted i would also like to add that i went with a ls bubugary (sp) we had 64 people we never even made it to half the time extensions, Auroras first run we wiped right before the last NM and ran out of time... the second run we had an hour left after the boss and farmed AF2 and currency... i think for a ls that isnt to bad most of the people there werent even 75... alot were under 70 we only had around 35ish people also i think

Edited, Mon Feb 28 12:11:53 2005 by tracert
#13 Feb 28 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
Well Well. Looks like we got another guy that got burnt out on this s@#! again!! D@#! this never ends with this game.. haha. Things were obviously taking way too seriously again(which many people seem to have a high tenedcy of doing). The crazy life threatening rant was unexpected but funny needless to say. D@#! I never want this s@#! happening to me over people I never seen before in my life. I f this is ever gonna happen to anybody else chill d@#! and leave this s@#!.
#14 Feb 28 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
312 posts
/farewell Aphro --- sad to see you go - don't care about all of that end game crap! You were always nice to me! Come back and say hello on here every so often.

/poke Aphrodisiak
/say "Pick me up, pick me up, pick me up"
#15REDACTED, Posted: Feb 28 2005 at 1:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 1 thing I must say.
#16 Feb 28 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default
if i remember correctly you were being an *** on the first or second Byakko [bold]so we let you die[/bold], so that luminare and naoya could duo tank him. After that i dont remember seeing you do anything... maybe you provoked once and no one cured you, but thats about all i can think of...

Lol this just show how talented the members of Aurora are, lol.
#17 Feb 28 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Default
Don't let the door hit you in the *** on the way out.

Lol Alauce, I wouldn't talk if I were you.

Do I remember the day you left Aurora saying OMG everyone in the LS hates me, i'm talking to much. bla bla bla, bla bla bla. Then like 2 weeks later begs to get a pearl back, lol. I wouldn't talk if I were you. So do us a favor and Shut Up.
#18 Feb 28 2005 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
Alauce is a highly skilled member and valuable of Aurora and while he occasionally feels the need to wander off on his own to listen to his own thoughts, I will always seek his opinion on most everything that comes to pass. Conversely, he did more for this linkshell's solidarity in it's infantile stages then I think most people could hope to do at level 62.

The entertaining thing in all of this is that the Council defended Aphrodisiak until the very end. The entire Linkshell was beggining the council to remove his pearl but the three devious council members wanted to give him one more chance, then another, then another; you ruined the game for yourself Aphro, and your friendship with all of us in Aurora simply because you could not control your temper or your greed.

I am as nice as I can be to as many people as I can manage but even I lose my temper sometimes (as for example, right now). But we all must learn to keep at least a modicum of composure. I am a council member of Aurora and proud to be so. Please add me to your P.S.


Edited, Mon Feb 28 14:30:02 2005 by Namfoodle
#19 Feb 28 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
I'll add who I want to my P.S.'s. You have someting against me but I don't have anything against you, so why bother with including with the 3 others.
#20 Feb 28 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Lol this just show how talented the members of Aurora are, lol.

not a single member of the ls that was at the event wanted you to be there. it's not our fault you couldnt take a hint, everyone tried to tell you with our actions but you wouldnt ******* leave so the council had to resort to asking you to leave... happy now?
#21 Feb 28 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
well, you know what i have to say about all of this drama again...

but once again, i will let somebody else say it for me..

on the count of 3




tell them!
#22 Feb 28 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
Casinos are gay, go away?
#23 Feb 28 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
tracert wrote:
Casinos are gay, go away?

umm, no thats incorrect.. and whats wrong with stuff that is gay? are you a homophobe?

now, will a intelligent person tell them what i say?
#24 Feb 28 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
He doesn't live in Austin, Hip. He doesn't understand. Whoever Tracert is....

Oh! I forgot to say that I'm sorry Hiptaru. I think I saw you the other day and I still had you blisted from casino spam. Sorry. ; ;

Edited, Mon Feb 28 15:14:56 2005 by Namfoodle
#25 Feb 28 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
what i find amusing is.. i have a troll following me around, rating me down.. and i get rated down for making the thread go in a positive direction..

Then that guy gets rated up for saying casinos are gay..

strange strange world we live in..

well here i what i say.. i thought you people got it by now..


Gosh..... Idiots!
#26 Feb 28 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Default
Lol Tracert, I laugh at you Nonsense.

Hip I rated you up man. :).

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