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#1 Feb 26 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
SO IM in a party in qufim

and we are on ourway to delkfuts

and we get wight aggro, duh because its qufim

so our whole pt zones

i start fighting and i get a tell from Saclunch saying

OMG wtf u should just died instead of zoning those wights

my HP was in bastok and it was my WHOLE party

so I would just like to know if I did somethign wrong here

btw he is a lvl 20 at the delks zone telling me this ><

just wondering if i should apologize to him or just accept the fact he doesnt understand aggro
#2 Feb 26 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Ideally, you would die and wait for a raise. That's the price for getting aggro in a huge wide-open zone like Qufim where you can easily avoid aggro. Dying/HPing would be quicker, but you had your HP in Bastok for some reason.

But, realistically, it happens. If he knew that it was dangerous to zone wights, he should have also known to get his party clear so the zoned wight wouldn't aggro.

I think in those situations all the parties just do a /help alliance against zoned mobs.

EDIT: I don't know why he didn't have any credibility just because he was leveling a level 20 job in Qufim. I'm sure there are plenty of people with a job at 75 that go back and level another job through Qufim.

Edited, Sat Feb 26 12:52:35 2005 by Dryhus
#3 Feb 26 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
nah it wasnt thta its that he was lvling his 20 job, at the delkfutts zone
#4 Feb 26 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
477 posts
Ok.. the only reason I am posting this is because quite frankly I'm sick of it. Now understandably Qufim is different, but if you are agroed, instead of bring the IT++ mob that there is just no way for you to kill back you your party and slaughtering them as well. The puller should have the common decency to just take one for the team and die. If that isn't possible, at least /sh and tell people that you are bringing whatever it may be to whatever zone you are heading for, so they have the oppportunity to get out of harms way.

On a side note, I swear to god I'm going to MPK the next moron that decided to try and run to the zone in the Crawler's nest with a soldier crawler chasing them. I have died 3 times because of you jackasses. As stated above... have the common curtesy and just DIE...

thank you ^^

Edited, Sat Feb 26 13:56:16 2005 by JadenNyte
#5 Feb 26 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
In CN, yes, definately, die if you draw aggro. Zoning a Soldier from downstairs is just stupid, you're going to link half the upstairs, and kill a lot of people. There's most likely someone who can raise you at that level anyway.

Now, Qufim. At night that place is hell. In every path around the lake there's a Wight and unless you want to dodge a batallion of Giants, that's the way you gotta go to get to the tower (Wights the other way anyway). That's why I usually give people some leeway. However...

Firstly, if you have the time, WAIT FOR MORNING to go anywhere. There are a lot of aggressive monsters there during the day time too (worms especially lethal because of Bind) and they don't need compounded with the children of the night. Or you could even buy Silent Oils (under medicine in the AH) for the sneak effect. ALso it's very important to note that undead will aggro you from a mile away when your HP is yellow and below. EVEN WITH SNEAK UP!!!

If it happens, it happens, but try to avoid any uneccesary bloodspilling. It's entirely possible to get from Jeuno to Delkfutt's at night without aggroing a thing if you take your time and look before you leap.
#6 Feb 26 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
im sorry guys didnt mean to be such an ahole about it

i just thought ill zone, with 1 wight on me casue i dont wanna die hp in bastok , and then pt would break up

but apparently 4 wights joined my one

im sorry jade, i dont want to contribute to us being jackasses , im sorry for being suhc a **** about this guess i didnt realize that it was solooked down upon to zone from aggro in qudfim like it is, havent been there for 3 months guess things changed :( sorry again

EDIT : I fporgot to mention that when we were zoning i did shout, and i also was not fighting at ngihe, we were all gathering together at delkfuts


Edited, Sat Feb 26 15:46:45 2005 by AndrewZt
#7 Feb 26 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
I don't see how stating that four wights joined your one backs up your decision to zone them. If anything, that would cement my decision to stand and die.

But, to not be completely one-sided in this...if for some reason my HP was across the world (which it rarely is) I wouldn't want to die either. But I WOULD shout twice and apologize 5 times afterward.
#8 Feb 26 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I happen to know Saclunch and he's a level 54+ Thief. It's a little ignorant judging people by their main job level when you're in an area such as Valkurm or Qufim. I'm pretty sure he would know a little something about pulling, although if that is exactly what he said it is a little rude.

As people have said before, buy Silent Oils or wait until morning to travel and this can be avoided.

#9 Feb 26 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
ugh i had ONE wight on me the othr 3 joned at the zone

because they pop there

and i apologized after it

i dont understand wat is wrong with zoning one while shouting

im not just gonna die to save someone elses life cause they feel like filtering their shouts ><

Edited, Sat Feb 26 16:07:10 2005 by AndrewZt
#10 Feb 26 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
148 posts
Wow ok this may **** some ppl off and it may not but i must say it.
Andrew ya you could have died or you could have done what you did and zoned it. Now im not sure about the rest of you but the way i and i know others think even if they only have a lvl 20 or they have 7 jobs at 75 the fact is this.
1) Quifm and the dunes its hell to lvl and you wana get out of those 2 places asap. This even spills into the wonderfull place we call the jungle every 3 sec another gob is zoned or runs by your party.
2) It happed in quifm now from what i have seen being there 2 many times to count he is not the only person to do this. I am willing to bet that alot of other ppl maybe even yourself have done this a time or 2.

As long as you have ppl learning their job still at lower lvles your going to have pad pulls and links or aggro its just something everyone has to live with.
As for the CN the craws to the zone ya thats lame i will agree and if ya do MPK the next guy i hope im there to watch and laugh at him.
#11 Feb 26 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
1) Quifm and the dunes its hell to lvl and you wana get out of those 2 places asap. This even spills into the wonderfull place we call the jungle every 3 sec another gob is zoned or runs by your party.

Yeah true. But if these are the same people zoning the monsters to the zone time and time again, then they obviously don't realize that causing a mass train that could potentially kill party members is hardly a quick and efficent way to get out of there. Those same people should know how to dodge said aggro. Newbies drawing aggro is something I just can't get mad about. We all did it. But if you're of high rank and been there several times? Something's wrong with that.

And Kazham, pay attention and watch where you're going, and Smithy aggro is reduced significantly. Unless one pops right behind you. Bottom line here is, aggro is avoidable if you're patient. You could make the argument that it's not efficent exp to wait for the goblin to move. But I could make the counterstatement that it's neither efficient to have to train that goblin to the zone time and again, nor is it efficient to have to wait for Raise sickness to wear off because the goblin you aggroed killed some of your party members (or even you).

Aggro in these places is kind of a touchy subject with me, especially in Kazham. Because by then you should know how to dodge aggro. Like I said, if you're a newbie, you gotta learn somehow, no big deal. If you're experienced, and it was a mistake, hey it happens. But if you've been to these areas for the second or third (or even more) time and you're still drawing aggro (by no accident), we have a problem.


Edited, Sat Feb 26 17:39:40 2005 by seraphimhunter
#12 Feb 26 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
I was standing next to you guys, and I saw the whole thing. You would have died anyway, so saclunch was doing the right thing. Hell, we almost got killed by those guys.
#13 Feb 26 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
I have to give some support to the original poster. Whatever party was camping at a spot next to Delkfutts Tower where zoned mobs will be aggroing them afterwards chose a poor spot to set up camp. Mobs are zoned to Delkfutts practically every 10 minutes. It's not like they couldn't have moved another 20 steps or so and set up camp there. It would have been to their own benefit anyway.

However, in zones like Crawlers' Nest or Garlaige, I agree that the person that got aggro should just die instead of causing multiple other parties to have to zone out. These zones have only 1 narrow way out, so parties do not have a choice to set up camp any other place. Qufim is much different though.. you've got a huge area around Delkfutts where you can successfully set up camp and laugh at the people scrambling to escape aggro.
#14 Feb 27 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
First of all, Qufim is nothing compared to other places. If Mr. Saclunch sent me a /tell ******** about that - he's gonna get a few choice words and fist in the face (virtually speaking) If you're camping right in front of a major travel way, then that's your own damn fault. Move your stupid level 20 party over a few notches and away from aggro when the wights come back through 60 seconds later. Its not that hard. True that's not alot of exp to be lost by dying, but if you cant see what's coming when its shouted you got issues. if you're complaining about someone zoning a few wights then you're a baby.

To Saclunch or anyone else who's going to whine about a train to zone:
Get some balls and dont cry to someone over something so pathetic. Grow up and stfu.
#15 Feb 27 2005 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
477 posts
I'm not mad at you, I just want people to realize and have consideration for other players
#16 Feb 27 2005 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
148 posts
You would have died anyway, so saclunch was doing the right thing.

LoL is this funny to anyone other than me??
If he was doing the right thing since he has been to quifm with another job and knows that ppl zone mobs there ALL the time than he would have been smart enough to not camp their i would think. I mean lets get to the real point who was wrong the one that zoned the mob or the one that camped their and got pissed because a mob was zoned?

This is a mistake that you learn the first time you try to camp there and i would hope that after lvling a job past the quifm lvling range that when you go back with another job you are smart enough to say hey lets not camp here people zone mobs here ALL DAY LONG.

So as for the o he was wrong to do this talk thats just a bunch of BS. I dont know either person involved in the lil spat they had. All i know is regardless of what his lvl is saclunch as i understand it has been their before and i will have to say that he is the one that was in the wrong.

In short if your going to camp in a spot you know is bad than its no one's fault but your own. Don't go geting pissed because your to damn lazy to take the time and find a dec. camp!!!

Edited, Sun Feb 27 04:27:54 2005 by TheOneWildchild
#17 Feb 27 2005 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Really, it's pretty easy. If you're heading to camp, either sneak/invis or pay the money to get the items to sneak/invis if you're not a mage. Even as RDM, I carry around items just in case something in the area will aggro on magic. If I'm leveling a melee job, I definitely have items to sneak/invis.

I was killed recently by a guy in Cape Terrigan who tried to zone half the mobs in the area. When I sent him a tell asking to him to at least shout a warning, he got pissed off, called me a "n00b," all the stuff people like to do in those situations. As I see it, though, either spend the money to avoid aggro or at least have the courtesy to warn people. If someone gets annoyed because you didn't do one or the other, then I think they have that right.

Edited, Sun Feb 27 05:57:56 2005 by Vimesrdm
#18 Feb 27 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
I DID warn people I shouted :/.....
#19 Feb 27 2005 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
People saying that mobs shouldn't be zoned in Qufim or Yuhtunga or even Yhoator, please go spend an hour there and tell me how many zoned mobs you see. If you have such a problem with it, do lower level players a favor and go take care of trains. At those levels, BLM and RDM lack the spells or the experience to know that they can sleep or bind mobs so that you can have time to sneak/invis up and deodorize so the mob loses aggro. Expecting someone who has been playing for a few days compared to your near-100 days of play time and then yelling at them when they ***** up is just obtuse. Everyone learns at some point. I know I've been in a party where I've forgotten sneak/invis items multiple times, or run out. Practicing some tolerance towards low level players goes a long way to helping them learn about the game.
#20 Feb 28 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
148 posts
Theophany wrote:
People saying that mobs shouldn't be zoned in Qufim or Yuhtunga or even Yhoator, please go spend an hour there and tell me how many zoned mobs you see. If you have such a problem with it, do lower level players a favor and go take care of trains. At those levels, BLM and RDM lack the spells or the experience to know that they can sleep or bind mobs so that you can have time to sneak/invis up and deodorize so the mob loses aggro. Expecting someone who has been playing for a few days compared to your near-100 days of play time and then yelling at them when they ***** up is just obtuse. Everyone learns at some point. I know I've been in a party where I've forgotten sneak/invis items multiple times, or run out. Practicing some tolerance towards low level players goes a long way to helping them learn about the game.

All i have to say is well put.
#21 Mar 01 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
lol andrew u weren't playing i didnt think u would post this on alla. Its me Aracdi.yea that guy was a real ***** and that was a lot of enemies on us lol.
#22 Mar 01 2005 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
I find this funny because:

-I know Andrew, I met him as a bard
-I know Saclunch, he is in my linkshell

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