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Well....Here it is.Follow

#1 Feb 26 2005 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
148 posts
I'm not sure about the rest of you but the beatdown sucks post is geting old to me. I have read every bad, dirty, offensive and down right rude thing that you can possable think to say about one person.
O he has bad grammer, O he is a ****** tank, O he joined a HNM ls with Army. Well its all old childish and to be honest you bringing them up in public forums every time you get the itch to blow off some steam makes you just as bad as the person in question.

So this post is for anyone who feels the need to be childish, rude, nasty and just mean.
Feel free to post what you want how you want only thing is i dont wana hear what a bad player beatdown is i dont wana hear how army cheated i dont wana hear how you think hip is an *** for his money makeing deals and i could care less what you think of infamous since he is on my b/list.

No what i wana here is a change for once, meaning if you must belittle some one then do it to me.

Thats right im puting myself out in the open for you to say anthing you wana say.

So have fun get nasty o and by all means plz do your best to make me wana quit the game like you do other ppl.

Am i an outcast well maybe so but if I am then im only an outcast to you.

#2 Feb 26 2005 at 5:16 AM Rating: Excellent
716 posts
#3 Feb 26 2005 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
148 posts
Official Flame Thread

True i could stick this post there but in all honesty this puts everything right out on the table for everyone to see.
Be real how many ppl are going to go there just to see it when they can just start a new one up right here on the main page?
I am not meaning any disrespect to anyone that thinks im doing this just to be an *** and im not saying what these ppl you pick on all the time are right or wrong for their actions. All im saying is lay off them a lil.
You cant sit here and judge someone like beatdown because he tells ppl to STFU insted of trying to calmly talk over what the person is saying to him. I'm suprised that he is even that nice after all ill put it like this.
If you were him and ppl have been hounding you and makeing rude and obseen commints like and i quote from a resent post "Your nothing you are a piece of **** stuck on the bottom of my shoe" now how nice would you be after puting up with this type of rude actions for so long?

That is why this thred is here on the front page so ppl will see it like it or not.

I can't see why you ppl have the nerve to call someone a nerd hideing behind a computer when in all reality is that not what we all are is just some guy/girl/nerd/computer geek hideing behind a computer thinking well hell i can be the nicest guy in the game or i can be a strate up assclown because i pay my money every month to do as i wish.

Beatdown pays his money every week as do I and hip and army and everyone else does do we not?

So what gives you the right to act in such a childish manor and treat ppl like **** can anyone tell me?

I will guarantee that the way some of you act in these forums is not the way you act on the game or in real life.

Some of you that post this nasty hoha about ppl are cool ppl in the game what is it that changes on here? Do you get drunk before you come on here and insult ppl?
Or is it just that you know if you acted the same in the game that you would be the one up here geting flamed and you are maybe to weak of a person to deal with it?

I'm not up here posting this to single ppl out or point fingers because i know you know who you are. Is it maybe the fact like Beatdown Posted true that you think hay if i dont jump on the bandwagon then ppl will think less of me?

If thats the case then i truly feel sorry for you.

Lets just make a lil summory of the ppl 1 person has posted about and then you all had to post the meanest thing you could.

Beatdown --- well we all know how that went their has been posts about him nonstop forever now.

Armyofone --- lol he made a ls and simply posted a request for ppl who wished to join and look what happened there insted you all tossed sticks and stones at him as if he was a witch.

Hiptaru --- asked a simple question of what you thought about some reasons he was given about a ls big mistake by him huh? 9mil ppl had to tell him what a dirtbag he was and the ones that stood up for him got the same treatment as him.

Infamouskiller --- smart enough not to post anything under his game name or think of the hell you would put him through.

Wildchild --- lmfao i have never done anything other than help ppl with anything i could yet i got attacked to just because i joined a ls that had ppl you dislike ya thats real mature dont ya think?

All I have to say is ppl I know that you had fun doing this yay fun make someone feel like ****, but it's old lame and in no way can this still be fun for you can it?

If you feel you must continue to bash , degrate and act as a fool just to bring yourself to the lvl where you feel happy thats fine but, i will say this i hope one day before you get to cocky and do this to someone in your own home town that can do something about it other than giveing up and simply saying STFU that you grow up a lil.

So ya i could stick this post there but i wont i will put it right where it is for all the world to see.
I will also repost this thred every time someone gets pissed and starts another flame thred about someone else be it one that you pick on alot or a new found public enemy.

If i have upset you or struck a nerve well than im not sorry and will not apoligize because the only thing that i have posted here is all true if it offended you than maybe you need to think why it did and why the truth can hurt just as bad to you as it does to the ppl you treat like **** every time you post a hate thread
#4 Feb 26 2005 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
148 posts
Bottom line is grow up and move on leave ppl to do their things just as they leave you to do yours.

Edited, Sat Feb 26 06:11:47 2005 by TheOneWildchild
#5 Feb 26 2005 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
I for one act this way in real life too, so you can't necessarily say that. I will always speak my mind, regardless of the situation. And, my friend, I did nothing unprovoked. That thread in question started out as NICE, CLEAN, and INFORMATIVE thread consisting of (mostly) nice, clean, informative and well-thought-out posts. And then Beatdown, from the get-go gets beligerrent. This is long before the shi[i][/i]tkicking began. And hey, after we tried to do things in an efficient, well thought out manner, and saw that it didn't work, we decided it was time to step up (down?) to Beatdown's level and reply in kind.

Understand, any flaming (note, actual FLAMING) was started, whether in whole, or in part, by Beatdown's inability to accept the fact that there were *quite a few* people out there that just.. had bad experiences with him. Had he just come in, posted a small, cordial post in his defence, and left it at that, it would have been fine. He would have been more than welcome to stand up for himself - in an intelligent manner.

And I disagree with the bandwagon comments flung about, as well. For the most part, the posters here are, by and large, intelligent people. They are quite capable of making informed opinions on a person given the rather obvious evidence in play. There were an astounding number of people, all posting quite similar horror stories about Beatdown. Surely this can't be coincidence. Surely it won't be ignored. I fail to see how people having rather gruelling experiences with said PLD equates a bandwagon. All I see is people posting their own, very true experiences.

Now, if you can, try to wrap your head around this. Several people of all jobs, and all races, and all different groups and opinions with next to nothing in common ALL have had bad experiences with Beatdown. The have no reason whatsoever to band together, other than the fact that there's one bad, loud, beliggerent person throwing insults out for no good reason other than the fact that his precious pride has been injured, and the bubble that he's god's gift to everything has been popped.

What does Beatdown do, right off the bat? He proves his worthiness of the "Bad Player" mantle by flinging out poorly worded insults, calling people noobs, insisting they don't matter because they're nowhere near his level, et cetera. This doesn't seem very mature to me. How about you? Granted, we could have been the bigger men (and women, ladies. don't lynch me just yet.) and set an example of being above such petty insults. But then again, so could Beatdown.

The whole matter would have been left to rot, had he just come into the thread and said "Hey. I'm sorry you guys have had bad experiences with me. I'm just a simple player and I make mistakes just like the rest of you. Perhaps it's time I tried to change just a little." instead of acting completely and utterly stuck up, like he was some infallible deity put here on earth just for us to worship.

I agree, we're just as much to blame as Beatdown. Moreso, in fact. I mean, Hell. Had we never told the truth, this whole debacle would have never happened.

Silly us.
#6 Feb 26 2005 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
148 posts
I accept that and by no means was i condoning anyones actions i was simply stating facts every time someone posts if they are considered a trouble maker or a bad player they get piled on with insults. If a player makes a bad choise and joins a ls that he dident know the ppl in were so bad eeryone marks them as a bad player aswell. Example I joined armys ls not nowing the rep he had simply because i was shellless after my longtime shell broke up In turn i got marked as a bad guy is it fair? I think not but yet again im shellless because i made a choise after finding things out for myself.

I was not saying you were unprovoked in anyway yes he provoked you defended yourself. All im saying is can we just get this arer we have to post back to what it was truely ment for a place to get and recieve help and info.

I dont want you to think i was soloing you out i used wht you said in a post as an example thats all i had intended it for nothing more nothing less.
#7 Feb 26 2005 at 7:01 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
Example I joined armys ls not nowing the rep he had simply because i was shellless after my longtime shell broke up In turn i got marked as a bad guy is it fair? I think not but yet again im shellless because i made a choise after finding things out for myself.

I, for one, am in 100% agreement with you there. Guilty by association is by no means fair. Granted, birds of a feather do indeed tend to flock together, but unjustly casting stones where no stones are due is just wrong. I made mention of this to Ladyriku in /tell last night as well, when I made a motion to explain my post to him in a more private medium.

I myself know nothing of you as a person, nor as a player, thus I withold making any statements about your prowess as either. My only guess is that somebody, somewhere along the lines has had a bad experience with you that I know nothing about, and it's best to take it up with them (civilly, mind you) and try to work out things from there.

I wish you good luck in your adventures in Vana'diel, and hope you find a shell soon, and all that wonderful fun stuff that happy go lucky people are s'posed to say.
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